Chapter 3: The Seer
"What are you doing?!"
The lady Deer Demon asked as she marched up to Rowan and Black Hat.
Black Hat: "Who the hell are you?"
Rowan and Bellamy: "Elizabeth...?"
Rowan: "What are you doing here?"
Me and Black Hat: "Elizabeth"?"
Black Hat: "How the hell do you know her?"
I looked at her, getting a good look. She had similar features to Alastor such as the dark hair and deer horns. Was she... his daughter? I didn't know Al had a daughter.
Niffty: "Liz, you've come at a very bad time. A terrible thing has happened."
Elizabeth: "I can see that, and I'm glad I came before it got worse."
Husk: "Oh, this is only the tip of the Hellburg! And it's a big Hellburg."
Husk stated as I look at him. Those exist?
Husk: "How can I put this delicately? YOUR DAD'S FUCKING DEAD!"
Elizabeth: "Wh-what?"
I knew it! She's his daughter!
Why was I never told this?
Husk: "Dead, like my hopes and dreams. And he's a flesh-eating Hell Zombie, too."
Elizabeth: "Homonecrosis..."
Rowan: "Exactly. Hence the weapons."
I groaned in annoyance and decided to step in.
Me: "Everyone, be quiet! Al is not a Hell Zombie, pretty sure those don't exist. And we don't need any weapons. Put. The spear. Down."
I say "down" with a distorted tone, making Rowan gulp a bit in fear as he lowered his weapon. I then took a breathe to recompose myself and turn to Elizabeth.
Me: "Sorry about them. It's a pleasure to meet you, Elizabeth. My name is Y/n Nights."
Elizabeth: "Y/n... My father told me all about you. You were one of his closest friends here. What happened? How... how did he die?"
Me: "I'm sorry, but he was--"
We all turn to look at Blue as thunder flashes, Elizabeth recognizing Blue immediately. However, he wasn't finished.
Bellamy: "And worse yet... the body is missing."
Elizabeth: "What? Show me. And don't day that word."
Husk: "What word? Murder?"
Thunder flashes after the word was spoken. Suddenly, we were all back where Alastor's body was found and I was the only one confused by the sudden change in scenery.
Niffty: "Well, muder--" *thunderclap* "--is an accurate description of what happ--"
Elizabeth: "Do you not see the lightning?"
Elizabeth asked, looking at Niffty.
Black Hat: "Are you saying that Al was murdered by a lightning bolt?"
Another clap of thunder and lightning.
Rowan: "Well, it has occurred a few times where Hell itself had very murderous intent."
Thunder rages outside once more.
Elizabeth: "Everyone, shut up! Whatever is happening here is tapping into forces far beyond our control. Even one's that Overlords can't match."
We all looked at each other, wondering what she was talking about.
Husk: "... murder."
Husk said quietly, resulting in another flash lightning and thunder.
Rowan: "Mur... doch?"
Me: "... murmur?"
Nothing again.
Black Hat: "Malarkey."
Still nothing.
Niffty: "... marco!"
Thunder flashes once more, tired of our fooling around as we're suddenly in the dining hall. We were all seated around the table, and I looked around in confusion.
Me: "What the...? How did we--?"
Elizabeth: "ENOUGH!"
Her outburst was enough to shut me and everyone else up. I guess she was done with us as well.
Elizabeth: "Look. Dad's death is indeed terrible. But I fear that there are forces much darker at work here than anything we've ever seen. I'm well trained in the Arcane Arts, but if you all, untrained and uninitiated, can summon thunder and lightning with a single word, we're all in graver danger than anyone in Hell has ever been in. We're gonna have to work together to survive."
Bellamy: "L-Liz, what are y-you prop-posing?"
Me: "Yeah. What's going on?"
Elizabeth: "We need to speak with Dad."
Husk slams his fist on the table.
Husk: "I knew it! He's a Hell Zombie!"
Elizabeth: "Husker, shut up, will ya?"
Husk slowly slides his hand off the table and stays quiet per the Radio Demon's daughter's request.
Rowan: "Maybe he's one of those smart Hell Zombies: homeo sapio zombifus."
That exists?
Elizabeth: "God dammit... SHUT UP! I mean, I need to communicate with the dead... dead."
Black Hat: "Okay, one, I don't think the Afterlife works like that. And two, that doesn't sound like too good of an idea, even for a demon."
Elizabeth: "Good thing I don't need your permission."
Elizabeth sassed, making Top Hat quiet down. I saw Niffty trying to hold in giggles which made me smile, but my attention was soon brought back by Elizabeth.
"But you! You've been quieter than everyone else. And Dad did say there was something different about you that seperated you from everyone else."
