Part 2
[Part 2]
“Dante!” There was a joyful little scream and my girlfriend jumped into the arms of a man who looked exactly like me.
The man in question caught her in time, chuckling at the face full of her breasts he was receiving.
“Nice to meet you again, lovelies.” He said perversely, and I had the general idea that he wasn’t speaking to the woman herself, but her twin mountains.
“Wait. Wait. So my whistling in appreciation at her breasts is not fine, but that man nuzzling down her bra right now is perfectly fine?” Daniel demanded, picking up his ability to speak and joke all over again.
I looked at him, then at his doppelganger who was throwing my girlfriend off him, keeping her a length away from him.
“Have some demonic blood inside you, then we’ll discuss.” I replied, making towards Vergil, who had begun walking towards us, raising an eyebrow at Dante’s seeming level of control around a hot girl. Instantly, I was reminded of Lady. Was she around? Nero? Patty?
“You seem to be doing well, Damon Kries.” Vergil said formally, extending a hand for me to shake.
I stared at him, his hand, then back to his face.
“The years taught you manners, Vergil?” I replied sarcastically, since that was how one usually replied to the eldest son of Sparda, didn’t they? I was too used to having Vergil trying to manipulate me to his will to even be taking in by his acting.
“Not me, but maybe Dante.” He replied indifferently as if I had just asked him about dinner, letting his hand fall.
“Has he now?” I looked over to the guy in question, watching him chat to Trish with his ‘I’m bored’ face.
“Actually, not by a long shot.” Vergil admitted with a straight face, hence adding authenticity in his words.
“How did the two of you create this thing?” I gestured generally to the portal, feeling Daniel’s interest slide almost immediately. He began to move towards Dante and Trish, and I had the secret feeling that I didn’t want Daniel and Dante talking just yet with no proper introductions.
Knowing Dante, he would think Daniel as me and start bitching to us. Knowing Daniel, he would take Dante as a second Damon, and annoy the bloody hell out of the half-demon, which would be a very bad thing at this situation, since Dante had both his sword on his back, as well as his twin guns in their respective holsters.
“Not us. But we found a way to shut it down. And I know how we’re going to get back.” Vergil trailed my brother with his eyes, sharing the same careful thoughts as I did.
“How exactly are we shutting this down?” I asked quickly when the sirens began, fading in from a distance.
Vergil opened his mouth to reply, but he was interrupted by the piercing sound of a gunshot, filling the air with momentary silence.
“Fuck you too, man!” Daniel screamed; flashing his doppelganger a middle finger before my twin grabbed his shotgun, raising it up to aim it at Dante.
“What the-“I began to say, before Daniel spun around and pulled the trigger.
The demon sneaking up behind him disintegrated to ashes.
I turned back to Vergil, seeing him already unsheathing his sword –the sword that I had missed for the past few years.
“If you are thinking of wanting it back, you can forget it.” Vergil replied my unasked question, thrusting his weapon forward, staking a demon behind me through the face.
I dodge the spray of demon blood, clicking the safety off my Lightning Calibrate. There could be no more words exchanged over the gunshots, so we left the killing to silent swiftness. Of course, it applied only to Vergil, Trish and I, since Daniel and Dante both couldn’t stop cursing explicit at every single demon they felled.
“Oy! What the hell are you waiting for? Close the damned portal!” Dante yelled all of a sudden, and I turned to see Vergil sigh, before raising his sword and slicing through the portal.
The tear in the dimension was sliced into two. Then, as if a vacuum had started out of nowhere, the portal began to spin, and got sucked away from reality. It glowed red again, but it got smaller and smaller.
The sound of sirens got louder instead. Someone grabbed my hand, pulling me away from the portal, and I turned back to see the flowing ends of Vergil’s blue trench.
“Hey, Damon’s bro! Unless you wanna be caught by the police, you’d better get that stinking ass away from there!” Dante yelled, and I saw him carrying Trish, bridal-style, away. Of course, my girlfriend never minded a guy carrying her, much less if the guy was one who had once saved her from servitude to a demon king.
Strangely, this time, I felt no jealousy. Maybe because I knew she would sacrifice everything just to be with me. Even her life, even her demonic side and power.
Vergil grabbed me running towards the side of a tall building, looking up to gauge a distance. Beside, I heard Trish shout the same thing to Dante, telling him to stop as I did the same to Vergil.
