Wait In The Hall



"COME ON LITTLE NIECE! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!", Uncle Papyrus exclaimed. The impatience seemed a little odd, even for him. He just dashed towards the sentry station where I was left by myself earlier, yelling something about going to the Dreemur castle. I just shot him a look of disbelief. What would Mr. King Asgore want with Papy and me?

But before I could even open my mouth, he picked me up and took off through the Underground. I just held my look of ultimate bewilderment, giving up on questions by the time we got to Hotland. I scanned for any indication that my uncle knew what exactly was happening, and received no such results.

He finally ran out of breath upon the arrival of the Judgement Hall, where Papa was waiting. What was he doing there? Uncle Papy put me down, greeting his brother with, "HELLO BROTHER. I SEE YOU GOT MY MESSAGE." "yep. after you.", his skeleton hand gestured to the throne room entrance.

Uncle Papy ran inside without a second doubt. I tried to follow behind, but got stopped short by the grabbing of my arm. Papa sighed behind me; pulling my sleeve to face him. He took a knee, looking directly into my eyes; I knew he was serious when he said softly, "listen, angel. maybe it'll be better if you just wait here. think you can do that for me?"

I nodded. "Ok." "atta girl." He gently 'kissed' my forehead, whispering, "i promise we won't be long. i know how much you hate wai-king." I giggled a little, hugging him tightly. He gladly returned it, letting go after a minute. I watched him leave, a little scared to be honest.

My eyes held on the door, before hearing a slight movement coming from behind. It started somewhat quiet, growing louder and louder as it got closer. I scurried to the nearest pillar, listening to the slithering and scratching of the monster passing the side hall. Not long after, hundreds of footsteps, tails, and wings raced by me through the room. As the stampede ended, I took a deep breath.

Well. If I knew I was going to be waiting here, I would have brought a crossword or something. Glancing at the doorway again, I furrowed my eyebrows. I wonder how long it'll take, whatever it is. Silence entered the room yet again, leaving me with my thoughts. 


I laid flat on the floor by the pillar, beginning my quest of counting the number of tiles on the ceiling. After 30, my mind was permitted to wander a little. Not that it needed my permission.

It's first thoughts landed on Frisk. I was worried about them, to be honest. The choice they have to make definitely wouldn't be an easy one. Would they even have the courage to go through with such an act of violence? I almost hope not. As scared as I am of having to face the king, Frisk is a friend I don't want to lose. Even if it means we could see the surface again.

Yes, we could feel the sun and smell the non-echo flowers again, but what about afterward? What then? Papa and Papy would probably get jobs, the kind that don't want you bringing your kid with you. Would I get to go to a normal school? I hope I'm not behind any. It certainly wouldn't help my insecurities.

It would be nice to finally meet Joshua in person. At least I know he won't make fun of me, even if the other kids do. Knowing I already have a friend up there makes the whole brink-of-freedom stuff less nerve-wracking. At least, for me. I know a few monsters that are probably gonna jump head first into the new life. What I would give for that kind of confidence.

I guess I'm just scared. Of what, I really couldn't give an exact answer. The unknown, I suppose. Getting picked on, being... what's the word... dis-discrimeinated? The monsters becoming feared again, after all these years.

Excitement is somewhere in the mix of emotional constipation too. Certain little things, that keep me optimistic of the future. The slim chance that I'll get to meet her, despite everything. The hope that maybe she just might recognise me, and love me. One can only dream.

I unzipped my gray hoodie, showing a teal T-shirt. They really are taking their time in there. Laying behind the same pillar, I looked at the window outside. It showed the New Home marketplace, completely empty. How peculiar. It's normally bursting with monsters and energy. That must have been all those footsteps. Where they in there for the same reason as Papa and Papy?

Letting curiosity get the best of me, I glanced inside the throne room. But nobody was there. I stepped inside, killing a couple of buttercups. Immediately realising this, I dashed back in the hallway. Mr. King Asgore treasures those flowers almost as much as he does his kingdom. And if the boss monster found out it was me, I'm in for big-time-bad-time trouble.

My line of vision was met back at the golden arches, feeling much more welcoming than before. This place has always felt like somewhat sacred, like if I don't behave here, Bill Cipher and his all-powerful demon friends will be unleashed or something. Maybe it was just the stress I was putting myself under. Of course Papa and Papy can take care of themselves, why should I be jumping to conclusions? Shrugging it off, I decided to thumb-war myself until it became a hand-World-War. Don't ask, please.

