Part 13

[Part 13]

Daniel’s P.O.V

I gave Lady a look, asking her whether she truly wanted to do this. There was a chance that Dante would find out about this, and go all crazy. There was also chance that Dante wouldn’t find out at all, and even if he did, he could probably just shuffle the piece of information in the back of his mind.

One way or another, we were attempting treachery at him, something that shouldn’t be played around with a son of Sparda. No matter what demonic blood I had now, the fact stayed that I had no weapons while Dante had swords and guns, and he had twenty-five years of experience while I had approximately one week of it.

“You’re not a coward, are you? Besides, Dante wouldn’t give a fucking damn. C’mon.” Lady whispered under her breath as we walked towards the low-budget hotel.

I sighed, and played by her rules. I had looked forward to a day of demon-hunting early today, but was picked up and informed by Lady to play dress up. Of course, I didn’t need her expertise in that area as I easily picked out the best set of clothes for me the boutique had to offer. The bill, however, was pinned to someone else’s name.

So here we were, making through town, walking towards a shabby hotel that honestly didn’t seem fit for living –however temporary –and wearing clothes that were charged to Dante’s name. Lady herself have picked up a sexy, too-short dress, and made herself as slutty as I would ever see her.

I will not mince words. Seeing her with an extremely low cleavage, exposed and perfectly curved belly, and a mini skirt that might as well not existed at all –seeing its length –it gave me an erection just looking at her. Of course, she didn’t know about it. I just had natural ways to tame that little bastard back down.

Still, I love watching her two lovely melons jiggle as she walked, hanging off my arm.

She was doing her best to play her part, and I was too caught up in watching her body move that I ended up playing my part unintentionally too. It was only as we approached the hotel that the idea that we were betraying Dante –or attempting to –came to me.

“Don’t be a baby, Daniel. Dante’s going to congratulate us even if we get seriously naked on the bed.” Lady encouraged with insistent eyes on me, trying her best to persuade me to play along. The reason she didn’t call her actual boyfriend for this game was that Dante just wouldn’t make his ass leave his chair, and I was available for her.

To her, I was just another Dante –except more willing to do job and with more time to spare since I wasn’t always lazing around like the latter. I wondered if she ever viewed me as a boyfriend-material.

“Remind me again why we’re here?” I asked, looking up at the overcast sky. The rain was going to pour anytime, and I didn’t exactly desire to be walking out in the open when the clouds let its load off.

“I’m your sex partner. Fuck-Buddy, if you must. You paid me to have an awesome time on the bed, and I’m going to work you out so hard that you don’t even have time to breathe properly.” Lady replied innocently, but I knew that glint of laughter in her eyes. The real-life Lady had changed quite some bit from the games and anime –considering that she now took Dante for a boyfriend.

I liked the real Lady. I liked the real, cruder and more practical Lady better than the anime’s Lady. This Lady was real. That Lady was pixels.

Visual images came to my mind at her description, and it took effort from me to not cause a strain in my new pair of pants.

“Strike that question. Why am I, Daniel Kries, here with you, Lady, demon hunter?” I asked with a slightly shocked face, earning melodious laughter from her.

“Because we’ve got a succubus to kill, and she’s feeding off sexual pheromes emitted from the couples that come here and have sex. Normally, it’s quite alright to just be listening to moans and groans from the neighbors, but it isn’t when she starts killing them by forcing them to go faster, or longer.”

“And how exactly does she do that?”

“She hears your moans and comes hiding behind the curtains, watching. When she latches on to the pheromes she craves for, she can control the mind of the fucking guy, making him ride faster. Sometimes it’s the woman that wears out faster than the man, sometimes it’s the man that wears himself out. Either way, when she comes in, the result is always one of them dead, another close to death.”

“So it’s literally having sex to the death?”

She gave me a raise of a brow. “Bad pun, but yes. You and I are going to recreate the scene, and try to lure her out from whatever dark corner she’s been hiding all this while.”

I stopped walking suddenly, staring at her when she finally realized I wasn’t following her and turned around to look for me.

