chapter 8

harry POV-

So iv'e been thinking latley, maybe its time. You know, to 'come out'. But the thing is, i dont know how my parents would react. Its not like they dont love me or anything. Im just not sure if they would like it or not. Im sure they wouldnt mind, would they? I mean, i am their son, and they should love e for who i am. Thats what louis mum was like. His dad is away for buissnes or something like that. Just thinking about louis makes me feel better. Its been an amazing week, well almost week. Tomorrow's our one week anaversiry! Im so excited. Not much has happened this last week. School, sex-god-boyfriend, home work, sex-god-boyfreind, hanging with the group, oh and did i mention sex-god-boyfriend? ahh louis. see what this boy does to me?! He makes my brain go all mushy, and my heart go a million miles an hour. I honestly dont know where i'd be if i hadnt of met him!

louis POV-

This lat week with harry was amazing! I really, really like this boy! Im just a bit sad he hasnt come out yet, its not like im going to pressure him or anything, and it doesnt make me love him any less. Its just, i feel like he might be ashamed to be seen with me. Im probably just going insane, and over thinking things. I tend to do that when im nervous. I actually have a few bad habbits, but lets not get into that. Right now, we are talking about harry. Beautiful, Adorable, Gorgeous, sexy, Amazing harry. Zayn, liam, niall and perrie all know that we are now officially a couple, we told them all. God i remeber it like it was yesterday...

*flash back to monday, louis's POV*

I got off the bus with harry. We dicided we wanted to go to school together since we were planning on telling everyone in our group about 'us'. Harry ended up going home friday, about half an hour after i asked him out. And im so glad i did. All it took was a bit of courage. And it was all worth it. Because now i actually have excuses to stare at the lad all day, to kiss him, to hold him... Oh god i sound like a girl! "Lou, are you okay?" harry asked, "oh yeh im fine babe, are you okay?!" i asked back. I look down to see a blushing harry. He is SO adorable. "Yeah, im great!" he looks me staright in the eyes, his cheecks still pink, his cute little dimples are showing, and his eyes have a little sparkle in them. And i cant help but but smile, thinking im the cause of those sparkles in those dashing green eyes of his. I love this feeling. Just knowing that harry, is all mine now. Im staring into the eyes of the boy i love, and im not ashamed of it. Especially when i have this amazing boyfriend by my side. I just wish I could show this love and affection at school. But i cant, not untill harry is ready to come out. Its going to be hard, but im sure it will be worth the wait.

We get to the front gates. My heart is racing, and i think harry's is doing the same, cause he sure looks scared. I grab his hand in mine, and give it a gentle re-assureing squeeze. "hey, everything will be okay! It only our friends, they already know about you, just think of it as practise for when you do actually come out!" i say trying to help him with his nerves. i think it worked, the colour re-appears in his face. And he squeezes my hand back, "yeah, your right!" he says. "pff, of course i am!" i boast. He just rolls his eyes. He then looks around, and lets go of my hand. I look down at him and he is looking at the ground, like he's about to cry. Poor harry, i just wish he could see that no one here is a homophobe. They could care less about any one but themselves, but there are no bullys at our school. Thats proabably the only reason why i havent gotten bashed up. "well, you comming or what?!" i ask smiling trying to lighten the mood. He smiles and we walk in togeather. Not holding hands but still, harry is by my side and thats all that matters. We get to the table and evryone is already here. Liam is sitting next to niall, then perrie is sitting on zayn lap, leaving a big enough space for me and harry. We take a seat and they all stop talking. "uh, hey guys" harry speaks nervously. Still none of them talk, whats going on? "What we talking about?" i ask sitting between harry, and zayn and perrie. "well not much really, just talking" Liam spoke up with a blank face. "Uh, ok then?" I kind of ask more then reply, not really believing him, but no one seemed to notice. Well this is awkward..

(Still flashback) Harry POV-

Well this is totally awkward! Everyone was talking, then when louis and I walked up to the table they suddenly all stopped talking. So I'm guessing they were talking about us? Maybe something to do with one of us. Whatever it was, it just added onto my nerves. Maybe they would all judge me. laugh at me. be ashamed to be associated with me.. But I had to do this. If I couldn't even come out to my friends, then how was I going to come out to the school?! I needed to do this, not only for me, but for louis. If louis didn't think I was brave enough, he might think I don't like him. Which is COMPLETELY not true, quite the opposite actually. I like him a lot. I took a deep breath. This was it, I have to do this while I have the courage, and before the bell rings! "Guys, I have something to say..." I spoke nervously looking at them all, who looked confused. Then my eyes stops and rested on louis. He gave me an encouraging smile, that really helped! "Louis and I are in a relationship." I said closing my eyes not wanting to know what came next. But after a few minutes of silence I had to open my eyes, I thought they had run away or something. But they were just sitting there, mouths wide open. I went pale as a ghost. Why hadn't they said anything yet? I looked at louis, and he looked just as nervous as me, then all of a sudden. "OH MY GOD, REALLY? THAT IS SOO ADORABLE!! YOU TWO ARE GORGEOUS TOGETHER! IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU BOTH! OH MY GOD, I CANT BELIEVE THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING!!" Perrie sounding like she's fan-girling. Louis just starts laughing, and i blush. Of-freakin'-course.. "congratulations, this is great news!" Liam smiled. "harry's blushing!" Niall winked at me, man i was kill that irish kid! "so, who maned up and finally saw that you two are madly in love, which we've all known since you two became buddies, and asked the other one out?" Zayn smiled smugly. What? they all knew that i liked louis? wait. Louis liked me back? omgomgomgomg. i think im hyperventilating. This news just made my day! "i- uh, i did.." louis barley spoke, scratching the back of his neck. He must of been nervous. That just made me blush again. Omg harry, your starting to lose your cool... Get your shit together man! I mentally face palm (slap my own for-head) myself. "Louis, my man. Atta-boy!" Zayn lent over me and Perrie, and scuffed up louis hair. "okay, okay" louis laughed pulling zayn's hand off his brown feathery hair. Zayn laughed, and i giggled. "Oh you think thats funny harry?" louis asked, his voice full of sass and attitude. "yeah, a little" I smirked. Louis smirked back and started tickling me. I immediately reacted and bursted out laughing. "L-louis s-st-sto-p, -p-plea-s-se" i only just managed to get out between laughter. "hmm, i dont know" he smirked continuing to tickle me. Still laughing uncontrollably, i then fell backwards off the chair, louis falling along with me, his hands attached to my hips. When i landed on my back, my feet were in the ground, my legs bent. Making my knees stand up. As i hit the ground. i felt pain in my knee, I looked next to me me to see louis. On the ground, his hands detached from my hips now cupping his groin. Oh shit, he must have landed in my knee. My eyes widened. All you could hear was a bunch off "ooo's" from Niall, Zayn and Liam cooing in sync, and louis rolling around on the ground, moaning in pain. "are you okay mate?" Liam asked running over to louis's side. "is this an appropriate time to say 'karma's a bitch'?" I hear Niall ask Zayn, causing Zayn to burst out laughing. I gave niall a death stare, now im really gonna kick niall's ass! And Perrie nudged Zayn in the ribs, Causing him to shut up. "Zayn come help me carry louis to sick bay" Liam called out to zayn trying to help louis up as the bell rung. 

