(32) moving forward



After what happened at the football, Libby and I opt for a night in at New Year.

Usually I'd be all for a night out getting shitfaced until four in the morning, but today I just wanted to spend time with the girl I love, bury myself in her and fall asleep before midnight, holding her in my arms.

After her declaration in the toilet stall, I didn't know it was possible to love someone more. But after she said those words, telling me I was it for her, I wanted to ask her to marry me then and there. I'd known she'd been it for me since day one. I would marry her tomorrow if I knew her parents would say yes, which they wouldn't.

For New Year, they were off to Lois' parents house, well most of them were. Rob had left ages ago to get to Central London as he was watching the fireworks at the Eye. But Libby and I were in agreement for a quiet one.

My face was killing me, and my eye was fucking irritable. And I knew that if I went out I'd end up punching someone due to my own pain, or worse, taking it out on Libby. She hasn't left my side since we got back, and yesterday we didn't even leave the bedroom. We were asleep all day, exhausted from all the drama, and we just held each other, dozing lightly.

"We're off then," Mike says, coming into the living room where we're watching some shit TV show, with a green bowman in a cape. Libby's choice. Jughead has his head on my lap and Libby has hers in the crook of my shoulder. I could seriously get used to this for the rest of my life.

Libby moves and gets up. "Okay. We'll see you tomorrow." Although Lois' parents lived ten minutes away, they were staying the night.

"I love you guys. Text me at midnight," she says hugging each of them in turn.

"If you guys make it to then," Mike jokes.

I stand and shake his hand, kissing Lisa's cheek. "Happy New Years, guys," I smile, ignoring the pain lancing up my cheek as I put my arm around Libby.

She encircles her arms around my waist and looks up lovingly at me.

"See you tomorrow," they say as they head out the door.

We both stand and wave as they drive away and go back inside after a minute. Jughead hasn't moved. He raises his head slightly as I sit back down but Libby doesn't join me.

"What you doing?" Libby asks, standing over me.

I gesture to the TV. "Don't you want to watch this?"

I look up and I swear to fucking god the woman is doing this on purpose.

She sinks her teeth into her bottom lip and she doesn't need to me ask twice before I'm standing up again and carrying her up the stairs.

She squeals but doesn't protest as I shut the door with my foot and pounce onto the bed.

"Oof!" I let out a breath of air as her weight lands on me. But I don't let it bother me. I turn us over so I'm on top of her, kneeling between her spread legs as she looks up at me, her eyes wild.

"Fuck, I love you," I breathe, leaning down to kiss her neck and the hollow of her throat. She moans and grinds her hips against me and I can feel myself getting harder as the seconds go by.

"What do you want to do with me?" She asks, moaning as I continue to tease her neck.

"I want to make you scream," I breathe, and she giggles as I blow a small raspberry against her neck. Her skin raises with goosebumps and she grinds herself forward again.

"I'm all yours," she whispers as I lean up again, looking into her wild grey eyes.

I want to savour this. I want to savour her.

She's wearing a pair of tracksuit bottoms and one of my shirts, no bra, so I unpop each button tantalisingly slowly so I get her wound up. I can feel her rubbing against me, but I keep going at my slow pace. After each button is undone, I plant a soft kiss where it was and by the time I get to the bottom she's panting.

I pull the shirt apart and she shimmies to get it off her shoulders. She's now naked from the waist up and I get to work on teasing her breasts, sucking and pulling on each nipple in turn until they're as hard and erect as my dick is. She's moaning loudly, and pulls my t-shirt over my head, being careful of my stitches. Her mouth goes to mine once it's off, and I can feel her reaching her hand down in between us.

I think she's about to palm me over my pants, but she surprises me by putting her hand down her own. She's rubbing herself, and I'm almost gone. I'd never really seen her do that before, and I am beyond turned on by it. She rubs fast and from side to side, and soon I can tell she's about to burst. Seeing her rub herself like that has got me in a frenzy, and I'm going to give her the fuck of her life.

I pull her hand away and she bucks her hips as I pull at her panties and pants together, revealing that she is indeed fucking soaking. I kiss her once there and she cries out at how sensitive it is. She won't last long if I lick her out, so I kneel up and get off the bed to take off my sweatpants and boxers. As soon as they're off, I'm back on the bed and sinking into her as she spreads her legs for me.