Husk: "Yeah. With those beady little eyes."
Rowan: "And with those rags. Pff."
Exxxxcuuuuussse me?
Black Hat: "Maybe I shouldn't have trusted someone so goddamn gorgeous."
Am I being blamed for this all of a sudden? WHY?! Also, I'm gonna ignore Black Hat's strange... compliment?
Me: "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't you pin this on me. I would never hurt Al like that. Right? Rowan?"
I look at the Fallen Angel and he just puts his hands up in surrender.
Rowan: "I'll, uh, pass."
I groan and slam my head on the table, but what Elizabeth said next made me look back up.
Elizabeth: "However, I feel like I can trust you. Dad always did. I sense that you have a far greater part to play in all of this. Will you help me find an answer?"
Me: "O-of course! I want to know what happened to Al as much as you, or anyone else here."
Elizabeth smiled.
"Perfect. Come with me."
Me: "Okay."
I say and we both go to leave the table, but Black Hat stops us.
Black Hat: "That's enough. I'm not gonna sit around and let you drag my henchman off to most likely their death! I won't stand for it!"
He says as he's sitting down.
Me: "Oh, now you want to defend me?"
Black Hat: "Hush, you."
Rowan spoke up.
"Well, I trust Elizabeth with all my heart! I see no reason why an-any-anyone should doubt her."
Niffty speaks up after that.
"I, uh, have to agree with Black. It doesn't seem normal."
Great. Now they're picking sides.
Husk: "I never liked this uptight asshole. He walks around with a huge stick up his ass. But I think he's right. Something's weird."
Wait, did Husk just pick a side? I thought he'd have his own, individual opinion or standpoint. I guess I never thought he could pick someone's side other than his own. I didn't know he even cared about me at all, either. He's full of surprises, I suppose.
Elizabeth: "If it makes you feel any better, you can watch outdid the door. But my work cannot be interrupted!"
Black Hat: "Oh, I'll make sure to have a close eye on every one of you. Even myself. Especially myself."
Okay, I've definitely chalked up Black Hat as one of the strangest people I've encountered.
Elizabeth stands from her chair and walks off, Blue chasing after her as I stand up as well.
Bellamy: "Wha--Liz? Elizabeth, wait. Wait!"
Elizabeth: "Yes, Uncle Bellamy?"
Bellamy: "I... a-are you alr-right? I know th-his news can't b-be sitting-g well with y-you."
Elizabeth: "I'm fine."
The Deer Demoness says and makes her way upstairs, leaving Blue buffuddled as he looks at me. He then went up after her with me right behind.
Bellamy: "But all th-this talk about th-the oc-ccult! And-and Alastor is d-dead. Wait! Wait."
Bellamy finally stops her niece as she turns to look at him.
Bellamy: "Even though y-you're his da-aughter, I never th-thought you'd be the t-type to be mix-xed up with a-all this."
Elizabeth: "There's more to Hell than you can never imagine. I only had my eyes open to a small bit of it."
She walks off, leaving Bellamy to sigh by himself as I walk up next to him. He looks at me in worry.
Bellamy: "P-please... be c-careful."
I smile softly at him, reassuring my best friend.
Me: "I will. Be safe, Blue."
I walk off after that, following Elizabeth through the manor and to a new room with curtains in it. She sits down.
"Could you hand me my bag?"
Me: "Uh... sure."
I say and turn to get her bag which was supposedly there although she had just arrived (I'm not questioning anything anymore. This place is weird). However, there was no bag. Then when I turned to tell Elizabeth that, she had plopped it down on the floor beside her chair as the table now had a crystal ball and lit candles around it.
Elizabeth: "Thanks. Now, have a seat."
Me: "Okay..."
I say and do as I was told, taking a seat opposite of her as we face each other.
Elizabeth: "Now, I'm sure this must be unsettling for you, being thrust into this series of unfortunate events."
Me: "Actually, I'm used to this kind of weird stuff. Anyways, go on."
She nods and continues.
Elizabeth: "I promise, with your help, I'm going to solve this puzzle. Now, I'm not sure who could really kill Dad, but something tells me this seemingly special event is actually just a stepping stone in a much larger mystery unfolding in our midst."
She looks around, eyeing the surroundings as if they will spring to life and attack.
Elizabeth: "I've never been comfortable in this house, even if I grew up in it. But something tells me... now that my eyes are open, there are dark forces surrounding this manor."
Me: "I could've told... you... that..."
I gritt my teeth and shut my eyes as a wave of nausea overcomes me. Everything distorts as words and scenes go through my head.
