Chapter 1

Last chapter was jam packed, but you'll get a break soon.

TW: Fireworks, withers, violence, war, fleeing, I'll add more if I need to


(3rd Person POV)

What do I do?

What's Tommy doing?

Is Tubbo going to be ok?

I need to help him, but he's across the river..

Why is Tommy pulling out a rocket launcher?!


The name was out of his mouth before he could really comprehend what happened. Everything started moving quickly. Technoblade stormed past the human blockade and Phil had jumped, with a boost of his wings, over them. The rest of L'Manburg reacted just as fast, all running back into the nation, the once still air being cut through with now drawn swords and shot arrows. Yet Ranboo still stood in place, seemingly frozen. 

Tommy shot Tubbo with a firework.

Tommy shot Tubbo with a firework-

Then, the smoke cleared, and it revealed a physically unharmed Tubbo, and Ranboo saw how Tommy's arm was pointed at the sky. Ranboo could hear the sizzle before he felt it, them the pain on his cheeks hit him. He was crying. He isn't supposed to cry though, crying hurts.

But he was so worried for Tubbo! That's his best friend, or at least he considers him his best friend, sitting in that obsidian box. That is his best friend who he thought died for a moment. Behind him, he heard a screech, and he turned back, taking note of the purple particles around him, as a wither shot a skull at him. His eyes widened, and before he could scream he heard a whooping noise and purple clouded his vision.

He was standing a further in L'Manburg now, and the reality of the situation caught up with. He was breathing heavily, the teleport taking a bit out of him, but he still ran to his house none the less. He knew he wouldn't be able to save Tubbo, he had wasted his teleport, even if it saved himself, and he couldn't fight Tommy. Ranboo may have been physically strong since he's half enderman, but he doesn't have the experience needed to even get past Tommy, and he knew that.

So, his mind was thinking ahead. He was going to grab his things, and he was going to run. He was going to leave the falling nation, and he was going to find a new place to live. But where though? That's when it hits him, Tommy's dirt house. Tommy was obviously living somewhere else now, so he could probably take refuge there for at least a week, right?

Speaking of Tommy, he's alive. Holy crap, Tommy is alive! He actually remembers Tommy's funeral in quite a bit of detail, and he also remembers leaving alliums by Tommy's house, and crying. Oh he cried more than he would have liked, and Tubbo had to help him with the burn marks on his face, which is were still there, albeit less noticeable. Scratch that, they are very noticeable again, considering he just cried.

It had to have hit Tubbo hard, he saw how Tubbo had just froze when Tommy arrived. He wish he could have helped more, but people had started talking before he could say anything. But now, he didn't even know if Tubbo was really ok or not. He missed Tommy, but it would definitely take a bit before he forgave him for what he did with the fireworks. The firework caught Ranboo off guard, but from what he saw, it completely terrified Tubbo, he wondered why.

Another scream from a wither shook Ranboo out of his thoughts, and he decided to run faster than before, as one of the taller people on the server, he could run quite fast. Finally, he made it to his house. He ran inside, not bothering to shut the door, and started gathering things as quick as he could. He made sure to grab some clothes, his memory book, and a few of the flowers he had been collecting. Looking around the house, he decided he had gotten enough of his stuff.

He turned and ran back out of the door he didn't close, and saw just how much damage had been done. Things were on fire, there were craters because of the withers, and wolf hounds were running about, attacking a few people. It was complete chaos, and one person started it all. Technoblade.

Ranboo was friends with Technoblade, at least he thinks he is, but this is a bit much in his opinion. Technoblade had told him about what happened in Manberg, but from what Ranboo could remember, Technoblade already got revenge. So that means that this was all because of an execution, a failed one at that, and Ranboo even gave his armor back afterwards. Everything just seemed dramatic about the situation.

Pushing that thought aside, Ranboo remembered his pets, his cats. He had to get them to safety, and luckily he hadn't ran too far from his house because he had stopped to catch a breath underneath some shelter. So he ran back, and was able to get the cats to his panic room that he made. It took a bit of time, and when he came back to try to grab some of Tubbo's things, it was gone.

