Chapter I: The Reich In Remnant
-Year: January 1, 1945-
-Planet Location: Remnant-
-Kingdom/Country Location: Vale-
-Location: Beacon Academy, Vale-
-Ozpin POV-
When I was in my office, doing paperwork for the "Initiation" for the new students, especially Ruby Rose, when I felt the earthquakes throughout Beacon Academy, as the earthquakes is over. As Glynda rush into my office to see I was alright.
Glynda: Professor Ozpin! Are you alright?!
Ozpin: Yes, I am quite all right. But I feel something, Sauron's descendants.
Glynda: What? I thought all of Sauron's bloodlines were wipe out after the old war?
Ozpin: No, one of his children is alive.
Glynda: Wait, what? I thought Sauron's children were killed off during the old war?
Ozpin: Apparently not, many of them faked their own deaths by using decoys I believe. But in the old war, I am not sure, Sauron was dangerous, even alone, let alive.
Glynda: And Sauron known for coming back alive somehow.
As I started seeing visions from my old past, Lord Sauron, an evil tyrant who determined to rule middle earth and all of Remnant.
I shuddered on what Lord Sauron did, many evil and horrible things to all of the people he did. But after he vanished when the old king sliced Sauron's fingers from his right hand, long time ago, and a brutality of war years ago. And no one doesn't know where his ring is at.
Ozpin: Let's just hope Lord Sauron never returns, but we need to find Sauron's descendants, and hopefully enroll them into Beacon Academy.
Glynda: Are you sure that is wise?
Ozpin: Yes, and Sauron's descendants have the ability to defeat Salem.
Glynda: As you wish.
Ozpin: And I know where the source is. And we leave immediately.
We leave my office from the tower, as we went inside the bullhead to fly towards the source is at.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
-Kingdom/Country Location: Third Reich aka Nazi Germany-
-Located: Outskirts of Berlin, Reichstag, Third Reich-
-Glynda POV-
Once we arrive at the new kingdom, as we landed near the river, as we exited the bullhead as we heard laughter in the distance, as we follow the laughter, and we saw a small group of soldiers, sitting around the campfire and singing this song and drinking and eating.
Wölfe Jäger Division: Nachts steht Hunger starr in unser'm Traum. Tags die Schüsse knallen her vom Waldessaum. Elend hält mit den Kolonnen Schritt. Und in Frost und Nebel zieh's die Wölfe mit. Noch fliegt Russlands heiliger Adler-
But they were interrupted by a step on a small stick, we turned around and saw this man.
???(Alexander): *thick Russian accent.* Freeze! *aiming his PPSh-41 at Glynda and Ozpin.*
Ozpin: Please, we are here to talk-
???(Wolfram): Take them to the Reichstag, for interrogation!
???(Alexander): Da!
We have been taken prisoner, and they loaded us to the truck and taken us by two men, one in the driver seat and the other in the passenger seat, and the four men also sat in the back of the truck to watch us. Minutes later, we arrive at the capital and saw a lot of civilians and soldiers, especially the soldiers in black uniforms. As we were forcibly taken out of the truck and force us into the capital, but was stop by a man with a silly mustache(Adolf Hitler) and a woman with Bluish-Silver eye color and short blonde hair.
???(Y/N): Hold on, Der Führer(The Leader) would like to negotiate with them, since he thinks. *points at Ozpin.* He's is the leader.
???(Wolfram): Very well, Lieutenant.
They took the bonds from our wrist, as the man and the woman led us inside the capital, as the woman opens the door for us a the man, once we all entered the office, and saw the painting of the same person.
???(Adolf): Bitte nehmen Sie Platz.
We were so confused, as the man singling us to sit down.
???(Y/N): Please, I do apologize for my uncle's language, he does not speak English. But I will translate for you. He said "please, take a seat."
Glynda: Thank you.
Ozpin: Thank you.
Both of us take a seat, as Ozpin said.
Ozpin: I do believe introduce is in order.
???(Y/N): I agree.
Ozpin: I am Professor and Headmaster Ozpin of Beacon Academy, Vale.
Glynda: And I am Professor and assistant Glynda Goodwitch of Beacon Academy, Vale.
