•Wahala no dey finish•
"We did everything together. Our two packs were so friendly with each other, sometimes it was hard to differentiate our scents." Xian went on with a sort of misty look in his eyes. It was as if recounting these memories were too painful and I couldn't bear to see him in pain.
"Xian, it's alright if you aren't ready to tell me yet. I'll wait." I whispered softly, taking hold of his hand.
Xian took a deep, shaky breath as if he was relieved to hear me say he didn't have to bare his heart out to me.
The silence that followed was surprisingly not as awkward as I would have presumed it to be.
It was as if we were one with the soundless wind causing Xian's window to creak.
And I'm sure we would have continued in that silence until God knows when if we hadn't heard someone knock on Xian's door.
"Hey, Alpha Alec sent me to get the both of you. He says Abby should leave before it gets dark." A voice that I suspected was Lauren's, a suspicion which was confirmed by the flash of red hair I saw as she slightly opened the door.
Why did she look like she was scared to come in?
What did she think could possibly be...
Xian got off the bed and helped me off like a true gentleman and I put my sneakers back on.
By the time we reached the door, Lauren was no where to be found. All that remained was her unique cherry scent wafting through the air.
We got down the stairs and Lucas wasn't there. Only Alec stood at the banister with a sort of sad smile on his face.
Xian's grip on me tightened as I turned and saw the menacing glare he passed to his father.
Ahn ah. His father again?
Wahala no dey finish sha.
"Lucas said he'd be waiting outside." Alec finally said, turning to me.
"Come, I'll walk you." Xian said, leading me out the door.
The five minute walk from the pack house to where Lucas' car was parked was once again filled with silence.
But I liked the silence that surrounded me when ever I was with Xian. It was warm.
Xian stopped about 12 feet away from the car and waited for me to get in before he walked back towards the pack house.
We had already driven away before Lucas finally said a word to me.
"You smell like him." Lucas said in an almost growl, eyes on the road and hands dangerously gripping the wheel.
"Huh" was apparently the only response my brain was capable of coming up with.
"I can barely even recognize your scent, it's as if I'm sitting in this car with Xian." Lucas said putting focus on the Xian part of the sentence.
I didn't know what I was supposed to say in response to that statement so I didn't say anything.
We were quiet the entire time home and I just spent the drive looking out the window like I was the main character.
The car had come to an abrupt stop and I realized we were outside my house.
"Are you coming in?" I asked Lucas all the while stepping out the car.
"No, I have to be somewhere. Tell your dad I say hi." Lucas answered with a less than happy face.
"Alright, thanks for your help today, see you on Monday." I said, closing the car door.
"Come on, work!" I screamed for about the 500th time today.
My hands were outstretched in front of me, and I was trying to see if my powers would work.
That time with Lucas had been the first and last time they had made an appearance.
I thought about telling my parents, but there was no point, they'd think their daughter had run mad.
I flopped onto my bed, looking forlornly at the ceiling when I remember the beautiful yet oddly shaped rock that lay on my chest.
I picked it up, half expecting it to burn me again, but nothing happened.
"Do something. You can't just give me powers and leave me no instructions on how they work or what to do with them!" I screamed to no one in particular.
Then it happened.
Oya had found out she was pregnant yet again and she didn't know what to think of it. Pregnancy was not a new thing to the goddess, the problem was keeping them.
The children that did however manage to stay past pregnancy always died stillborn.
Ṣàngó had assured her countless times that her ability or, lack thereof to bear children was not a condition for his love for her. He'd love her all the same.
Oya sighed and took a seat on her stool. This was no time to think about a pregnancy that would probably not see the next new moon, she had work to do.
Ṣàngó had finally told his wife what was going on. In fact there was no way he could hide it anymore. News of a revolution had already passed through all the corners of the Empire.
Oya felt her husband's presence behind her.
"My husband, what did the chiefs say?" Oya inquired, her eyes focused on the intricate carvings of the talismans that hung on the wall, not turning to face her husband, which in any other kingdom and with any other king would have resulted in a beheading ceremony.
"They said what everyone has been saying, that I should officially declare a war." Ṣàngó responded, removing the ceremonial jewelry he had to wear during meetings.
"Whether you announce it or not, there will be a war. But whether we will win it or not depends on how quickly you declare it." Oya said without feeling.
She knew that when it was time to discuss the Empire's affairs she couldn't afford to spare her husband's feelings.
"The warriors cannot move a hair without your command. Ọkọ mi, rumours have it that Gbonka and the rest of the rebellion have already started to advance. Are you going to let silly feelings and longings of a past friendship that was obviously one-sided stop you from doing what is right for your people?" Oya said, turning away from her husband.
And resumed her inspection of the talismans on the wall.
Hey guys. Happy new year!💕
Once again if you don't understand a phrase or word used, please don't be shy to ask.
I've been in a writing slump for the past few months, and I still am so don't expect frequent updates.
And ghost readers will be flogged. Tapping that lil orange star costs $free.99
Ọkọ mi ~ my husband
Wahala~ problem
Wahala no dey finish~ Problems don't ever seem to end.
~A bummed out author.
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