“We’re not half demons or demons anymore! We can’t jump that high. We have to run.” I protested quickly to Vergil, stopping him and tugging him into the close by alley.
Daniel didn’t even stop to explain in his running. He grabbed the back of Dante’s trench, overtook the standing man, and began dragging him rudely. The two guys didn’t bother protesting as I followed Daniel’s lead, taking Vergil’s hand this time instead of the other way around.
We brothers, after all, were infamous for being able to outrun and hide out every single situation. It did help that my physical capabilities had greatly increased ever since Devil May Cry happened in my life.
Daniel led us all down our favorite escape route, and we ended up in the dark room of our rented apartment. Our parents knew none of it, but Daniel and I had shared the money to obtain this apartment, since it had served our purpose million times over –be it running from girlfriends, crazy Dmc fans or even the police.
We were the only ones panting from the physical exertion, though. Dante and Vergil didn’t even breathe heavily, as they waited for the sirens of the police to fade away into the distance.
It took a full ten minutes for the craziness to end.
For credits, Dante and Daniel kept their mouths shut while Trish kept on prodding both Dante and Vergil, trying to make sure that they were still here.
“Can you just stop poking me?!” Dante finally hissed after the police were gone, whacking Trish’s hand away.
Instead of being offended, she merely smiled brightly, as if she had finally found something that she had been looking for so long.
“You know, I was beginning to get suspicious that it wasn’t you. Guess it’s still you.” Trish commented, shifting back to sit beside me while Vergil gave an inkling of a smirk of amusement.
“Well, fuck you, Trish. I was pushed through a portal by a suicidal brother, almost shot by my other half, and made to run from the police, which I haven’t done since I shot a demon before their eyes.”
Daniel and I turned to look curiously at Dante for his outburst. Okay, so maybe we caught him on a bad day. But in Dante’s point of view, which day in which he spent outside Devil May Cry was good?
“So how am I going to send you guys back? Did you even know that you were coming here? Speaking of which, who was the one creating portals?” I demanded, ignoring Dante’s outburst for the moment.
Vergil peeked over the window ledge, standing up when he saw no suspicious people looking out for him or Dante.
“We have no idea. Or rather, we saw something a little disturbing, and decided to do something about it rather than leaving the job to Lady.” Vergil confessed while Dante just snorted.
“YOU decided to do something and threw me into the ride.”
Daniel patted Dante on the back comfortingly.
“Trust me; I know exactly how that feels.”
Leaving the two guys to wallow in their own sorrow at the fate of their lives, I followed Vergil to the window, watching out into the quiet part of the town I called home.
“What exactly can disturb you so? Other than the fact that I once wore your body.” I asked, feeling a little weirded out. Sure, it had sounded and felt like me, but seeing Vergil reminded me of how powerful I had felt while being him.
Vergil turned to give me a careful look, a look that asked if I was serious about knowing what disturbed him enough to drag his brother into this world, looking for us.
“We saw another doppelganger.” He stated simply.
Silence filled the room as I stared at Vergil. I wasn’t exactly sure if Daniel heard him, but either way, my brother made no noise –surprisingly.
I was saved from a reply when my phone rang in the pin-drop silence of the room. Turning away, I picked it up absently.
“Damon Kries, head of Kries Techno.” I greeted numbly.
“What’s wrong with you?” Marcy asked; a confused edge to her tone.
Almost instantly, I was reminded of exactly just how much of a Devil May Cry fan Marcy was and her disappointment when she realized I was the one to drop into Dante’s world instead of her.
“About Kries Tech again? You need to stop thinking about that damned company, and get a life! What happened to the weekly reruns of Devil May Cry? What happened to the get-drunk-at-least-once-a-week routine?” Marcy scolded, and even though I was already the Head of the entire company since at least four years ago, she didn’t seem to get the fact that her brother just wasn’t going to babysit her anymore.
On an entirely different point, Marcy was already eighteen, and should be doing her best in her Pre-U course. Then again, her IQ was enough to make her through her university courses whenever she wanted.
“I’m busy, Marce. Can you call some other time?”
“How about… no. I called to say that Mum and Dad left a message on the phone. They’re coming back in a week.”
