((Temporary Leaders, Healers and Deputies will have their own so there's no confusion.))
Leader : Finchstar : ((me))
Apprentice : Swiftpaw : Nickie1230
Deputy : Snakefang : Nickie1230
Apprentice : Silverpaw ((me. Soon to be a warrior))
Head Healer : Shadowsong ((me, expecting the late Flareheart's kits))
Apprentices : Brackenlight : ((YourPalRave))
But if they don't have time or don't want to join anymore, Larksong ((xXAshtonsQueenXx)) will fill in their role!!
Dappledstorm ((RaceToFindMe)) and Blackpaw ((Nickie1230))
Heatherscar - (( Nickie1230))
Cindermoon - ((xXAshtonsQueenXx))
Darkwind - ((Me))
Tangledberry- ((Me)) ((Darkwind's mate))
Quailblaze: -Emberwing-
Redheart -
Lakeshadow- ((Me))
Phoenixheart - ((Me))
Bluefire - RaceToFindMe
Speckledfoot - ((Senior warrior. Blind in one eye. Me))
Mapleblaze- Nickie1230
Birchcall - ((Me))
Silversong - ((( Finchstar's adopted daughter ))
Darkmoon - ((StealthTheRogue))
Duskfire - ((xXAshtonsQueenXx Phoenixheart's mate))
Oldest Apprentice ((s)) :
Moonpaw, Brackenpaw and Spottedpaw : ((All me))
Twigpaw - ((WarriorFever))
Tawnypaw and Swiftpaw ((Nickie1230))
Cherrypaw ((_Shiro_Sunofureku_))
Foxpaw: ((MamaWolf_Sama))
Raincloud ((Me)) - ((Mate to Snakefang. Kits : Smokekit, Tigerkit, Reedkit and Sparrowkit.
((Nickie1230 plays Sparrowkit. ))
Whitestrike - ((Me, Formerly known as Luna... Mate Unknown)) - Kits : Nightkit, Snowkit ((Blind white she-cat with dark green eyes)) and Hazelkit.
Adopted kit : Darkkit RaceToFindMe
Jewelheart - ((Excepting Lakeshadow's kits. xXAshtonsQueenXx))
Lilacheart : ((_Kira_and_Haru_))
Ashpetal and her twin sister Mistfire ((Both me))
Cloversong- ((Quicksilver_Foxheart))
Sandshade - ((TempeteDePlume))
Leader : Brightstar ((Willowstar_))
Deputy : Silverfeather - (( ----Wolf----))
Healer : Steelfur : ((_Micah-Drew_))
Apprentice : Pinepaw ((me))
Shiningmist - (( Duskwhisker's mate))
Sparrowwhisker - (( Me. Dusk X Shining's Daughter))
Willownight - ((Me,Sparrowwhisker and Pinepaw's sister))
Duskwhisker - ((Me. Senior warrior))
Minnowfur - ((Me))
Brightshadow - Psycho_Angel788
Raccoonlight - ((The_Sub_Wolf))
None at the moment.
Shadowfate : ((Nova_Kaylee))
Sunnyfern/ Flarekit/ Hollykit -played by ((xX__Cinderblaze__Xx))
Her kits are Windkit ((Me)) and Wolfkit ((_Micah-Drew_))
Lionsong - ((Excepting Minnowfur's kits))
Treelight : ((Mother of Nettlefur's kits : Graykit and Bramblekit. Me. Soon to be apprentices))
Adopted kit : Mosskit ((Willowstar_))
Oldest Elder : Popplight - Kind old she-cat with a twisted forepaw
Nettlefur: Retired from deputyship due to slight hearing loss.
Leader : Foxstar ((still Ombre_Lune ))
Deputy : Shardclaw ((xXAshtonsQueenXx))
Head Healer : Bluefang
Apprentices - Brackenpaw ((Clearfrost112)) and Otterdream : (( Bandit_Merp))
Lionstone : Moonstream21
Wintershade & Echopelt : ((Both me))
Goldenfire : ((Me))
((These former Apprentices belong to my best friend _Micah-Drew_ so because she was on a different account making them, they shall be WARRIORS! And I will play them if she doesn't want to.))
Fallenpetal ((Bandit_Merp))
Ravenpaw : ((Nickie1230))
Twigpaw : ((Clearfrost112))
Sandtail : ((Me, one of the oldest Queens. Expecting her second litter! 😄))
Mintcloud : ((Willowstar_ nursing her only kit, Luckkit))
Maplestorm : ((me. Oldest Queen. Mate unknown? Kits : Fogkit and Dreamkit ((Why don't I hate Dream as a prefix? I already have her warrior name, Dreamstep. Soon to be Apprentices ))
Oakshadow and Leafdawn ((Father and daughter. Both me))
Leader : ((Moorstar, or 0GalaxyWeaver0 will have a death scene before his deputy, Shadeheart is made leader.
