Moon 27 July 11

In Daffodilclan

It was a very quiet night, almost to quiet. Beestripe and Gingerreed were on guard duty. Gingerreed glared at Beestripe. That traitor! She thought, Gingrrreed unsheathed her claws and hissed. Beestripe was humming to himself at this point but stopped and looked at Gingerreed. "Yes?" He asked in a confused manor. "Something tells me Treestar's death wasn't by rouges, actually I think you and Brookstar killed her!" Gingerreed spat. "Are you delusional!? Why would I even kill her!?" He shot back narrowing his eyes. "Because you and Brookstar wanted to rule together! But of course he didn't chose you DID HE!!" Beestripe was up and arching his back at this point. "WHATEVER MOUSEBRAINED IDEAS YOU HAVE ARE COMPLETELY IRRATIONAL! I'M STARTING TO THINK THAT YOU ARE CRAZY!" He spat. Gingerreed laughed "I wouldn't be crazy! YOU ARE CRAZY!" They kept arguing, this woke quite a few cats up. All the kittens, Newtflame, Irisfall, Coralsnow, and came out of their dens. They were groggy and angry that the arguing some them up. Well except for the kits who were happily playing about. "Why did you wake up up with your arguing!?" Snapped Newtflame. Beestripe looked at his paws "We are sorry, go back to sleep." He said and Newtflame trotted back into her den. The kits looked sad and protested but went back into their dens, everyone else awake soon followed. Gingerreed and Beestripe glared at each OTHER "Its your fault they woke up!" She whisper-hissed. Beestripe's eyes widened. "Wa-" "Don't act all surprised you know it's true!" "No look behind you-" "I won't fall for that kit trick!" "No really!" He said, he crouched low and slowly backed up. Gingerreed turned her head but it was to late, a pair of dull eyes, a shadowy body, and large jaws was behind her, the jaws around her neck. Gingerreed let out a feral screech and everyone began to get out of their nests, the cats who woke up before were a bit more active. Beestripe ran over to the kits and picked up Patchkit while Newtflame picked up Whitekit. They ran and make sure everyone was awake "GO GO GO!" Beestripe screeched and everyone bolted after him out of camp. then he saw Newtflame, his mate, the cat he loved, the cat who is pregnant with his second litter! Falling behind. His eyes widened. Beestripe ran over to Irisfall and gave them Patchkit. he shot backwards and behind Newtflame, he gave her a shove and she went hurtling forward, in pace with the other cats. "RUN! RUN AND DON'T LOOK BACK!" He yowled and he turned around an hissed. Starclan forgive me for what I have done, perhaps , possibly, this can make up for all the sorrow I have caused he thought before launching himself at one of the shadows, claws extended, now that they were out of the shadows he was what they really were . "N-no! This can't be!" He yowled before another shadow ran and caught his side in its jaws, they squeezed and squeezed, when the shadow landed the life was draining from Beestripe's eyes, half of his body fell to the floor. The shadows threw themselves at his body, tearing off the flesh and crunching the bones. Then after quite a long time they looked off into the direction the cats went, the cats were long gone, and took off. The only thing left of Beestripe was his head, a tear falling down his cheek. A tuft of Beestripe's fur got caught in the wind and got carried all the to the survivors of Daffodilclan. Newtflame saw it and let out a wail of sorrow and fell over. Everyone skidded to a stop, they looked at Newtflame pity in their eyes. "All right everyone... let's take a bit of time to rest, we've been running for a long time." Said Irisfall, she was right. When they began running it was dawn, now it was almost Sunhigh. Beestripes's spirit was next to his mate. I am sorry, now my kits will grow up unknowing of their father.

