
[The answer was...Tempest!]

Dam. Dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam.

How could I have done this?? I just blood-bended 4 major members of the Neverseen and I enjoyed it.

Enjoyed it! Gods, I was probably possessed by an eidolon or something...

Except I wasn't. I knew I wasn't possessed. The sheer thought of blood-bending used to have me gagging, but now...I don't know. When I was using it, it made me feel powerful, the tug in my gut letting all the control I wanted right at the tip of my fingers.

I guess I can see how I'm dangerous now. But at least I'm not a son of Hades. (No offense, Hades)

As I lay in bed questioning my existence and sipping some blue coke, Sophie came in.

"Percy?" She sounded nervous. "I know you just almost killed the leaders of the Neverseen...but the Council is after your blood." I immediately spit out the blue coke.

"They're doing what now??" I spluttered. "I thought elves weren't violent!" She nodded skeptically.

"Well, it's not a bounty for the's a bounty for the other intelligent species. Like ogres and goblins and trolls. I'm really sorry, Perce, we have to go." I leaped out of bed.

"Finally! I was getting tired of being stuck in bed and Elwin doing all sorts of check-ups on me!" I sighed. "And it's not like I haven't run away before. Can we just go to the human cities? I need to visit my mom...she's going to kill me." Sophie laughed.

"Of course, but I don't think I can come with you. I can ask Dex to mess with my registration pendant for a few minutes, but I can just light-leap you there at the most." I nodded.

"Well, I need to talk with Annabeth." She had gotten out of the Healing Center earlier than I did, thanks to Will, but no thanks that Elwin still fussed over my almost dying. I mean, I almost die every day. My literal existence is the reason I almost die.

"I can hail her." Sophie offered. I shrugged.

"Sure, but I want to IM her. Any chance that—"

"No. You aren't going to use your powers today, Perce. Sorry." She smirked at me. Dam, Keefe was rubbing off on her.

As she was hailing Annabeth, I silently pondered what was going on. The Fates wouldn't just have me here just to defeat the Neverseen with Sophie, right? There's always a double meaning to prophecies. I just needed to figure out what that was.

"Hmm, we need the Seven to defeat the Neverseen...but the ones shrouded in darkness? It could be Tartarus, I guess...but—"

"Percy? What are you doing?" I jumped at the sound of Sophie's voice.

"Just thinking about the prophecy." I replied. She frowned.

"I thought we already had that sorted out?" She asked. I shook my head.

"There are always double meanings." I growled. "Curse the Fates." Sophie looked at me weird but didn't question it.

"Ok, so what do you think the double meaning is?" She asked. I sighed. True, I did have a dream, but I don't want to talk about it...

"I think the Giants are rising again." I deadpanned. Sophie looked shocked.

"The Giants are doing what now???" I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Annie!" I grinned and held out my arms.

"Don't you 'Annie' me, Seaweed Brain." She grumbled, but there was still a tone of amusement in her voice. "The Giants are doing what now?" 

"Rising. What else?" I nervously looked at the floor, knowing that I had to face my fate of being lectured by Annabeth.

"YOU IDIOT! YOU HAD A DREAM ABOUT THE GIANTS AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?" She scolded. I cringed. I was pretty sure the whole school heard it.

"Sorry." I rubbed the back of my neck. "I didn't think much of it, since we were sorta facing the Neverseen."

"When did this dream happen?" She demanded.

"Um, maybe a couple days ago?" I mumbled.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked gently. I looked at her with shock written all over my face. It wasn't really like Annabeth to be this gentle with me when she's going all rage-mode on me.

"I-I don't know. It's only been a while since we defeated Gaea, and I didn't want us involved. I didn't want you involved." I admitted.

"Seaweed Brain, you know that as much as I hate going into another war, you need to tell me this. The Seven can handle this. We can handle this. We've done this before, didn't we?" She ran a hand through my hair.

"I guess I was being selfish. I think I just made our doomsday closer." I sighed again. "Can't the Fates leave us alone for once?" 

"I wish, Kelp head. But for now, we'll fight. And I'm not going to lose you again. If you die, then I'll march right down to Elysium and kill you again, you hear me?" I laughed a little, something I haven't really done since the showdown with the Neverseen.

"Aww, you guys are so cute together!" Sophie squealed. "I totally ship Percabeth!" I rolled my eyes.

"You sound like a daughter of Aphrodite." Annabeth noted.

"Are you calling me pretty?" She joked. Annabeth laughed, a soft, tinkling sound that I loved. I knew moments like this wouldn't last forever, but I soaked in the moment. This could possibly be the last time we were all together like this.

No. I shook my head. I mustn't think like this.

"Percy?" Annabeth looked at me, concerned. "Are you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost." I swallowed nevously.

"It's nothing, Wise Girl." I pecked the top of her forehead. "Now, didn't we have to run off somewhere?"

[yay! chapter finished! now we get into the real action...mwahahahaha...

Question of da dam chapter:

What is the name of the skill elves use to make things explode like Percy does with every school?

bai bai]

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