"Keep you enemies close, eh?"
Black Hat and me in the staircase....
"I will not be called a murderer in the only home I've known in this insufferable pit of fire!"
Rowan and Black Hat about to kill each other when Elizabeth entered....
"I thought it was time that we got to know each other better, away from the prying eyes of... anyone else."
When Rowan wanted to talk with me...
"You're not gonna believe this. I can't believe this. The body. The body is gone. It's fucking gone!"
When Black Hat told me Al's body had vanished...
"I'm-I'm still not sure a-as to what we're s-supposed to be c-celebrating here. I-I mean, it's great to be b-back and to s-see you again, but... o-out of the b-blue like this..."
My talk with Blue the morning after the party and before all of this began....
"Heheheh. Employers come and go, come and go. Some die, some don't."
But... this one's new. It was an old looking demon male standing with a shovel...
With a crack of thunder and lightning, I was snapped back to reality as I panted in confusion.
Elizabeth: "What happened? Why did you stop?"
Me: "S-sorry... just... my head hurts..."
I felt my body shift before going back to normal, my hands clenched into fists as I looked back up at Alastor's daughter.
Elizabeth: "Did you see anything?"
Me: "Y-yeah..."
Elizabeth: "Draw it for me."
She summoned a pencil and a piece of paper and handed them to me. I do as she said and drew what I saw: an old man standing next to a shovel outside. I handed it to her after drawing, but she just looked confused.
Elizabeth: "What is this? This doesn't answer anything. Go back! NOW!"
I snapped.
"Don't you talk to us like we're some pawn!'
Our voice was distorted and demonic, making her fall back down into her chair as she stared at us in shock. Then Black Hat and Blue walked in, calming us with their presence as I take a deep breathe and return to normal.
Black Hat: "What the shit is this?"
Elizabeth: "G-get out! W-we're not d-done here!"
It seemed she was still in shock about what happened.
Bellamy: "L-Liz, I think th-that's enough."
Elizabeth: "It's enough when I say it's enough! He's different and I need him!"
Elizabeth slammed her hands on the table to further push her statement, but I was only pulled out of my chair by Black Hat.
Black Hat: "C'mon, partner, let's go. C'mon! Hurry it up!"
We walked outside to the hallway, and Black looked worried about me. However, I more noticed how it was light outside. Wasn't it just night?
Black Hat: "What did she do to you? What is this?"
I looked to see Black was looking at the picture I made for Elizabeth, and he called out for Niffty who quickly arrived in a dash.
Niffty: "Yes?"
Husk entered in after her as Black Hat handed her my drawing.
Black Hat: "Does this mean anything to you?"
She looks at the drawing, her face looking like she realized something but didn't want to say it.
Niffty: "... no... no, sorry. I d-don't."
Black Hat: "Yes, you do, little girl! Spit it out!"
Niffty: "... well, it could be our groundskeeper Bartholomew, but he only works on weekdays."
I turn to see Husk looking away as he tried to whistle innocently, this not going unnoticed by Black Hat.
Black Hat: "Seems the car may disagree with that statement."
Husk: "Me?"
Black Hat: "Yes, you."
Husk: "Uh... I don't know shit. I plead the fifth."
Me: "That doesn't exist here, Pussy Cat."
I say, getting a small glare from Husk as Niffty speaks again.
Niffty: "Husk, if you know something, tell us! Please!"
Husk looked down at Niffty to see her giving him puppy... eye? Well, he couldn't resist it because he almost immediately caved in.
Husk: "Fine! Haaaa... Bart has been living on the grounds for years."
Niffty and Me: "WHAT?!"
Black Hat: "And you just know thought to share this with us? For all we know, he could be the murderer!"
A thunderclap resonates throughout the building, making me look around.
Elizabeth: "For the last time, stop saying that damned word!"
I turn to see Elizabeth walking up to us with Blue right behind her.
Husk: "Look. Bart... just tends the grounds. He's a fucking hermit!"
Black Hat: "I don't care what the fuck he is!"
Me: "Husk, this is something you shouldn't have held from us."
Husk looks at me with an angry face, but it soon softens as he looks down in... regret? Guilt? Did he... feel bad about this? Did I make him feel this way?
Bellamy: "Look, all o-of this argui-ing is getting u-us nowhere. J-just go outsid-de and talk t-to Bartholomew."
Black Hat: "Wait. You're not coming with us?"
Bellamy: "I-I need to st-stay here with Liz."
Elizabeth: "I don't need help from you!"
We all took a step back from this. Bellamy was never one for yelling, so when he did yell, everyone knew he was serious. Elizabeth even looked down a bit in shame.