In Honeyclan

Frostgaze looked at her kits playing, a warm smile on her face. She loved them so much but... they can never know their fathers. As far as they are concerned they don't HAVE a father! She looked at Stormykit and Bloodkit, then to Primrosekit and Lavenderkit. They are still happy... despite the loss of Beekit. She thought. Beekit had died that night due to a heart attack, Pollenfluff hadn't left Beekit's burial place. She smiled at her children. I love all of you, I couldn't bear to lose any of you she thought as the kittens came over to her "Mama! Mama!" Said Primrosekit. "We want you to play stalk the mice with us!" Frostgaze purred. "Alright, one, two, three, four, five—-thirty! I'll find you mice!" Said Frostgaze with a smile as she got into a hunters crouch and sniffed the air. She smelled Stormykit the closest so she crept over, he was behind the healers den, and pounced on him. "Gotcha!" She said and Stormykit looked sad. "Awwweeee!" "Oh come on let's find your siblings." "Ok mama! I think Primrosekit went.... THIS WAY come on mama!" Stormykit bounded off, Frostheart followed her kit, purring. They soon found Primrosekit behind a rock. "Awwee!" "Let's find Bloodkit and Lavenderkit now!" "Alright!" Primrosekit bounded ahead. "This way mama!" She said, suddenly an odd scent filled Frostgaze's nose "PRIMROSEKIT WAIT!" Primrosekit skidded to a stop but it was to little to late.
Primrosekit let out a squeal of terror as she skidded into a large creature ... a creature she saw was devouring her sister Lavenderkit, she also saw... the head of Bloodkit next to Lavenderkit. "GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER!" Hissed Primrosekit, tears in her eyes. The shadow whipped around and raised a arm? Paw? She couldn't tell. Then it suddenly swung its thing and knocked over Primrosekit. It placed a, she could feel, a paw on her back and she let out a squeal. "MAMA HELP ME!!!" She yelled in terror, the creature was pushing down hard on her neck she saw Frostgaze, tears in her eyes, pick up Stormykit and run with Sunstar, Hecena, and Riverrush out of camp. Pollenfluff started to charged over, but it was to late. She heard a sickening CRACK! And her vision went blurry. The last thing she was was the monster biting Pollenfluff's throat
My baby, I am so sorry thought Frostgaze. "I'm a terrible mother! I left Primrosekit behind!" She said, muffled by Stormykit's scruff "You are a wonderful mother to your kits! You had no other choice!" Shot Sunstar. "I-I smell cats..." "Then there will be warmth and shelter!" "Maybe... lets go Frostgaze." She nodded and they went to go to the group of cats, when they arrived they saw frightened cats hissing at them. "Wait! We mean no harm! We were chased from our home by... by... by the shadows."

In Thornclan

    Shard was playing alone at the edge of the clearing. Aster was training Acorn and Tiger Lizardo. Blade was laying down by a stream. Something just didn't feel right to her. But she couldn't figure out what. "Hey Aster! Check on Shard would you?" She called to him. "Yes Ma'am!" Aster padded over to the area Shard was and he saw nothing, he looked under bushes and rocks and vines. Suddenly something white dripped in-front of him. Looking up he saw long jaws and dull eyes. Next to the shadowy creature was the small body of Shard. He ran to the camp "BLADE, RUN! TIGER TAKE LIZARDO AND RUN TO! ILL BACK THE REAR WITH ACORN!" He commanded. "Shard didn't make it..." Blade looked hurt but nodded. They ran, following other cat's fear scents. They saw 3 cats standing on a ridge, 1 holding a kitten and Blade flinched a little. "Wait! We mean no harm! We were chased from our home by... by... by the shadows." Said the tom, Blade stepped forward. "And so were we." She said and all the cats turned to her. "Maplepurr?" Said one of the cats. "My name is Blade now, I don't connect with my past any more. But I assume this is all that's left with Daffodilclan? And... is that you Sunwhisker? Who's that she-cat? Your mate? No... that was Pollenfluff..." she said "This is Frostgaze, me, Riverrush my son, and her and one of her 4 kits are the remaining cats of Honeyclan. Our healer, three kittens, my mate, and one of our Orchids died in the attack, my second kit died last night due to... heart attack..,," said Sunwhisker. "And no! My name is Sunstar!"

