Demons (Pills Part II)
Em Pegg's P.O.V
I leaned against Billy's locker, trying not to think about what I'd seen Mickey turn into. It was scary, even if it was only for a second. I knew Billy was scared too, even if he didn't want to show it. "We can't just let her get away with traumatising us," I said. "The whole school will hear about it, even if we have to alter it into a bit of a lie."
Billy's eyes lit up. "We have the whole school at our fingertips! I completely forgot about that!"
"How could you forget tha- actually, never mind, you're Billy. Hey, Connor! Myah!"
The gossipy couple immediately came over, over the moon at me calling out their names. "Yeah, Embeth?" Connor smiled.
"We got a fresh bit of gossip for ya, but make sure you keep it a secret that I told you."
"Please, tell!"
"Mickey is from the depths of Hell, pure evil. Those who hang out with her are sinning. And she tried to beat up Billy and I."
"Ooh, now that's good, you're not kidding?!" Myah grinned.
"Why would she lie to you?" Billy asked.
"HEY, HEY EVERYONE! GUESS WHO JUST RECEIVED SOME SICK NEW GOSSIP!!" Myah and Connor went running down the halls.
I chuckled. "Her reputation will be down in no time. Tibby's gonna regret ditching."
Mallory's P.O.V
I was singing The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song to myself in a quiet spot of the yard when Tibby came running over. "Hey dude, what's up?" I greeted him.
"Have you seen Mickey?" he asked.
"No, not since yesterday, why?"
"Word on the street is that she's evil, we're sinners because we hang out with her and she tried to beat up Billy and Em Pegg."
"Okay, now, there wouldn't be any reason to say 'try', she would've totally beat them. But you don't believe these rumours, do you?"
"Of course not! I'm worried they may have gotten t-"
"To Mickey? Hell no, she's stronger than that. Maybe Dad knows where she is."
"Mickey Jones?" Dad asked.
"Yes, who else?!" Tibby exclaimed.
"Bro, cool it," I said.
"Why? You think she's..." Dad frowned.
"Maybe! We don't know."
"Go call her up over the PA system. I mean YOU, not the office ladies."
Mickey came up quickly, and she looked absolutely fine. "Have you heard the rumours?" she asked.
"Yes, we were worried they hurt you!" Tibby wrapped his arms around Mickey.
"No, I'm fine. But I do need to chat with you. Privately."
We went into an empty classroom. She took a deep breath, and she sprouted out demon wings, horns and a tail.
Mickey's P.O.V
"Guess I am from the depths of Hell," I shrugged.
"Okay, that's real cool," Mallory nodded.
"You got cool demon powers?" Tibby asked.
"Maybe, but I wouldn't wanna test it on you," I replied. "Now Billy and Em Pegg on the other hand..."
"Hey Em Pegg," I smiled, approaching my former friend.
"What?" she replied, smirking back.
"Wanna fight?"
"You? You sure? I'd beat you with ease."
I frowned. "I think I need it. If you do want to, meet behind the bleachers on the football field at second break. Feel free to bring a crowd."
"See you there."
Mallory, Skye, Tibby and I waited for Em Pegg to show up. "If I do have powers, I don't know how to use them. Be careful, I don't wanna hurt any of you," I warned.
"But we do," came Billy's voice.
He and Em Pegg stood by us, a whole bunch of kids peeking through at all the places possible. "So you brought quite a crowd," I said. I moved onto the field. "So what, this like a 2v1?"
"Yeah, we both wanted the pleasure of kicking y-" Billy was saying.
"Save it. Come at me."
Both tried to come at me, fists balled. I held them back, shoving them hard. "Try harder!" I grinned.
Em Pegg whispered something to Billy, who smiled. "We would, but a piece of trash like you would get destroyed," he said.
It wasn't the worst thing they've said, but it still made me a bit angry. "And the whole school would know about it!" Em Pegg continued. "You don't wanna ruin your reputation too much. Actually, who am I kidding?! Literally seven people in the entire world care about you!"
It made me angrier.
"Your life is a joke," Billy chuckled.
"You don't matter," Em Pegg added.
"Your friends are fake, and they suck anyway."
