14| Dinner

This chapter is not edited

Pardon me for any grammatical errors.

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It's been two slow and unproductive weeks and  a month to resumption  .it's like I'm on a house arrest I'm  not allowed to leave the house and guess  the worse part ,my phone,laptop  and iPad was seized ,no Netflix,Amazon prime,temple run ,episode ,FaceTime,instagram,Snapchat,twitter and so many other apps ,no YouTube like bro what the hell I'm literally 22 and welp my parents wouldn't give a  tiny fuck even if I was sixty and all because I'm the girl ,at times I use to think my dad was actually a sexist ,jake ,Theo and everyone else gets to have there phones and gadgets. And you might be wondering what happened.

Two weeks ago

Amila had her earpiece plugged to both her ears as she lazily walked to the kitchen her target was the fridge ,the music she was listening too was a bit too loud , in her defense she wanted to hear and feel the depth of the song ,she was completely oblivious to the people seated in The living room watching her walk as they spoke to her,they called her name a few times trying to grab her attention,it was as if they were invincible
Her mother had gotten furious and shouted but the innocent figure didn't hear anything as she danced to the beats of celoso.

The music suddenly stopped her hands felt lighter and air passed through her ear canals ,the earpiece flew from her ears ,she saw  her phone on her fathers palms ,the screen showed the music tab she was currently listening to ,that's when it registered in her brain that her parents stood in the living staring furiously at her ,she shivered under the hard and murderous her mother gave her

"Sorry ,I didn't see or hear neither of you speak"she apologized feeling guilty ,her mothers gaze only got harder

"Of course you wouldn't,how would you,when all you do is lazy around,it's like I don't even have a female child,you and the boys are the same,"her mother let out a sigh ,a concerned look washed over her facial expression "Amila be honest with me ,what have you done or contributed since you came back"her mother's voice became calm ,Amila felt bad because she knew she hadn't done anything but Increase the consumption level In The house,her lips parted as she tried to think of something reasonable "I lay my bed everyday at least" her shoulders tensed and gave her mom a nervous smile.her mother let out a defeated sigh. He fathers presence made the situation worse and he would see her more as the most useless and worthless child ever.

She knew,she knew her mother was upset,frustrated and angry even,but the only thing she could do was say she was sorry.

"I'm sorry mom"her heart clenched as she kept thinking of her wrong timing,she was just hungry.
An uncomfortable and awkward silence followed after as she couldn't meet her mothers eyes so she casted her gaze down to her grey ankle socks ,her head shot up out of shock as her fathers words broke the short lasting silence

"I want to see all your electronic gadgets in my room including the chargers in the next ten minutes,and you are grounded"as if it wasn't already enough

"As for your punishment you will take over the house chores and I'm giving all the maids a break ,you will take care of the house ,along with everyone,alone" her jaw touched the floor as she wasn't able to form a single sentence to defend herself ,her mom does nothing but supervise

"B..b..bu.."she tried to say but ,but her words got stuck

"No buts and ohh your work starts now ,don't forget to bring your gadgets in the next.."he looked down,raising his hand a little  and glanced at his watch

"Two minutes,I'll be waiting" and he pulled her mother along leaving her standing in the middle of the living room in a blue fuzzy sweatshirt and leggings ,her mouth agape as she watched her parents retrieving back

She composed her self as both her parents disappeared from her view with her phone without any warning.

At that moment she felt like screaming and shouting "what the fuck is this ,why me"she used both  palms to push  her cheeks upwards and downward  slowly,trying to ease her stress

On cue Jake came with a cookie jar  in between his forearm and ribs ,his leaned down  to eat the cookie,he had his phone on his left hand clearly speaking to one of his friends,he stood abruptly as he saw his sister

"Yo!,whats up"he plopped the remaining half cookie he held in his mouth

"I'm grounded,and I'm doing all the chores"she said absentmindedly

"Wtf"he bursted into laughter
She gave him a pointed look

"Wait like seriously,you as in you my 22year old sister is grounded ,bruh this is funny"

"Jake I'm serious and dad seized my phone"he stared at her for seconds before shrugging and turning back to his call

"Welp my laundry basket is full you can come pick it up"an evil smirk appeared on his lips ,he started walking fast cause he knew what was coming next

"You bitch ,I'm going to bite your head off" she yelled and pounced on him.