“You and I are going to fuck?”

“Is that a problem with you?”

“Dante’s going to kill me.”

“And you’re so scared of him?”

“He’s your bloody boyfriend. And I’m not stupid to the extent that I think I can defeat him. I may be like him, but I’m not as stupid as him.”

“So you’re like Damon, then. High IQ, Low EQ.” She concluded.

“No. No way. Damon’s going to the extreme. It’s a wonder what Trish finds in him. I’m different. Slightly more balanced, but I’m not going to fuck the girlfriend of a son-of-Sparda’s.”

She chuckled, seemingly satisfied by my words.

“Clever boy, aren’t you? No, you and I aren’t going to fuck, but we have to pretend that we are. Moans and groans and the such. I’ll tell you the details of how it’s going to work later. But, if we were really stuck in a corner, Daniel, would you?” Lady asked, the laughter suddenly gone from her eyes as she asked her question.

“Would I what?”

“Fuck me.”

I didn’t hesitate, and I hope it didn’t throw her off her steam.

“In a blink, Lady. Right now, you are as hot to me as any woman can be, and I seriously can’t think of anything better than to take you to bed with me and thrust myself into you and make you scream.”

She grinned. “That’s what I want, my clever little fuck-buddy. I’m no conservative little girl anymore, and Dante knows that very well. Little Lady wants other company sometimes.”

With that, she turned around and continued sashaying to the hotel.

I stopped walking suddenly, looking up at the dark sky again. There was a weight in my heart, something I would never understand. I should be overjoyed here. I had powers to play with, I had time with my crush, I had my siblings here, and I had Dante to screw around with. I had Vergil to tease. This was my paradise, and yet here I was –feeling melancholic.

“What’s wrong?” Lady asked, walking back to me when she realized she had left me far behind.

“Have you ever woken up and felt like there was something lacking, and you don’t know what it is?”

Her eyes gave me a curious look, wondering where I was trying to go with the conversation, but she replied me all the same.

“Once. That was when your brother was still here, and when I liked him. I found out later that the thing I was lacking was just a little love, and sex.”

Love… it could be that that I was lacking. I could be lacking out on the sex part too, since I hadn’t been with the naked bosom of a woman since I met Dante and Vergil. It wasn’t that I was trying to keep a saint around them, but I was too busy teasing Vergil and playing dirty with Dante to go out looking for a one night stand.

“Why? You feel you lacking something, my sexy man?” She asked suggestively, and I had the feeling that she actually wanted to get kinky with me.

“Not that, Lady. Just… something missing. Something I can’t put a finger on exactly.” I replied absently, looking up at the black clouds, wishing they could give me an answer as to why I wasn’t happy in my own paradise. The clouds didn’t speak; but Lady did.

“I know what you’re missing.” She said confidently, so I gave her a curious raise of brow. How could she possibly know what I was missing when I didn’t even know it myself?

“Enlighten me.” I challenged.

She sashayed back to me, a playful smile on her face while keeping strong eye contact with me. She walked right up to me, and poked a forefinger on my chest.

“This. You lack this thing.” She emphasized her point again by poking my chest.

“A chest? A heart?” I asked, unable to understand what she was trying to get at.

Her smile turned genuinely amused as she looked up at me, considering she was half a head shorter than me naturally.

“The other half to your heart.” She concluded, hitting jackpot instantly.

“I’ve got a bunch of girlfriends back at home.”I excused myself, though both of us knew it was the answer. The answer that I was unwilling to face. An answer that I hadn’t found a love. A true lover.

“Don’t compliment your own night stands, Daniel. If you’re half the man your sister made you out to be, you would be sleeping with sluts and bitches already. You are restless, trying to find something in the moment’s worth of pleasure you have with women.”

I made up my mind to threaten a confession out of Marcy. I hadn’t even been aware my sister had any time to converse with the girl of my dreams, considering the fact that she had a lover hot on her tails too. Too bad Vergil wasn’t as open or liberal as I was in chasing the girls we liked.

