Part 15

[Part 15]

Damon’s P.O.V

“Hey darling. It’s a new day, new stuff to do.” I greeted as we both stirred awake in the messed up sheets around us. We had gotten kinky last night, and regaining devil stamina had reminded us of exactly what length we could go through without breaks. As human, we probably needed breaks in between, but as demonic beings? Our stamina was definitely awesome.

Of course, it had worked us both out, and I very near collapsed after the fifth orgasm, but hey, I loved the satisfaction it gave, though I did have some aches somewhere. I will admit, my little counterpart between my legs was a little sore from the over strenuous exercise from the night before.

Trish grumbled against the pillow, trying to bury her face further into the soft haven it gave. Her naked body was still pressed to mine, still reminding me that my lover was still by my side. Surprise, surprise, our bed hadn’t broken yet. I had thought –at one point when Trish rode me extremely hard –that it would break beneath our demonic strength, but it hadn’t.

“You tired?” I asked, knowing the answer, but just wanting to hear it spoken aloud.

“You bastard. Of course. Five orgasms in a row. I’m going to die.” She groaned, her words muffled against the pillow, but I understood her alright.

“I think you might have ridden me dry. Little Damon’s going to ache, unless you rub it.” I suggested, snuggling my body against hers, feeling her warmth underneath the sheets.

She didn’t move, still lying face-down. “Wishful thinking. Little Trish down there’s crying out with aches. I wasn’t wet enough after the fourth, and you had to push for the fifth time.”

I pulled her body against mine, inhaling the crazy scent of kinky sex from her hair. We had both been too tired to even get out of bed for a shower. “Then I’m sorry, my baby. Forgive me, for Little Damon and Little Trish’s sake?”

“You make them sound like our kids.” She grunted as she finally moved, shifting to hug me back, pressing her breasts against my chest.

“Well, they are our little counterparts.” I reasoned, earning a final light laughter from her.

We were silent for a long while afterwards, which I wasn’t sure if Trish had fallen asleep again.

“Damon?” She asked suddenly, breaking the silence of the room.

“Hmm?” I asked, feeling a little sleepy. Lazing around in bed was getting me lazier, and if I didn’t get out of this comfy haven soon, I was going to fall back asleep.

“What do you think about kids?”

“They’re cute. Why?”

“What if we have kids too?”

My heart skipped a beat. “Are you trying to tell me you’re pregnant?”

She pulled away from my embrace enough to look me in the eye.

“No! I mean… I was just thinking about our future. We’ve been having unprotected sex all this while… what if an accident happens in the future before we planned it?”

I didn’t know to feel relieved or disappointed at that. But, come to think about it, Trish and I were still just boy-girl friends. We weren’t even married yet.

“You and I are going to have beautiful kids, Trish. You know I won’t leave your side ever. Not after what you gave up for me. Besides that, I love you too much to leave you. I am financially stable for kids, so you don’t have to worry about the troubles of bringing them up. But if you don’t want kids so early, I understand. I can wear a condom next time.” I explained to her, trying my best to ensure that she understood where I came from.

It was obvious that I wanted kids in the future, but we were still young and dealing with the craziness in our lives. Kids could wait, if she wanted it. Ultimately, the decision laid upon her shoulders, for she was the one to carry the baby for nine months in her tummy.

She gave me a smile that was held strangely with relief. Had my opinion about our future really stressed her up so much? Trish should have known my reply –for I respected her more than anyone and anything. I cradled her head in my hand and pressed her softly against my chest.

“No matter what you decide for us, Trish, I respect that. Just as long as we spend our future together, we will take our family step by step.”

She shifted, putting arms around me as she hugged me like a teddy bear.

“You seriously have got to stop being so soft to girls. I’m going to lose my head trying to think of who you’re going to betray me next with your soft heart.” She grumbled against my chest, letting the warmth of my skin envelop her.

I laughed softly, putting arms around her “So my reassuring you is a bad thing? Remind me not to try to please you next time, my lover.”

She chuckled, and gave a playful whack at my chest. “Don’t you dare.”

With that, we snuggled up to each other and fell back to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of the shower going on, and realized that the warm body that lulled me to sleep was absent. It didn’t take long to conclude that Trish was in the showers, so I continued to laze in bed, waiting for my turn. Outside, I could hear my siblings quarrelling –probably over something minor –and surprisingly, I heard Marcy refer to Vergil a few times, over the topic they were arguing about, gaining soft but audible replies from the quiet man.

The sound of the showers turning off came shortly after, but Trish spent quite a long time in silence. Not sure what she could be doing in the washroom, and not wanting to be the nosy boyfriend, I finally got up and made the bed, picking our clothes from yesterday night from underneath the bed. I wasn’t exactly sure how Trish’s bra got underneath there when I clearly remembered ripping it off and throwing it towards the drawers, but I wasn’t going to ask.