"Shut! Shit!"the glass jar slipped out of his hand as he tried to escape the maniac he called his sister,maybe he wasn't fast enough or she had too much adrenaline to be able to catch him so fast ,but either way he was on the ground his arms trying to protect his face from her violence ,
He started laughing but after realizing she stopped he opened his arms to see her face and he saw her crying.

He quickly sat up and pulled her for a hug ,she sniffled

"Jake will you help me do the chores"she whispered innocently her voice cracking a little
He knew what she was trying to do

"Hell no,but nice try"

"Get off me ,mean bitch"he grabbed his phone ,cookie "hey man,sorry"he bustled out of the room laughing,he left his sister on the living room floor still laughing


I paced on the hard wooden floor of the kitchen,cracking my brain to know what to make for dinner ,my dad invited some of his business associates and their families .for what?

No absolute reason,you know it's not even my birthday or anyone's,it's not Christmas,new year ,Halloween or Independence Day ,he just thought oh let me stress Amila out and make her cook for how many guests?

30 people out of the worlds population,like bro I'm not an event planner nor am I a caterer .

Every single soul in this house is out shopping or doing what I don't know ,and I'm supposed to set everything up before 5pm,guess what it's 3:27 and I haven't started shit

I'm not even with my phone,laptop or anything so I can't call jasmine or search it up. Dammit.

I took a breathing exercise,closing my eyes to relax my nerves , I started thinking of all the simple recipes that won't disappoint my father or his guest .

After so much thinking  I decided to make chicken piccata,hotdog stroganoff,lemon shrimps ,spinach pasta, Julie murkerson and stuffed chicken Valentino.
They were all short time dishes max time was 30mins ,but I can't make all at that time so I started making the difficult ones first .


All the dishes were arranged on the table,I was actually surprised I finished cooking on time and arranged the whole house ,the candles were lit ,giving the atmosphere a natural floral smell,the curtains were down and the chandelier was turned on making the house look like a royal ball room . I stood at the entrance with both my hands on my waist admiring my work and searching for any flaws .

The doorbell rang and I quickly went to open the door ,upon passing my eyes fell in my figure on the full length mirror at the foyer ;
"Shit,shit,shit"I cursed ,I looked like a zombie straight out of an apocalypse movie ,my hair went east and west slightly white ,from the corn flour That poured on my hair when I tried reaching for the salt at the top cabinet my cheeks was coated with turmeric and cinnamon powder,my shirt .i pity whoever is going to wash it ,I cringed at the thought of me doing the laundry.the bell rang again and I quickly dusted my face well I tried the powder had dyed my face orange,I repacked my hair and dusted my clothes .

My parents stood at the porch waiting for the door to open a few people stood behind them,I'm so dead ,like I'm not properly dressed and going back to my room was a no way because the longer they stood I knew my dad was getting impatient so I just threw on the largest jacket on the hanger and wrapped a blue winter scarf on my hair ,i looked like masha,from the Russian animation masha and bear. When I unlocked the door ,my fathers hand was midair ,his index finger was about the press the bell again .i smiled at them

"Welcome back" I stretched my hand and collected the bags from my mothers hand and a few from my dad ,he walked passed me without answering my mom gave me a side hug , "good evening sir" I greeted a man my fathers age ,he had a black suit on ,his platinum blonde hair was beautifully styled his right arm was rested on his wife's waist.

"Good evening ma'am"I also greeted the beautiful lady beside him ,her skin was tanned,hair pulled into a beautiful sleek ponytail,she had an emerald dress clung to her body with silver stilettos,she was beautiful
"Evening,how are you dear"the man replied

"I'm very well fine sir"I smiled at them

"I'm so sorry ,please come in"I ushered them In and closed the door "this way please" I started walking towards the living room entrance "your home is beautiful"
His wife gushed

"Thank you ,please have a sit and make yourselves comfortable"they sat down

"What's your name"the man asked
"Amila" i replied
"You are a very nice girl"

"Thank you ma'am"I tried to hide my blush .idiot

"Please call me miranda"

"Okay" I turned to go get them refreshments,my eyes got a glimpse of a figure standing by the entrance of the living room.
Something twisted in my stomach and my heartbeat accelerated.

