15| late night Adventures


*Pardon any grammatical errors*

The street In my neighborhood was almost empty ,one might think there weren't much people,I thought everyone was asleep,until we got on the highway and I saw cars moving in different directions the city was as lively as the day time ,the sidewalks had people walking to and fro some police cars parked in an ally ,cops stood in front of a cafe munching donuts and coffee having a deep conversation how cliche ,young teenagers walked with their friends laughing,a group of boys standing in a corner watching,shop owners were closing and the street lamps reflected on the wet road that glistened from the rainfall,Alex wasn't driving fast nor was he driving slow ,it was fast and slow enough for me to notice things that happened outside the car,slowly and smoothly we drifted out from the lively area of the city ,as he drove the place became less lively and you could see lights from house windows,we passed the residential area ,into the business district,he drove towards the outskirts of the city increasing the speed ,the only thing I could see was the  fast moving street lamps that followed the road path,tree shrubs and small hills from what I could make out.

I turned to side , his profile was facing me,his eyes turned into a marine hue with light  blue sparks ,as he drove pass street lamps ,I watched as he lips formed into a mischievous grin,he turned to me for less than five seconds,he raised both of his eyebrows "what's up ,am I looking too sexy"I snorted

"You wish"I rolled my eyes and looked out the window again,when I heard his laughter,a smile automatically formed on my lips.

"Alex where are we going?"I asked him for the tenth time

"We are riding to the sun"he had a smirk on his face,he stepped on the accelerator,the car started speeding

"Bro seriously"he gasped and placed one hand on his chest

"Did you just bro-zone me"he said with an unbelievable look

"Yes not until you tell me where we are going"I folded my arms,I started regretting saying yes,I should have just eaten a cookie and gone to bed .

"You just have to wait to find out"

"Yeah I'll wait until you take me to a abattoir and let them butcher me and sell my body to a dark cult"I ranted out a whole conspiracy .

He bursted into laughter "never thought of it but great idea"my eyes widened ,my heartbeat increased from 70times per minute  to 100.

"Alex!"I was starting to have a panic attack.when he saw me ,he parked the car at the side of the road.

"Hey!hey!"He unbuckled his seat belt and did the same for me,his hand held my palms and started rubbing it in attempt to calm my nerves,as I tried to calm my breath,I swatted his hand away,

"I was just kidding,Amila please calm down,I don't want your brother to castrate me"I blinked

one minute I was catching my breath and the other I was laughing so hard that I started wheezing.Alex's face didn't even help it made me laugh harder,I started kicking my legs,you know that type of laughter that makes you roll on the floor yeah that ,worry lines appeared on his face,it was that face you make when you break something and you know your mom is going to be pissed,then confusion ,before he realized what was happening,an evil glint crossed if his eyes.

"Ohh..my ..God ..I got you so good"I wiped the tears at corners of my eyes

"Amila please calm down ,I don't want your brother to castrate me"I mimicked his deep voice,and laughed again,he just nodded his head with a smirk and resumed driving.

I took a gulp of the bottle water that was in the cup holder ,I couldn't swallow it ,as the image of his facial expression appeared in my head  I started laughing again causing me to spit the water out,I literally snorted.

The brakes was suddenly pressed causing to jerk forward and hit my head on the windshield,I groaned and glared at him "ouch!"I said loudly,it was clearly intentional ,it was now his turn to laugh.

I used my fist to punch him hard on his muscular arm "shit,what are you? Ironman."i smirked still rubbing my forehead

"maybe"and we both went silent I  saw the corner of his lips twitch upwards mine mirrored his


His large warm palms was clasped around mine ,his other hand rested on my lower back,I felt warmth all over my body ,the butterflies erupted in my stomach again,as he guided me to where I have no idea because i can't see,he used his tie to blindfold me,we kept walking and came to an abrupt stop,my face crinkled as I perceived a very unpleasant smell,it smelt like manure,or poop maybe a swine,because I heard grunts.

"Alex where on earth did you bring me"my voice was stern with a hint of warning.

"Amila"he said softly but I wasn't having it

"You know I'm yet to trust you"


"You're actually scaring me because I'm actually starting to think this abattoir thing is true" my mind was just forming scenarios  of me being hung upside down,a machine in motion passing me for different processes and different organs and parts of my body being packaged with different titles and my mom passing it grocery store with the label ' FRESH HUMAN THIGHS'.

"Amila calm down"he chuckled deeply,his hand pulled my stiff body closer "I didn't bring you to an abattoir "his calm and husky voice whispered in my ear,I could sense the playfulness in his voice.

