Part 1

[Part 1]

“Daniel, for the last time, no. We are not installing viruses in our software to force people to buy the upgraded software. That is not within our moral means, and I swear I will have your head if you go ahead.” I growled through the phone, unable to believe this. This guy was supposed to by my twin brother!

Years into taking over the company, and he hadn’t grown a single brain cell dedicated to doing business. Granted, his technological expertise had been a great help to the company, but Daniel simply did not have a head for business. I was the one dealing with business, while he dealt with the technical side of the company. Such was our dual-man-show in this company, and Kevin had no complaints when he was shown the sudden spike of sales after we took over from him.

“But, I could just put a teeny bit… people wouldn’t even notice it!” Daniel begged, but what was the point?

“No means no. It’s final. You’re trying to be lazy, and I’m not going to let you do that.” I said seriously, slamming the phone back down on its cradle. Spinning around on my swiveling chair, I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

Sometimes, dealing with Daniel was a thousand times harder than dealing with businessmen from all around the world.

My intercom buzzed once, and I sighed, turning around and pressing the button.

“Mr. Kries, your girlfriend is here to see you.” My secretary reported, and I bit back my grin.

“Let her in.” I spoke back, and then lifted my finger off the button, smiling as the door opened. She sashayed in, in her perfect, slutty clothes. Sometimes, I hated how she emphasized her body shape, how she purposefully showed off the roundness of her two lovelies with her clothes. It made me just unable to look at her face.

“My face is up here, Damon.” She put her hands on her hips, leaning to one side in a perfectly slutty movement. I felt myself begin to drool.

“I know, Trish. I can’t help it.” I admitted; my eyes still on the deep, deep valley between her breasts.

“You’re drooling over your table.” She reminded.

“I know. But you’re making me horny.”

“Just by staring at my breasts, Damon? Your tolerance is decreasing.” She said with a frown, as she sashayed to take a seat across the table.

“It has been years.” I reminded, still staring at her mounds. It was awfully rude, but at least she was used to it.

“So you’re saying years make you hornier every time you see me? Will there be a day where you stare at me and just think of having sex?” She crossed her arms over her assets, finally making me bring my eyes up.

“You don’t have to wait for that day. It’s here. You wanna do it now?” I suggested, eyes meaningfully going to the couch. Truth be told, Trish and I had done it a few times in the office. Once, it had been awfully kinky when she pushed me on the table and rode me right on my desk.

“Now you’re being a bad boy, Damon. What happened to working hard?” She scolded, but all the same, she got up from the seat, already unzipping the front of her blouse, setting the restraints to her breasts free.

“I’ll work you hard.” I promised, unbuttoning my suit as I stood up.

I began to make for the couch, but something caught my eye. The full length window showed me the entire span of the city from my office, and there was a continual flash that caught my eye. The white light sparkled at me, grabbing my attention as I stopped in my steps. I squinted, trying my best to see from my office.

“What’s wrong? Someone spying on us?” Trish’s voice held something of disdain. Of course, we had forgotten to draw the curtains sometimes, and it had been an idea of disgust from her. But who could she blame if we both forgot about the curtains sometimes?

“No…” I muttered, reaching absently for the set of binoculars Daniel stuffed in my cupboard. Don’t even get me asking why my twin wanted me to have binoculars in my office.

Still, it came to handy as I raised it to eye level, focusing and honing in on that small flash of light.

And I gasped.

“Great lords…” I cursed quietly as I lowered the binoculars, unable to believe what I saw.

“What? What is it, Damon?” Trish asked, coming over as she buttoned up quickly. I didn’t even care about having sex anymore. What had appeared at the corner of the baseball field that was usually used by the schools nearby was something that could take everyone’s mind off everything.

Since I didn’t reply, she took the binoculars from my hands, working the binoculars for herself.

“Shit.” Her hiss was much more serious than mine.

“Yeah, shit. What do we do?” I asked, taking the binoculars back, to make sure that I hadn’t seen anything wrongly. Sure enough, it was still there.