Adolf: Ich bin Adolf Hitler, der Führer des Dritten Reiches.
Y/N: His name is Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Third Reich. And I am Y/n Wilhelm Annikki Anniken Hitler Sura, the niece of Adolf Hitler, and the Lieutenant of the 34th Wehrmacht/Waffen-SS Panzer Division Wölfe Jäger, the same ones who captured you. Now, why did you enter the outskirts of Berlin, Third Reich, mm?
Ozpin: We would like to discuss.
Y/N: Discuss of what?
Ozpin: About peace talk, including you and... do you have any siblings?
Y/N: Yes, I have seven siblings, why?
Ozpin: I want to enroll you and your siblings into Beacon Academy in Vale.
Y/N: Are you stupid? I am 22 years old, I can't be a student.
Ozpin: You can be part student, but also being part teacher.
Y/N: Fine.
Adolf: Und du sagst Friedensgespräch? Lass uns zu einem Friedensgespräch kommen.
Y/N: He saids "Let's get down to peace talks"
Ozpin: Agree, let me bring the leaders of the kingdoms.
-one hour later-
The Peace Treaty List:
The Third Reich, The Greater Finland, and Botswana Empire will not attack the following independent Kingdoms: Vale, Vacuo, Mistral, Atlas, and Menagerie.
The Third Reich will send Afrikakorps to Menagerie to defend Menagerie and its people from Atlas, The Greater Finland sends supplies to Menagerie, Botswana Empire sends voluntary aid to Menagerie.
The Third Reich, The Greater Finland, and Botswana Empire will not trade no resources or weapons to any Kingdoms.
The Führer agrees that they don't want to send any blueprints or any weapons or equipment to Atlas or the Schnee Dust Company(Which upsets Atlas and the Schnee Dust Company).
The Führer sends 1,000,000 Wehrmacht to Vale to protect their people, and build military bases and recruiting centers, once it complete. 1,000,000 Wehrmacht will return to the Third Reich, only the experience officers will stay behind to train Valerian recruits.
34th Wehrmacht/Waffen-SS Panzer Division Wölfe Jäger will follow Y/n orders, and she only allow to brings the people she knew, and leave 91,000,000 men to stay in the Third Reich, and bring 649,000 men to Vale to act as Heer Friedenstruppe(Army Peace Force).
The Führer ordered the Wehrmacht, Waffen-SS, SS, Luftwaffen and the Kriegsmarine to be on the defensive position or ready for the invasion against the any kingdom that will break the treaty.
The Greater Finland will chose to accept or reject on any kingdoms ideals or any agreements or alliances.
Botswana Empire will bring rights to the Faunus People, Third Reich brings rights to the Faunus, The Greater Finland brings rights to the Faunus People.
-Y/n POV-
Once the treaty was signed by Ozpin, Ironwood, Jacques Schnee, Theodore, Leonardo Lionheart, Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, Francisco Franco, and my parents. Once it's over, my uncle, and my parents agree, but once I go to Vale, I believe I see my stepdaughter, my step-granddaughters and my grandniece. Jesus Christ, why do age is different from Remnant than Earth? Is my grandniece and my step-granddaughters are going to call me old? Once everyone leave the Third Reich, and I packed anything I need and don't need for Beacon Academy. And my division also packed their things, but my children has to go to my parents place, once everything is done, I went to the air field, and entered the plane, but since the plane couldn't carry everybody on the same plane, we have to take multiple of planes. An hour later, we arrive at Vale where they building a newly airport, once we exited the planes, as Klaus has to use boats to take the tanks, he and our tanks won't be here til tomorrow, as we took a big flying plane call bullhead, once we arrived at Beacon Academy, but I couldn't bring all of my men due that, but only 649,000 men to act the Heer Friedenstruppe.
Hans: *muffled in his gas mask.* So, this castle, is an academy?
Y/N: Yes. Now my grandniece, Weiss Schnee, and two of my step-granddaughters, Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long, and my stepdaughter, Summer Rose to be working here.
Erika: I haven't seen them for a while.