"Yesss," I hiss, savouring every inch of my favourite place to be. "Fuck." She spreads her legs wider and I push in as deep as I can, and she throws her head back with a loud moan that feels like it reverberates off the walls.

"Fuck!" She screams as I flex my hips and begin to move.

I know how to read her, and I know what spot gets her, and as I hit that spot every time, I groan and bite my lip as she moves beneath me. I speed up and slam fast and hard into her, making the bed move. She grabs the iron headboard and breathes my name again and again as I slam harder and faster than I ever have done before.

I don't know how long I can go on for, but soon she screams louder and I feel her legs stiffen and tremble as she tightens around me. I feel a warm, slightly sticky liquid on me as she throws her head back, and she spasms sharply as I pump twice more into her.

"Fuck, Jasper. Fuck!" She breathes once more, as I spill into her, calling her name as I come hard, collapsing onto her chest.

I pull out of her and lie next to her. She has her eyes closed, but as I run a light finger up her stomach and in between her breasts, she opens them and looks at me.

I grin at her when her eyes show how sated she feels. She's relaxed for the first time since we came home from the hospital, and I know she's been mad at me, despite not leaving my side. She's always mad at me, but she loves me despite that and that's why I can't abandon her.

"Do you want to take a bath?" I ask.

She looks confused. "A bath?"

I nod, completely serious.

I'd had a plan for a few days now. When Libby was out with Lois yesterday, when I insisted she go as I was feeling tired, I got Rob to take me to Stratford which is a mall not far from where she lives. He asked me what I was doing, but I wouldn't tell him a thing.

I was serious about not abandoning her, and the only way I could show her was to ask her one specific question. I had no idea what she'd say, or whether it would make it weird between us, but I do know that when I was in that hospital and she said those things, I couldn't erase it from my mind.

She could shoot me down. But to be honest that didn't matter. I'd ask, and keep asking, and maybe when she'd finished college she'd say yes. But I needed to ask now. I needed to be sure now.

"Sure, we can have a bath. If you go run it?" She giggles. "My legs are still wobbly from..."

I grin and kiss her hard before she can finish her sentence.

"I'll be right back." I grab a pair of shorts from the side and leave the room.

The main bathroom across the hall is the only one with a bath. I don't usually like them but this is a special occasion.

I start the water running and take a piss before putting in some bubbles. Soon it's ready, and I turn off the water quickly before finding the ring where I'd hidden it. As a cover, I grab a beer for me and bottle of champagne, and then I head back up the stairs. I place the bucket next to the bath, and then when I have everything in place, I go and get her.

When I get into her room, she's asleep. She's asleep and she's smiling, and she looks so adorable I don't want to wake her.

I'm about to close the door and dismantle my set up when she stirs.

"Hey, is the bath ready?" She asks.

I smile, relief evident in the slump of my shoulders.

"Yeah. Can you stand?" I chuckle, walking over to her.

"I can. But I'm not going to say no to a lift?"

She giggles again as I get closer and pull back to the covers. She's still completely naked, and I can't help the wicked smile that crosses my face when she winks at me.

"What have I created?" I joke.

"Sex monster..." she responds, kissing me long and hard before I pick her up and hold her in my arms.

"And I love that monster."


"So what's your favourite part about London."

I chuckle and flick bubbles at her, which land in her glass. "Given I haven't seen any of it?"

She snorts. "I'm taking you tomorrow... duh?" She puts on an American accent, a very good one I might add.

"Sure." I shake my head. "Nah... just. Well, it's gotta be Jughead."

She splashes me and giggles as I gently pinch her under the water.

"Seriously." She's looking at me, and I give her my honest answer.

"You. Seeing you in your natural surroundings. Seeing you squeal with your friends, joke with your brother... cry with your dad."

"Oh my god you saw that?" I nod.

"I don't know what it was about though."

It was a couple of hours after I got back from the hospital. I'd been asleep and I woke up and she wasn't there, so I went to find her. When I'd gone down two steps I saw her crying into her dad's shoulder and I expected it was probably about me. So I went back upstairs and when she came in I pretended to be asleep.