"And your family? They're all horrible people. I guess it runs in the family."
Those last two comments tipped me over the edge. Everyone gasped, and people started to scream. Em Pegg and Billy were paralysed. They've seen my demon side. And it was forever going to be trapped in their nightmares.
"You leave my friends and family outta this, got it?" I hissed, my vision all red and a sudden want for blood entering my mind. Before waiting for a reply, I stuck my hand out in front of me, lifting Billy into the air. "It's funny that I cared for you once, thought you were good people."
I flicked my hand, and he went flying, landing in a bush.
"You had a chance to make things right."
I dug my claws deep into Em Pegg's arm, making her wail in pain.
"But I guess you were just too stupid to do so."
I whacked Em Pegg hard in the head, knocking her out cold. My hands were covered in her blood. My vision started to return to normal, but I could tell I still had wings, horns and a tail. My chest was heaving. "You monster!" a kid shouted.
"They deserved it..." I mumbled. "I'll beat you to a bloody pulp too!" I screamed, turning on my heel and strolling away. My friends followed.
I could hear their shouts behind me.
Tibby was upset about that last comment being aimed at the group of us. I held him close, getting a bit of blood on him. He didn't seem to mind. "Don't let 'em get to you. They don't know you like we do," I said.
"I love you, Mickey," Tibby smiled, resting his head on my shoulder.
I blushed. And I could hear Skye and Mallory whispering behind me, "Mibby... Mibby... Mibby..."
Dad walked into the office of Principal Jenkins. Mallory sat next to his father, dancing and singing quietly to himself.
"You weirdo." I shook my head with a smile.
Dad sat down next to me, shocked at all the blood he saw, and the fact that his daughter looked half demon. "Mr Jones, I understand your daughter has been through a lot, my son has struggled with many of the same things," Principal Jenkins explained, "but she threw a student across the yard, and gave another severe head injuries."
"Mickey," Dad turned to me, grabbing my hands. "I know I said you should stand up for yourself, and I know that your old friends really hurt you, but... nearly killing two kids? Really?"
"I understand her motives, and she is a nice girl when she isn't... ahem... harming others, and has been hurt more herself in millions of different ways. I also know that there are no other high schools good enough for her here in Kollok, and you've really started a life out here. My son thinks of Mickey like a sister too, not to mention, and she is a pleasure when I need help in the library. Which is why I'm going to risk everything I've built here, and give your daughter nothing more than a week suspension. In this time, I trust that she will learn her lesson, and come back without such an intent to hurt others. I know you well, Mike, and I know how much you love your daughter, so please be sure she grows into a better person."
"I will. Thank you, Mr Jenkins, I understand."
Dad and I left.
I was sure Dad was speeding on the way home, but no-one else seemed to think so. We quickly walked up to our apartment, me trying to lick more of the dry blood off my hands, trying to get a taste of it. He burst into the apartment, and Mom looked mortified at what she saw. "Mickey, sweetheart, get in the shower," she ordered gently.
"But the blood tastes good," I frowned.
"I know it does, but you smell like dead bodies. Your father and I need to chat."
"Ugh." I rolled my eyes. "Fiiine."
Mike's P.O.V (wos u espectin' dat?)
"I know I've got the medication in here somewhere..." I said as I stumbled through the cupboard, making a mess as I did.
"We should've taken more precautions!" Susan was pacing back and forth in the living room.
"If only I wasn't related to the Devil!"
"She's going to lose it, Mike. She's going to lose it!"
I finally found a box that looked like just regular pain relief. I opened the box and pulled out a tray of blood-red tablets. "Yes! Got them. Now's the fun thing: explaining to Mickey what the Hell is going on."
"What about Emily? She'll surely find out. What if she's the same?"
"I doubt it. Always goes to the eldest, doesn't it?"
"I mean, yeah..."
"Just relax, Susan. Mickey must know first."
Nice and clean, Mickey sat down at the dining table. "So... you said we had to talk?"
"Yes. About what happened today," I replied.
"There's an explanation?"