As we walk around the courtyard, but it was getting late, and Ozpin given us the old warehouse where I and my division will sleep at, and use it for temporary shelter til we can have the barracks properly built.
Daryl: Okay, what the fuck is this. I am going to make a campfire tonight.
Hans: Let me help.
All: Ach Scheiße.(Oh shit.)
Once Daryl and Hans leaves the warehouse, to collect wood from the courtyard, as we settle in, as the division is getting use to the new area, but since our bullets are different than from Remnant they have been using dust, since I been reading a book call Remnant and their history, since people who have a semblance and aura, as I look Manner.
Y/N: Manner, kind to bring a dummy target with aura active, please.
Manner: Ja, Leutnant.(Yes, Lieutenant.)
He leave and two seconds later, he brought back the dummy target with aura is hand, and I pull out my Luger P08 from holster and aim it at the dummy and pulled the trigger and the bullet just as the aura shattered.
Y/N: Just I as predicted.
Manner: What do you mean?
Y/N: Our bullets can pierce through aura.
Me and all of us turned around and saw Hans and Daryl bring a tree in. As Alexander brings a axe from his suitcase.
Alexander: Alexander will cut the tree! But first. *pulls out vodka from his pouch and drinks it.* Ah, that is good blyat vodka. Now on the chopping the tree, eh?
Y/N: Be my guess.
I saw Alexander already chopping the tree quickly, once that is done, they went outside of the warehouse and grabbed some alcohol drinks, mostly Deutsch Bier(German Beer) and vodka, including Nevermore wine, which I never had it before, when we sit down on our lawn chairs. As Eevi and Nora made the pile of wood to make the campfire, right before Hans could light it on fire, as Alexander said.
Alexander: Comrades of the 34th Wehrmacht/Waffen-SS Panzer Division Wölfe Jäger and those who served the Third Reich also known as Nazi Germany, The Greater Finland, and Botswana Empire and the Axis Powers and fought and died for their country and their honor. But let us remember them with pure remembrance of our fallen soldiers!
As Alexander pour some of his vodka on the tree, as Hans-
All of us jumped out of our lawn chairs, and we all look at Hans.
Hans: *chuckles.*
Y/N: I swear to Gott(God) right now, you are going to be the death of me.
Hans: True.
We all sat back down in our lawn chairs, as we drink our beverages. As we sing this song.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Once we finish singing the song and finish drinking our beverages, and Leo is ask me a question.
Leo: *take his MG42 off his lap and sat near him next to the lawn chair.* Leutnant(Lieutenant), what is the Führer going to do with Erika Woffmann?
Y/N: That I don't of, she seen all the wars and all, and war made her this way, either rehabilitation, or lock up in prison.
Peterman: Or she could face a trial for her crimes.
Johann: Or face execution.
Stainer: *snoring in his lawn chair.*
Aatos: Stainer is asleep.
Alexander: Let him, all of this work at the hospital as a doctor and as a combat medic.
Paul: Hey, Lieutenant, you use to work as the Third Reich Nurse in Berlin, right?
Y/N: Actually, yeah, had to patch up a lot of wounded troops from Czechoslovakia, and helping pregnant women to give birth, including helping surgeries.
All except for Stainer and Y/n's siblings: Goddamn.
Luke: What year did you retire?
Y/N: August 29, 1939. And enlisted into the Wehrmacht in August 30, 1939 as a Corporal.
Smith: And that's where we all met in 1940.
Y/N: Damn right. Now, let's clean this up before the test.
All: Ja, Leutnant.(Yes, Lieutenant.)
We all started cleaning up, as Reiner was folding up the lawn chairs, and cleaning up the empty bottles. Once that is done, I grab Stainer and lift him over my shoulders and we all enter the warehouse, and put him on his bed, as we went to our separate rooms in the warehouse as we lay down on our bed and slept through the night.
-To be continued-
Now let's have a vote for Erika Woffmann(which you get to see her half through the story if the voting has enough votes).
A: Erika Woffmann goes through rehabilitation and no longer to be in the military.
B: Erika Woffmann to be in 35 years in prison.
C: Erika Woffmann go through the trial of her crimes.
D: Erika Woffmann would face an execution.
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