"You." She says plainly. She's smiling so it can't have been too bad. I'm considering it a personal achievement that I've managed to win over two out of three of Libby's family.


"Yeah. He was giving me his blessing to date you." She laughs, throwing her head back, but when she looks back at me her eyes are full of hope. "After what you did at the game, I'm guessing he saw a different side to you?"

"His blessing to date me? Wow." I chuckle, but then the chuckles give way to full blown laughter.

Soon the two of us are laughing hard, and it's hurting my face as my smile is pulling at my lip and stitches.

"He is ridiculous." She wipes at her eyes.

"Well... speaking of blessing. There's erm... there's something I wanted to ask you."

"Ask me?" She leans forward and takes a swig from her glass. "Ask me what?"

I lean forward in the bath and pull her hand towards me. She slides in the water, the bubbles building up to her neck and water spills over the side.

"Jasper! Careful..." she giggles.

She moves her legs so she has them round my hips and I have my hands below the water on hers. Her skin feels so soft under the bubbles and it reminds me of that day in the sea. That day when she first surprised me.

"That stuff you were saying at the hospital? About me being it for you. I know I didn't say anything back, but I know how you feel. I feel it too." I've said it before but I need to repeat myself.

"Jasper, what are you talking about?"

"Us. The future. For me you're it, baby. There is no one else. That stuff you were saying about there only being darkness."

"Yeah? Well, it's true."

I run my hand through my hair and groan. "I know it is. What I'm trying to say... is... I want you. You and me, our whole lives. I want that. School is up for me in five months. I can be flexible. I can be here or I can be there."

I reach behind me and take the box from behind the soap dish.

She squeals slightly and drops her champagne glass into the water when she sees it.

"Jasper, oh my god!" She pulls herself to me so suddenly I almost drop the ring in the water.

Staring at the box as I pull out the ring, I see her cup her mouth and her shoulders start shaking.

"Baby. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone. I feel calm and myself when I'm with you. You make we want to be better, do better... dream better. I'm no one without you."

I look up at her and her eyes are filled with tears as she shakes her head.

"I'm darkness and you're the light. You're an angel and I'm the devil. You're good and I'm bad."

"Jasper, you're not bad," she coos, stroking my cheek with her thumb.

"I am. Or rather I was. And I'm not anymore because of you. And I never want to be that person again."

I take the ring out of the slot and hold it above the water as I move her carefully off me. As she sinks down into the water, cupping her mouth, I kneel up awkwardly and get on one knee.

"Libby Reynolds. I don't care if we get married tomorrow or ten years from now. I want to live your dreams. I want to be there to see you grow into the amazing woman I know you'll be."

I look at the ring. This small tiny piece of metal that signifies the start of a new possibility of a bright future.

"Will you marry me?"

She is literally speechless. But after what feels like forever, I see a smile. A 'yes' smile, and as she slides forward towards me and kisses me, she brings her arms around me and makes me the happiest man alive.

"Yes, Jasper. Yes, I'll marry you."


"Your parents are going to kill us," I say looking at the floor.

We fucked hard in the bath, her on top and riding me, and I'm not even exaggerating when I say half the water had come out. Lost in our love and each other, I couldn't see past her and what we were doing.

After all my doubt about her saying yes right away, she did.

"Probably. I've gone all pruney as well," she laughs, holding up her hand.

I lean forward and kiss her fingers.

"I'm going to clear it up," I laugh, standing.

She gasps as I stand.

"Give me a minute to clear this shit up, and we can go again for as long as you want..." I joke, kissing her hard, my tongue poking through her teeth to tease hers before pulling away.

"Tease!" She says, smacking my butt as I climb out.

I shake my head, grabbing the towels. I drop them and brush them across the floor with my feet.

"I never knew you were so domestic?" She jokes, giggling as she pours herself her fourth glass of champagne, despite dropping it in the bath earlier.

"Shush. I know you actually find it sexy."

"Hell yes I do. Do you do dishes too?"

"Ooooh now that's pushing it," I joke back. "Right... reckon that'll do?" I look around and I think I've got most of it. The bath is in the corner so it hasn't spilled too far.

"Looks good to me," she winks, not even looking at the floor.

She's holding the glass with her left hand and that ring looks unbelievably sexy on her.