My heart nearly jumped out my chest ,seeing Jayson William leaning at the doorway his eyes was on me,how didn't I notice him ,it looked like he has been there for a while .

I placed my hand on my chest to even my breathing

"God,you frightened me"

"Sorry"his voice was deep and husky ,he had a smirk on his face
"I was waiting for masha to find bear"I chuckled as he leaned away from the door and started walking towards me

"I'm sorry ,I really didn't notice you"

"I know" we both chuckled lowly knowing his parents were watching

"I'm Jayson William it's nice too meet you"he stretched his hand for a handshake "again"he winked,I smiled and outstretched mine forward "Amila Acevado ,nice too meet you ,again"we both shook hands ,his hand lingered a little longer than usual.

I let out an awkward laughter "I'll go get your refreshments,you should also take a seat"the jacket had a masculine smell and I was starting to sweat inside.

"Sure,do you need help"he released my hand

"Nope I'll be fine"I disappeared into the kitchen

I quickly put three bottles or water ,variety of drinks,fruits and cookies,on a tray and took it to them ,my dad was seated on the single seater adjacent to theirs,they were having a discussion,so I silently walked in with a smile and dropped the tray in the center table.

Their attention suddenly focused on me, this is very awkward,my dads strong gaze wasn't helping at all ,I think I'm wearing his jacket .shit

"Uh...here are your refreshments I'll be right back"I smiled and they returned it ,I tried to escape quickly but my dads voice stopped me "Amila" he just called my name with a very low and stern voice ,you could mistake it for his normal tone,it was as if he was trying to warn me.

I heard his footsteps from behind and he shortly standing behind me,his hand clasped my wrist and he aggressively pulled me to the foyer ,before I could even blink my neck twisted in a weird angle and I lost my balance due to the unexpected sting on my left cheek ,I fell on the fall ,the only thing that let me process the whole thing was because of the loud sound and the buzzing in my ear ,my eyes pricked with tears as they came down as fast as they came,the left side of my face felt foreign it was as if the nerves died,when he slapped me .

"Wha...what did I d.."I tried to ask ,my hand still on my cheeks

"Shut up!"he boomed

"I was just ....."To be honest I really don't know what I was going to say or explain,I just felt like talking

"I swr Amila if I hear your voice again ,by the one and only God that created you ,you will regret being born into this world" he threatened,but nope at this moment I'm partially deaf or you might think I'm even deaf because I spoke again

"What did I do?"i  looked at him dead in the eyes ,I regretted it ,his head appeared to be two in my vision,I couldn't even see him because everything became blurry ,my right cheek stung again ,and then my already swollen left,then my red right ,I couldn't see anything as black dots began to form in my eyes ,I was waiting for the next slap but it never came,I wiped tear stained face and tried to see the reason for the pause,I was afraid of meeting his gaze because of what happened , I saw his hand midair I shut my eyes close ,waiting again but I still didn't feel it ,so I looked up again and saw someone hand around his wrist
, "don't hit her again please"my mothers hand held his,he tried to free his hand ,but she held on tight ,I knew he if he actually wanted to do it ,he would ,but he let his hand fall to his side ,his jaw clenched,his hand was formed into a fist , "please,please ,just calm down ,please"my mom repeatedly pleaded,her hands were now massaging his shoulder.

He shot his eyes a took a deep breath,he relaxed then turned his back to me,my mom pulled him in for a hug ,she used her eyes to tell me to go ,so I nodded still and removed the jacket.

I quickly ran to my room ,locked door ,jumped on the bed and continued crying.


Coming out of my bathroom I slowly wrapped a small towel on my hair ,cleaned my body and moisturized it ,I quickly grabbed my underwear and wore an army green and peach summer dress that stopped a little below my knee,I drew my eyeliner on my eyelids,and applied my shimmer lip gloss ,I sprayed one of my xoxo Victoria's secrets perfume and quickly went downstairs I didn't go down the stairs I slid down the stairs

Earlier Theo came to tell me the all the quests had arrived and I was the only one left so I quickly got dressed,my face still hurts and it's slightly swollen , but it hurts when I move it .

