
[my fav character! TEAM LEO!

well, Percy's ok too

but Leo is my fav out of the Seven]

Percy and Annabeth have been missing for so long. A whole week passed without any messages. Even Will and Nico disappeared for a while, but they came back earlier today.

"What in the Hades happened?!" Piper cried out, hugging Nico. Nico pushed her away, grumbling something about a personal space bubble and not to say his dad's name like a curse word.

"Percy's on a quest with Annabeth." Will said. "They'll be back soon, but they need your help."

"Where are they?" Jason asked.

"We need the rest of the Seven." Nico ordered. "Hazel and Frank. Someone should go to the Romans."

"I'll do it." Jason said. "I know Reyna the most out of all of us." He did those son of Zeus powers to fly somewhere out of sight.

"Well, what happened?" I demanded. "Did Percy make out with Annabeth again? And why was Grover bleating like heck last week? Anything about that? Where are they anyways?" Nico raised an eyebrow at my burst of energy.

"Did you have Skittles, Leo?" He questioned me. I rubbed the back of my neck, still jittery.

"Maybe." I grinned and set my head on flames. Piper rolled her eyes.

"Did you have Skittles, Leo?" She repeated, her voice full of charmspeak.

"Yes." I pouted. "Hey, you can't do that! Not fair!" I crossed my arms, setting my whole body ablaze. Piper and Will stepped back, while Nico just huffed.

"Stop being so mature, Valdez." He scowled.

"Says the guy who's younger than me." I sneered.

"I'm like, 80 years older than you, fire boy." He snorted. I cringed. I totally forgot about the whole Lotus Casino incident with that and all. Dam it.

"Guys, we're getting off track." Piper sighed. "Again. Now, what's all this stuff about Percy and Annabeth?"

"Well, Percy almost died—" I cut him off with a snort.

"Yeah, that happens, like, every day." Nico glared at me his oh-so scary death glare.

"Yes, he does do that, but it was Kelli—"

"That empousa?" I blurted out.

"Yes, now stop interrupting me." Nico growled. "He got stabbed in the stomach—"

"It's always that empousa." Will grumbled. Nico ran a hand down his face.

"This is getting us nowhere." Nico muttered. "I'll tell you the rest when the Seven get here."

I'm getting another craving for Skittles.

Percy POV—

Those people who attacked us were definitely not people. That was a freaking melder they shot a me. They're definitely elves. And if it's the giants that are rising...we'll need the gods' help.

I felt a buzz in my pocket and pulled my Imparter out. It was Sophie.

"Hey, Sophie." I waved. She waved back.

"Hey, Percy." She said. "Hope you didn't almost die in the way." She joked.

"Actually..." I rubbed the back of my neck. "We did get attacked."

"WHAT?!" I winced.

"Jeez, Sophie, you're so much like Annabeth sometimes." I mumbled. "Anyways, yeah, we did get attacked, but Annabeth and I totally kicked their butts."

"'They' as in the Neverseen?" Sophie asked.

"Yep." Annabeth joined in. 

"Hey, Annie!" I heard Keefe's voice. Annabeth scowled.

"Don't call me that, Hunkyhair." She grumbled. Keefe came into view of the Imparter and smirked.

"Don't mention it," He mussed his hair. Annabeth rolled her eyes. At this point, we were just joking around. Way to go when the Giants are about to attack.

"Anyway, yeah, guys, I have some news..." Sophie muttered. I dragged a hand down my face. Can't the gods just freaking leave me alone for a couple of centuries? Hopefully I would be in Elysium by then...

"What?" Annabeth asked, reaching instinctively towards her dagger.

"You know how Percy said the giants are rising again?" Sophie sucked in a breath. "Well, Perce, we need to know the details of the dream." I paled. I do not want flashback. Not now, when I'm eating blue cookies with my mom that I haven't seen in like a year.

"Um..." I looked away nervously. "Ok, fine. Just save the questions for the end, ok?" Sophie, Keefe, and Annabeth all nodded, and I started.

>>Percy's dream<<

I saw a big ugly thing in front of me. Yeah, I know. Totally descriptive. In fact, it could describe a certain goddess of heaven that I know...

I could tell it was a giant, based on the size. It was about 30 feet, massive and looked like a gorilla that rolled around in seaweed. Polybotes. Dam it. I thought I killed him.

"The demigods have only slowed the rise of Gaea." Polybotes announced. "We will rise again! The bane of Poseidon will rule over the earth!" I rolled my eyes. As if. 

I looked around, taking in my surroundings. We were in Tartarus. Dam it.

"We will rise!" I heard a bunch of voices. I tried to strain my vision, but I was rooted firmly in place.

"And now we have another species to deal with..." Polybotes murmured. "In fact, several species. The ogres will make excellent servants for us."  Ro will definitely not like that.

"Most of the species will be useful...like the trolls and goblins." Polybotes continued. "However, two of the species are not as useful. The gnomes and the elves." My breath hitched in my throat.

"However, we have a spawn of these so-called 'elves' that have made a weapon prove useful to our vengeance of the demigods. Especially that spawn of Poseidon." Polybotes cackled, which sent chills down my spine. It sounded like nails down a chalkboard.

"The newborn trolls are incredibly violent, more violent than those children of Ares and Mars." Murmurs of interest rippled through the crowd. "The Vacker legacy will be continued...very, very, soon."  I felt a surge of resentment before I woke up to a bright light shining in my eyes.

