| Chapter Eight | Star HQ {Inshire}

*Jason Probst's P.O.V*

In a way....Inshire seems to be more beautiful and unique than Minecraftia. But twice as dangerous than Minecraftia, especially after that encounter with that giant skeleton thingy, I cannot imagine anymore monsters here. When we got to Star HQ, it wasn't what I exactly expected. I was expecting something like the Sky Army, but no..this is different. There isn't anythingg or anyone around. There is a stable though. When we both put away the horse, Melissa led me down a stone staircase that felt like it took forever to go down. But when we reached the bottom, there is a large open arena with people and equipment everywhere.

"Whoa. This isn't what I expected." I said. I look at her, noticing a logo on a flag and on the back of some of the people's cloaks.

(Yes I drew that and yes it took forever)

As I walked, people were staring at me. And I could hear what sounded like a party up ahead. Melissa groans irritated. She runs off towards the noise and I just stick to walking. Jeffrey pokes his head out from my jacket, I have my hood up and is is concealing my identity for now, but without her here I fear that won't be concealing for long. I go into I guess the party room, it is strange how they all don' really seem concerned that the Squid King rules Inshire. I would be. I see Melissa talking to someone.

"So..She went to get you." A voice said. I look behind me, is that Ty? I nod a little in response. I sit down beside him. He looks..different. At least not that different from Minecraftia Ty. This Ty has dark brown hair, dull green eyes, pale skin, purple bracelets on his wrist, dark brown boots with black jeans, a scar on his cheek and is wearing a long sleeved dark grey t-shirt. But what also hits me is...he smells like alcohol. He does have a beer bottle in his hand, but I expected him to be more...uptight because my Ty isn't uptight. I look at the floor.

"This place is different from mine." I said. Ty suddenly sighs irritated.

"Lets just go someplace more quiet." He mumbled before he got up and I followed him out. But as I was leaving I saw Melissa yelling at someone who looked like Mitch. I zip up my jacket to hide Jeffrey and Ty lead me down the hallway and to what seems like an training hall.

"I expected Star HQ to be less like party animals." I said.

"They..They don't understand what's going on. None of them do, so they don't care anymore." Ty slurred slightly. He seems a little tipsy, but not that bad. He sits down against a pillar and look around. Again, this world seems to be more advanced than Minecraftia. I look at a branding name.

"Wait, that's Dan." I said before I look at Ty. Ty smiles a little.

"Yeah, Dan Diamond. I assume you met him, he created most of our technology." Ty slurred. I look at it. What is this exactly. I let Jeffrey down and I pick up a...I don't know what this is.

"Sooo..what the heck is this?" I ask him.

"A crossbow." He said. I look at him and than at the crossbow. This looks a lot like what that giant skeleton thingy had.

"This world is more advanced in weaponry than mine is." I said.

"Dan wanted Mitchell to test it for him but he won't on the count that it is cheating." Ty slurred. I look at Ty, seeing Jeffrey sitting next to him and Ty is petting him. Why did Melissa warn me about him? I mean...he sort of is drunk but he isn't that bad. The doors burst open and Melissa comes walking in looking mad.

"Ty! Tell Mitchell to get his ass in gear before I do it for him." Melissa grumbled. Ty looks at Melissa.

"Ask Adam to it. He'll just kill him for us." Ty slurred. Melissa's expression drops and she sighs. I look at Ty. Now that I think about it, Inshire Ty seems more...depressing than his counterpart. Melissa walks over to him and takes the booze out of his hand.

"Get to bed, Ty. I'll talk to you in the morning." Melissa said. She looks at me and comes over to me before Ty gets up, stumbling and leaves. I look at Melissa.

"What's wrong with him?" I ask. Melissa throws out the bottle.

"He's fine, I've been giving Ty space and such. It is a long story and you wouldn't understand." Melissa said. Space? How much space has she been giving him?

"How much space have you been giving him? Because he smells like alcohol. And you don't get that from one bottle." I said. Melissa looks away from me.

"I don't really have full control of the Star Resistance anymore, they don't care anymore since my brother died. And I honestly do think that Ty should go over to the New World Order Society...Even if it is Ashley who commands it, it isn't healthy for him to be here anymore. But he won't leave, he doesn't want to leave me or Mitchell behind." Melissa said. I smile a little.

"That sounds like something Minecraftia Ty would say. Where's Mitchell?" I ask.

"At the party, with some new girl he will corrupt before tomorrow." Melissa said.

"I'll have you know, Mel-Melissa....Can I just call you Mel? I can't stop wanting to call you that." I said. She nods and smiles.

"Yeah, sure. Mel is fine." She said.

"Minecraftia Mitch is nothing like your Mitchell, he is either oblivious around girls or just doesn't want a girlfriend." I said. Melissa smiles a little.

"No wonder Jessica immediately asked to trade. I'm tried of dealing with Mitchell's attitude." Melissa said. I pick up Jeffrey, he nuzzles my neck.

"Did Mitchell ever meet Jerome?" I ask. She nods.

"They hate each other. Actually no, I take that back. Jerome is a sweetheart, he can't hate someone. It is Mitchell who hates Jerome, Jerome tried to be his friend and Mitchell wouldn't let him." Melissa said. Wow...Jerome is a sweetheart? That just sounds weird in the same sentence.

"I'm sorry...Jerome and sweetheart just doesn't fit in the same sentence when you take about Minecraftia Jerome." I said. She gives me a shy smile.

"Can you please get Mitchell back to work please? I want to go check on Ty but I never can because of Mitchell." She said. I nod.

"I'll try. Go ahead, Mel. And can you take Jeffrey for me?" I asks. She smiles and nods. I hand her Jeffrey and Jeffrey squeals. Melissa pets him making Jeffrey push into her hand and than she walks away from me. I walk out of the hall and walk towards the party. This could turn bad, but I don't know how Mitchell might react to me trying to get him to actually do the job he is suppose to be doing. All well, this is gonna be interesting.

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