"NO! NO STOP! GET AWAY FROM ME!" The screaming was coming from Kennedy's room, so I ran from my room into hers. What I found? Dylan HALF NAKED in Kenny's bed ON TOP OF HER HOLDING HER WRISTS DOWN!
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING DYLAN?" I screamed, Dylan looked over at me, his face contorting with embarrassment.
"Uh Belle, calm down I can explain!" He yelled over Kennedy's screaming. Why was she still screaming, why hadn't she noticed I was there?
"Belle! Calm the fuck down! She's just having a nightmare! She was hitting herself and so I had to pin down her arms so she would stop hurting herself! Is that a cactus?" He explained.
"Then why are you in your boxers? And yes it's a cactus. Cacti are very good weapons thanks." He shook his head.
"I was staying over. Kenny was scared they would find her, and no offence you're not very skilled in the whole strength thing. So I was sleeping here, so sue me for sleeping in my boxers!" He retorted.
"I... ugh fine. Wait why hasn't she woken up yet?" I asked worried. I set the cactus down and walked over to her, obviously making Dylan more uncomfortable.
"I-I think she's having a night terror." He stuttered, my closeness making him uncomfortable with his half-nakedness. "You're not supposed to wake someone who's having a night terror."
"I don't know, I think it's dangerous or something." He shrugged, struggling to keep Kenny from further hurting herself. You could see the bruises from earlier, already formed and a dark purple colour, and there were new ones forming from herself. Dylan had a couple forming on his arms, and one on his jaw bone, probably also from Kennedy. She's going to hate herself when she wakes up. Speaking of waking up. Kennedy gasped quite loudly as she tried to sit up only to find Dylan on top of her. I ran out of the room to get a wet washcloth and some tea for her. But I could still hear the conversation going on in the bedroom.
"What the... Dylan why the fuck are you pinning me down?" Kenny said breathlessly.
"You were having a night terror, you kept hitting yourself, I didn't want you to get hurt." I walked back in to find a scared looking Kenny and a sad looking Dylan still positioned on top of her, unmoving. She was staring at his arms. She pulled one of her own away from his grip and gently touched her fingertips to his biceps, running them over the developing bruises on his arms.
"Did... Did I do this?" She looked up terrified at him and then at me. I looked down at the floor, not wanting to tell her. Dylan let go of her other arm and rolled off of her and sat next to her. She sat up and looked to both of us. We were both avoiding her glances. "I did didn't I? Well don't just ignore me! Did I do that or not?" Dylan looked up at her sympathetically.
"Kenny it's oka-"
"No it's not!" She yelled. She looked down at her hands and back to Dylan. She gasped slightly upon seeing the one on his face. "No. No no no no no no no no no..." She said getting off the bed and back up, looking at her hands. I set down the stuff and walked after her. "No Belle, no I'll hurt you..." She said looking still at her hands. She had made it to the corner of her room and looked absolutely petrified. I walked up cornering her and wrapped my arms around her.
"You'd never hurt me Kenny." I said softly. But she didn't get any less tense. I lead her back to her bed, letting Dylan hand her the tea and patting her forehead with the washcloth. She held his face in her hands, her thumb grazing the purple spot. You could hear her slightly sniffling in the dark room, signalling that she was crying. In the slight light of the doorway you could see a tear run down Dylan's face, and I could feel the salty substance on my cheeks as well.
I walked out of Kenny's room, leaving her in his hands. I went to my room and grabbed my phone. I flipped through my contacts until I found the one I wanted. Oliver. I checked the time. It was 4 am, and there was no way he was up, but what the hell. I typed out a quick text
Belle- hey oliver. it's belle. the girl who is obsessed with ur dog? yeah i know it's early but can u maybe come over like whenever u get this text? i could use some help????
I sent the text and set my phone down, when immediately it lit up.
Oliver- Hey Belle, don't worry I remember you. I'll come over now. What's your address?
I sent him the address and told he'd be here in a few. About 5 minutes later there was a knock on the door. I opened it quickly to find a smiling sleep deprived Oliver. I looked at him and smiled sadly.
"Oh I'm so sorry. Did I wake you up?" I asked worried. He laughed.
"Oh no. I don't sleep, so I was already up when you texted me. Besides I needed a change in scenery. My bedroom ceiling was getting rather boring." He said smiling. You could see the bags under his eyes, meaning he wasn't lying when he said he hadn't slept. "Now what can I help you with my dear?" He asked. I sighed, and spilled the whole story to him. By the end of it we were sitting on the couch, my head on his shoulder, my hand in his.
"And that's basically it." I said focusing on our interlocked fingers.
"Wow..." He said. Great, I've scared him off. "Is she okay?" I looked up at him. Our eyes met and I could see the genuine concern in his gorgeous green eyes.
"I uh I don't know I haven't checked on her since before you got here... I left her with Dylan." I said dropping eye contact and staring at the floor.
"Let's go shall we?" He said getting up and pulling me up with our fingers still interlocked. I held onto his arm, leaning against him to keep myself from falling over. I was exhausted but I knew I still wouldn't be able to sleep. I hadn't been sleeping really when Kenny started screaming. We got to her door and Oliver knocked lightly. A faint "Come in" came from inside, it was Dylan's voice. Oliver opened the door and led us in. Dylan was leaned up against the wall, Kennedy cradled in his arms. She was still sniffing, but it didn't sound like she was crying anymore. She looked up at Oliver and I.
"Oliver?" She asked quietly.
"Hi Kennedy." She looked confused from what I could see on her face. Her eyes squinted against the light of the doorway. Her makeup was still smeared across her face, but looked partially removed. I looked over to see Dylan holding a makeup wipe in his hand, trying to get Kenny to turn back around so he could finish I imagine.
"Are you okay Kenny?" I asked her. She sighed and shrugged.
"For now I think. Either way, you don't have to keep worrying about me. I'll be fine." She said, her words trailing off. I nodded, hopping she saw.
"Okay, well, we'll be in my room if you need me. Love you Kenny. And Dylan, make sure she gets some sleep?" He nodded in reply. Oliver and I walked back to my room and sat down on my bed. It was silent for a couple minutes until he spoke.
"Do you have Netflix?" I laughed and pulled out my laptop.
"Of course I have Netflix. What Insomniac doesn't?" He chuckled and pulled me closer to him, holding me close as I put on some random movie. I put my head on his shoulder, and felt my eyes getting heavy. Wait am I falling asleep?
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