All that was left was a crater.

Ranboo looked around, he thought he had heard a voice. He hadn't heard this voice in a long time, at least a few months, but it was still burned into his memory ever since the trial over griefing George's house. Dream. He could hear the quiet hum of a familiar melody, the anthem to be exact, but the words weren't as he remembered. Though, his memory could just be wrong.

"-Technoblade planted a bomb! It's a big and definitely blown up L'Manburg! Bye L'Manburg, bye L'Manburg, bye L'Manburg..."

That's not how the anthem goes.. Ranboo thought to himself, his shoulders sagging as he looks at the place he once called home. For a while he was planning on running for president, but the election was canceled. He averted his gaze, not wanting to look at it anymore, afraid he'd start crying again. So instead, he set out to find Tubbo, or rather the box he was in.


When he got to the other side of the river, he was greeted with nothing. The obsidian box was gone, all that was left was some flattened grass and upturned dirt, but everything else was just gone. Ranboo hoped that Tubbo somehow broke out or something, and reminded himself that they wouldn't take hostages, but his chest still felt heavy with worry. He waited a few minutes, as if Tubbo would magically come back and tell him that he's alright, but no one came.

So, he went to Tommy's house.

He unpacked what he had managed to grab from his past home, and decided to just sit down. It felt like it was the first time he had sat down that day, even though he knew that couldn't have been true. He picked up his memory book, read through some of it, and started writing. He wrote about everything that just happened, L'Manburg being attacked, Tubbo missing, his cats are safe and in the panic room, and how he was now living in Tommy's house.

While writing, moving the pen swiftly, he thought of something. What if Tubbo came looking for him? How would Tubbo know if he was even alive? So, he held onto the thought, or as much of it as he could, and finished writing his journal entry. Then, he put down the memory book and grabbed a few of the flowers he had brought with him, and walked out the front door. He placed a planted a few seeds, and laid the others out into a pattern. 

He put a green flower next to a red one, and surrounded them with alliums. He hoped that'd be enough of a hint without him just flat out making a sign that said "Ranboo" in front of the house. After all, with the return of Dream, and the overall chaos of the server, some privacy might be a good thing. He saw something out of the corner of his eye, it fell, and then he saw another one.

And another.

And another.

That's when he realized what it was, looking at the sky. It was raining. He quickly went back into the safety of the dirt house, and looked out the small window on the door that Tommy had, allowing him to watch the rain as it fell. The rain was a good thing for once, it was probably putting out the fires all over L'Manburg, well, the crater that's left anyway.

Ranboo felt restless, he wanted to find Tubbo, he wanted to something. He couldn't just sit here and do nothing, but the rain had made going outside not the best option, even with his water proof armor. It made him sad, as he watched the rain fall with his tail drooping near his ankles, not an ounce of movement from it.

He could only hope that Tubbo was safe, maybe Tommy had him come with him or something. It wouldn't be the most ideal, but at least Tubbo would be spending time with Tommy again, which had to be good for them. Maybe they were in the Arctic biome that Technoblade lives in with Phil, yeah, they're probably there. Ranboo doesn't need to worry.

Hopefully he doesn't need to worry.



The sun poured through the window of Tubbo's cabin early in the morning, he wasn't expecting it to be so bright, with how the snow reflected the sun's light. He sat up, rubbing the sleep groom his eyes as he recalled the events of the day before. L'Manburg was gone. Tommy almost shot him with a firework. And, now he's living with Technoblade, Phil, and Tommy.


He was still mad at Tommy, for everything that had occured in the past 24 hours. Tommy went off everyone's radar after making everyone thinks he's dead, and let them mourn for him. Then he came back, just to destroy Tubbo's home. Then, he sent Tubbo spiraling into emotions and traumas he had hoped he would never face again. And now he's just, living with him.

