Neverseen POV

[Didn't see that coming, did ya?

The answer from the last question of the chapter was 22-24 known abilities, counting the hybrid abilities Keefe has.]

I honestly didn't expect Sophie Foster to listen to our request. We were in so much of a surprise when Nico di Angelo and Ms. Foster teleported to our lair.

"Neverseen! I have heeded your request." Her voice rang out, shaky and fearful. Could this possibly be a trap? Perhaps. But I felt her dread and regret in the air, clear as day.

"We killed Percy Jackson." I nearly jumped out of my cloak as a bang shot through the corridors.

"Get the dwarves." My leader ordered. "Get our Psionipath. Lightning, go outside and preform the security measures." I rushed to the door with another person I haven't seen before. A glassy force field covered us.

"What are you doing here?" I asked sternly.

"I've brought Percy Jackson." Sophie announced.


This genius plan you see unfolding right here is mine. Of course, Annabeth tried to intervene, but this was the best shot we got. Plus, I can take care of myself.

But of course, some plans are kinda painful. And being dragged across a bumpy field is painful. I think Demeter might've grown some thorn weeds in my path just to piss me off because I may or may not have refused to eat her cereal. Oh well. It just made me look the part.

The part of what, you ask?

Being dead.

Surprise, surprise! Probably not what you expected. But it was still genius. It was a freaking ambush, for Zeus' sake. They'll never know what hit them.

While I was being painfully dragged by Nico and Sophie, I wondered if my Seaweed Brain could actually preform this plan. And being the Seaweed Brain I am, of course I didn't expect it to work.

"What are you doing here?" I heard an all-too familiar voice.

Lightning. She was here. I gulped mentally. Remind me never to get shocked by Thalia. It brings too many memories.

(shudders mentally)

"We brought Percy Jackson." Sophie's voice shook. It was almost like she actually killed me, the grief in her voice too hard to miss. I wonder whose death she was thinking about while staging this.

"Well, Ms. Foster, you have made the right choice." Lightning said. That disgusting wart. She'll pay once I get my hands at her throat.

"Are you quite sure that he is dead?" Lightning asked skeptically. She poked me in the ribs.

"Quite sure, yes." Nico replied tonelessly. "I am not quite sure how someone can survive Stygian Iron." She hummed in approval.

"Congratulations, Sophie Foster, Nico di Angelo. You have gotten us one step through our plan." Sophie cleared her throat, opening her mouth to say something when Annabeth popped out of nowhere, her blue Yankees cap in her hand, drakon bone dagger gleaming viciously.

"You killed Percy!" She shrieked, tears running down her face. Well, I couldn't see it, but I sure felt it. I'm a son of Poseidon. I can tell these things. When I think of it, the sea is salty like tears, so is the ocean really giant tears? I don't know, maybe it was Zeus because of Apollo's music. Sorry, cuz, but I'm not gonna lie that about your music. Mortals would probably burn to ashes after hearing it. Ok, maybe it's a hyperbole, but it's still pretty bad.

See, Annabeth? I can use big words!

Styx, I'm getting sidetracked. Dam ADHD.

"—you little son of Hera!" I heard Annabeth saying. Nico growled ferociously. But seriously, this guy got a creepy death glare. 'Cause, you know, son of Hades and all? I heard Annabeth scream and fake-sob.

Dam, girl. She got some pro drama queen lessons from the one and only.

I could tell it was fake because hello, you're talking to the one and only Percy Jackson that made this awesome plan, but she was still really convincing otherwise, if you didn't know any better. I heard clangs and scrapes of Stygian Iron and Drakon bone. As much as I wanted to see my Wise girl smash Death Breath into a pulp, I knew that Annabeth needed to let Nico win, otherwise the plan would backfire.

I focused on the battle again. The clangs were reduced to little clinks of sheaths. I peeked open my eyes. Annabeth was gone.

"Incredibly sorry for that interruption, Lightning, but some of our members did not see the goodness of your ways." I nearly gagged. That was a straight up lie, but I could see that Sophie was keeping her emotions in check. Nice one, Sophie. You would be a good daughter of Athena. Blah, what am I saying? Athena hates me. No offense, Annabeth, but I kinda hate your mom back. The only reason I'm not bothering to not save her immortal butt is because of Wise Girl. Goddam, ADHD. Why do I think of the most irrelevant things?

"—him here. Our scientists would do a great deal in taking a sample of his blood, if you don't mind." I heard Lightning muse. Uh, I actually do mind. Creepy elves that aren't even on the good side taking my blood to do experiments are way out of my comfort zone, and you'd be surprised of my limits.

"Let's bring him inside. We don't want any more attacks." Nico suggested, still in his monotone voice. I was again dragged, courtesy of Nico and Sophie, but at least there weren't any thorns from Demeter. That lady's crazy. She thinks cereal's the answer to all our problems. Well, she's at least better than Ares, who thinks serial killing is the answer to all our problems. And then there's Hera. I have no idea why it's her that I hate, other than the fact that she kidnapped me, taken away 8 months of my life, and washed my memory. Feel the sarcasm coming on, people. I heard the sky rumble a bit.

Jeez, it's for the readers, Hera. DEAL with it.

"Put him there." I heard an unfamiliar voice. I felt hands lift me up onto a metal table. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I touched it. Being shirt-less and all, it felt like Alaska with my clothes on. Schist, I nearly gave myself away.

"This would collect the blood well." I felt a stabbing pain in my arm. I almost shuddered. Doctor appointments were not always pleasant. Especially with those shots. This was like those times, only worse because the needle was like 5 inches long. Welp, it wasn't like Tartarus, at least.

"Why does Perseus have a pulse?" I stiffened. We were busted.