“I don’t know… Ever since we came back… we have no abilities… Guns?” She guessed, and I had to hope it could still work somehow.

Picking the phone quickly back up, I mashed the speed dial, tapping my fingers impatiently, waiting for the other person to pick up.

“So… you finally agree to the virus?” Daniel picked up the phone with a cheerful voice. I wondered exactly how long he could keep that cheerful voice up.

“Daniel, I want you to get our emergency supplies out from the warehouse right now. Meet me at Polo 21. Don’t delay, don’t stop for anything.” I said severely, hopefully getting the idea that I was serious through to his mind.

Surprisingly enough, it worked.

“Emergency supplies? Something happened?”

I took a quick look back at the situation at the field.

“Something extremely bad. Trish and I are going down now. Just get there with the supplies. I will deal with everything else.” I instructed quickly, and I heard a grunt of acknowledgement before he hung up.

Trish was already at the door, waiting for me to go.

I grabbed my overcoat and ran out. My secretary tried to call after me, stating that I had a meeting in five minutes. But I ignored her. What meeting could wait. This could not.

“You think we can make it in time?” Trish asked worried as we took the stairs, making it down in record speed. No one would expect a businessman like me to be such a sportsman, but I had tricks up my sleeve.

“We have to. You ready to deal with them again?” I asked, as we slid onto my Dante-style motorbike that I had yet change. Besides, it had been Marcy’s birthday gift to me, why should I change it? Trish also liked motorcycles more than cars. It was a win-win situation for us both.

“Not exactly. We’re both years out of shape. And fully human now.” Trish admitted as I started the bike up. I felt as if we were undercover superheroes, about to embrace our other side, and to save the world.

How far from the truth it was. We were not heroes and heroines anymore. We were just humans. But we were the only ones who knew what was going on. We were the only ones who knew what to aim for. The only ones who had the guts to aim and pull the trigger.

“But we’ve got each other. And guns. And Daniel.” I wagered, as we sped through the roads, ignoring every single traffic rule.

“I know we’ve been training, but this is the real thing. You think Daniel can deal with the real things? All he’s been doing is just playing and controlling pixels.”

“He can pull the trigger. That’s what matters now.” I assured her, as I gunned the accelerator. We were both humans, but from our past experience, we had learnt to live on the edge. We sped to speed most people didn’t dare to. We sped to lethal speed, and we loved it. Of course, if we fell off, or if I lost control, we would die with no problems at all. But wasn’t that the point?

Another motorbike pulled up alongside us, matching our speed, and I smiled in spite of myself.

“You’re on time. Good.” I shouted to Daniel against the roaring wind in our ears.

He grinned back at me in reply, tapping on his backpack as well as the briefcase that was strapped to the side of the bike.

“What’s up?” He shouted back, as if he was asking it casually. Sometimes, Daniel was just like that. It reminded me of the other brother I had. The other brother I had for one year.

But they had to be similar. They were doppelgangers of each other, after all.

“You’ll see.”I promised him as we turned into Polo 21, gunning the brakes. Trish jumped, doing a perfect flip in midair before she landed perfectly before our stationary bikes. Such was the still of the ex-demonness that had waltzed into my life. Despite her worry about being a human now, she was still demon at heart. She still thought demon, still loved the idea of killing. Killing demons, that was.

Daniel wasted no time unstrapping the briefcase from the bike, placing it on the seat for a support as he clicked open.

“Sweet.” I whistled as it opened to show a hand pistol as well as a Lightning Calibrate. A pistol and a Magnum waited for Trish as she whistled in echo to me.

“Can’t fight my babies back home.” She boasted, but it was pointless boast, since we couldn’t return anymore. Or could we? We thought we couldn’t. But then, we had thought that demons would never appear here, and here they were, spilling into our world from a split in reality.

“What have you got?” I asked, curious since the only guns in the briefcase were in our hands.

Daniel tapped his backpack and pulled out a shotgun from it, a maniac grin spread across his face.

“Emergency? If there’s this baby, no emergency is emergency.” He boasted, already setting the safety off.