“What does that mean? That I fuck bitches and sluts looking for love?” I demanded, not exactly liking how she phrased it. But it was a sad truth I would not deny.

Lady poked my chest again to show that she was serious.

“You need to find a lady-love, Daniel Kries. Damon was like you when he first came –restless. He had a bunch of one-night stands –which I ignored because I thought I loved him. Then he made the mistake of fucking Trish before me, and she calmed him down. It became clear to me that I wasn’t his calming factor, but Dante’s. Granted, he can’t keep his dick behind his zipper if a naked woman shows up, but it doesn’t mean he goes out looking for them anymore these days.”

I gave her a weird look at the way she was explaining her ideas.

“So I need to find a woman that stops me from wanting to have sex with sluts”

She nodded, seemingly satisfied that I understood her perfectly. The problem? I knew who that woman was, and she was already taken.

“If that woman’s already attached?”

Lady smiled, spinning on her heels and continuing her walk to the hotel.

“Then steal her from the boy she’s with.”

I quickly fell into step beside her, feeling the moisture heavy in the air. The rain was going to pour anytime soon.

“But if I know she really loves her boyfriend? If they are a perfect couple?”

“Then make her see you. No couple in the world is perfect. I used to think that your brother betrayed me by sleeping with Trish that one day, but after I got with Dante, I realized that I was actually the third party. Damon and my relationship were flawed, and Trish attacked that weakness. Up till now, I thank Trish and Damon constantly for finding each other.”

“But yours is a different case. The girl I want…. She really loves her partner. I don’t want her to cry.”

“You think she’s not going to cry if she realizes that there was another man who loved her so much to give her up?”

“She’s not going to leave the man she’s with. I’m almost the same as the man she’s with. We are almost one and the same. Like twins.”

Lady gave me a sideward look.


“No way. Trish and I don’t mix. We can be brothers and sisters. We can be occasional fuck-buddies if Damon’s not around to kill me, but she definitely doesn’t stop me from dropping my pants with other women.”

She laughed –a melodious sound that I wish I could record it down and play it back whenever I wanted.

“You sound like a sex maniac now. If that is the case, Daniel, then be different. No two people are the same in our two worlds combined. Sure, you can have your other half, but even Dante’s not exactly you. You are who you are, so what makes you so afraid to make the first step?”

I wished I could have the courage to. Some things, I just was a bloody coward.

“I’ll see how it goes.” I broke the conversation off entirely, not daring to venture into this further before it got uncomfortable.

“Don’t be a coward!” She scolded as she ran up to catch up with my pace; me trying to forget that the conversation actually happened at all.

I was saved by the rain, very literally. The whole load of water the heavens had been keeping away from the surface emptied upon us, and a little ways behind me, Lady gave a little squeal, as she began to run outright towards the hotel for shelter.

But she was wearing high heels, and it made her run even more awkward. Someone like her wasn’t cut out for heels, but for the sake of pretence, she had picked up a pair of high heels. Sure, she could walk with it, but running took skills. The case of Marcy with a swollen ankle when she was sixteen was evidence enough for me when my sister tried to catch a bus with stilettos.

Sighing at the high risk Lady was putting herself in, I charged after her with demonic speed. I didn’t even ask; I grabbed her arm, put my arm behind her knees, and whipped her up vertical. She gave a little scream of shock as she landed in my arms, seemingly not understanding what had just happened. I didn’t wait for her to scold me before I took off with her in my arms, the rain pouring upon me as I shielded her as best as I could. With demonic strength, Lady’s weight as nothing for me.

“Let’s get you out of this rain, my fuck-buddy.” I laughed as she screamed at the half-demonic speed that I put on to get to the hotel. It was like driving full-throttle, except there were legs instead of wheels, and she wasn’t wearing any seat belts, other than my arms for her protection.

It was natural she got a little scared, and when I skidded to a stop, she gave a horrified shriek.

“I’m going to kill you for that!” She screamed when it became clear that I wasn’t going anywhere else.