I cursed beneath my breath. My parents had decided to go around the world travelling, using their extensive retirement savings to enjoy their lives. Of course, they returned to check in on us, as well as for Dad to check on how much we’d ‘screwed’ up his hard work. It never happened, but nothing stopped Kevin Kries from checking in on his baby.
“What? You don’t want them back?” Marcy heard my cursing, taking it as my disappointment and displeasure at the return of our parents.
I looked to the twin sharing the same breathing air as us. Something told me that they weren’t going to return to their world just yet. Just knowing Dante, he would be staying here. And it would be up to me to keep the guys hidden, since they carried my face, and could carry my reputation and authority anytime they felt like it.
Vergil wouldn’t exploit it, but Dante definitely would.
“We might have some visitors at home, and I frankly don’t want Erica and Kevin seeing them.” I informed, hoping to keep things as vague as possible. After all, I didn’t need Marcy screaming over the phone for Dante. The screaming could do when she met Dante in person. Though, I took to notice, that we had to certainly keep an inhaler nearby.
“Visitors? Your friends? Business associates? Hot, sexy ladies that maybe Trish allows for one-night stands?” Marcy guessed.
“You know them. I’ll talk to you later. Tell Rainer we’ll be back. And tell the chef to whip up meals for us all, including another two servings. Take note that the extra servings should be extra supersized or something like that.” I instructed, turning away from Dante’s grin when he realized that I was intending to allow them to my house.
Daniel stared at me with jaws open. Marcy replied her acknowledgement, and we shut the connection off quickly.
“They’re living with us?!?” Daniel yelled, jumping up as if he couldn’t believe that he would be sharing the same house with his doppelganger and other half.
“They have to. With our faces, we’re going to have tons of trouble if Dante runs around. Effectively, we’re going to be confining them. Marcy will keep them company while we deal with the crap at the company. Vergil can help, but I’ll tie up Dante with silver, platinum or even gold wires if I have to. Bad news is: Erica and Kevin are returning in a week.”
Dante’s and Daniel’s curse at my words came in harmonized, and I wondered if they practiced it before hand. Vergil merely kept silent.
“We should go. Talk back at the house, and not risk getting spotted here.” Trish agreed, standing up. Since she was familiar with this hiding place of Daniel’s and mine, she knew exactly what we kept around the place to aid our disguise. She skipped quickly over to the cupboard, withdrawing a pair of hats and black coats, as well as dark sunglasses.
She walked up to the two demonic twins, making sure they gave no protests as she capped the fedoras on their head, forcing the sunglasses on their faces while she threw them the coats. Dante began to argue, but Vergil silently removed his trench coat, wearing the plain, shapeless black one.
Frankly? They looked like the two men in black. On the bright side, however, the coat obscured their physique, and the sunglasses distorted a clear idea of the face. The iconic silver-white hair was being covered up mostly, and though they looked out of place, no one would stop to realize that all four of us looked exactly from the same mould.
Daniel left first, taking our weapons and promising to bring them back to our designated hiding spot. Don’t get me asking why Daniel and I had hiding places everywhere; we were infamous in town, and usually got into trouble with their most varied bunch of people. Most of them weren’t so extreme that we had to use guns, but it definitely came to good use in situations like this –where we had to blast demon matter apart.
Trish left to retrieve my motorbike, promising to meet me outside the house.
So it was left to us, for me to walk the two all-unknowing brothers back home.
Solemn silence chased us as we walked on –mostly because I threatened Dante to no food if he much less blurted out anything concerning the fact that he was Dante and that he shouldn’t belong here. Vergil was at least sensible enough to keep his mouth shut without any form of warning or threat. I could only guess that he was trying to play by his best card –and that was me –in this world.
One particular policeman walked past me, rushing towards the site of the demon intrusion. He did however, stop, giving my companions weird looks before turning his eyes on me, and giving me a friendly smile. Somehow, being the big guy heading Kries Tech had done and impact on the local police station, and I wasn’t complaining.
“Damon! What are you doing here in this part of town? Heard of anything that happened down at Polo 21?”
I gave him my best brisk businessman nod. “I was just meeting my associates for the latest project. We came from Lint Street, so, no, we heard nothing. Is it cause for concern?” I asked, sounding mildly interested while Dante sniggered softly –just soft enough for Vergil and me to hear.
