Chapter 14

Harry's POV-

The school bell rang and we said our good byes to Liam and Zayn, and got on the bus. "Okay so my mum gets back at 5:00 ish, so that gives you an hour and a half with Niall, then dinner with your parents yeah?" Louis asked twiddling his thumbs, which meant he was nervous. "Yeah babe, are you okay?" I ask placing my hand over his to stop his thumb twiddling, maybe that will calm him down. "Yeah fine. Just a bit nervous is all" he looked at me, and I could tell he really was nervous. "Don't be Lou. I know they'll love you as much as I do, just be yourself!" I smile. "And what if they don't Harry? I can't handle loosing you!" He looked a bit sad, s king down in his seat. "Trust me you won't. I'd rather run away from home then loose you!" He looked up at me and smiled. "Really? You'd do that for me?" He asked, I glimmer of hope reappearing in his eyes. "I'd do anything for you!" I sink down next to him and he pulls the back of my neck and our lips connect. A few moments later, someone taps my shoulder. I turn around to see one of those boys I saw at Louis's table the very first day I payed eyes on him. Wow, it seems like ages ago, but it was only a month or so. "Hey, sorry to interrupt but isn't this your stop?" He asked, I look up and it was Louis's and my stop. "Shit, thanks man!" I thank the strange boy then stand up with my bag, "Lou, it's our stop!" I get all panicked louis quickly gets up and we run to the front just before the bus doors close.

"Oh god did you see his face!? I think we upset the bus driver!" I laugh. "I think so too!" Louis smirked not looking bothered by it. We reach 'our corner' we refer to it as, 'it' being the corner in front my house. We end up snogging for about 3 minutes, then I eventually speak. "As much I'm enjoying this, I have o go see Niall before I have to get ready" "yeah, I have to go look after my sisters, see you soon!" Louis smiled and started walking towards his house.

"Hey Greg, is Niall home?" I ask Niall's older brother who opened the door. "Yeah he's in his room, you can just go up" he opens the door and gestures upstairs. "Thanks" I smile walking past him, I knock on Niall's door and wait, "come in" he yells with a mouth full of food. "Of course your eating!" I chuckle walking in the room and closing the door behind me. "Oh, hey Harry. I thought you were Greg" Niall smiled gesturing for me to sit on the bed next to him. We sit there in silence for a few seconds then, "can I help you with anything?" Niall looks confused. "Oh, no actually, I came to talk" I look at his face, only to see his confusion grow. "Uh, what about?" He gulped looking nervous. "Well I've been so caught up in my own love life, that I'm not around to support yours!" I admit. "Oh.. Well I don't mind, it's good to see you so happy. How are you two any way?" "Don't change the subject Niall!" I look at him, god I sounded like my mother! He just looked at me defeated. "Well, what did you want to know?" He sighed. "I know it's really out there, but which gender are attracted to?" I look deep in his ocean blue eyes for the answer. "Whoa, don't hold back Harry!" He chuckles nervously. I gave him a look, to tell him to stop changing the subject, he once again sighed p, knowing that doesn't work with me. "Well, I think I'm gay. I mean, I have felt attracted to any girls yet. But there has been this guy-" I cut him off mid sentence, "yeah Liam, we all know." He just looked like he'd seen a ghost. "How does everyone know?" He looked scared. "Calm down Niall, we can just see it in the way you two are around each other. And if it wasn't already obvious, Liam likes you back" I state the obvious, and Niall's face lit up. "Does he really?!" He got all excited. "Well duh! Even a blind person could see you two are into each other!" I laugh. Niall lays down on his back, looking up at the ceiling like he's in love. I just laugh, and Niall realises he's not alone. So he sits back up again, "done anything interesting lately?" He asked, causing me to blush, thinking of this morning events. "Uh, I g-guess you could you say that.." I trail off avoiding eye contact. "It can't be that bad can it? Hold on let me guess..." He looks up as if he's thinking. "Does it involve louis?" I nodded. "Hmm did you-" suddenly his face froze "DID YOU HAVE SEX?!" His eyes practically bulge out his head. "God no Niall!.... But uh, kinda close..." I looked over and see the realisation hit him "oh, um so. Who was the one who got the pleasure?" He smirked "NIALL!" I playfully punch his arm, blushing. "Well who?!" He started getting pushing. "Me" I mumbled, getting embarrassed. "It's our our one month anniversary today" I try to change the subject. "Oh wow, congrats. I didn't even realise it has been that long!" Niall looked shocked. " I know right! Anyway, he's having dinner at my parents tonight, he was so nervous today, and now I'm getting nervous!" I admit. "When is this?" Niall asked looking at the clock on his wall. I look up at the clock, and think maybe. Should get going. "I better get going" I get off Niall's bed "wait before you go... How does it feel?" He asked shyly, and I knew exactly what he was talking about. I was going to hesitate, but then he'd never let me leave. "Weird at first, but really good!" I wink at him. "Bye Niall" I smile, "bye slut" he replied. I turn around and pretend to look shocked. Leaving a laughing Niall.