Finally, after making the place, still naked and a little sore after yesterday’s rough ride, I turned to Trish as she opened the bathroom door, with a towel crumpled in her hands.

A yelp escaped her when she realized I was standing right in front of her, and her eyes widened while I raised a brow at her.

“Why, not happy to see me?” I asked with a slight smile when she tried embarrassedly to cover up for the fact that she had yelped her surprise out.

“You scared me standing right there. I thought you would still be asleep.” She excused, face going red as she moved awkwardly.

I didn’t know then, but I should have seen the extreme awkwardness and shyness in her movements. I should have seen the bloodshot eyes despite the fact that she had been sleeping almost as long as me. I should have seen the slightly red nose that occurred whenever she cried. I should have seen the plastic little mechanism poking out from the stack of towel she cradled so carefully in her arms.

But I didn’t. I thought she was just being embarrassed at being caught, so I let her off and went into the showers. I didn’t think about it again. I wish I did. Because when the links added up much later, it became too late for me.

Because, on that little mechanism, there was a little red cross on the display.


When I finally stepped out of the room, I was surprised to find my lover already gone.

“Where’s Trish?” was the first question I addressed to my siblings and Vergil.

Daniel gave an irritated grunt back in reply, and it was obvious that he lost yet another argument to Marcy. “Good afternoon to you too, Damon.”

Marcy, on the other hand, was all too pleased to reply my question.

“Trish left with Lady. Lady was going to pick Daniel up for their date, but Trish whipped her away.” Marcy said in a sing-song voice, and Daniel’s face grew even darker. So maybe it wasn’t only Marcy’s fault Daniel was so grumpy.

Vergil saved another imminent argument as he stood up, a hand on Marcy’s. After one especially rainy day, Marcy had somehow reciprocated the feelings Vergil had been having for her, and though they were still a little awkward around each other at times, they still made a slightly cute couple –ignoring the fact that Vergil looked exactly like me.

“Let’s go. Now that Damon’s awake, Daniel’s not going to kill himself.” Vergil stated in a matter-of-fact tone, and Daniel immediately latched on the man, giving him a glare.

“Don’t think now that you’re dating Marcy, you can play around with me.” He threatened but Vergil merely shrugged it off, leading Marcy to the door.

“I don’t need Marcy to give me permission. I have been playing around with you.” Vergil said as his parting words, leaving a cursing Daniel in his wake while Marcy’s delighted laughter faded away. Being my sister had made Vergil a different person, and I found that I liked this new Vergil and not the Vergil that mocked me several years ago.

I left Mr. Grumpy on the couch as I made for the regular coffee that Trish always left out for me.

“Hey, no one made coffee today?” I called outside when I realized that there was no coffee ready.

“If your fuck-buddy didn’t, then there’s no bloody coffee.” Daniel argued back, seemingly wanting very much to just get into an argument.

“Telling me that isn’t going to get Trish bringing Lady back to your side, idiot, so deal with it, and give me less growl along the way. Come on.” I stomped back into the room, retrieving my overcoat from the rack.

“Where are we going? I’m not moving. I wanna be like Dante. I wanna die.” Daniel whined like an immature kid, and I wasn’t going to take that from a twenty-five year old man like him. He had a bloody sector in my company, for god’s sake.

“We’re going to find your best friend, buddy. You wanna die? Get your ass to Devil May Cry and die with Dante. I need to get some information from him first, and you’re going to die with him after that.” I buttoned up the coat, before walking over to drag him up by the collar.

“But I wanna die here!” Daniel argued, though he still stood up in the end anyway. So much for whining and arguing –Daniel was just doing it for the sake of it.

“Die later. I’ll send you a message in hell to tell you if Lady cries for you.” I said briskly as I threw him out the door, closing it behind us and lock it up to make sure Daniel wouldn’t wriggle his way in. I actually hadn’t really wanted Daniel along when I interrogated Dante –one of the same personalities was enough for me –but I was seriously afraid something would happen to my brother when he was left unattended. Like a child with ADHD, I didn’t dare to leave Daniel alone. Especially not while he was a half-devil in Devil May Cry.

He tried his best to whine and argue his way back home, but I deflected his whines with ease, dragging him all the way around the corner to Devil May Cry.

Someone walked into me –someone small –and there was the sound of a familiar exclamation.

“Patty?” I asked, giving Daniel a glare to make sure he stayed around.

“Vergil? Dante? Didn’t I just see you in Devil May Cry?” She asked with a confused expression, taking my hand for help as I helped her up to her feet.