"I-I—it's not possible!" Nico stuttered. "I killed him! One swipe of my Stygian blade and you get sent to the Fields of Punishment!" I could tell he was making it up off his head, but dang. They were really good actors. They should probably be in the Wood of Holly, or Holly of Wood, or whatever mortals call it.

"Hmm." I heard the leader's voice. "We could possibly recruit him. We have a chance, at least. Lock him in one of the cells." Someone grabbed my arms and hauled me to a cold stony whatever-it's-called. Thank goodness it wasn't asphalt. Gods, what's wrong with me today? Sure, I'm jumpy all the time, but today it's like I'm super hyper like Leo after eating Skittles. Whatever.

I felt this sweet thing that tasted like fruit on my tongue trickle down my throat, and I swallowed it. I felt my skin stitch back up. Heck, this was like the elf-version of nectar. Only nectar was much better. I still felt much better, though. I'm guessing I had to wake up now, since that was supposed to make me feel better. I groaned. Well, it wasn't hard. My sides still hurt from those Demeter-cursed thorns. Curse you, Demeter. Oh well. I'm getting off track. Again. Why do I do that? I slowly opened my eyes and winced. The room was blindingly white. I squinted through the light and once I wasn't blinded anymore, I saw a figure above me.

"So he wakes." I saw a guy that looked a lot like Fitz. He had sky-blue eyes and a friendly smile. I learned that not all people are to be trusted (in courtesy of a certain titan of the future).

"Gah!" I scrambled back from him. "What-how-huh?" I played dumb. Honestly, it wasn't that hard to act stupid. I was already a Seaweed Brain, after all.

"Don't worry. I won't bite." He looked at me curiously. I suddenly remembered that I was shirt-less and self-consciously touched my chest. It somehow had a shirt on. I guess I zoned out during that part. I tend to do that often.

"I honestly didn't expect Sophie to try and kill you." He noted. "So, you're the famous Percy Jackson, are you? I'm Janson." He held out a hand. I didn't shake it. Instead, I inched away from him, only to be held in place with bulky shackles. I nearly rolled my eyes. They do know I could vapor-travel out of these, right?

"How come you're so friendly to me?" I asked suspiciously. He laughed. It sounded uncannily like Fitz's. Weird. Was this guy a Vacker? He sure looked the part. I heard that the Vackers were a giant family of elves that were in the council. No idea why that's a big deal, but whatever.

Janson just shrugged. "I'm allowed to, so why not?" He had the same mischievous gleam in his eye like Leo's. That kinda made me homesick. Oh well. I'll see the Seven again, sometime. After I kick some Neverseen butt.

"It's just that the last time someone from the enemy side did that, I almost died." I muttered.

"Sounds like Sophie." Janson noted. "She almost dies a lot like you. I heard that you got a poisoned stab wound in your stomach recently." I shrugged like it was no big deal. And it wasn't, only Annabeth just had to worry about me. I'm fine, honestly. Death maybe sort of hates me, so I can't stay dead for long. I guess Death hates Sophie, too.

"Um, what am I doing here?" I asked.

"My leader wants to recruit you to the Neverseen. I mean, Sophie and Nico already did it, so why not you?" I scratched my chin.

"Gee, I wonder why I'm not going to join the Neverseen. Maybe it's because you guys killed a bunch of gnomes and some elves and tortured Sophie, Dex, and Wylie and tried to kidnap me."

Janson frowned. "That's not us anymore. That was Lady Gisela and Fintan. The true Neverseen are like the Black Swan, fighting for what's right."

"Yeah, ok, right." I rolled my eyes. "And exactly how are you going to make me believe that?"

"We can't. Only you can believe. Also, how did you survive Nico's Stygian Iron sword? He said it can kill you with one swipe." I shrugged.

"Like I said, Death hates me. I can't really stay dead for long." I retorted. Janson shook his head.

"Join us, Perseus. Be the--"

"Ok, wait. Hold your Pegasi. You really think I've never heard that before? Like, 13 people have already said that to me. You villains should really get your own lines." I paused. "Oh, and what happened to the 13 people that said that, you ask? Well, simple as it is, I killed them." I smirked as he paled.

"We are not the villains, Perse--"

"Again, I stop you. People only say Perseus when they want to kill me, or when my girlfriend wants to judo-flip me." Janson gritted his teeth.

"Percy. We are not the villains. I assure you; you will not regret your decision."

"I don't regret my decision of rejecting your offer." I said simply. I held up my now free hands. Janson looked shocked.

"Wha-how? Those were the strongest chains of the Elvin world!" He spluttered. "I-I don't understand..."

"It's called being an idiot, Janson." I said dryly. "Welcome to the club." I held out my hand. He didn't take it.

"Now, take me to your leader, or maybe I'll just find her myself." I strolled out of the door. If you're wondering how, I vapor-traveled. Easy. I was really getting the hang of it now.

"Ok, uh, how do I do this? LEADER OF THE NEVERSEEN! GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW OR I WILL FIND YOU AND STRANGLE YOU!" No answer. That's what I thought. I remembered the voice of the leader quite well, and I wondered if my vapor-traveling would work with voices. I concentrated on that tone of voice, the icy accents draping over the words, the way she rolled her tongue at the 'r's and popped the 'p'. I was transported to a dark cave.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" I cooed. I felt blood pumping from someone nearby.

"Uh uh uh!" I wagged a finger at the person. Her cloak was down, and I recognized the face of the person Keefe described in his drawings.

It was Lady Gisela.

[cliffhanger!! I feel like Shannon :P and Rick :PPP

Question of da dam chapter:

The first word of the first book in Heroes of Olympus put together with the last word of the last book in HoO makes what phrase?

please comment :))) it makes me happy

and also motivates me to write faster


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