
I woke up to a beam of sunlight shining straight into my eyes. I threw my hand in front of my face, not used to the usual brightness this early in the morning. I looked around until I realised that I wasn't in my own room. I looked to my right to see a shirtless Jake still sleeping next to me. Oh wait. I take that back, he was definitely naked, considering I was too. I looked around to see a couple bottles of vodka on the floor and a half a dozen joints in the ash try, burned to a pulp. Now I get why I couldn't really remember what happened last night after we got to Jake's apartment. I got up and walked out to the kitchen. I went straight to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. Now to find the medicine cabinet. I opened basically every cabinet and drawer until I got to the last cabinet in the kitchen. This better be it. I opened it to find a plethora of pill bottles. I found the Advil and popped a couple. I went back to the cabinet that had the cereal and grabbed a bowl and started to pour myself one when I heard something behind me.

"Damn." Jake said quietly. I turned around and learned on the counter. Wearing a smirk and only a smirk.

"Can I help you?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well, there seems to be a gorgeous naked women in my kitchen, and I need to know how to get her to go out with me sometime." I laughed.

"Maybe you should just ask her." I said and turned around, it was getting a little much to watch him stare at me. I heard his footsteps as he came up and wrapped his arms around me from behind. and leaned his head down next to my ear.

"Well then, would you go out with me sometime?" I sighed and turned back around, his body pressed against mine.

"I guess." I said smiling. He leaned down and kissed me. "Hey I need to get back home, I have a test tomorrow that I have to study for. Could you drive me back? I don't want to walk with what happened last night." He smiled slightly, clearly uncomfortable with the topic.

"Of course I'll drive you." He said. I kissed him and walked off to his room eating my cereal at the same time. I grabbed my clothes off the floor and threw them on. I looked around for my purse. Shit. I didn't bring it with me. Or my cell. Belle is going to kill me. I ran back out.

"Jake, drive me home right now, Belle is going to kill me, she doesn't know I'm here and I don't have my cell." His eyes widened, and he grabbed his keys.

"Yeah yeah, come on." He said hurriedly. We walked quickly down to his car and hopped in.

"I had a really good time last night." I said once he started driving. He looked at me and smiled. He grabbed my hand.

"So did I." He said squeezing my hand.

We drove in silence the rest of the way listening to Spotify too loudly to even think about talking. Which was okay because the entire situation was seriously awkward. We pulled up to the curb in front of the coffee shop that was below my apartment. I saw Alex on the other side of the glass wiping off the windows.

"Text me and tell me how Kennedy is doing okay?" I nodded and he gave me a peck on the cheek. I stepped out of the car to find Alex's blank expression turn into a frown when I stepped out into view. I smiled at him and he smiled wearily when he realised I was looking at him. I brushed off the uncomfortable exchange of expressions and walked up towards my apartment. I went to grab my keys but I realised I didn't have them. I knocked on the door but heard no sounds of motion at all. I decided to try to open the door anyway. I turned the knob, and was equally surprised and scared when it opened effortlessly, clearly already unlocked. Belle would've never left the door unlocked, especially after what happened with Kenny. I walked into the living room to find it exactly how I left it last night. The TV was still on but the volume was turned down, and some lamps were still on. I walked past the kitchen to find the lights still on in there as well. These shouldn't be on either. I kept walking until I reached Belle's room. I tapped on the door quietly, then slowly opened it when there was no answer. I opened it to find Belle asleep on a sleeping Oliver's shoulder, her laptop still sitting on their lap. Oh my god, she's sleeping. I closed the door as quietly as I could as to not wake up the sleeping couple, and wandered towards Kenny's room. Behind her door was Dylan still holding her as they slept. You could see by the purple circles under his eyes that he hadn't gotten much sleep that night, but there as an odd bruise on his face, and a couple on his arm. They were a deep dark purple, obviously VERY fresh. I didn't know what happened, but it must've been bad.

"She had a night terror last night." A voice came said from behind me. I turned around quickly to see a groggy Belle and Oliver behind me. Belle went on. "That's what the bruises are from, she was trying to protect herself, he had to hold her down to keep her from hurting herself anymore."

"Did she sleep the rest of the night?" I asked quietly.

"Apparently, we obviously didn't get woken up. I think Dylan calmed her down." I nodded. I looked over at Oliver with a questioning look. Belle must've noticed because she started to explain. "I needed help, someone to talk to."

"I get it. Sorry I didn't stay last night."

"It's okay, I knew you wouldn't deal well"

"True." She let out a laugh, but then it fell into an empty silence. I think everyone involved was shell shocked from the whole situation. It never occurred really to any of us that this could actually happen to one of us. except Kenny who was paranoid about it all the time. Ironic how the one who took the most precautions it basically happened to... "I'm going to go to my room now." I said hurriedly and rushed past them into my room, throwing myself on my bed. I pulled out my books from class and opened it to the pages I was supposed to read for homework. And then I fell asleep.

"Indi. Hey wake up. Indiana!" I jumped at the yelling in my ear to find Kenny laying on my bed facing me.

"Hey Kenny... So, are you okay?" She sighed.

"Not sure yet, but hopefully I will be." I nodded.

"Where's Dylan?"

"Making coffee, I need the caffeine." She laughed slightly.

"Ah, so what do you need?" I asked tiredly.

"Nothing really, I just wanted to come see you." She brought her hand up and poked my nose with her finger. Her nail polish was chipped away to almost nothing, and there were scratches on her arms. I frowned. still staring at them.

"I know they look bad... but they don't hurt that much." She said smiling sadly.

"I hate that this happened to you kiddo." She looked away and turned onto her back.

"Me too Indi. Me too."

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