"Yes. Generations back, a very similar thing happened with your great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather. Maybe worse. He was very angry over something - he was a man with a very short temper, I guess this day was the tipping edge - and he found a crystal. A ruby. It was absolutely beautiful. He touched it, and went on a killing spree. Before he died, he had a baby to carry on the Jones family. Your murderous great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather soon came on to become Satan."
"Your father told me this when I became pregnant with you, that his family has been dreading something like your situation for over 600 years. Maybe that's why you only went downhill more and more with your mental health," Susan continued. "You had to be weaker for a demon to take over."
"But why me?" Mickey frowned.
"That we don't know. But to keep you under control until we get you help, whenever you... get in a mood, take one of these blood pills." Susan slid the box across the table. "Magic refills, we never have to go get new ones. They dissolve in your mouth."
Mickey stared at the pills before snatching the box off the table and stomping over to her room.
Mickey's P.O.V
Could this be a way to guarantee Billy and Em Pegg would burn in the depths of Hell? As a real, actual demon walking the face of the Earth, could I make it happen? I felt that thirst for blood again. I was ready to go kill or beat up someone for blood, but instead popped out a pill. I sat it on my tongue. It tasted okay. Not like fresh blood, but the thirst managed to disappear. I had nothing to do for a whole week. Dad was meant to teach me to be a good girl. But I was the furthest thing from good.
"Hey Dad, can I go for a walk?" I asked.
"Mickey, how can I trust you won't go beserk?" Dad replied.
"I'm going straight to the FBI facility. I wanna see Perry."
Dad gave a small smile at my disrespect for authority. "You have your pills on you?"
"Yes, Dad."
"Off you go then."
I walked into the FBI facility. "Where's Perry Bucket?" I asked the lady at the front desk.
"I need a name and association with Agent Bucket please, Miss," the young lady replied.
"That information is classified."
"I need to know, Miss."
I was quite frustrated, and a bit blood-thirsty, but I wanted to keep Dad's trust, so I popped out a pill instead. The lady watched me do this in awe, shortly before changing her expression to one of terror and shock. I could tell my wings, horns and tail had popped out again. I smirked. "Where's Perry?" I asked.
"H-he's in... in the train.. the training area, Miss... d-do you know where... w-where it is..?" the lady replied.
"Yes, thank you. Have a nice day."
Bucket smiled at a trainee. He spotted me and said to the boy, "Angus, you are dismissed."
The boy walked out of the room, fear flashing in his eyes when he saw me as a half-demon. I walked over to Bucket. "Hey Perry," I greeted.
"Miss Jones..." He seemed lost for words.
"Yeah... apparently I'm very distantly related to Satan."
"Oh, please be careful."
"I'll try."
"How... and when..?"
"I don't know, it just popped up when I finally let out my anger at Billy and Em Pegg."
"What happened?"
"Skye's not told you?"
"She said that it was stuff you should tell me."
"Oh. Basically, Tibby, Billy and Em Pegg turned on me, and I got depressed. I bottled up my anger. Kinda. I wanted to let it out, but... but I couldn't. And then Mallory and Skye got involved, and Tibby still loves me, but Billy and Em Pegg still hate me, and I hate them. I snapped at them. And now I'm part demon."
"Do you feel alright?"
"Yeah, it feels good having more power over them."
"Do not abuse this power, Miss Jones. No human should have it. I can imagine you'd have demonic tendencies?"
"Dad had pills for me... for some reason."
"Hm.. well, we've not talked for a while, why don't we catch up?"
Perry and I had a pretty nice time, and Skye said she wanted to hang with me, so we decided to go get tacos together. We decided to eat our tacos in our favourite spot: a graffitied abandoned alleyway. As I chewed on my first bite, I decided that the taco was missing something. My gaze then landed on Skye's arm. "Mind if I prick your skin? I just need a bit of blood," I said.
A look of puzzlement adorned Skye's face. Hesitantly, she held out her arm. My nails sharpened and I made a small slit in her skin. I pinched it, causing her to wince, and blood to come running out. I got some blood on my finger and rubbed it all over my taco. Eventually, I figured I had enough. Skye's skin was incredibly pale. She brought her arm up to her face and started sucking on the cut I made. I happily munched on my taco. Once Skye had stopped drinking the blood on her arm, she left the dry blood there. I had to try and not think about it. I looked up at her face. "Skye, you've got blood all over your face," I giggled.
