Chapter 15: The Reveal

    On the way to meet Derek, all of these thoughts and questions kept running through my mind. Too many to count. To be honest with you I was so distracted by my thoughts that I missed the road that led to the meadow so I had to make a U-turn.

    Once parked. I stepped out of the car, locked the doors and headed towards the little trail that would take me to the meadow. It wasn't a long trail, but even if it was, I wouldn't have minded.  I was nervous. Nervous about what he would tell me. Worried that everything is about to change  and finally scared that I'm not who I think I am...

    I finally made it to the meadow and I didn't see Derek which meant he wasn't here yet therefore I just sat down criss cross applesauce and waited. A few minutes passed by and I was cloud gazing when I heard footsteps.  Of course it was Derek, it couldn't be anyone else.  It was confirmed though when he stepped into my line of sight. He had to bend down a little, okay maybe a lot for he was tall and standing and I was short and sitting.
I couldn't say how much time passed of us being in that position, just gazing at each other, into each other's eyes, but eventually he sat down beside me.

    "So." I said, "Where do we start?" He looked at me long and hard saying, " Serenity, I'm going to tell you whatever you want to know, but before that I am going to tell you the story I mentioned before. I believe what I have to say will explain everything, answer all of your questions and clear things up. If not all then at least some."  I didn't say anything, just waited for him to continue.

" To begin, we need to start with your father. There was more to him  than you knew. He was special just like you are. Both of you had similar situations, similar dreams and so much more. He was the one who sought me out and once he found me he asked me to protect you, to guard you.  I asked him how could  a mere human as myself protect one of his kind.  He stood there staring at me and said that I didn't have to hide who and what I was from him because he knew. Your father had a special ability that not many have. He could see right through people. See them for who and what they truly were. No one could lie to him and say otherwise. Therefore it wasn't really a big surprise when he said what he did for I Have heard of him and his abilities, his powers."

"So that was the reason why he was gone for so long then?" Because he was looking for you." I interrupted.

" You are correct. That was the reason, but not the only one. The people who killed your father murdered him because they found out that he wasn't who he told them he was. Also he at night would meet me at the archive. The Archivia Domangu for the reason that we were trying to find out what the clan, the Gratta Lepaia, was up to. They were, our kind, allies or so we thought for once they learned of the fact that we knew their secret and what they were planning, they started to hunt us. I was with him the moment he died. While he was laying there he told me more about you, the reason why he wanted me to protect/guard you. Things  I never thought possible was told to me and I knew right then as he took his last breath what I had to do."

" what am I then Derek? What are you and what was my father if that is the case?"

"Have you ever heard of the Fushugu Fateri Donamay?"  I shook my head no.

Derek therefore continued on, " Well that is what we are, your father and even your mother. We are the most powerful race in this word. We take shape as a human, but we are more. Unlike most races we have a multitude of abilities. For example with me I can read minds, have strength and I can know what is going on and with who no matter the distance. Your father could enter into and out of dreams, become invisible, fly, and feel all of those around him, their emotions. "

I stopped him again by replying, " why didn't they tell me?"

" That is more complicated to explain, but I shall. You are of our kind yes, but at the same time your different. When  you came out of your mother's womb, the wind picks up immensely and on the news, they were saying volcanoes who have been dormant for thousands of years were erupting. More to. There has never been one of our kind who could manipulate the elements until you came along and what's more the distance doesn't matter. The ocean even went berserk. Not only that, but you see the dead, spirits and you can stop time which has never been an ability of our kind before. The elders was worried and frightened and so they told your parents not to tell you unless drastic events took place. Hence always thinking you were a human and nothing more. You have more abilities then an average Fushugu Fateri Donamay. The average is may be like  4 or 5 sometimes 6, yet yours seem to be unending. You walk in and out of dreams  like your father and at the same time you have your mother's keen eye."

There Derek paused taking a deep breath before picking up where he left off. " While your dad and I were at the archive we came across a legend, a prophecy. We never saw anything of the like until then for we read it." He looked up staring me in the eyes, " It spoke of you Serenity and how you are the one who is going to save not only our race, but every race that lives on this planet. It spoke of utter destruction and who was going to be the cause. At first we thought you were going to be the cause, but upon finishing the scroll we knew otherwise. You weren't going to be the cause of utter destruction, but the cause of utter bravery, saving this world. I will bring the scroll to you and let you red it yourself. I am telling you all of this now because your father, David, told me upon first meeting me that if anything happened to him I was to tell you, explain no matter if you experienced the symptoms or not and no matter what the elders told him. It was like he knew Serenity yet I guess he did."

Once Derek finished I just sat there. Stunned. Confused, scared. I was right, I wasn't normal. Heck I knew it but not even human? Everything was a lie until now and to top it off I'm part of some ancient legend. So many thoughts were going on in my head, so many emotions I felt.. so many of both that I couldn't describe.
One question had to be asked. Needed to be asked, but didn't want to ask was......

What to do now????

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