Tubbo looked around the room, noting the change of clothes and a few other things that you'd find in a house. Like a moving in gift, except all his actual stuff is gone, like his home, and his nation. He sighed, and hugged his knees to his chest. He had a lot of questions and no answers, and that bothered him, a lot.

Why did Tommy destroy L'Manburg?

Why did they take me in?

Where is everyone?

Is everyone ok?

What about Ranboo?

And most importantly, should he talk to Tommy?

While he couldn't answer the first few questions on his own, the last one he could. And he decided that he wouldn't, until he had some food at least. He wanted to get settled in a bit before he talked to his thought-to-be-dead-friend-who-might-not-even-be-his-friend-anymore. He had to admit though, the place was cozy, almost nostalgic. He remembers living with Phil, Wilbur, Techno, and Tommy in the Arctic Kingdom, and this held a similar energy.

Heck, he'd probably be happy under different circumstances.

He decided to stand up and stretch, his limbs sore from being stuck in an Obsidian box. And he decided to put on the change of clothes, he also managed to find the bathroom in the cabin, and he looked in the mirror. His scars were still there. He doesn't know why he expects them to not be there everytime he looks in the mirror, but he's always disappointed when they're still there.

So many people didn't know him from before he got these scars. He was so carefree back then, and he's sure that they would've have liked that version of him better than this one. But he couldn't change the past, nor could he go back to those days. Tommy, Technoblade, and Phil made that very clear.

He walked out of the cabin, the clothes he was wearing provided just enough warmth to cross the snowy field, and knocked on Phil's door. He stood there for a moment, wondering if they had already forgotten about him, before he heard the doorknob twist. Tommy was on the other side of the door.

"Oh, Tubbo! Uh, come on in, it's cold out there." Tommy said, rather awkwardly, and stepped aside, letting Tubbo in. "How'd you sleep?"

Tommy didn't get a reply, and Tubbo just walked further into the house.

"Oh, uh that's fine, you- you should be mad at me actually! I was being a d*ck yesterday, so I don't blame you." Tommy announced, trying his hardest to not feel hurt by the silence he was greeted with. Tubbo just walked into the kitchen, ignoring what Tommy said.

Tubbo grabbed some bread and started eating it, and he leaned against the wooden cabinets. Tommy stood there, not saying anything for a moment, before he too got a piece of bread to munch on.

"You're starting to act like a women– I mean, giving me the silent treatment? Not that women give me the silent treatment of course." Tommy tried to lighten the mood, make a joke even, but he found himself cringing at his own comment. 

"I'm going back to my cabin." Tubbo told Tommy after he had finished his bread, and walked out of the room. Tommy knew better than to try to stop him, and rather decided to busy himself with thinking of what he'd do today. He even laughed lightly when he thought about building a new cobblestone tower, but it slowly died down and he decided to check in on Phil.

The room he found Phil in was the living space, it was like most of the other rooms when it came to the type of wood and overall design, but this one had a fireplace and a couch, and a small coffee table. It was cozy to say the very least. A small fire was lit in the fireplace, providing a soft orange glow, which also was the room's only light source at the moment, aside from the window.

"Phil, what do I do?" Tommy asked his father figure, defeated. His entire stance just seemed like he had given up.

"Give him time, Tommy. He'll talk to you when he's ready, just be there for him, ok?" Phil told Tommy, sympathetically. He personally couldn't recall many times where Tommy and Tubbo would argue, but when they did it was bad.

"Yeah, yeah you're right." Tommy replied, and he sat in the couch next to Phil, a small, hopeful smile on his face.

A comfortable silence filled the room, and Phil got up to start brewing some tea, and came back while it was heating. A faint cinnamon smell drifted throughout the entire house, relaxing Tommy a bit from the previous tension that was present in his mind. For a moment, all his worries about Tubbo hating him forever drifted away. Then he saw something out the window.

It was a person.

It was Tubbo.

And he was running.


I think that's pretty decent, I mean I probably could've written more, but I really wanted to leave y'all on a cliff hangar, so merp.

Word Count: 2400-2500

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