chapter 6


harrys POV-

i sit in my bed, gently scrap my bottom lip with the pad of my thumb. 'I think im in love' i recite in my head. i cant believe what just happened. He actually likes me! i grin. If this is a dream, i don't ever want to wake up!

*flash back, a few hours earlier*

"i wanna show you something" said louis, a grin starting to grow across his face. So i follow him as requested. He not even a minute ago just asked me if i was gay. Im a being that obvious? i really want him to like me, not only like me, but lets just start off with liking. We walk down an ally-way just off the street we were just walking on, and to an oval, its small, and is barricaded with trees. It has a park, a fountain and a cubby house. "This place looks beautiful!" i gasp, its almost as beautiful as the willow. The willow is the name me and niall came up with for the table behind the school surrounded by willow trees. "yeah it is, i used to come here as a child, before the council barricaded it off with the trees and everyone just forgot. But not me, i love this place!" louis grinned, he was circling on the spot, taking it all in. And i just cant stop staring at him, he's just so attractive, and smart and witty, and funny, and just amazing! Then he walks over to the play ground, so i follow. He sits on the swing set, and stares at me. "So harry, tell me a it about yourself!" he questions me. I then get butterflies. I look him right in those gorgeous eyes, "like what?" i ask, rather smoothly, louis bites his bottom lip, quite seductively might i add,and takes in a deep breath. "like how did you figure out you were bi?" he asks. I make my way to the wooden cubby house, its big enough for an average size adult to stand in, and probably for louis to jump in! i walk inside and there is a two seater lounge, that looks in pretty good condition and a rug on the floor. I sit in the lounge and louis walks through the door and locks it behind him. Usually one would feel scared in this situation, but actually, i feel safe! "well, funny story really,i thought i was gay, but don't have enough 'experience' to know yet, apparently im to young to experiment. so i just declared myself bi for now..." throughout that whole sentence i was looking at the ground, afraid to look at louis who was sitting right next to me. Then i look up and he's already looking at me, "harry, theres nothing to be ashamed of with being gay! well at least not around me, and my friends. Liam, he's gay, and zayn, he's bi! And well me, i haven't quite figured that out yet.." he admits. I look up at the older lad and look right in his eyes, "is that so?" i ask. "yeah," he moves an inch closer, causing me to get butterflies, "and what do you mean to young to experiment, i was around your age when i started to experiment!" he smirked and winked at me. I could feel the heat rush to my cheeks, i was blushing, badly! "i can help you out if you ever need it!, with anything.... dont be shy!" he noted, then got up and just as hid hand was about to unlock the door, i stopped him. "wait! i think i wanna try something, you know, to help me with my sexuality.." i look at him, and he takes his hand off the handle and turned around, "sure thing," he said with a smile "ever herd of the gay test?" he asked with a trusting smile. "no.." i answered honestly, "okay just relax, this is what helped zayn and liam with the sexuality's, just trust me okay?!" i nod and he returns to the lounge. He looks into my eyes and then takes my chin between his thumb and pointer. 'holy shit, is he going to kiss me?!' i think, feeling butterflies.. He leans in and places his lips on mine. 'OH MY GOD THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING!!' I say in my head. He places his hand on the back of my neck, deepening the kiss, i lick his lip and he opens his mouth, the taste of his mouth is amazing. Its everything good in this world, i never want this moment to end! He puts his other hand lightly on my knee, then slowly makes his way up my thigh. While our tongues were twisted up, dancing around, i can feel my pants tighten. Louis then gets to my crotch area, and he traces his finger gently over the bump in my pants, this sends shivers up my spine. Just then he pulls his tongue away from mine, then places a peck on my lips. i open my eyes to see a smiling louis. "well congrats, your gay!" he winks. "how would you know?" i ask nervously still trying to make myself believe that wasn't a dream. "well you passed the test! Firstly, you didn't push me away. And secondly, you went hard.." he then glances down at the obvious bulge in my pants, well this is awkward! I start to blush, and look away... I hear louis giggle, "so, what did you think?" he asked biting his bottom lip seductively. "uhh, your a great kisser!" i admit, he laughs "yeah?" he smiles shyly. "yeah!" i repeat. He moves a bit closer again, "And what do you think, are you okay with being gay?" he questioned, "yeah i guess so, but im not sure if i want to come out just yet!" i admit. "well if it makes you feel any better, i think im gay too!" he reassured, and we both look at the slight bump in his pants as well. 'Omg, i gave louis a boner, not as big as mine, but still, doesn't that count for something?' i think. Louis looks back up at me, and it takes me a few seconds to detach my eyes for louis's erection. I look at him, and he's grinning at me. "well i think we should sit in here for a few minutes to let our 'little problems' disappear!" louis suggested. i nod my head and look around the room awkwardly. "sorry if that was to much to soon, i just wanted to help.." louis says out of no where. So i reply honestly, "no. don't be, i really liked it!" i say smiling up at him. He too smiles, "good, im glad you did!" he replies, laying his hand on top of mine.

louis's POV-

its the next day at school, and im arriving earlier then usual. I speed walk over to our table to see liam, zayn and their buddies talking. i interrupt zayn and josh. "hey zayn... can we, talk?" i ask shuffling my feet on the grass, and look up at them all, only to get a grin from niall, who i assume knows about yesterday's events from harry. "ah, yeah sure buddy" zayn looked at me confused. we walk over to a tree not to far away from our table, but far enough so the others can't hear us. "whats up mate?' he asks looking genuinely worried. "harry and i catch the same afternoon bus.." a say to the ground, i then look up at zayn who is just standing there knowing there is more, so there fore not saying anything, but rather waiting for me to continue, "and ah, he gets off at my stop, so i showed him the 'cuuby' and we did the gay test.." i finish. Zayn looks at me, his eyes widen. "Woah, for real?!. Who was it for, how was it, and how did he feel about it?" he demands. "okay, it was for him, cause he is, well was confused. He is an amazing kisser, practically a natural! and he is definitely gay!" I finish with a smile, just thinking of what happened yesterday! "So, his reaction was good, what about yours?" zayn asks, the smile starting to appear on his face. "I uh, i also tested positive.." i admit, "well, what are you going to do now? You definitely have feelings for harry, and it looks as though he feels the same way!" he giggles. "Well hes not ready to come out yet!" i say "What if you have one of those 'secret relationships'? You know, hiding you hand holding under the tables, Having a make-out sesh in a cleaners closet. I mean im sure Liam, niall and i would be happy to cover for you both!" zayn winks his smirk now a smile. "Shut up zayn! we'll see!" i say making my way back towards the table. And by now harry is there talking with the other three. As zayn and i arrive, liam looks up at us, mornin' lads!" he greets cheerfully. "Morning boys, harry.." zayn smirks. "hey guys" i smile, they all say hello then i focus on harry, who looks at me, smiles an adorable smile, then goes back to talking. This causes me to blush, so i look down at my feet, hoping no one notices. The bell rings. I pick up my bag, and harry is standing in front of me, "you ready?" he asked, looking excited. "yeah" i smile back at him. This boy will be the death of me!....

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