Chapter 5: Dinner Time
Summary: His roommate eats meat, great. But apparently, humans will take measures to make sure their pack has food, even if it means tossing a child.
At least he got food.
Tubbo gets yeeted. Gently.
"The damn thing really killed him huh? There's nothing left of him. It's spotless!" One of the guards pointed out an obvious flaw in the humans' idea. There's no struggle, no blood, nothing to indicate that Tubbo is gone.
The other looks around the room from the window, out of reach and safe from the human that's glaring at them. "Too spotless" They don't get to elaborate or think more on it when the human snarls and lunges at the window, no crack but it scares the hell out of the guards if their yells were anything to go by.
"Damn freak. Just give it its meat then head out of here" The other guard growls out. "How about you being useful and opening the slot?" They seem to argue and a slot underneath the door opens, the human looks like they are preparing to leap for it before the plate of food gets slid in and the slot shuts again before he could do anything.
"Where do they even plan to send this thing?" One of the guards asked. "Some lab far off in the tundra planets, don't care. Maybe they can find some use to it" The conversation gets quieter and quieter until they are fully gone.
Tubbo waits a couple extra mites more before taking off the cover. He looks at the food that they slid in and flinches back a bit. It's blue cooked meat from an aquatic species. He can't really tell what species cause y'know... he doesn't eat meat. But the blue color gives away to an aquatic planet.
The human doesn't seem to care and brings the plate closer to his nest. He sets the plate down but doesn't make a move to eat, looking at Tubbo instead. They stare at each other for a couple of Sects (Seconds). Is he waiting for something?
The human mimes eating the meat.
How does he tell him that Tubbo doesn't eat meat?
Humans shake their heads to mean things right?
Tubbo shakes his head and points at the meat, then shakes his head again, hoping it means no. "I don't eat meat big guy"
The human tilts his head slightly, looking adorably illegal. Then he looks down at the meat, up at Tubbo again, meat, Tubbo, meat, Tubbo. For a split second Tubbo thinks the human wants to eat him but he sees the realization that Tubbo doesn't eat meat. (It's also cause Tubbo has like, 2 animal species that eat plants and the ⅓ of a bee)
The human rummages through his nest and brings out a half packet of water. Tubbo perks up, It's been awhile since he's had water, his body doesn't rely on it much but still needs it. He tentatively gets closer to the human and grabs the packet.
He's rewarded with a mouth full of teeth flashing at him. He startles and nearly drops the packet. The teeth are gone and replaced with a saddened look from the human. Is... is showing his teeth a sign of encouragement?
Experimentally, he flashes his teeth back at the human, hoping he didn't do something to offend them. The human flings their head back with a loud bark sound that sounds like he's very sick in the throat. Before he gets too concerned, his hair gets ruffled gently and he sees a softer look on the human, who flashes his teeth again, but smaller.
His wings buzz happily. Before he scowls, his hair being ruffled like if he was back as a larva. He fixes his hair and glares at the human. Said human doesn't pay him any mind and instead eats.
Tubbo takes a small sip from the water, he is feeling a little hungry, but the only edible thing he can eat within the cell are the spore flowers but his wings are too cold that he wouldn't get very high off the ground.
Looking up he tries to see which flower is the closest. He hears a curious hum from the human, who also looks at the flowers, then back to Tubbo.
Tubbo points to the flowers and gestures to his mouth. Hoping the human understood that while he can't eat the meat, he can still eat the flowers. The human lights up, his eyes the brightest he's fucking seen. Is that normal?
He abruptly stands up and starts looking at the flowers more. He looks down at Tubbo and his wings, he points to them and tilts his head, saying something.
Tubbo shakes his head. "It's too cold big man, I can try flying but I won't get very far" To demonstrate, he did try flying up, he only got half way to the lowest hanging flower before getting tired and falling back to the ground. The human steps towards him worriedly.
"See? Can't make it" He sighed, just his luck. His only source of food is too high up for him to fly to in the cell. At least he has water thanks to the human.
The human takes a moment to look up at him, then takes a confident stance, and GRABS HIM.
"U–Uh What are you doing.. Can you– can you let me do–AHHH WHAT THE FUCK!" He fucking chucks him at the lowest flower and Tubbo desperately grabs the vine that hangs the flower down.
The human cheers victoriously. Tubbo hisses and buzzes angrily at him. "WHAT THE FUCK! DON'T JUST TOSS ME LIKE THAT! I THOUGHT HUMANS TOOK CARE OF KIDS!" He clings on the vine for dear life.
While he was hissing and buzzing at the human, the vine was slowly starting to snap. He heard the final 'snip' noise before he plummets to the ground. He screeches before hitting something soft and warm.
The human caught him and the hanging flower that Tubbo dragged with him. Both let out pained sounds.
"I got it!" Tubbo proudly holds out the flower and the human warbles happily at him before carrying him back to the bed and sets him down on it.