I know she isn't a huge fan of big jewellery, as the only piece she wears is a friendship necklace she got from Lois. So I didn't want to make it too big or blingy. I went for a small stone with a small band, but I made it clear she could choose another one if she wanted. She shook her head as she slid the ring on her finger, saying it was perfect. And it was pretty much perfect when it reflected the light like that.

"You could be Mrs Calhoun by the end of the year..." I joke, pulling her out and into my arms. She's dripping wet, but I don't care.

"Like The Notebook!" She squeals.

"No. Don't do that." I laugh. "Don't fucking ruin my moment with a film reference!" I had no idea what film she's talking about but I love giving her stick for it.

"It's fine. It's Ryan Gosling." She pats my head and I chuckle.

But we both freeze when we hear keys in the lock downstairs.

"Shit! Who the fuck is that?" I whisper, slamming the door with my foot before dropping Libby gently onto the bed.

I thought everyone was out. I look at the clock. "Lib, it's two in the fucking morning."

"Two?" She squeals. "Oh my god, no wonder I feel like a prune." She laughs.

I know I'd re-run the bath twice but I hadn't realised we'd been in there for three hours.

"Christ." I laugh. "Should we go down?"

"Yes! Jasper I need to feed my dog," she giggles. "Plus he doesn't sound alone. It must be Rob."

Both of us quickly get changed into trousers and shirts, and head down.

"Wait!" I whisper at Libby, stopping her.

"What?" She mouths it and I point to her fourth finger.

As much as I love seeing it on her, no one can see it. Not yet. She looks at it and then shuffles it off after taking off the friendship chain she'd got from Lois. It was long enough that it could hang into her shirt and no one should see it. She hangs it on and then kisses it before dropping it into the front of her shirt.

"Hey Rob!" She calls as she bounces down the stairs.

I'm struggling with putting on my shirt as I hear another squeal, followed by laughter that sounds like Rob's.

"Baby?" I call.

When I come in there's another guy in the living room along with Rob, who is currently holding up an excitable Libby.

"Well... I guess that secret's out," Rob jokes, and the guy next to him laughs, patting him on the back.

When Libby bounces down, she hugs the other guy and I shake Rob's hand, then his. Libby then bounces back over to me, and she looks up at me. I can see the question in her eyes - asking to tell them our news - but I think today's Rob's day. Coming out is a big deal, and I didn't want to take away from that, no matter how excited I was about our news.

I subtly shake my head, and she nods, understanding.

"Guys, this is my... boyfriend... Dylan." He says with a sigh and a smile. "Dylan, Libby and her boyfriend Jasper."

His cheeks are red, but looking at the pride on Libby's face, I think she's known for a while. I think it's the fact he's bagged himself a boyfriend is what she's so happy at. And he's a hottie... even I can admit that.


We end up talking for about an hour, but soon after that the boys go upstairs. Libby's face is still beaming, and as she crawls into my lap, her infectious smile spreads to my face.

"Today has been the best day." She hugs me hard and kisses the side of my neck.

"I can definitely agree with you there..."

She sits back on my knees and rests her arms on my shoulders.

"When did you...?" I start to ask, looking upstairs.

"Know about Rob?" She finishes my sentence and I nod. "About two years. He came out to me at Christmas of my first year at uni. So we're the only two that know."

I nod. "I think it's cool. He certainly looks happy."

"He never told me he had a boyfriend, so that's why I got a bit excited," she giggles. "But he seems so nice."

"You reckon he'll be here in the morning?"

She shrugs. "I hope so. But it's up to Rob. I'm not sure he's ready..."

I nod and I catch her yawning.

"You ready for bed?" I ask.

She nods. "Just need to feed Jug. I'll see you upstairs though."

I nod as she clambers off me and heads to the kitchen.


Today really had been a fucking unbelievable day. I'd spent practically half the day having sex, unbelievable sex, and then the girl I love agreed to put up with me for the rest of her life. And topping that off with seeing Rob with Dylan, well that just means this New Year will certainly be exciting.

I strip off my shirt and sweatpants and get into bed, and I'm so shattered by the time Libby gets in that I barely register her sliding in. When I feel her lips kiss my back, as she does every night, I turn around and she settles her head on my chest and we're both asleep within minutes.

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