Chapter 7 ~part 1
Louis POV-
Life with Harry is heaven! Pure bliss. I love every moment I get the honer of spending a single second with him. I guess you could say I'm falling hard, For this charming young lad.i hope he feels the same way. It's been about two weeks since our little 'gay test' event. And he admitted to me that he was gay. And I made the big decision to come out. To everyone! Yeah, of course it was hard. And I'm sure it won't get better for a while, but it'll be worth it. I'm hoping there's not to many homophobic's in the school. Cause everyone knows now, in this school word travels like wildfire! Your lucky to keep a secret two days max. But I'm quite surprised to how my mum reacted, she didn't mind at all. She was very accepting and said she just wants me to be happy. It was weird, but at least she's not one of those parents who would disown their kid. Which I'm praying to god is not the case for Harry. If his parents disown him, he'll probably stay with us. I'm not sure on when he's planning to tell his parents, but I can wait, because Harry is worth waiting for. He's my world, no. He's my universe! Maybe I'm falling too fast, and hell yeah, it's scaring me, but hey, who ever said love was easy right?.
I sit in the library for a free period, in Harry's class of course. But he had to help the librarian with something. So I'm left alone, sitting on the ground in between fiction and picture books. Letting my thoughts and day dreams float around in my mind like those jellyfish in Finding Nemo, where marlin and dory bounce on them? Oh well that's not the point. I'm thinking about the abandoned oval that I took Harry to a few days ago, we played a bit of football (some call it soccer, depends where your from) and there was this moment where Harry tripped on his own shoelace. And I caught him, but we both went down together, Harry falling on top of me. There was a brief moment where we stared into each others eyes, but were interrupted from Harry turning red and pulling away. I'm remembering that feeling I got in the pit of my stomach, instant fireworks. And that's just form looking in his eyes, what am I going to do when things get serious, IF they get serious, which I hope they do! But the feelings I get when I'm around Harry make me feel like I'm flying. I'm just sitting on top of the clouds, floating. Just amazing he is. And just then I see this vivid image of Harry, I'm still on the clouds. But I see his head, slowly come forward from the fog-like-effect. And then his hand reaches out, then stops, hovering over mine. "Aren't you getting up?" He speaks, his voice tone nit really matching his facial expression right now, "louis? Hellooo, earth to Lewis?!" He waves his hand in front of my face and I realise that it's really him this time. "Don't call me that Harold!" I yap back, he knows I hate it when people call me that, so he purposely does it to piss me off. "Aww, is Lou-Lou mad?!" Harry coos pouting his bottom lip and and making the most adorable puppy face whilst batting his eyelashes. "Nah, how can I stay mad at this adorable face!" I reply grabbing his cheeks between my pointer and thumb. H squirms his way out of my grip and rubs his cheeks, attempting to give me I death stare, but failing. The bell rings and his face lights up like the sun. It's last period, and Harry is coming over to my house for a while. As much as I'd love it to be over night, I don't think we're ready for that just yet.
Harry POV-
The bell rings and I realise its time to go to Louis's house for a while. 'Yes' I mentally cheer. Id love to stay overnight, but that might not be the best idea, plus that would mean meeting his mum, and the thought makes me nervous. I'm sure she's lovely, but I've never done this stuff like meeting the parents before, and I want her to love me! As I'm brainstorming, we arrive at the bus lines. We walk over to Zayn and Perrie, who have now been going out for a week now, and they're quite adorable together, and that's what I want with louis! "Hey guys" I say shyly breaking the awkward silence. "Hey buddy!" Zayn says pouncing towards me, and roughing his fingers through my hair. I try to flatten it down with the palms of my hands. "Leave it. You look sexy!" Louis smirks re-roughing my hair. And I can't help but blush at his words, 'omg he thinks I look sexy' I think to myself. "Naww, you too are adorable!" Perrie coos. Niall, Liam, Zayn and Perrie all know that I'm gay, but they're the only ones who know, and I trust the all to keep it a secret. "Thanks Perrie, you and Zayn aren't so bad yourselves!" Louis reply's smiling at Perrie, then Zayn who winks then wraps his arm around Perrie's waist then plants a small sweet kiss on her cheek. Then louis smiles down at me, and I smile back up to him. "Students for bus 2" some pone on the speaker system yells out, ruining the moment! "Bye guys" I farewell but walk slowly to hear the other still talking. " bye Perrie, see ya Zayn!" Louis gives Zayn one of those 'man hugs. "Have fun mate!" Zayn winks at louis. "Oh I will" louis smirks back, and starts to walk off. "But not too much fun, he's only thirteen!" Perrie yells, but no one seems to hear, it's like a jungle out here. "Can't make any promises" louis jokes, I think.....
