
My alarm went off at 6:30, it was a Monday morning and I was not prepared to go outside, much less to class.

"Will you please turn that off?" I reached over and shut the device up.

"I have to go to class today..." I tuned back to look at Dylan.

"You shouldn't go today if you're not ready. I'm sure Belle will get your work, and tell your teachers what's going on." He said calmly. Dylan was turned onto his side, his head propped up on his arm, looking up at me. I debated whether to go or not, but one look at his arms and I knew I wasn't. I was laying back down when Belle burst into my room.

"Why are you not up?" She asked, and I gave her a look telling her I couldn't do it. "Oh no. If I have to go you're going too, you'll be fine. I promise. Look I even made you coffee! Sorry if it tastes like shit." She handed me the mug and walked over to my closet. She took a skirt out and looked over at me and must've seen my horrified face because she put it back and pulled out a a pair of jeans and threw them at me. My eyes widened because I knew I couldn't catch them until Dylan reached out and caught them for me. She had only tossed a shirt my way, barely making it on the bed. I stood up and put it all on. Dylan stayed sitting cross legged on my bed in his boxers. Belle turned around and jumped. "Holy shit Dylan, did you stay over another night?" He nodded. "Kay, well anymore and I'm making you pay rent." He laughed and shook off her statement.

"She's not joking Dylan." I said. His smile faded.

"I'm not." She stated. "However I do not have enough time to deal with that right now, we need to get to class."

"Can I drive you guys?" Dylan asked hesitantly. I smiled at him thankfully.

"That'd be great Dylan, this is why you're my best friend." I said enthusiastically. His smiled faltered for a spilt second, but I don't think he knew I noticed. But I did. He jumped up and started to put on his two day old outfit back on.

"Oh no no no no no." Belle said and ripped the clothes out of his hands. "These are way too dirty, go ask Indi for some clothes. She has tons. You'll basically have a closet to choose from." She motioned for him to go, and he did reluctantly. He came back a few minutes later in a simple white tee and some dark jeans. "Much better." She said. "Let's go... INDI!! COME ON WE'RE LEAVING NOW!!"

"I'm right here Belle, you don't have to yell." Indi said from my doorway. "I see Dylan slept over again... In his boxers." She said eyeing me, wiggling her eyebrows. I sent her a glare that said 'shut up' but she just shook her head. I looked over at Dylan whose face was getting pink, but turned bright red when his eyes met mine. I gave him a questioning look and he just looked away. His eyes sad and desperate. I shook off the feeling that something was wrong and turned to follow Belle and Indi out the door. I could feel his gaze boring into my back. It made me sad. I didn't know what was wrong, but I made a mental note to ask him later.

"Bye Dylan, I'll see you later." I said as I got out of the car. He smiled weakly and waved as I shut the door. I walked behind my roommates, carefully watching my surroundings. I relaxed as we got into the building. We walked straight to our Psychology class, anxious about our test. With everything going on none of us had studied much, and that night was all I could think about. We walked in the door to find only a couple of students here already, wearing the same anxious faces. Their eyes filled with worry and fear. Emotions I couldn't handle at the moment. The girls started walking to our normal seats. but stopped when they realised I wasn't following them.

"What's wrong Kenny?" Indi asked.

"I'll be right back." I said quietly, "You guys go on up to our seats, I'll be right there." She nodded and ushered Belle up with her. I turned around and walked towards Professor Thorne.

"Ah, Kennedy Lane, how can I help you dear?" He said, cheerfully, but his happy face turned to a toned down version of the students filing into his class. "What's wrong Kennedy?" He asked, a concerned tone filling his normally warm tone.

"Uhm... Can I speak to you privately for a moment?" I asked in a hushed tone as to not notify the other students of our conversations' contents. He nodded and led me to the door that connected to his office.

"Alright, now you must tell me what's wrong before you worry me to death." He said, trying to lighten the stiff air.

"I wanted to ask you if Arabella, Indiana, and I could get an extension for studying for this test."

"And why should I grant you this request? You've known about this test since two weeks ago, you should've had plenty of time to study."

"Well, this past weekend was very... traumatic for all of us, and none of us really got any sleep, or had any time to study, and as for me, I just... I can't think about anything but what happened, I don't remember anything I studied."

"Do you mind me asking what event happened that was so traumatic?" I sighed and looked down the the floor. His carpet was grey, with little brown specks, and there was a coffee stain to the left of where I was sitting.

"I... I got assaulted... and almost raped..." His eyes were wide when I looked back up.

"Oh dear, I'm so very sorry that happened to you. I vaguely recall you writing a paper about the fact that you were paranoid about that very thing, correct?" I nodded, and tried to blink away the tears that were coming back up. "Well, I'm going to grant you and your friends an extension for the test, you can all take it next Saturday, I'll set up a time this week and get back to you. Is this your only class today?" I nodded. "I see, good. You need to go home and sleep, you don't look well, keep yourself hydrated and well fed, okay?"

"Okay, thanks professor." I said, and smiled painfully. He returned it with a sympathetic one.

"And Kennedy, I'm giving this extension to you not just out of pity, but because I want you to actually study for my test. If you don't pass I'll be very disappointed in you, and I'm afraid I won't be able to give you an extension again."

"I know professor, we'll study, we just need some time."

"Good. Alright well go home and get some sleep. I'll see you on Wednesday." I nodded and walked out the door and up to our seats. Belle and Indi were looking at me confused.

"I got us an extension. So we're taking the test next Saturday. We need the extra study time." We started to walk to the door, the girls didn't ask questions because they knew one, I was right, and two, they knew how I got the extension. Right as we were going to walk out, Professor Thorne pulled me aside.

"Kennedy, remember if you need some to talk to, you can come to me, or I have a list of other professionals to recommend."

"Thanks. I let you know." I said quietly. He smiled and let go of my arm. I walked out following the girls, and called Dylan to come pick us up. When he got here he was definitely confused.

"Okay that was not an hour." He said,

"Kenny got us an extension." Indi said.

"Oh, good, you don't need the extra stress." He said and motioned for us to get in. We climbed and and he took us home. When we got there we al just slumped on the couch and sat in silence for a minute. Or maybe a moment. Whichever is longer. Either way, we stayed like that for a long time. And it was surprisingly calming. Finally. Calmness. 

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