In group blood

    The night was quiet, everyone was asleep. Except for Lavender and Violet. They saw the shadows come into camp and they left. Running to twoleg homes, and became kittypets. No survivors from the attack

In Royal's group
    They smelled the fear-scent of other cats, Royal looked at Viper. "I think we should follow them. Maybe join up with them." Viper shrugged but followed Royal anyways. They walked together for a long long time.
   Finally seeing cats they ran up to them. Then they stopped  to see a large group of cats. "Royal?!" Exclaimed Ferntail while rushing over to her son. "Everyone it's Royal! Who's that?" "This is my friend Viper." "Who are they?" "Frostgaze and Stormykit. And Hecena" said Sunstar. "Aster, Acorn, Tiger, and Lizardo"

In Slash and Amber's group

Slash heard the rustle of something, coming into his family's den. He nudged Amber awake. Rusty was gone, the metallic stench of blood filling the air. Picking up Alani he and Amber bolted, Jasmine shook herself then bolted after them. They ran for a long long time. Having started running in the middle of the night, they realized they went way to far away from Daffodilclan territory. They stopped, and Slash places down Alani. "Honey I'll grab us a bit to eat." He said and left. Smelling rabbit in the air he got into a crouch and stalked it. He crept forward and did a very long leap, Landing on the rabbit and killing it with a swift bite. He heard something rushing towards him and he turned his head to see a shadow running to him, he picked up the rabbit and ran over to Jasmine, Alani, and Amber. "Run!" He said and picking up Alani, Amber ran, Slash was a bit slower due to the rabbit but they managed to keep ahead of the shadow chasing them, Jasmine also some how managed the run. After a while the shadow lost interest and decided to go away. They panted and heard cats talking so Slash decided to go towards them. They was Daffodilclan cats and many cats they did not know. "Aster, Acorn, Tiger, and Lizardo." said a newish cat. "Who are you?" Asked Slash, padding forward. "I am Blade, leader of Thornclan." "I am Sunstar, leader of Honeyclan" he sighed. "I can't believe I'm asking this, but can we stay with your groups? We were chased by, shadows" everyone said shadows at the same time. "Everyone here was?!" He yelped and everyone nodded.

In present time
"Well I guess we have to stick together for now...." said Slash and everyone murmured agreement.


You are the ONLY survivors from the shadows from your groups.
Will you stick together? Will you band into different groups?

First order of business. What should be the ranks? (And Ferntail needs to travel to the glimmering blossom to receive her lives because she WAS the second in command and Brookstar IS dead after all)

Total cats: 20
Pets: 3

Season: New leaf (3/3)
Weather: very cloudy, chilly
Prey: 1
Herbs: 0
Border: 0
Sticks: 0
Event: the shadows (attack: all)

Semi Injured: 1 Herb
Minorly Injured: 2
Injured: 3
Severely Injured: 5
Near Death: 7
Almost Dead: 10

Semi Injured:
Minorly Injured:
Severely Injured:
Near Death:
Almost Dead:

Daffodilclan survivors

Ferntail: a ginger ticked tabby she-cat with golden eyes, 54 Birb-Queen
Fighting skill: 5
Gathering skill: 5
Adoptive son: Royal
5/5 energy
Irisfall: A black she-cat with hazel eyes and a hazel azalea blossom on her forehead, 27 ADumbArtist4U
Hunting skill: 5
Gathering skill: 5
Connection: 5
Fighting skill: 5
Brother: Mudskip, Ashenpaw (both dead)
Sisters: Silverheart (deceased), Amber
Adoptive kit: Muddykit (deceased)
5/5 energy
Patchbreeze: calico she-cat with amber eyes, 24 WanderingGalaxies-
Hunting skill: 3.5
Gathering skill: 0
Fighting skill: 5
Brother: Risingbranch (deceased)
5/5 energy
Newtflame: Tall white she-cat with bright ginger tabby patches, a fluffy tail, and golden-green eyes, 59 Ginbellneko
Fighting skill: 3.5
Gathering skill: 4
Son: Risingbranch (deceased)
Daughter: Patchbreeze
Mate: Beestripe (deceased)
3/5 energy (pregnant)
Patchkit, a thick furred white Tom with brown splotches and Dark Hazel eyes with a glint of blue. 4, NightWhisperOC
Coralsnow: A pure white thick-furred molly with purple-blue eyes and a long tail, 35 alIycrown
Hunting skill: 3.25
Fighting skill: 1.5
Gathering skill: 1
Son: Patchkit
Adoptive: Muddykit (deceased)
3/5 energy (nursing)