Tubbo points at the human (He really needs to get a name for him) angrily. "I'll get you back for tossing me without warning me, dick move man..." He did get him something to eat though, so he can't be too angry.
They both eat together, content and happy. Tubbo munches on the petals of the flower before deciding to try something, humans are sentient, and good mimickers. Maybe he can introduce himself.
He turns to face the human and the human turns to him, a curious glint in his sky blue eyes.
"Tubbo" he hums and points to himself. The human tilts his head. "Tub-bo" He repeats again.
The human takes a moment to process before pointing at him. "TuBbo" It was pitched weirdly, had an accent, but a damn close mimicry of Tubbos name. He gets excited, the situation finally settling into him, his wings flapping quickly. A human just said his name!
The human points to himself. "Tommy" Now it's Tubbos turn to try to mimic and say his name. "Tom-my" He says it again.
"Choo-mi" He tries, he really does, but his mouth just can't form the correct way to say it or to say the 'T' sound. At some point he said something that sounded like "Mommy", whatever that means. It certainly triggered something in the human. They made a face at him and rapidly shook their head at him.
That gives Tubbo an idea for revenge, he might not know what the word means in human tongue, but it seems harmless, and Tommy sure doesn't seem to want him to keep saying it, is it a curse word in human?
So against his better judgment, he now deems 'Tommy' as 'Mommy', they sound pretty similar anyways, can't mean too much of a difference right?
Tommy looks at him in a face that could only be described as horror.
He thinks this is off to a beautiful friendship.
Fuck this Bambi looking ass bee for calling Tommy FUCKING MOMMY, IF HE WASN'T SO CUTE HE'D KICK HIM ACROSS THE FUCKING GALAXY!
He can only hope to escape this stupid fucking cell then find some way to communicate with Tubbo and beg the kid to not call him that... even if it made his heart squeeze.
Don't look at him like that, he's not flustered, you're flustered, you should get a therapist.
He continues eating his food while Tubbo munches on his flower. The flowers are way bigger than he thought they were. The size of Tommys' torso and the vine the length of his lower body. The ceiling wasn't too high and the hanging flowers didn't look big until Tubbo grabbed it.
Then again, everything looked big compared to Tubbo.
He likes the name. 'Tubbo'. it's fun. While Bambi was fitting, he'll make sure to address Bambi as Tubbo from now on. (He will call him Bambi occasionally though, it's a cute nickname)
He really hopes that there's some way to get off this ship in the future, maybe someone will rescue them. For now though, instead of hoping for someone to rescue them, he will break them out of here.
Now to think of a plan that won't end with him dead... preferably.
"Where did you say his comm was last active?" A 4 winged alien asked one of his co-pilots, steering the ship and setting a course for the crew.
"In the Folestrome Sector, near that one market surrounded by those red trees that have the red vines" A tall blue skinned alien with a near translucent tail answered.
There's a huff from the corner of the room, surveying the status on their engines. "You really need to learn your planets" an alien with a small pink curly tail, pink fur with bunny ears spoke from his tusked mouth.
"Oh, I'm sorry Techno, Let me just memorize every damn planet this side of the solar system. I'm SO incredibly sorry for not reading up on their history too!" The alien snarks towards Techno, the now named tusked alien.
"It's basic knowledge and needed if you're a Co-pilot, Wilbur! How do you plan to be a pilot if you can't remember the names of the planets? Philza, Phil help me out here" Techno pleaded to Philza who seemed to be the official captain. Techno ignores Wilburs squawk of "I'm the fucking scientist you wanker!"
Phil only sighed. "Boys, please focus. We've lost connection with Tubbo and Ranboo and it's been 4 cycles. They could be in serious danger, so focus boys" That got their attention again.
They quickly get serious (Thank prime) and start focusing back on the task. Tubbo and Ranboo, while not officially part of the crew, stayed over and traveled with them so much they might as well be considered as part of the crew.
They found those 2 together, deserted on a barren planet named simply 'Barren'. It's exactly as its name states, barren of anything and everything. They were clearly left to die on that planet. Philza, being unable to turn away children, especially stranded children, offered to care for them or to at least drop them off somewhere else besides the wasteland.
After that, the 2 were seen often around the crew, traveling and doing small errands for the crew. Tubbo being a menace and Ranboo being an apprentice of sorts for Techno. They were a lovely addition to the crew and all of them were fond of the young adults.
So to hear that Tubbo and Ranboos comms deactivate with no warning? Something is wrong. Tubbo was understandable, he damages his comm more often than not with the stunts he's been known to pull. But Ranboos too? That set off red flags. Kid takes care of his comm no matter what.
Captain Philza sets the ship's course to the last known location of Ranboo and Tubbo, all of them determined to hunt down and find out what happened to their fellow crewmates.
And gods help those who dare stop them.
Notes: Tubbo doesn't know English, obviously, so he has no idea what Mommy means, and Tommy is living in agony and I've been cackling to have this chapter out.
I really hope you guys enjoy this! Comment if you have a favorite part in each new chapter or just to comment!
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