Bellamy: "I... I'm sorry. I-I just need a-answers to... a-all of this. I alr-ready lost someone sp-special to me tod-day... I don't t-to lose another."
Elizabeth: "Fine, but I need to stay here."
Bellamy: "That's f-fine with me."
Black Hat: "Fine, yeah, good, whatever. Who cares? You're coming with me, Pussy Cat. You too, Partner."
I nod as I see Blue and Elizabeth walk away, Blue giving me a quick glance before he turns away. Black then goes to walk off, but stops himself.
Black Hat: "Wait... we're missing someone. Where's the White-Boy?"
Niffty: "Rowan was tired, so he went to his room to rest."
Black Hat: "I'm sure he did. And with some luck, he'll stay there. Now, let's roll out."
I turn back to look at the distancing Blue and Elizabeth, Blue snagging one more glance at me before I'm forced to finally leave by Black's nagging and orders.
I follow everyone to a door.
Black Hat: "Lead the way, Pussy Cat."
Husk: "Only Y/n gets to call me that! So don't ever call me that again!"
Black Hat: "Does it look like I care? Just tell us where we're going!"
I looked outside to see that it was night out once more. What's wrong with this place?
Husk then leads us outside as we walk through the grounds, bringing us to a small shack where an elder demon can be seen.
Black Hat: "I think I see him."
He whispers to me and he summons a gun to aim at the man.
Black Hat: "Hey! Buddy! Hands where I can them!"
The man with the shovel stood up, and I immediately recognized him from the visions.
Me: "That's him..."
Bartholomew: "Hey, my hands are right where they need to be. Of course, you can dig the hole if you want."
Me: "Excuse me, sir, but what are you doing here?"
Bartholomew: "I'm the groundskeeper. I keep the ground, alright? Look around. The ground is pretty well kept in this place, eh?"
Husk: "Sorry, Bart, but this dick made me bring him out here."
Husk says, pointing to Black Hat when he says "dick". Then he points at me.
Husk: "Him? He's alright."
I smile at this, but Black tells the Avian Cat Demon to shut up. Then he asks Bartholomew about the murders with a crack of thunder.
"How do you not know about the murders going on in that house? How do you not hear that lightning?"
Bartholomew: "Lightning is for the sky. Look at the ground. Once it starts shooting lightning, I'll let you know."
Black Hat: "Alright, smartass. Why shouldn't we suspect you for Alastor's killer? Why are you digging a hole?"
Me: "He's the groundskeeper. That's his job."
Bartholomew: "Thank you! But Employers come and go! Some die, some don't. Some are murdered, some are not. It's not my business."
Wait, he said "murdered" but there was no lightning. Why?
Bartholomew: "I'm digging this hole for a burst water pipe, if that's alright with you, your gracefulness!"
Me: "I like this guy."
I tell Husk quietly, making him smile and chuckle a bit. Then he scowls again as he looks at Black.
"I told you! Bart didn't anything!"
Bartholomew: "See? Nothing."
Black Hat: "Forgive me for not taking you at face value. But we're all gonna go inside, sit down, and have a nice little chat. Ask a few questions, kay, before I lose my mind and start murdering someone myself!"
Thunder flashes and Bartholomew becomes a bit angry.
Bartholomew: "Now, listen here, brat. It's been fifteen years since I've been in that house. And I'm not gonna break that streak now. I don't care about how many murders there've been. I ain't going in that damn house! However, there is one reason... lne incident... one manifestation that will get me into that evil house."
I look at Black Hat and he motions to let him be, and I look to Husk who does the same. I then looked at Bartholomew.
Me: "Alright. Your good to go on about you business. Sorry for troubling you."
Bartholomew: "It's fine, kid. But let me tell you, you better pray to whatever God you follow that that reason I spoke of never comes to pass."
A clap of thunder goes off loudly as lightning strikes, and we all turn to see a bright flash of light go off inside the house which shined through the windows. Bartholomew panics as he takes off running towards the house, dropping his shovel in the process.
We all chase after him as we run back to the manor, my heartbeat racing as we scatter through the building. We then all head back to where me and Elizabeth did the strange ritual as lightning continues to strike and thunder still roars in the sky.
I rush past Rowan, leaving him in confusion as I race to the room me and Elizabeth were in before. But before I could enter, the Deer Demoness herself throws it open. However, she didn't seem herself. She looked aggressive and darker than before, a glowing light shining from behind her to give her a more menacing aura.
"Somebody help me!"
I hear Bartholomew call out for help, but I hesitated before closing the door on Elizabeth and panting in fear. However, there was only one thing on my mind now.
Where's Bellamy?
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