Upon the assasination of Rudolph von Pinkie, everything started shaking. A couple pillars cracked, and so did some of the ceiling. Not thinking anymore, I shouted, "EARTHQUAKE!" and bolted into the throne room. All of a sudden, the shaking stopped. Once the woozieness left me, I looked back. The two were still dead, but none of the others got harmed.

Giving a sigh of relief, I turned around into the darkness. I saw Papa, Papy, Auntie Undyne and Alphys, Mettaton, and a couple of other monsters surrounding something. The female one looked vaguely familiar. The other one must be the king. Remaining silent, I stood and watched.

"Frisk! This is all just a bad dream...! Please, wake up...!", the female monster spoke. Her voice reminded me of something, I just couldn't put a finger on it. A soft moan came from the center, making everyone move back. And sure enough, there they were.

The kid opened their eyes, got up and looked around. I was fixing to give them the biggest hug in the history of hugs, but the indication of talking stopped me short.

"Oh! You are awake! Thank goodness!" "W-we were so worried...! It felt like you were out forever!" "Yeah! Any longer and I would have freaked out! Tell us next time you decide to take a nap, okay!?" "yeah. you made papyrus cry like a baby." "WHAT!! I DIDN'T CRY!! I DON'T CRY!! I JUST... CAUGHT SOMETHING IN MY EYE." "what did you catch?" "TEARS!!!"

"Now, now. The important part is that Frisk is all right. Here, Frisk.", the king turned toward the child with a friendly smile. "Why not drink a cup of tea? It'll make you feel better." "Errr... How about we give them some space, first? They must be very exhausted. Though, from what, I am not certain. Frisk... we do not remember exactly what happened. There was a flower, and then everything went white."


"But now the barrier is gone."

Double What?!

"When you are ready, we will all return to the surface. It seems the door to the east will lead us there now. But before then... Perhaps you might want to take a walk? You can say goodbye to all of your wonderful friends. Do as you wish, we will all wait for you here.", the female monster ended.

I waited for another minute, and cleared my throat quietly. I walked back a little to gain speed over distance, and activated super speed mode. "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", I yelled, gaining everyone's attention. My hug knocked them off their feet, sending both of us to the ground. We both laughed a little, and they returned the embrace. "You, broke the barrier?", I asked quietly. They just responded with a simple nod. I hugged tighter, whispering a simple and quiet "thank you."

My TRUST for them was at the highest.

"Oh, hello.", the female monster spoke. I pulled away from Frisk, looking at where the voice was leading me. She almost cried at the sight of me. "Hello young one. My name is Toriel. I doubt you remember me any. It was many years ago, when you were very young." Within the deepest parts of my memories, she came up. She was my mother. Or my mother figure at least.

"Mama?", I mumbled under my breath. She did was smile, with faint tears of joy in her eyes. I gave her a hug around her legs, to which she rubbed my head. "Hello, child.", King Asgore spoke up. I turned around and looked at him in fear, only to find a big teddy bear in the murderer's place. Still, I held onto Mama for dear life. Until I saw Papa.

He held a raised eyebrow, as if expecting me to walk over to him. "You took too long, and there was an earthquake.", I reasonably explained. I looked up towards him, curling up my toes. "Are we... really free?" Papa just chuckled, got to my eye level, and nodded. I was so excited, I just gave another hug.

Alphys took another picture behind me, posting it to UnderNet. "H-Hashtag father daughter moment.", the lizard typed out loud. Mama just cocked her hip and raised an eyebrow in a sassy tone. Sensing he was in trouble, the skeleton released the hug, but still held onto me. "I see you're the one I need to thank for taking care of her.", she spoke.

He let me go towards Auntie Alphys, where she was whispering to Frisk, "Um, you've gotta tell me. D... do you think Asgore and Toriel are...? Uh, ever gonna get back together?" We all looked at the female goat and skeleton laughing. Frisk nodded yes, while I did the opposite. "N-No? W-Why not?" "Boi, I've been shippin' Mama and Papa since day one.", I replied. Earning a good laugh, we all headed east, into the sun.

The. Sun. Is. Bright.

I can tell you that much. It felt so warm, I was almost scared I was gonna burn myself. Everyone left, including me, leaving Frisk and Toriel amongst themselves. And sure enough, a little boy with a paper airplane was the first to greet me.

Papa got a job at a university lab. Papy learned to drive. My first day in first grade, I got skipped up to high school. Frisk and Joshua and I always hang out after school. I was right about getting picked on, but the teachers loved me. Mama being one of them. Mettaton's up and coming, so is Grillby's, and Muffet's (surprisingly). Everyone's happy. Everyone's free.

And then I woke up.

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