I get back home and my parents are already dressed up and setting up the table. "Harry, your home!" My mum smiles and kisses my four head. "You better go have a shower" she went back to setting the table. "Okay mum" I walked up stairs and did as I was told.

When I was done I went down stairs and realised louis should be getting here any minute. I was really getting nervous now. I walk out to the back deck where my Robin was on the barbecue, and mum was sitting at the outdoor table talking to him. "Okay guys, don't embarrass me!" I whine getting their attention. "Don't worry baby, we won't. We just want to get to know the boy that our little Harry-warry's taken such a big interest in!" My mum smiled. "Please don't call me that mum!" I whine again. Then there was a knock at the door. "I got it!" I run as fast as my feet will take me and as a result a head-but the door. I take a step back and then open it, still holding my head. "Was that your head?!" Louis looked shocked. "Yep!..." I mumble. "Aww poor baby!" He kisses my forehead. "Okay before we go in, anything remotely embarrassing, is not true! Just ignore it" louis just laughs and pulls me into a hug. "You. Are. Adorable!" He chuckles. "Well lets go in then" I open the door wider so he can come in. We walk out to the deck where my parents have not moved. When mum sees louis and I she immediately stands up. "You must be louis, I'm Anne, Harry's mum!" She smiled giving him a hug. "Harry's told us so much about you!" She smiles letting him go. "Harry's told me so much about you too!" Louis smiled. "Hello louis. I'm Robin, Harry's step father." Robin puts on an intimidating voice and shakes Louis's hand. I can see louis is nervous, " nice to meet you sir" he gulps. "C'mon Robin, leave the poor boy alone!" Mum walks over and rubs robins shoulders. I can see they're trying to intimates louis, they usually do that to my friends, they say its 'to see what kind of a person they are'. What the hell does scaring the death out of my friends have to do with seeng what kind of a person they are?! "So. Shall we go inside?" Mum walks a head of us while Robin stays looking after the barbecue. I look over at louis who looks petrified. "Don't worry babe, your doing great!" I gently squeeze his hand. He lets out a puff of air as we walk into the kitchen and sit next to each other across from mum. Their's pasta, salad and bread rolls set out out. "So louis, how old are you?" She asked. "15 in December mrs cox" louis smiled shyly. I made sure to tell him not to call her mrs styles, I don't know how she'd react to that. "Oh please call me Anne!" We smiled. We'll this is all getting pretty cliché. But at least in the cliché dinners, the parents always approve. Which I'm sure they will. They seem to like louis. Well at least mum does. Mum asked louis a few more basic questions then Robin walked in with the sausages. We ate in silence for a while until Robin was asking all the questions now. When we finished dessert, louis had to go home. M parents said their good byes and I walked him out to the front door. And close it behind us. I suddenly pounced on him and he immediately reacted. By pulled away. "So how do you think it went?" He asked. "They love you! I can't tell" I smile at him, showing him my dimples, cause I know he loves that. "Great!" He smiled back, showing off that gorgeous smile. How did. I get do lucky? "Well I'll see you tomorrow" he pecked my lips and began to walk off.

I walk bam inside and help mum wash the dishes. "So, what do you think. Do you like him?" I asked on edge, if she says no, I might just die on the spot. Yeah I told louis I knew they loved him, but truth be told, I didn't have a clue. I just didn't want him to be on edge all night, and not get any sleep. "Yes, he seems like a lovely boy!" She smiled. "Thank you mum!" I smiled and embraced her in a tight hug. "But what about Robin?" I asked looking around for him. "He did to Harry, don't worry. Now off to bed" she nudged me towards the stair case.

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