I sighed at my brother’s enthusiasm. It was really hard to believe that he was twenty five. Twenty, god-damned five; and Daniel was still acting like he was fifteen. Maybe he shouldn’t have played so much Resident Evil when we were still studying. There weren’t any zombies here, but there definitely were demons.

“Look, Daniel. Do you remember protocol?” I whispered quickly, feeling the hair on my skin rise. The demons were definitely close.

“Protocol? Just get out there and blast every single one of those bastards apart!”

“Yes, but keep yourself safe.” I urged, reloading my magazine and clicking the safety off.

“This baby will keep me safe. I’ll call her Mary Ann.” Daniel agreed, and before I could do anything, he rushed out from the street.

The first shotgun blast sounded, and the war was on.

Trish and I exchanged looks, and we ran in after Daniel, covering his ass.

And we shot the demons.

We blasted every single one of them apart.

And we laughed as we did so.

Because it was like finding the other side of me that I had neglected for so long.

It was like finding the Vergil inside of me again.


The end of the demon wave came in the form of us panting, standing in the middle of a sea of bullet shells, casing and demon ashes, waiting expectantly for more to come crashing into us. A quick look at my watch revealed that it had only been five minutes since we started the tirade, and yet, it had felt as if an entire lifetime had passed. An entire lifetime that I spent killing demons, with Yamato in my hand, Dante watching my back.

Ever since that one year, I had never failed to drift off between times, in recollection of the many things that happened. The shock and confusion of dropping into the world of Devil May Cry, the general anger at spirit-Vergil for forcing me to stay, the annoyance at having to take Dante as a twin, as well as be his slave. The many things that happened may not all be good –as evidenced by the fights that Dante and I shared –the large, unending, life-threatening fight that had ensued after we realized that we had been sleeping with each other’s spouses. But what had been missed most there? My family.

Though Trish had made it over to my side, there were still things and people I missed there. Much as it was unimaginable, I actually missed Dante and Vergil.

Kind of stupid.

“Hey, you think any more of those bastards gonna show up?” Daniel asked, half-panting while cradling his shotgun.

I looked at the tear in the dimension. A secret sinking feeling told me I knew where this portal led to.

“Definitely more to come. It’s just how long more it’s going to take.” I promised my trigger-happy brother, reminding myself silently why I missed Dante. After all, I had a Dante-clone here. Maybe it was the perk of being an invincible half-devil that I missed. In this situation, I definitely missed it much.

“Most… torturing… demon… hunt… ever…” Trish panted, hands on her knees as she was bent over, trying to breathe properly.

At the same time, she was showing the world –more importantly, my brother –her ample breasts. Daniel’s eyes found its target with no problem, and he gave a low, perverted whisper. I punched his arm once, hard, causing him to stumble to the side, rubbing his shoulder.

“Hey, I’m a guy, alright! Even if Marcy flashes her boobs at me right now, I’ll still whistle!” Daniel protested crossly, but I pointedly ignored him as I loaded another magazine in the gun, doing my best in keeping it full. Just in case some demons come visiting again.

I waited till Trish straightened up again, before I turned back to the portal.

“What are we going to do with this?” I asked, peering at it, unsure what I could do to shut this thing down.

What would happen if more demons came? What could I do? Fight to my death? I needed Dante’s expertise here. I needed Vergil’s brains here. Those were the things about the twin brothers that I missed so much. Dante had never failed a single mission, no matter how much he bitched about it.

As if reacting to my question, the portal began to glow red. Like it was angry with me for asking that damned question.

“Umm… bad choice of words, bro. You pissed it off.” Daniel said uncertainly, looking at the portal with apprehension as if it would explode arms or legs out to grab him.

“It’s not a living thing, Daniel. You can’t possibly piss this piece of shit off.” I replied impatiently, taking Trish’s hand and forcing us to back up just in case something weird really happened.

At my words, the portal glowed red at an even higher intensity, vibrating angrily in mid-air.

