chapter 11

louis POV-

I get to school in the morning to see zayn and harry talking. Even his back is attractive. Im still mad him for walking out on me yesterday. He just left me hanging. I know he had to leave, and mum was calling me for dinner but oh well. Im not actually mad at him but im just going to play around with him a little. I walk up to our table and slither my arms around harrys waist. "hey babe" i whisper and he turns around. I walk away and put my bag down. Then walk back to zayn and harry. "hey lou" zayn smiles "hey zayn" i reply. "well harry and i were just saying, dont you think niall and liam like eachother?" zayn lowers his voice and we all look over at niall and liam who are talking and laughing together. I have noticed they've gotten really close. "well they'd definatly be cute!" i speak the truth. Cause in my oppinion they would be cute! "are you avoiding me?" i look at harry who looks sad. "not really, but im still upset with you!" i cross my arms, of course its not a big deal, but i love teasing harry. "Im sorry! i had to go, plus i said i would make up for it!" He hugged me and i couldnt help but hug back. "your so cute!" i sqeeze him tighter "you love it!" he winked as i let him go. "oh yeah i do" i wanna kiss him but we're in public so thats a no. "not meaning to be the cock block here but since perries here im foarced to sit with you guys so please. Lay low with the lovey dovey stuff?" zayn was awkwardly standing there. "sorry" harry blushed, so i ruffle up his hair. Then he frowns at me, so i fix it up again. Suddenly the bell rings and i walk with harry to class. We are in drama. My favourite class! And even better with harry right beside me. "okay class, partners of four. Two year sevens and two year nines-" harry and I immediently walk over to zayn and his buddy josh. "now if you have yur team, today we are going to be doing a draw play!" the draw plays are where theres a box with pieces of paper with a play written on it and then we have to mix it up a little, still using the basic outline of the play. It not to bad actually. Zayn reaches in the box, pulls out the paper and tries to hold in a laugh while reading it. "what is it zayn?" i ask immpatiently. I snatch it out of zayns hand and he just bursts out laughing seeing my facial reaction.

harrys POV-

Louis face was pure horror. "what is it lou?" i ask gettin curious. He looked at me and gulped. "romeo and juliet.." Oh my god. But we are a team of four boys! That cant work! "that cant work, we're all boys!" josh looks worried. Oh if only he knew.. "boys what seems to be the problem?" the teacher comes back noticing zayns laughing fit. "um we got romeo and juliet!" louis shows her the card awkwardly. "well i guess your just going to have to be romeo and james then hey!" She giggled herself. The class we going to laugh at us. This was not fair. "well i put up harry and louis for lead!" zayn puts his arms up in defence. "me too. im not going to do that!" josh whines. "fine.." i stick my tongue out at zayn who repaets my actions. "c'mon guys. better get started" louis waks over to our usual corner and zyan writes a script. Louis and i start rehersing. It was time to do it infront of class. Holy shit. Thank god zayn didnt use all those fancy shakspear words, cause i wasnt to good at that. He did like modern language and terms and crap, so thats not as bad. 

"But romeo, i think i love you. I no we're both boys, but i cant help these feelings that burn inside the pitt of my stomatch. We're ment to be. i can feel it!" louis spoke. He was amazing at this. "james i-, i dont know. What will the people say? I also feel the burning desire to be with you. But what about are parents, they hate each other!" i look sadly at the floor. "romeo-" louis grabbed my chin making me stare into his eyes. "i dont care what they say. If i had you by side, nothing else would matter. Your the only one i see anyway. Romeo, i can feel it, we're ment to be." "oh james. Why must you be so charming?!" i cup his cheek with my hand as scripted. "i love you romeo, more then you will ever know.." "And i love you to james. You brigten up my days. The only thing i think about at night. Your my soulmate. My other half!" Then it scripted we kiss. Louis smiles and kisses my nose, but almost like a real loving kiss. "aww", was all you could hear in the audience, zayn starts clapping then so does everyone else. The bell rings and everyone leaves. "well, you two have serious chemistry!" i turn around to see the teacher. "um thansk?" louis asked uncertain. "no problem!" the teacher winked then walked out leaving louis and I alone. "Your so good you know that?" i look at louis who smiles. He dosent say anything, but insted just kisses me short then pulls away. "Thank you harry. Not to bad yourslef!" I want this all the time. To be able to kiss louis, anywhere any time... I think im ready. My parents know, so what am i waiting for?

louis POV-

I was socialising with zayn and liam. Harry was over with niall. I wonder what they're talking about. Probably just hanging again. Harry and niall havent been together us much anymore because me and harry have. But niall has liam, if he didnt then i would make harry stay with him cause that would be crule to take harry away from niall if he had no one. Harrys back was facing me and i could see niall glance over at me every now and then. I wonder if they're talking about me?

harry POV-

"niall i came out to my parents!" i look him stright in the eye and he smiles so big it makes me smile. "oh my god. Harry that is great. Are you going to come out at school now or what?" He asked really excited. "well i want to but how? That why i came to you for help! im so nervous. but im ready!" i speak shyly. "aww harry. of course i'll help. So we need a way thats not to derastic, but everyone needs to know, and your comfortable with..." he looks over my shoulder at louis. "niall stop looking at him! you'll make it obvious that we're talking about him!" i death stare niall. "sorry bud, cant help it, im trying to get some idears.. What about a simple kiss? Or we stand up in the cafateria and scream it out? Or even video you two making out, and then put it on at assembly?" niall suggests. I feel this rush of confidence and use it while a can, "niall follow me if you wanna see it!" i start walking over to louis who's talking to liam and zayn, i grab his arm and drag him to the cafateria, i can hear niall explaining somthing to liam and zayn then i hear him say "he's gonna come out!" in an excited voice that makes me even more confident. "harry where are we going? are you okay?" louis asked still walking along with me. "never better!" i smile as we walk through the doors. i look around and carfully think this through. Then i think the gossips. They're nice girls but always spred the word around fast, rumour or not. perfect. i stand next to the table and start talking a little louder then usualy. "louis tomlinson. I know we've been dating for almost a month now, and im sorry to make you wait. But i love you so much and im ready to come out of the closet, because your worth it!" with that said i kiss him passionatly. He reacts and our tongues wrestle for a few seconds then i pull away to a shocked louis. "harry do you realise what you just did?!" "louis, i love you and im ready!" "i love you too harry styles!" he hugs me then their were cheers. From liam, niall and zayn. Then the gossips. Then a lot of others in the cafateria. The bell rings and i walk over to the other boys, louis following me. "dude, your crazy!" zayn chuckles giving me a high five. "haha thanks zayn" i smile "or that works to!" niall winked and walked with liam back to get their bags from our table. "im sorry if you didnt like that, i just felt it was the right time!" i looked down at my feet, nervous at what louis's reaction would be. "harry your crazy!.. but thats one of the many things i love about you!" he lent down and kissed my forehead. "dosent this feel better already?! Being able to show our affections in public!" i smile up at louis and we start walking to get  our bags. "hell yeah" he sighs. "Are you sure your not going to regret this?!" louis asked."not if your here with me!" i looked up at him and he was smiling. God i love this boy. Only one more period and i get to go home and 'study' with louis... This day couldnt get any better. It feels like a huge wait has been lifted off my back. And ut sure felt great to not have to hide it anymore!

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