Deputy : Shadeheart
Apprentice : Mistpaw ((Clearfrost112 perhaps Mistpaw can the first warrior Shadestar makes then the kits are made apprentices by him too?))
Healer : Emberfrost ((Clearfrost112))
Apprentice ((s)) : Oakpaw ((SplashSketches))
Patchwhisker ((All me))
Lightstep ((_Shiro_Sunofureku_))
Koipaw and Silverpaw : ((both SaD_lItTlE_sAvAgE))
Oldest Apprentices : Mistpaw and Runningpaw ((me, will have my warrior ceremony soon, hopefully before Moorstar, 0GalaxyWeaver0, dies...
Lightbreeze : ((Mother of Ashstone's kits, Sandkit/Honeykit/Lilykit/ and Tigerkit ))
Riverberry : ((_Shiro_Sunofureku_))
Kits : Applekit/Olivekit/Beetlekit
Rainblossom : Excepting unborn kits ((SaD_lItTlE_sAvAgE ))
Streamstep - Excepting (( TempeteDePlume))
Dagger : Ancient black Tom with a bad temper and memory comes and goes. ((Me))
Tigertail - ((Clearfrost112))
Leader : Skystar ((me.))
Apprentice : Skypaw ((_Micah-Drew_))
Deputy : Rosefall
Apprentice : Bramblepaw ((Me. Soon to be a warrior with my sister Skypaw))
Head Healer : Whitestep ((me))
Apprentice((s)) : Snowfoot ((Fallingfeathers01))
and Smallpaw ((----Wolf----))
((All me))
Featherheart : ((Xx_Juls_xX))
((Wow... FeralClan hasn't been this short of warriors since Honeystar's reign...))
Sparrowfoot ((Fallingfeathers01))
Blackpaw ((----Wolf----))
Nightberry - ((Excepting Mudstep's kits)) ((_Shiro_Sunofureku_))
Silverleaf - ((SplashSketches. Excepting Sparrowfoot's kits ))
Reedflower and Lionshadow ((Me. Mates for life 💝))
Leader : Poppystar ((me))
Apprentice : Coralpaw
Deputy : Shadowcloud ((Moonstream21))
Head Healer : Echoleaf _Micah-Drew_
Apprentice((s)) : Lightmist ((Moonstream21)) Moonpaw ((0GalaxyWeaver0))
Spiritclaw ((Senior warrior. 0GalaxyWeaver0))
Whiterose ((All except for Spiritclaw : me))
Fallenfeather and Sunstep - (( both played by Squipping_It))
Cloudheart and Loststream
Ferretleap : ((Quicksilver_Foxheart))
((Goddess, we need more warriors too! You know, other than ones I play))
Icepaw ((?))
Nightleap - (( Mate to Tigerfang. Kits : Leafkit, Oakkit, Patchkit and Lightningkit. Soon to be apprentices))
Sparrowflight and Redwhisker : ((Me. Brother and sister ))
Leader : Redstar : ((Nickie1230))
Deputy : Beemask : ((_Micah-Drew_))
Healer : Runningwhisker ((me))
Apprentice (s) : Cypressstem : ((Squipping_It))
Snowshade :
Dawnflower ((_Kira_and_Haru_))
Moonwhisper : ((Ariesthetic-))
Visiting Warrior : Axel ((me. Father of former Deputy Nightshade's four kits))
Briarpaw and Adderpaw ((SomeGemini))
Nightshade : ((Kits : Dawnkit, Mintkit, Owlkit and Shadowkit. Axel's kits.))
Appleclaw : ((Spotkit and Rabbitkit? WarriorFever))
Other kits : Skullkit and Twistedkit ((TwistedTail))
Rabbitkit/Cloverkit and Foxkit ((_Kira_and_Haru_))
Fawnwhisper : ((MamaWolf_Sama))
(If I made an error or misplaced any cat, forgot one then please let me know in the comments))
Dusk : Kittypet ((xXAshtonsQueenXx))
Connor and Dash : Mates
Lily and Stone ((Nickie1230)), along with the Barn cats.
Grayfoot's Group : A band of rogues and Kittypets with half ripped collars, living half in the alleys of Twolegplace and the other half in an unexplored bit of forest.
Storm : ((TwistedTail))
Lionpaw ((fang)) : ((_Kira_and_Haru_))
Venom : ((SomeGemini))
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