More than 7 pairs of eyes turned to my direction as I entered the dinning ,I started feeling nervous again "Good evening everyone"

"Evening"they chorused,I searched for an empty seat ,and quickly spotted one beside Theo ,I sat down and muttered a little hi to the person beside me ,I didn't want to make any eye contact,I settled in my seat and noticed that nobody has started eating,someone cleared their throat and that's when I realized I was supposed to serve everyone so stood up again,I quickly went over to my mother "serve the guests first"

"Okay"I started serving the guest ,asking them what they wanted to have after listing and opening each warmer,I gave them a small smile without looking at them when I notice them looking at me ,I feel uncomfortable each time I lean forward to get a particular warmer,the men stare at my boobs.

A man tried to even put his hand up my dress ,I stomped my foot,I would have kicked him where the sun doesn't shine ,but I didn't want to cause a scene so I ignored it and continued.

After I served Theo ,I didn't stop to serve in my plate so I moved the next person,I asked him what he wanted but he didn't reply, "uh sorry,what would you like to have"I asked again,this time he held my hand pulling me back to stand erect and when I looked at the person,my heart did a flip.


He staring deeply at me ,I gave a smile trying to ease my hand from his hold my eyes brimmed with tears because my cheeks hurts.

He shook his head in the negative direction,meaning I shouldn't serve him ,I looked up to see most of the people's attention was on us, "are you sure"I whispered

"Yeah ,I will do it myself"he replied softly

"No it's fine I can do it for you"I was starting to feel nervous,I could feel my fathers eyes on me

" I insist"he smiled and released my hand

"Okay"I moved to the next person,Cole was staring at me

"What happened to you"he whispered,when I leans forward to grab the chicken piccata
"Not now ,I'll tell you later"

"Okay"I finished serving him.i served Jake who was making fun of me saying this is the first time he is seeing dressed like an actual girl , "ouch"he whispered yelled when I pinched his thighs .i smirked at his comment "Are you sure you are a female"he rubbed his thighs glaring at me "nope ,I ran out of  suits so I wore a dress"i replied sarcastically

"That explains it"he nodded as if he just realized something

"Idiot"I muttered enough for him to hear
"You too"I just glared at him.

I continued serving,like they were a lot of business men here,which is why I didn't make eye contacts ,I saw the handsome man from the other day ,if his beautiful wife wasn't seating beside him I wouldn't have known he was married and he looked like Alex in a way ,maybe he is Alex's father,I won't be surprised.
I conversed with him and his wife shortly while I served them.

I was finally done serving and everyone was eating well except for me cause the food finished.my luck ,I scraped the remaining food which wasn't enough because after two spoons it will be gone,I sat down in between Alex and Theo ,Jayson was opposite us beside his parents,he was conversing with a young man his age ,his hair was brown and was packed into a  man bun ,he had thick eyebrows ,pointed nose,his eyes were brown and his was defined,he was beautiful,I recognized the men from the other day and the wives ,I didn't recognize the wives though ,I took one spoon of the Julie murkerson and I felt sad knowing this was the only thing I had eaten today and my food will be finished if I take another spoon. I'll just have to eat bread later.

The plate in my left shifted close to mine ,I looked up confused as to why he would shift his plate,I gave him a questioning look
"Let's eat together"Theo said
"No why"I asked him,his brown eyes was pleading with me

"Because it's to much and i can't finish it"

"But you don't know that,you can finish it just eat first"he pulled my head low so  he can whisper in my ear "I ate at McDonald's before coming home,I actually forgot and I was hungry so I'm partially full"

"Have you tasted it"he shook his head in the negative direction ,I urged him with my hand ,he carefully and slowly lifted his fork and took a little portion into his mouth,he took his time to chew ,his head slowly turned in my direction,he nodded his head vigorously and gave me a thumbs up ,I chuckled at how cute he looked ,I picked up my fork and tried to eat from his plate ,he glared at me and used his hand to shield his food,a laugh erupted from my throat ,it was loud for a moment I forgot they were business and influential people on the table ,until someone's leg nudge mine,I turned to Alex giving him a 'bruh what's up"look ,his eyes signaled for me to look around ,my eyes moved around the table ,everyone's attention was on me again ,heat rushed up my cheeks due to embarrassment,Alex let out a low chuckle ,i nudged him with my leg ,he cleared his throat and adjusted his seating position.