“No, it’s nothing. Might I inquire who your associates are? They are dressed… peculiarly in this weather.” The policeman seemed to be grasping for the words, which probably showed just much the two guys behind me were standing out.
“They are associates from overseas. Correspondence to a company we are currently liaising with.” I briskly brushed it off, looking at my watch in an effort to show that I was rushing for time.
The policeman took the cue. “Then if you’re rushing for time, Mr. Kries, I shouldn’t hold you up any longer.”
I gave him a pleasant smile and nod. “You in kind, sir.”
We turned another corner, away from the sight of the policeman, and Dante breathed a heavy sigh of relief.
“You, frankly, sound like twice the bastard that was my brother for the one particular year. You sure you really are Damon Kries?”
“I can be four times the bastard, Dante, if you don’t keep your mouth shut right now. You want to live here; you listen to me and don’t piss me off.” I brushed off quickly.
“I’m the one with demonic blood here. I can tear your head off anytime I want.” Dante boasted as we walked through a nondescript alley.
“I can have your ass locked up in prison with no questions asked. I’m at the top in this town, Dante. I have connections everywhere, so you’d better watch your ass. Besides, I’m the only one who is going to help you get back home to Lady, so you be a good boy Sparda taught you to be, and obey me.” I retorted quickly, looking both sides from the opening of the alley before signaling the guys out.
Sure, it looked damned weird when I was in a messy-looking suit with two guys looking like men in black trailing behind me. I kind of looked like the bankrupt businessman in trouble with the law.
One way or another, we made it back to the gates leading to my house –or manor –at the top of the slope. Trish and Daniel were waiting for me there, as Dante and Vergil stopped to give their appraisal to the mansion I called my house.
Trish gave me a welcome back kiss that brought my smile back to my face, rubbing away the frustrated frown at my brows. Something about the return of the Sparda brothers didn’t strike a tune with me, and the fact that there had been another doppelganger besides Daniel and I didn’t settle well within me. How could there be another doppelganger to us? I was Vergil’s other half, as Daniel was Dante’s. How could there be a third doppelganger?
Daniel and Dante engaged in useless incessant chatter while Vergil kept silent at our side.
I rang the intercom, requesting Rainer, my ever-faithful and loyal butler, to open the gates for us all. He knew that I had visitors… oh, if only he knew exactly who my visitors were. Rainer was going to have so much trouble differentiating between us all.
Trish and I led the way, planning out exactly how we were going to break to Marcy that the two guys of her dreams had appeared.
We didn’t have much to worry about. Dante and Vergil took off their disguise once they walked through the doors –with Vergil slicking back his hair again –and we walked up the slope in a slow fashion.
I didn’t even get to knock on the doors before it opened.
Marcy jumped out, a delighted light in her eyes.
“Welcome to Kries Manor!” She yelled, before she feasted her eyes on her visitors.
Then she stared and stared.
“Bro, she’s the Marcy you kept on talking to when you were with me?” Dante nudged me.
I looked between my stoned sister, and back to Daniel’s doppelganger.
“That’s her.”
Dante gave her a second appraisal.
“She’s hot. You lied to me.”
“When she was fourteen, no. When she’s eighteen, yes.”
“Cool. Can I hit on her? She got a boyfriend yet?”
“Discuss with Lady, then I’ll consider.”
“If you’re not making way, Dante, I’m going to make you.” Vergil pushed his brother to the side, stepping before my sister, extending a hand. The years had really helped Vergil’s manners.
“Hi. I’m Vergil, son of Sparda, brother to Dante. It’s a pleasure to meet you, whom I have helped Damon contact so much while he was in my world.”
Marcy looked slowly from his hand, to his face, then at Dante.
“Vergil? Dante? You’re not kidding me?” She asked, in a voice that sounded weak and breathless.
“You didn’t sound this weak the last time we talked. You sick or something?” Dante peered at my sister carefully, oblivious to her apparent breathlessness.
“You are Dante.” Marcy stated, staring at the guy staring back at her.
“Well, duh. Who else?” He replied incredulously, ignoring the fact that his brother was still waiting for Marcy’s handshake.
“Dante. You are Dante.” Marcy repeated again, sounding core-shocked and unable to believe herself.
“Yes. I’m Dante. Are you a little slow or something? Your brother’s supposed to have high IQ. He took yours?”
Marcy stared for one more second.
Then she fainted.
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