chapter 2

louis's POV-  

It was the next day, i was running late. "hurry up lou, we dont wont to get you in trouble, again!" my mum says emphasizeing the word again. "okay, okay, im comming" i reply draging my feet and getting in the car, im so tired, i had a dream last night, as much as i hate to admit, it was a wet dream. Who about? Well it should of been about my girlfriend, but no.It was about this new harry kid. Why would this happen to a straight guy? Unless... no, that cant be. Im defintly straight. I woke up in the middle of the night and realised what happened, and couldnt bring myself to fall back asleep. So i changed my sheet so hopefully no one will notice, and pulled out my laptop. I looked up 'wet dreams' and it said, 'a wet dream is somthing that can be embarassing, but completely normal. A wet dream is when semen (the fluid containing sperm) is discharged from the penis during ejaculation while a guys asleep. Usually this happens during dreams that have sexual images, sometimes a guy wakes up from it, sometimes they sleep through it.' shit. i do recall seeing a few sexual images last night... whats wrong with me? "have a nice day honey, you'll have to catch the bus home, im working late tonight" said mum "okay mum, bye" i grumble, feeling really odd, trying to figure out what happened last night, and more importantly... why?

harrys POV-

as i walk into school, i dont really want to be here. Yeah, its a great school and all so far, and all my friends, but all this attention from the girls is not the best thing in the world. 

*flash back, yesterday lunch* "sorry girls, harry an i need to talk about some stuff... ALONE!" says niall, he himself starting to grow irratated. The girl pouts her bottom lip, but walks away. "thanks man" i say to niall with an apologetic smile, "no problem mate, but seriously, you have to learn to say no to these girls, or they'll never leave us alone!" he replys with a smirk. "yeah man, i know, its just i dont want to hurt their feelings" i look over to my left, trying to avoid nialls stare i know he's giving me. Then i see the table next to us, theres two boys talking, a boy and i girl, then there was another boy, sitting by himeself at the table, just staring into space. Hes actually not that bad looking, not at all, actually hes rather 'hot'. He has an amazing bone structure, and the most gorgeous eyes ive ever seen, their the most beautiful shade of cobalt blue. I wonder why he wouldnt be socialising with the rest of the people at that table. And before i knew it, niall was sitting right at my side, his head next to mine "so who we staring at?!" i snap my head to niall right next to me, our faces olny a few inches apart. "what the hell niall, dont scare me like that!" i say begining to blush, "oh, so your avoiding my question now?!" he says smirking, knowing that hes making me nervous. I just ignore his question, not knowing how to reply. "um, so.... do you want to talk about what you mentioned yesterday, before school?" My eyes shoot open, "shh, keep you voice down, not here!" i whisper, worried someone might hear. I look back over to the table, and the strange boy was now talking to the girl, she stands up, bends down and kisses him, then walkes away. 'oh.. he's got a girlfriend' i think to myself, feeling slightly dissapointed.... I then look ack at niall "sure" i reply "lets go somewhere more private."

As we arrive to the back of the school, i spot this area, its like a big circle of willow trees, their branches dangling on the ground. I walk towards the trees, and walk through one of the leaf curtain-like figures, and their is a picnic table, right in the center of these trees, and right now in this moment i can see that i will be haning out here alot. "woah.." i herd niall breath out, showing that he too was impressed by some of mother natures best work. "I wonder why no one has seen this place, its so beautiful" is all i can get out. "so...." niall says making his way to the table and sitting down. "lets talk." i also make my way over to the table and take a seat across from the irish boy. "uhh..." i reply nervously, "what do you think, could you actually be, you know..... gay?" niall spoke nervously, searching my face. "im not sure niall, thats why im so confussed, i mean, a straight guy, would love this attention, but im not sure i do!" i say looking up at niall straight in the eyes. "well you know, you could do what i did, we're to young to 'experiment' right? So just say your bi, then when you feel like 'experimenting' you'll know, thats what im doing!" he suggested with a proud smile spreding on his face. It took me a few seconds to think, "yeah" i reply "i'll do it!" before niall could respond the bell rung, and it was time for 5th period.

louis's POV-

i walk through the school gates and i see zayn, he's over by the tables, but not at our table. At the table next to ours. I stride over to our table and put my bag down. Zayn turns around and walks over to me. "hey man, you look like shit. What happened last night?!" he says, a look of concern all over his face. "Gee thanks, and i just had a bad dream thats all.." i lied itching the back of my neck awkwardly, cocking my head to the right to see the table where harry and the blond one usually sit, but this morning there were a lot more year 7 kids sitting there, and the first person i see is no other then harry (last-name-still-unknown), i look back at zayn, whos staring at me like we're still in deep conversation. "what?" i moaned "are you sure your ok?" he nagged, "yes im fine, hey wait, what were you doing over by the new-be's?" i ask curiously haveing a brows at the top of their heads. Harry looks a bit out of it today, come to think of it, he's looked this way since him and the blond one mysteriously disappeared yesterday... "oh i was getting to know some of the lads over their.. since you know, it's year nines turn to do the buddie work with the year sevens..." he interupted. "what?! since when?!" i questioned, not knowing whether to be excited, or scared. "um since early announcements this morining, that you missed out on!" he indicated. "oh" is all i can manage to get out....

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