Zayn and Liam are on either side of louis, With one of his arms over their shoulders holding him up as he limps to the office, and i just follow along behind them. Of course i feel terrible. Even thought Liam assured me it was louis's fault, i cant help but feel terrible for causing the pain my boyfriend is going through. They get to the doors that are both shut, so i quickly bolt around them and open the doors. "Thanks harry" Liam smiles and they continue to the sick bay. "Well liam and i have to get back to our buddies but you should stay here with louis" zayn winks at me, and i look over at louis who has his eyes squeeze tight, his face scrunched up, still holding his man bits. "Of course" i walk over to louis, dragging a chair over to the pool chair he was lying on. "How are you?" i ask trying to look at his face but he is still hunched over. He cant even talk he just groaned, 'auhhh'. Oh god, he is so sore he cant even talk, what have i done? "Okay whats wrong with this one?" the nurse walks in pointing at louis. "um, he fell and uh, he's hurt his balls..." i quack out nervous, louis is still holding his crotch and he just  groans, not even moving from being hunched over in the chair with his face still scrunched and eyes closed. "ah, i see. i'll be right back" with that she walks out of the room. I just gently rub louis's shoulder, trying to comfort him. He then sits up and looks at me, his eyes watery and a little red. Jesus christ, how hard did this boy fall? Well it was pretty hard considering he even hurt my knee, which still hurts but i'll live. We just stare at each other for a few minutes untill the nurse walked back in, "okay, here is an ice pack-" she hands the ice pack to louis "and here is some medicine for the pain" she gives the cup to louis and the two pills. "I'll let you two sit in here for a while, just let someone know when you're going to leave." she smiles and leaves. Louis swollows the tablets and slurps the water, Sighing as he puts the ice pack to his groin. You can just see the relief in his face. I just sit next to him awkwardly. I decide to have a look at my knee. I life up my pants  and my knee is bruised. Shit, i can only imagine how much pain louis is in, he fell on my knee pretty hard. "Oh my god, harry are you okay?!" louis speaks his voice full of worry. "Yeah im fine! And your talking again? That medicine works fast!" i say smiling at him, pulling my pants leg back down." louis took the ice pack off his crotch and put it on my knee. "eww, penis germs" i joke scrunching my face. "I know you like it!" louis winked at me. "you know it!" i winked back at him. He had a smug look on her face, "what?" i ask being curious. "You like penis germs aye?" he asked accusingly. "i, um, i don- i guess so.. But i was only joking. Sorry, does that make you uncomfortable? i- i- should just leave" i went to get up, but i was pulled back down by louis grabbing my arm, spinning me around an causing me to fall on his lap. Louis groaned a little, then grabbed my cheeks in his in his hands and kissed me. Not a short kiss, a long passionate kiss, that quickly turned into snogging. Louis hands were resting on my lower back, and my hands around his neck. Louis's hands slowly creepy down till they were on my butt. I was shocked but we were still kissing. Our tongues  twisting around, rubbing against each other. He then squeezed my ass with both hands, i couldn't help but let out a moan. "mm, do it again.." Louis spoke against my lips, squeezing my bum once more, moving his mouth to my neck, sucking on my sweet spot. "uh, Louis" i moan arching my back. Louis groaned again, but this time out of pleasure. When we heard foot steps, i quickly jumped off Louis lap. Only to see he had a little erection starting to grow in his pants. I grinned looking back up at him. "well what do you expect, with your sexy little ass, and your moaning turning me on?!" he said winking, slapping my ass walking out of the door. It took me by surprised, i was kinda of still for a few seconds, then i snapped back into reality walking out of the door. Louis was leaning against the wall out side the office, it seamed like he was feeling better. God he looked sexy, leaning up again. "hey" he said getting off the wall and looking around, then gabbed my bum again and started kissing me. Of course i kissed back, just as he stuck his tongue in my mouth the bell rang. The students came flooding out of the classrooms, heading to the next lesson. "we'll continue this later!" Louis whispered in my ear, sending chills up my spin. Then he stated walking away, "you coming tiny butt?" he giggled. I rolled my eyes and caught up with him, walking to our next lesson..

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