I grinned at her, taking her angered slap on my arm with humor. There was nothing more I loved at the moment now than to play around with Lady. I expected more than a little slap from this woman who had a rocket launcher tucked at home, but strangely nothing happened to me afterwards. Instead, she took a look at my drenched state, and dripping hair.

Our eyes met, and the smile faded away from my face.

“You’re all wet.” She stated in a ‘duh’ moment and reached into a pocket that I didn’t know existed in her miniskirt.

Out she pulled a handkerchief, and she began dabbing the droplets off my face. If some melodious music was playing in the background, then this would have totally become a drama. But the world wasn’t a drama. Definitely not my world.

She recognized the moment a little too late, blushing quietly when she realized it. To save us both from the embarrassment, I took the handkerchief from her hands, and dabbed the rainwater off my face myself.

“Go on.” I encouraged, gesturing to the elderly man that was stationed behind the counter of this nondescript hotel. The man seemed to have little trouble, though, finding eyes on my sexy friend. Keeping the handkerchief in my pocket, I got to my disguise as a haughty rich man and followed after her, watching as she leaned against the counter, flashing a full view of her ample cleavage. Oh, the differences of this Lady, and the Lady that appeared pixilated on my screens.

“A room for two, good mister. Preferably on the fifth floor; I hear you guys are terribly good at making atmosphere for people like us.” She dug a stack of notes from her bra, sliding it across the table in a deliberately slow movement.

She must have been taking lessons from a slut, because everything about this screamed slutty and bitchy. The dirty old man found no problems getting us a room on the fifth floor, and for the sake of it, I gave the old lecher a flash of my middle finger as we went into the lift.

“That was good. Really good. You took a lesson from a slut?” I asked as the door closed the view of the offended old lecher.

Lady grinned at me. “Why take lessons when I already am one?”

She laughed at the shock expression I gave, and it was then that I realized I had been played a fake. Being Dante’s girl must really have taught her some things.

“So how are we going to do this?” I asked as we located the room on the fifth floor, almost kicking down the door that was stuck to the frame just to get in.

She turned back to get a look at me, forcing the door closed behind us while trying to wring away the dripping rainwater from my sleeves. I hadn’t even needed the costume at all in the end; all that was needed for us here was just a man, and an incredibly sexy Lady who knew how to flaunt her possessions.

“You go and have a nice, clean bathe, Mister I’ll-save-you, and we’ll get to work killing us a succubus.” She said, pointing to the door that could only lead us to one place. So I obeyed quietly like a docile lamb.

Outside was strangely quiet as I bathed and washed down the rainwater. It became a slight cause for concern when I turned off the taps and heard nothing outside at all. Leaving everything else to dry, save my boxers, I stepped quickly out of the bathroom to check if Lady was alive and well.

She was, and had done something amazing to the room. With candles lit up around the room, with the scent of something sweet, she had the lighting turned down to something comfortable, something we could get kinky in.

“So candles and flowers are going to catch us a succubus?” I asked, picking up a rose from the side table, and sniffing the bud.

“Not exactly, but hey, it get us atmosphere. We need to get each other sexually excited to emit pheromes, honey.” She said sweetly, straightening from lighting the last candle, and sashaying back to sit on the bed

“I am excited.” I said, rubbing the water from my hair.

She stopped in the middle of taking off her shoes, looking straight between my legs, then slowly up to my face.

“Not enough, then. I don’t see your bulge.”

I draped the towel over the armchair, facing the window. Outside was still dark, still pouring, lending a hand to the absence of light around here despite the fact that it was still afternoon.

“You sure you want this?” I asked, studying the seal she had drawn on the window. She was going to trap the succubus in this room so we could end it quickly.

“I’ve always been meaning to fuck someone else other than Dante. It’s not exactly betrayal if it’s someone with his face and body.”

“But the fact stays that Dante is your man, and you are his woman.”

“What is that to you? You probably had sex with a bunch of girls with boyfriends.”

“Not you.”

“What is the difference?”

I spun around, trying my best not to spill the beans. Here I was, my crush willing to ride me and give me the dream I had been waiting for –and I was declining it. You would think I loved to play tricks on myself.