"Oh. Oops."
So one boring week later, I was back at school, blood tablets in my pocket, and a smirk on my face as I saw all the people who were scared of me. Marcus Bennett strolled over to me, looking all tough. "You really think I'm scared of you?" he asked.
Everyone in the hallway crowded around us. I didn't reply. I just continued to stare at him. "Good. Because just know that your friends stole my thunder. I'm not letting you do that."
I looked down with a quiet laugh. "You do know what happened between me and my 'friends', don't you?"
"It was all dramatised. I could beat you just. Like. That."
"Oh, you wish."
A tingling sensation washed over me, and when I looked up, Marcus looked petrified. "Satan is in my blood. I suggest you leave me be, Bennett," I hissed before striding up the hall.
I knew what I did to Billy and Em Pegg was wrong, but when you're destined to go to Hell, right and wrong don't really matter anymore. So I decided one more time to secretly satisfy my thirst for blood from a human. Or two.
I managed to manipulate them into coming into the sports equipment closet. I made sure the door was locked. I could see in the dark, Em Pegg and Billy couldn't. I didn't bother with the lights. "You know, I was told to leave you alone," I said. "But... after everything..."
"You've hurt us enough," Em said shakily.
"Nothing I could ever do to you can ever make up for how YOU HURT ME! I'm no HEARTLESS MONSTER, well, maybe I am." I giggled. "But that's besides the point."
"Turn on the lights... please..."
"Not until I'm done with you. You'll see light for no more than a second before you're being tormented in Hell."
"Wh-what..? You're going to kill us?"
"Please Mickey, it doesn't have to end like this..." Billy pleaded.
"I would've said the same thing. But the devil on my shoulder and the devil in my head and the devil turning my heart dark say otherwise. I'm being nice. I'm making sure you don't have to go through the pain of your old friend torturing you for the rest of your days."
"So you're sending us to Hell instead?"
"Yes. Hope you're prepared for a fun game of Murder in the Dark!" I laughed evilly. "Go on, go hide."
I watched them scurry away. They didn't know I was; they couldn't see. "Ten... nine... eight..." I felt my claws sharpen. "Seven... six... five..." I heard noises of my two targets hiding under equipment, under benches of shelves. "Four... three... two..." I let out a dark chuckle. "One..."
I took a step. "I'm coming for you~!"
I quickly managed to find Em Pegg. Not the best hider, but then again, they couldn't really see, so...
Anyway, I picked her up from behind a rack of badminton racquets by her shirt. She was shaking, breathing heavily. "I was going to do this to myself," I whispered. "You had a chance to make things right." I sighed. "I don't think I can say it enough. I hate you. Any last words?"
"I miss you..." Em Pegg mumbled.
"Naw, how sweet, but I have no mercy for you anymore. Bye bye, Embeth!"
I shoved my claws into her neck like a handful of nice. Her screams of pain were like music to my ears. However, they didn't last long. I licked the blood off me as I went around searching for Billy. "Billy? Where are you?" I asked in a sing-song voice.
I soon found him in a stack of basketballs. I pulled him out of it. I clicked my fingers, and the lights flickered on. I wanted my face to be the last thing Billy saw as a living thing on this planet. "I thought of you as a brother. I would've given you another chance," I told him.
He was shaking with fear, which only made me happier.
"But of course, you were too dumb to take that chance. You were everything to me for so long, during everything that happened. I would've done anything to protect you! But now... I'm willing to do ANYTHING to be sure you PAY for how you hurt me."
"Just kill me already," Billy cried.
"Okay, okay, jeez. Tell Satan his granddaughter from 13 generations down said hi. Tell him I love him. Tell him what I did, tell him what you did, tell him that I WILL rule over Hell one day, just as he is now. Tell him I admire him. I'll see you down there Billy."
I pulled Billy's head off with all my strength. Blood came gushing out everywhere, staining my clothes. I drank up all the blood I could before leaving the bodies to rot.
I soon found myself laughing uncontrollably.
I didn't want the pills anymore.
I wanted REAL blood.
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