Daniel made a Dante-like grunt, while I sighed. No one had seen fit to tell the little girl that the ‘Vergil’ she knew for one year was actually me. I wondered how she would take in this information.

“Patty, can you come back to Devil May Cry with me?”

“But why? I’ve got to go back to Mummy soon.” She asked worriedly as I turned her around, guiding her back to the way she came.

“You’re going to scare her, bro.” Daniel yawned again, tapping my shoulder lightly.

I gave him a look. “I didn’t know you cared. Besides, she needs to understand what’s going on, or she’ll freak out if she sees us all together next time.”

Patty tried to turn around to keep track of our conversation, but I pressed her on forwards.

“Fine, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” My brother gave me a ‘whatever’ face and continued on forwards first, ducking into Devil May Cry quickly.

“Vergil, what is this about-” She asked, but I cut her off quickly.

“My name isn’t Vergil. I am Damon, Damon Kries. You don’t know exactly who I am, but I’ve been your guardian for one year. You danced a swan for me.” I explained, leading her up the steps to Devil May Cry.

“But that… that man was Vergil! What have you done to him?”

I thought about how I’d introduced him to the beauty of his eyes that was my sister, and how quickly he had changed within a few days of knowing her.

“I’ve done nothing to him, Patty. He is still fine and alright. But you need to know that there is more than one of us.” I explained as I opened the door for her, guiding her by her shoulders as she went in.

She took a step in, and then stopped, eyes fixed on the scene before her. She stared for a long moment, then turned back to look at me. There was an instant where something flashed across her eyes. The moment didn’t last long and her eyes rolled back.

She went limp.

Dante took a look up over his magazine as I rushed to scoop Patty up in my arms, raising an amused brow at me when I succeeded in catching the girl before any damage was taken.

“You look like Vergil when he first met Marcy.” He stated, apparently still not over the phase of teasing Vergil about his lady-love.

Daniel went to the back, and came back out as I closed the door behind me, chewing on the corner of a leftover pizza he managed to swipe from Dante’s fridge.

“I told you it was a bad idea; you just won’t listen to me.” Daniel pointed out in an ‘I-told-you-so’ voice but I ignored him as I carried Patty to the couch, carefully stroking her hair in a bid to wake her up.

“Now you look like a pedophile.” Dante stated, and I flashed him the middle finger. Daniel, on the other hand, snickered at Dante’s innocent joke, and I wished, one day, I could just put my hands around their throats and strangle them both at once. Vergil could help me with his brother if he wanted.

“Patty, you should wake up now. I’ll explain everything to you; you don’t have to be so shocked….” I whispered into the girl’s ear, hoping to jolt her back to consciousness. It worked, and she stirred, eyes opening slowly.

“What happened?” She asked innocently, and though she had grown up, she was still almost the age Marcy was when I came into this world. Still young, still all-unknowing.

“You’re not going to make hard facts soft for her, Damon. Just give her the crap, and let her deal with it. Anyone who even knows of Dante’s existence should also know that the physics and ideas behind his world are usually screwed up.” Daniel put in helpfully, earning a loud smack on his head by Dante’s magazine.

“Say that again.” Dante challenged, seemingly wanting to leave things at that, but his mistake was even challenging Daniel in the first place, for my brother never backed down.

“Which sentence? I’ve said so many.” Daniel asked in his ‘I-don’t-care-what-you-think’ tone, successfully pissing off the man that had been hibernating until now. Dante finally stood up, making a fist in Daniel’s shirt while I sighed.

I turned my eyes away from the scene when I felt someone tugging my sleeve, watching Patty watch the scene with a confused frown.

“Who is the person that is so like Dante, yet not him?”

I looked at the scene unfolding, of the boys getting to their fists. I considered leaving them fight their argument out, before realized that they could potentially collapse the entire building. Still, I decided to let them fight it out a little longer. Daniel needed some well-placed punches, and I regretted a little that I wasn’t the one delivering those satisfying punches.

“That guy’s my twin brother, Daniel. He’s just a second Dante, except with more time and money to spend.”

“Wait…. You really are not kidding me? You really are Damon?”

I sighed, hoping she would understand just a little faster.

“Yeah. Remember the first year that ‘Vergil’ came back, right until ‘he died’ killing Mammon, then Leviathan in Limbo? That was me.”

She stared at me for a long moment, as Dante scored a well-placed punch, and I wasn’t sure if she was going to faint again.

“You…were Vergil?”

I nodded, watching her carefully.

She pointed over to the man who was on the floor now, getting a tickle fest from the red trench-coat famous demon hunter. I didn’t even want to know how their fight ended up in tickles and laughter.

“That guy’s someone called Daniel?”

I nodded again. “And you appeared how?”

I sighed. Maybe Daniel was right.

This was a bad idea.

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