“The difference is that you, Mary Ann, are not a slut. You are Lady –the Lady. Not just another other lady, you are the Lady, so you shouldn’t be so loose.”

She jerked a little when I called her Mary Ann, eyes widening at the sudden power of how my sentences came out. Maybe it was a little too powerful. A little too strong.

Her eyes narrowed at me, and I had the feeling I wouldn’t like what was to come.

“I am Lady, but I am still a woman. I will not be your traditional woman; I simply refuse to stay servile and docile. It could not be you, Daniel, it could be Vergil, Damon, anyone. I fuck who I want to, and if you don’t want to, you don’t have to keep me hanging. I could’ve gone out to look for others.”

I, in a fit of sudden frustration, disappeared and appeared before her, forcing her back down on the bed before she could stand up and walk out on me.

“I want you! I want you so bad, Lady. But that is the entire point! I want you enough to let you go, to let you keep yourself clean! Not screw around with other guys. If you want, I can get another girl here to lure out the succubus. I will not have you tainted by another man’s hand.”

She hit my hand away from her shoulder, forcing herself to her feet though she had already shucked off her heels. She was shorter, but as she stood up to her full height, it felt almost as if she were towering over me.

“You are not my father! You are not my mother, not anyone! You can’t control who I fuck, Daniel. So be it if you think I should stay by Dante. It’s my life, and you’re not controlling it! Besides, Dante has probably fucked every single woman you see in the strip-club, even while he’s with me! What makes you think he will give a damn about who I have a one-night stand with? As long as I don’t get pregnant, as long as I don’t tie him down, he’s not going to give a damn whose dick has been in me!”

I pushed her back down on the bed with demonic strength, forcing her to fall heavily back on the bed with her butt. This time, I held her there more firmly, as she struggled to fight against me.

“But I give a damn! Dante doesn’t, but I do! I give a damn that you wanna get kinky with, because you shouldn’t sell yourself away for just anyone! You’re a flower, Lady, and I’m not going to let just another take away your glow, your color! You’re perfect in my eyes, and I’m not going to let you spoil that, Mary Ann.” I yelled back, feeling stupid that I was arguing with her about it, souring our relationship doing so. I shouldn’t have agreed to this in the first place. Maybe I should have just slept in today.

“Why do you care? You’re just no one to me!” She yelled in retaliation, and years of demon-fighting experience had her enough to trip me off my legs. Unable to help myself, I fell forward, feeling her warm body crash into mine as we fell towards the bed.

Our heated argument turned silent all of a sudden as I blinked to see her so close to me, her lips so close to mine. Anger and confusion was still in her eyes as she looked at me, but at least she wasn’t trying to kill me as she waited for an answer to her demand.

Inches away from her face, I realized it was time to let it go.

Damon had always taught me to do the right thing at the right time, because Damon had always been screwed up by wrong timing before Trish. Damon knew the importance of timing everything accurately, and had tried his best to teach me the importance of it, though I didn’t seem to have as much problem about it as him.

I knew when time was up.

“Because I love you, Lady. I love you ever since I saw you on my screen. I love you ever since you walked into our apartment a week ago, looking for Dante. I love you, and I don’t want you to be tainted, because you are the one. You are the one that stops me from fucking other sluts, and I know I can’t stop you from being with Dante. I can’t bring myself to separate you from Dante, because I know you’ll cry because of it, and I don’t want you to cry. I’m no one to you, but you are important to me. I love you, Lady, so don’t do this.” I said slowly and clearly, making sure every single word went in deep to her.

Shock and realization ran into her eyes, chasing out the anger and confusion. Surprise came into the mixture as she studied my eyes, and we were silent for very long. With me on top of her, we stayed motionless like we were two statues, carved into stone.

Slowly, magically, I tilted my head down, angling my lips to hers. I gave her ample time to back out; to look away, to shift away from me, to slap me –even.

But she didn’t.

So I captured her in my lips, and kissed her.

For the first time in my life, I kissed the woman of my dreams.

And it was everything I dreamt of.

Everything –and more.

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