“See? It can hear you. It knows.” Daniel scolded me back, hitting me on the head with the butt of his shotgun. In reply, I glared at him. But for the sake of discovery, I kept my protest silent, watching the portal carefully.

“O, great portal lord, I am so sorry that my brother had insulted you so! Please, if you have any punishment to dole out, aim it at the right twin!” Daniel spoke humbly, standing before the red portal as I sighed and shook my head.

Daniel had really changed in the last few years, and was now an incorrigible prankster who knew no boundaries.

The portal grew even redder; almost already a deep crimson red.

“Yeah, if you wanna kill someone get him first!” Daniel yelled back in agreement and I wondered, for an extremely short moment, why such a techno genius like him was so daft at times.

Then I thought about the amount of girls and women spilling their boobs and flashing their assets at him for his devil-may-care/charming attitude. It must be a trait exclusive to Dante and his other half.

I turned my attention back to the portal, watching as the redness of the portal remained at a deep crimson red. I had a sinking feeling that something was happening, and it was happening soon.

I wasn’t wrong.

Something –someone –jumped out of the portal in a blinding flash of light, flying over our heads and landing on the field behind us, rolling clumsily as the figure lost his footing. Another person followed after –this time I saw a distinct flash of blue –and we turned to see the second figure land perfectly on his legs, in a stance that said he was extremely skilled at fights and such.

Meanwhile, the rolling guy came to a stop a few steps away, cursing expletives in a familiar voice. I turned to give Daniel a look, to make sure he wasn’t the one dirtying his mouth, and turned back to the twin figures.

“Next time, idiot, land on your legs. Not break them.” The second blue-coat figure scolded, but extended a hand to help the other guy up.

“Like I can do anything other than brace myself when you push me headfirst sprawling into the damned bloody portal.” The first figure spat back, but accepted the hand anyway, allowing himself to get pulled up to his feet.

“Well, we’re here, so you best keep that mouth shut. Speaking of which, where are the demons?” The second guy said again, looking around, but never turning back, never revealing his face.

Though I had a pit in my stomach that told me exactly who the both of them were, since I recognized their physique, their voice and all, I didn’t speak up. Because, if I was right, the two people who held the ability to destroy my world and their own were here, looking for the demons we killed.

“Beneath our feet, duh.” The first guy replied, dusting his red trench coat, gesturing at the scene splayed before them.

“I was referring to the ones still left alive.” The second guy snapped back.

Daniel decided to let his mouth loose at the moment, apparently not connecting who those voices belonged to, though the both of them frankly just sounded like both of us.

“We blasted them apart. I know… I’m awesome. But you don’t have to give me money for it, you know. I just do what I do.” Daniel boasted proudly, clicking the safety of his shotgun off and on again to make some form of a noise.

It obviously took the attention of the two guys. The blue trench coat guy had a set of stiffened shoulders, but the other guy spun around with no problems. Eyes met, and silence filled the air.

Daniel dropped his shotgun.

“Wow… you are one of the best cosplayer I’ve seen in my entire life. So good, in fact, that I’m thinking of giving you my ‘best cosplayer award’ because seriously, how much did you spend on the plastic?” Daniel said, using his two free hands for a loud applause.

“Cosplay? Of who?” The guy asked with a frown, staring at my face, appearance, then at my brother’s.

“Dante, of course!” Daniel replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the entire world. At least it was to us. But not to guy. Because of an extremely good reason.

The blue trench coat guy turned around, eyes meeting mine and staying for long long time before turning to Daniel’s. Trish silently covered his mouth with her hands, forcing her gasp back down her throat.

“Because, Mr. Kries, he is Dante.” Blue trenchie guy replied, before his eye turned to me.

He smiled that Sparda smile at me, instantly reminding me of the years that had been lost since I last saw it.

“Nice to be meeting you finally physically, Damon.” He greeted, finally acknowledging.

I gave him my perfected poker face.

“You in kind, Vergil.”

Dante’s jaw dropped. So did Daniel’s.

Because, at the end of the day, they were still doppelgangers of each other.

No matter what.

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