No senses!

I don't remember what he told me after that at all. Not as if it was important or anything. Of course I knew how I had to act to get rid of him... he was the same as the nurses and all the people. It was a wonder by now that my mother didn't come and see me at all. After all it was a whole day that I was in this shitty hotel, I mean hospital room which felt like a hotel. It was spacious, it was white but it was huge and the bed was a normal bed. This was luxury for sure and the VIP ward. Who was paying for it if not Hawks... I guarantee that that man was the reaosn why I was in this room. 

Well anyways, after the shocking thruth, I had Hawks with me for a long time until he had to get out and leave me alone. Bad idea but not as if I could do anything in here at all. This is how my days passed. I was stuck in the hospital with nothing but a TV and some sunshine in a luxurious room and pretty damn good food.

Once a week passed, another did as well and it was just Hawks who came into my room. He did tell me that Ua wanted to talk to me but I just answered with alright and he looked at me and then said, "is that all you have to say about this". What did he wanted me to tell him? No?! Did I had any rights to say no?

I hung myself on a tree... in a forest.... ran away from UA.... a hero school... not a prison or a military camp or abuse or anything horrible at all. I ran away from a hero school. Nothing else but a school for kids to become heroes with heroes as their mentors..... just think about this for a moment. This was bad... it was just bad. If I wasn't running away from a villain but heroes, then what was wrong with that place?

No one but me knew for sure.

This was the second week and this time Hawks came in like always but he looked as if he was ready to kill someone before sitting at his usual place right next to me on the bed side.

Hawks: How are you today?

Me: Same as always.

Good and not good cause I am still here.

When can I get out?

I am about to die of boredom here.

There is nothing sharp... 

Windows and mirros are bolted and I can tell that breaking it will be such a hazel not to mention that someone would need to pay for it.


Not a chance to open it... not that I could do anything with me being on the sixth floor..... but it would kill me to jump and do a swan dive....

Well pain killers... pills would do the trick...

If not for people watching their meds here.....

Trust me, my brain went over everything even hunger stricke or just sleep strick, thirst stricke. EVERYTHING!!! 

This was a god damn hospital, they would have their way to actually get me back on track and I would just stay here longer. That was the only reason why I decided not to do anything but relax and be the obedient boy I was trained to be. Not as if I knew it any different at all.

Me: Did something happen?

Hawks: No, why are you asking?

Me: You stomped into the room with that paper in your hand and you look ready to kill someone.

Hawks: Oh I am.

Me: So care to tell me anything?

Hawks: I got sued.

Me: By who?

Hawks: Eraserhead.

Me: For what?

Hawks: Kidnapping you.

Me: Kidnapping me?

Hawks: Yes.

Me: ... What?

Hawks: You are supposed to be at UA and in their infirmary but I decided to go against that and decline every time they send someone over to get you or talk to you.

Me: ..... what?

Hawks: I don't get why they are so keen on doing this.

Me: Doing what?

Hawks: Get you back to UA. I mean, did they ask you? NO! 

Me: Then why not let me go?

Hawks: Just for you to try again? Hell no.

Me: I won't.

Hawks: Says the kid who checked the whole room if he could do something within the last two weeks. I can see you each and every day look at the window, whenever I open it.

Me: Well I wondered how you do that.

Hawks: I have a key for it and you still are glancing at it.

Me: I am not gonna do anything.

Hawks: You don't even believe that.

Me: Yeah, true that.

Hawks: Oh and I got a letter from Nezu. I wanted to ask if you are fine with it or if you want to dispose of it. You can do whatever, I'll deal with the consequences.

Me: I...

I was not sure if I wanted to read it.

I mean who knows what it is about....

Maybe about me running....

Me killing....

I mean... the reputation of the school must have sunk if anyone found out....

Maybe something about my mother?

Me: I wanna read it.

Hawks: Are you sure?

Me: Yes.

Hawks: Alright, here you go.

With that he gave me some papers but it was the wrong ones. It was the letter about Eraserhead threatening him to sew the guy for kidnapping me and yes it does say kidnap. I didn't had to read it, Hawks noticed and changed the papers I had in hand. Now that I was having the right papers in my hand, I started reading over it.

Should I feel anything now that I am reading it?

I am not sad...

I am not regretting things either....

I... I am confused....

I continued reading while I also started to doubt myself. Why was I so fine reading a letter from Ua while I ran away from there? Did this make sense?

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