Louis POV-
I walk on to the bus and see my Harry... I mean Harry, doing that cute thing that I used to do when I was in primary school. He had his arm stretched out beside him, to save the spot next to him. Then I walk up and he removes his hand. I take the seat and the bus drives off. The trip is pretty quiet, harry is quiet and seems nervous. Oh well, I don't expect him to be overly confident, i can't imagine he's been to older people's houses often. But I'm not that old, and we're pretty close now. Maybe I make him nervous? That wouldn't be such a bad thing, but I wan him to feel comfortable around me. Oh well, I'll just give it some time. Finally the bus pulls up to our stop and Harry and I get off. I watch the bus turn around the corner out of sight, and I grab Harry's hand in mine, and intertwine our fingers. We're not going out yet, but I'm planning on asking him soon, when I feel we're both ready. Harry looks at me and smiles showing teeth along with those beautiful dimples. We pass the creepy ally-way that we have to go through to get to the park, and it takes me back to the few memories that we have at the park, but I'm determined to make those 'few' into 'a lot'. Then we turn the corner into mine and Harry's street. The funny thing is our houses are literally right across from each other, at the start of the street. So we pretty much turn the corner, and there are both of our houses. We cross the street and I let go of Harry's hand to get my keys out of my backpack. And I glance at Harry out of the corner of my eye, and I see slight disappointment, I'm assuming that its because I let go of his hand? No, probably not. I probably don't have that much effect on his emotions....
Harry POV-
Damn, louis let go of my hand. Is it to sweaty? I look down at my hands and they're not sweaty. What did I do wrong!? Then he pulls his keys out of his backpack. Phew, I thought I did something wrong. When he opens the door we both walk in. The house is beautiful. Not huge, but not small either, it's just right. It feels like a home, a loving home. Louis walks into what looks like the kitchen, so I follow. Yep, it's the kitchen. "I like your house!" I speak up for the first time since entering the house. "Thanks, it keeps us all safe and stuff." I look at louis confused, who then looks like he's mentally slapping himself, i want to laugh, but i hold it in. "Ugh, do you want something to eat?" He asks awkwardly scratching the back of his neck, I've noticed he does that when things get awkward. "Um not thanks. I'm fine" I reply. He then opens the fridge and bends down searching for food. And god dammit that ass, it looks amazing in those pants, so i lean forward on my elbows to get a better look. He has an ass any girl would die for! Just then he spin around "nothing.." He says. And I quickly fall back on the chair, which almost falls backwards. Louis smirks "enjoying the view?" he grins. And i think i might be as red as a tomato. "I..uhh, i-I'm sorry i just-" then i was cut off by louis, "its all good harry, dont be nervous... but I think we should take this up stairs!" he smirks and walks around the island bench over to the bar stools where i sit. He approaches me and stops right in front of my face. I get butterflies, then he takes my hand and drags me up the stair and opens a door that i assume leads to his bedroom. He sits on his bed and pats the spot next to him, gesturing for me to sit next to him. His room has plain white walls, a double bed in the center leaning on the wall, a door on the wall in front of the bed that leads to the on-suit, then a wall with sliding mirror doors that is his wardrobe. "Nice.." is all i manage to say sitting next to louis, still not looking at him, but around the room to avoid him seeing how red i still am for him catching me perving on him. "Thanks, i quite like it myself!" he says looking around his room, then bringing his attention back to me. I look at him for a split second, then instantly look away, feeling myself blush even more, if that's even possible! "Harry look at me, you dont need to be embarrassed for looking at my ass." he speaks, i turn my head to look at him and he continues. "i mean i've checked out yours..... more then i care to admitt" he mumbles the last part, but i still catch it. "really?!" i smile wide, "your to cute for your own good mister styles!" he smiles in return. He then leans down and grabs my shin's and lifts then up on to the bed. Then he grabs my thighs and pulls me towards him. So I'm now sitting on his lap, my long-ish leg's wrapped around him like a koala bear. "so, so cute.." he whispers, then cups my face with both his hands. And leans in and attaches our lips. I'm shocked at first but of course i kiss back. Then i foarceably shove my tongue down his throat, well into his mouth, but you get my drift. We snog like this for about five minutes, when we are stopped not only for lack of air. But the sound of someone clearing their throat, someone else is in the room. Louis and I both look towards the door. And there is a lady standing in the door frame with her arms folded over her chest. She kinda looks like louis, so they must be related right? I look over at louis who is in pure shock. We are still in the same position, me in louis lap with my legs wrapped around his waist, his hands intertwined on the back of my neck, louis leaning on the headboard of his bed. "shit.." louis mumbles. oh no, well this cant be good.....
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