Honeyclan survivors
Sunstar: a yellow tabby tom with bright green eyes and long whiskers, 50      ryeriley
Hunting skill: 5
Fighting skill: 5
Gathering skill: 4.75
Mate: Pollenfluff (deceased)
Son: Riverrush, kit 3 (deceased)
5/5 energy
Pet: Hecena
Riverrush: dark-striped gray tabby tom with golden eyes, 15   NightWhisperOC
Hunting skill: 3
Fighting skill: 3
Gathering skill: 2.25
5/5 energy
Stormypaw: a grey tom with dark blue eyes, 8, goldentufts
Hunting skill: 0
Fighting skill: 0
Gathering skill: 0
Mentor: Riverrush
3/3 energy
Frostgaze: a cinnamon tortoiseshell she-cat with frosty blue eyes. 51 NightWhisperOC
Hunting skill: 5
Fighting skill: 5
Gathering skill: 5
Son: Stormykit
Daughter: Bloodkit, Lavenderkit, Primrosekit (all deceased)
3/5 energy (nursing)
Malcolm: a half white half light ginger tabby tom with light green eyes, 15 moons, ADumbArtist4U
Hunting skill: 3
Fighting skill: 2
Gathering skill: 4

Thornclan survivors
Blade: a small brown she-cat with green eyes an a white underbelly, 51, brookpaw-
Hunting skill: 3
Fighting skill: 3
Gathering skill: 3
Brother: Brookstar (deceased)
3/5 energy (nursing)
Aster: a pitch black tom with deep blue eyes, 34 NightWhisperOC
Gathering: 2
Hunting: 4.75
Fighting: 5
5/5 energy
Pet: Acorn
Tiger, Scarred light ginger tom with yellow eyes and a white tail tip and dark orange stripes, 35, brookpaw-
Hunting 3
Fighting 5
Gathering 2
Pet: Lizardo

Royal's survivors
Royal: a dark amber tabby tom with green eyes, 23 deerleap-
Adoptive mom: Ferntail
Demicat, Blessings: Una-Strength, Litha-Intelligence
Hunting skill: 4
Gathering skill: 2.25
Fighting skill: 4.5
7/7 energy (He has more cuz he is a demicat)
Viper: a brown tabby she-cat with green eyes and long front fangs, 26 , mintpelt1
Hunting skill: 2
Fighting skill: 3
Healing skill: 5
Foraging skill: 4

Slash's survivors
Slash: Jet black tom with blazing red eyes and has extra sharp claws and has scars all over his body, 32 NightWhisperOC
Hunting skill: 2
Gathering skill: 1
Fighting skill: 5
Mate: Amber
Son: Rusty (deceased)
Daughter: Alani
5/5 energy
Amber: A amber she-cat with amber eyes, 28 brookpaw-
Hunting skill: 2
Gathering skill: 0.75
Fighting skill: 5
Mate: Slash
Brothers: Mudskip
Sisters: Irisfall, Silverheart
Son: Rusty (deceased)
Daughter: Alani
5/5 energy
Alani, a black and ginger she kit with red eyes. Split face, one Black the other ginger. 4, rosellecrowns
Brother: Rusty (deceased)
Jasmine: white colored she-cat with red eyes with a missing front right leg, 23 ArenaTyke
Hunting skill: 0
Gathering skill: 0
Healing skill: 1
Foraging skill: 0.5
Fighting skill: 1.25
Brother: Ashpaw (dead)
Sister: Dahliapaw (dead)
5/5 energy

Hecena: a odd dark silver pup with a darker mask, paws, tail tip, and flanks, 2,
Unknown skills
Owner: Sunstar
Lizardo, a yellow female bearded dragon with black stripes and has white and silver dots on it's back, it has a white underbelly and has white feet with black eyes, 4 moons
unknown skills
Owner: Tiger
Acorn, a light brown wolf pup with a dark gray forehead, 'elbows', spine fur, and tail tip, and tail middle. She has white muzzle, throat, paws, ankle, and tail start. She has blue eyes, 3 moons
Unknown skills
Owner: Aster

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