"Then tell me where the hell I am,oh I swear my brother wouldn't be the one to castrate you but me"he bursted into laughter

"I'm definitely not looking forward to that but okay,just calm down"his hand ran up and down my arms to comfort and calm my nerves,what he was doing was send different electric signals to different parts of my body,my cheeks heated up and blood rushed up my neck making me feel warm all over.

"Are you blushing?"he asked surprisingly

"Am I blushing?"I answered his question with a question.

"Well your body is warm and you look like a tomato,am I mistaken it for anger or fear"he was clearly teasing me

"Is it that obvious"I asked

"Yes"he replied curtly

"Dammit"I said through my teeth ,he chuckled deeply and cleared his throat

He continued guiding me to an unknown place,I could feel grasses or leaves grazing my feet as he guided to an unknown place,now that i think of it I'm actually stupid,what the hell am I doing with handsome billionaire,celebrity,Greek  god like man,by 2 in the morning in the outskirts of town,what if he is a serial killer because it obviously wouldn't be written on his forehead 'I'm a serial killer' or something,and a serial killer won't tell you he is one when he is luring you into his trap ,then when it's time you only see your possible death which 98% of the time you never survive.

We stopped abruptly,his warm hands left my body ,the wind blew my body causing me to shiver ,I felt him shift from his position behind me to my front ,his hand untied the tie he used to blind fold me.

My vision was blurry ,I closed my eyes and reopened them again,my face remained blank and confused,until my brain processed the scenery in front of me ,a gasp left my mouth ,my lips parted and closed,it was so damn beautiful.

"Omg Alex this is so beautiful"the cool morning breeze caressed my face ,making me feel refreshed and calm,completely forgetting the fact that I haven't slept at all and it's Monday, I turned to Alex who gave me a smug smile,I spread my arms wide open and began to run down the open ,wide and beautiful field ,my feet ran through the grasses,the breeze blowing my hair back ,I wasn't even feeling cold anymore even though I am .

I stopped in front of a tree ,letting out a laugh I tried to catch my breath,I turned to see Alex running after me with a wide smile on his face ,his large frame almost crashing into me as he used his hand to cause friction in his movement,he also let out a huge breath whilst laughing.

"Well that could stand for a morning jug"he blurted

"Yeah,a refreshing one for that"I looked up to his ocean eyes,he took a step closer ,outstretched his warm hands and grabbed mine .

"Amila"he rasped

"Yes"I used an equal tone

"Is it too early.."he paused ,what if he wants to ask me out,if that it is then it is too early.

"Yes?"I urged,his eyes twinkled with mischief ,an evil smirk appeared on his rosy lips,he let go of my hand and took a step back.

Wait this looks like  a proposal,it will kill me if he is about to propose to me ,oh I should have known but..

"Too call you stupid"my face just turned blank,still staring at him for a few seconds ,such audacity,my eyebrows furrowed ,I shot him a hard glare ,my nose flaring,I wasn't actually upset ,it's the truth I am stupid but i will never admit it.
He started laughing,when he saw the look on my face he muttered an 'oh shit' and started running for his life still laughing,I chased after him shouting "yes!,yes!,it's to damn early to call me stupid,stupid!".

I chased him until I ran out of breath ,I stopped whilst panting,Alex continued running,I watched his long legs move underneath my eyelashes,a smile grazing my lips ,he shouted "it's too early to give up" he jug towards me ,his strong cologne whiffed my nose ,he graciously stood in front of me with a smug face "taking a break isn't giving up ,there is a difference dumbass" i said a smile of triumph appeared on my face when I rendered him speechless,I bursted into laughter,when his mouth opened ,eyes widened staring at me utter shock.

I know he has a comeback ,but he is just letting me have the upper hand .he took my hand in his as we walked down the field the sun was partially out,sunrise here was very early.

We laid down on the soft grass on a low hill,the sun making our faces glow,the cool breeze blew on the grasses,birds chirped and flew above us,my eyes was were his lips was his were mine is as we laid upside down his body was beside my head mine beside his ,i closed my eyes relishing the serenity,I turned to Alex ,I saw him staring at me "have you ever been here with someone"I questioned
"Yeah ,my best friend max"

"Is he a dog or human"he gave me pointed look before he smiled

"Human Amila"my mouth formed an o shaped,this is embarrassing but in my defense people name their dogs max,maybe I'm watching too much cartoons,Alex abruptly stood up ,and stood in front of me with an outstretched hand,i grabbed it and he pulled me up

"Come on I have somewhere else to take you"he tugged at arm gesturing his head back in the direction we should follow,i nodded and we walked back to the car the wind blowing cold air,goosebumps  appearing on my arms and legs .