I managed to squeak out a little sorry and everyone turned back to their previous activities.


More than half of the guests left,only a few men were with my dad ,their laughter could be heard and my mother has crashed after the women left only a few stayed behind because their husbands were their rides back ,they secluded themselves at the corner of the living room with champagne filled glasses,as they talked about random stuff.

I came to realize that Cole and Alex are friends which is why the both of them are standing on each of my side doing the task I assigned them to,I mean this was the way I decided to forgive Cole ,Alex volunteered to help ,I didn't agree but he insisted,saying he didn't have anything to do
when his parents left earlier.

"So basically this was a pre-anniversary party"I asked Cole as Alex passed me a white Chinese plate "yes"he replied and collected the plate I just rinsed and dried it with a napkin before placing it on the rack.

"What for?"

"The Gala is in three days so dad decided that he didn't want any other gathering after it ,he had it today"Cole said as I passed him five cutleries ,Alex was busy typing in his phone subconsciously passing me stuff,his attention turned back to me when I refused to collect the next object,his hand hung on suspense and when he saw what he was passing we started laughing "oops"he put the candle jar back,he passed me the last two wine glasses,my hand had become white ,pale and I had wrinkles on my finger tips ,my back was aching for using water and soap for two hours ,if only the dishwasher didn't get faulty when I needed it the most.

Cole has excused himself to go to finishing important work ,i was left alone with Alex ,the house was Very Quiet,the only sound you could here was the crickets outside and low song playing from the movie ending as the white texts on the black background displayed the names of people that helped in the production from the tv.

after we finished the doing the dishes we settled in for a movie .alex shifted on his place on the lush soft carpet we sat on ,he turned his body do face me.

"Are you hungry?"he asked ,I turned to him ,observing his facial expression to see any glint of playfulness.

"Why are you asking"I inched away from him a little

"Just answer the question"I studied him for some seconds before answering

"Yes but I can't cook anything now and the bread finished"I turned my attention back to the blank screen of the TV

"What would say if I asked you to go for dinner with me right now"
I gave him an unbelievable look,before glancing at the clock that read 1:17am

"Wait you mean right now"he nodded

"Are you crazy it's passed midnight"

"Are you hungry"he ignored my statement

"Yes but I can't leave the house"

"Yes you can,and we will be back before you know it"he sighed

"What if my parents look for me"I asked

"They won't ,okay how about we tell Cole about it" I snickered

"Hmmmn,okay"he whispered a little yay,which made me laugh
He used his palms to get up and outstretched his hand for me  I clasped my cold hand around his warm hands,he pulled me up I came face to face with is broad chest and shoulder ,My eyes darted from his shoulder down to his torso and back to his face,he was staring down at me ,

"Ready?"he raised an eyebrow

"Yes!"he nodded and pulled me gently to the door after we switched the tv off,when we got to the door I asked him to wait

"We didn't tell Cole"he smirked

"I like how you are using the we"he whispered huskily,his warm breath fanned my cheeks,this awakened the butterflies in my stomach ,so I inched away from him mustering up the best glare I could give him.

"Don't worry I texted him"he said opening the front door "and he replied, chill " the cool midnight breeze whipped my face the moment I stepped onto the porch ,I shivered a little as goosebumps appeared on my arm.

Alex placed his right palm on the small of my back and guided me to his sleek marine blue Audi R8,my was looking at every inch of this expensive classy car ,he guided me to the passengers and opened the door for me,he shut the door when he was sure I was comfortable,I was in complete awe with the interior of the car,the milk coffee clean leather chair ,to the ,steering wheel,the automatic ignition button,the clean dashboard.The door at the drivers side opened and Alex slid in ,his cologne filled the walls off the car ,he turned to me with a mischievous smirk ,I didn't miss the evil glint in his eyes ,for a moment I was worried if I should be concerned until he said

"Buckle up baby,it's going to be long night"and we zoomed into the night.

Woah that was huge
Did you miss me ,why am I asking when nobody is going to answer.but regardless

Thank you for reading and don't forget to tap the little star at the bottom left of your screen.

See ya next time

Permanreinah 🌻

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