We were driving towards the beach ,where the amusement park was located , I gave him a questioning look ,he just smirked and continued driving. He opened the door for me ,he took a hold of my hands and lead me into the closed amusement,he brought out a bunch of keys  and unlocked  a few locks slyly,there was a guard seated by the left entrance ,his skin was ivory and a little pale with wrinkles he had a gun tucked into his waist,his hair was black and he had port belly,a bottle of liquor loosely held in his right hand,his left on his exposed stomach ,his mouth hung open ,he was snoring with a drool at the side of his mouth,I giggled at how funny he looked.

Alex placed his index finger on his lips to shush me,I nodded and we quietly walked in like thieves ,when we moved far enough I whispered "Alex isn't this illegal"he alighted his steps and turned to me "Yes it is ,but it will only be illegal if we get caught" I frowned out of confusion "that doesn't make sense"

"I know"he muttered and pulled me harder making me walk faster,we passed a few rides as he took different turns in the large park,I remember visiting here with my friends and cousins,but this was different because it was quite and there was No one ,no kids running around pulling their parents to a ride or jumping out of excitement to get cotton candy or toys all the stalls were closed . We stopped in front of the large Ferris wheel ,Alex jumped over the short fence and moved to where the ladder was situated at the center line of the wheel,I stood rooted in my place ,when he noticed I wasn't behind him he stopped and turned.

"Why are you still there"he said with a bored tone

"Because I'm not sure of what we are doing and if we are going on this ride then I'm out because we will get caught" he sighed and ran his hand through his hair

"One:you're not chickening out on me"

"Two:we are going on the ride but not really going on it"my face scrunched up in confusion

"I mean we aren't turning it on but we are climbing that ladder"he explained,i nodded in understanding the fear vanished and I was suddenly excited and ready to take the risk.

I jumped over the fence ,there was nothing lady like about it because one end of my dress got hooked my panties exposed at the back luckily there wasn't anyone behind because they would have seen my butt.

I stood beside Alex waiting for him to go first, "ladies first,I'll be behind to protect you"I rolled my eyes ,just when I was about to comply and go up I stepped back

"No way I'm going first"

"Why"he asked

"Can't you see"I gestured my short dress,he smirked

"See what,Ohh your dress is cute"a mischievous smile appeared on his lips,he knew what I was talking about.

When I refused to move he sighed and started going up ,I smiled in triumph.

When he was seven steps ahead I started climbing up "if you slip I wouldn't be able be catch you"he yelled

"I should be telling you that"he looked down and arched an eyebrow and started laughing

We continued moving higher I could see the highway from where I was ,the gates looked small and if I was too fall I'm definitely going to meet our creator,when we reached the middle Alex stood and helped me stand beside him,his hand on my waist holding me tightly,the wind harshly blowing as there was no obstacle ,my hair flew in different directions,I let the cool breeze caress my face ,I took in a deep breath which made me feel more relaxed.

You know that thing when they say don't do something buts that's when you want to do it,my mind kept telling me not to look down but that's when I feel something is happening if not I will miss out on it,and the dreadful thing happened,I looked down,the height distance from where I stood to the ground made me feel dizzy

I started losing a little balance the idiot in me wouldn't look up so my racing heart will calm down. I felt warm hands hold my body pulling my back to their chest where I lean back placing my head on his shoulder.

I started thinking of what I got myself into, how the hell am i going to get myself down from here.

"Alex?"I called his name out a little loudly because if the wind

"Yes?"he answered

"Do you have an idea on how we are getting down" he chuckled at my silly question

"Yes, the ladder we used coming up ,is the same ladder we are going down with"goodness  my nervous system is not sending the right signals to my brain because I almost thought of jumping down.

I started feeling drowsy ,my eyelids started closing on their own,I almost forgot that I'm standing in the middle of a Ferris wheel hundred Feet's from the ground,in my defense his body was very warm and comfortable.

"Okay,I think our time is up ,it's 4:08am and I wouldn't want you to die here" I took a little step away from him and hurriedly grabbed onto a metal for support,it would be a lie if I told myself that I'm not afraid of heights.

Alex was about to start going down when I stopped him "wait, do you actually think you are smart you hormonal idiot"I barked

"What are you talking about"he looked confused

"I'm going down first"

" I thought it was something else ,please i don't want to see your grandma pants ,calm down I'm not in high school calm down" a teasing smile plastered on his face his words irked me a little,I ran my hands through my hair

"I don't care I'm going down first"I replied ,folding my arms and dramatically flipping my hair

"Fine by me"he smirked and waited for me to go down

Hello there humble souls ,I missed you all too,this chapter was ...well I don't know how about you tell me what you think.

I'm on school break now so yay !!!!!


Permanreinah 🌻

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