>>End of Dream<<

"Wow..." Sophie breathed. "That was what were about to tell you. The troll hive that Luzia Vacker made has somehow been repaired. Demigod dreams must really be accurate."

"Tell me about it." I snorted. "Once, Mars made a prophecy that was so straightforward, it was a piece of—"

"We'll talk about that later." Annabeth said quickly. "Right now, we need to get the rest of the Seven."

"I HAVE BEEN SUMMONED!" I heard a voice behind me. Leo was grinning widely, his head set ablaze. Piper rolled her eyes from behind him.

"Sophie, light-leap here right away. It's an emergency! Oh, wait, no, never mind. I'll vapor-travel us." 

"Meet us at Everglen." Sophie said, and cut the connection.

"Oh no you aren't, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth jabbed me in the chest.

"Aww, you aren't any fun, Annie." I pouted, folding my arms across my chest. 

"I'll be happy to shadow-travel us to Everglen." Nico piped up.

"You aren't going to." Will growled, looking just as scary as Annabeth. Wow, moody much?

"Lock hands, guys." I ordered. We all made a circle, and I concentrated on the water vapor in the air. Annabeth realized what I was doing and shouted, "Percy, don't you dare!" before we were whisked away.

Line break in courtesy of Percy

"Is this what it felt like to carry the Athena Parthenos?" I groaned as I fell on top of Annabeth.

"Get off me, Seaweed Brain." She grunted, but looked at me, her eyes full of worry. I waved her off.

"I'm fine, honestly. I think I know how you feel, Neeks." 

"Don't call me that." Nico warned. "Or I will shove my sword where Will's dad doesn't shine."

"Where's that?" Hazel wondered. "Tartarus?"

"You don't want to know." Frank muttered darkly. His hands were fiddling with an arrow like I did with Riptide every once in a while.

"Man, it's bright over here." Leo grumbled, shielding his eyes from the gates of Everglen. "I think Apollo got an upgrade on the definition of 'shiny.'

"The gates looks like Will." Jason noted. Piper laughed, and I chuckled right along with her. Heck, I didn't need nectar or ambrosia or anything to feel better. Just some humor.

"Argh, why do elves like shiny things so much?!" Nico hid behind Will, who was clutching his sides in snorts.

"I like the way he thinks!" I heard a familiar voice and whipped around.

"Ro!" Everyone grinned like crazy, even Nico.

"Ro? What about me?" Keefe smirked. "Lord Hunkyhair at your service." Sophie rolled her eyes, coming out of the gates, Grizel, Sandor, and Woltzer following behind her.

"You guys came." She nodded. "This is an emergency; we need to get to the troll hive ASAP."

"I've found the place, thanks to Keefe's photographic memory." Dex said, fiddling with wires and pieces of metal. "I think I can undo the lock. It looks enchanted, but I might be able to unlock it."

Keefe wrapped an arm around Dex. "He's the best Technopath ever. He even let me design the devices that lets out gulon gas around a certain snobby councillor with the name Dame and Alina." Dex blushed.

"I'll lead the way." Fitz and Biana volunteered. 

"Sophie already transmitted your dream, Percy." Linh added. "This giant, Polyb—"

"Don't say his name." I said. "He can listen in on us." Tam pulled his bangs further down his eyes.

"Like telepathy?" He asked, fingering a goblin throwing star. I shrugged.

"I guess. Anyway, yeah, he's the bane of my father. Makes me his number-one enemy by default. It just adds to the list."

"List?" Linh repeated.

"A list of people—no, things, that want to kill me. It's honestly not a big deal, take good ol' Sparky here, he has tons of enemies." I pointed to Jason.

"Sounds like Sophie." Wylie remarked. 

"Oh yeah, she has a ton of enemies." I agreed. "You elves may not be the violent ones, but you can be sure as Hel scary. Like with those shadows and light thingies," I shuddered. "That can break through anything." Wylie promptly decided to make a flash of light in his palm. Me and Linh then promptly decided to splash Wylie and Tam in the face.

"We're here." Dex announced, stopping abruptly. "Welcome to the most dangerous place in the Elvin world. Other than Exile of course."

"Way to kill the joy." Leo muttered. "I was just talking to Marella about controlling her fire and stuff."

Dex cautiously stepped forward, but Ro halted him.

"I'll check if it's safe." She unsheathed a deadly-looking sword and swiped around carefully, as if to avoid any traps. Everyone grabbed their weapons, and I uncapped Riptide.

"Think this'll work on trolls?" I asked. 

"If it works on goblins, it'll work on trolls." She replied.

"All clear." Ro declared. Dex nodded dutifully and started working on the lock. 

Minutes ticked by, and so far, he didn't look like he had any progress.

"Need some help, bro?" Leo asked. 

"Definitely. I can't sense anything mechanical in here. It's so strange." Leo walked up and plopped down next to Dex.

"Weird...I can't get into anything either. I think this is enchanted with godly magic." Leo mused, serious for once. "It also has these weird markings. Any idea what those are?"

"That's a moonlark." Sophie frowned. "Am I supposed to be the one opening it?"

"Be my guest." Leo gestured. "All I see are a bunch of squiggly stuff." Sophie touched the lock, and...

Nothing happened.

"Um, did you guys notice this?" She pointed to a trident. Oh gods no. Not this again.

"That's my symbol." I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. "Guess I have to open it too." Main character, much? I'm getting tired of this.

We both fingered our symbols, and the door clicked open.

"I'll go first." Ro said.

"I'll go with her." Sandor squeaked.

"We'll stay in the back." Grizel and Woltzer said immediately.

Hazel gasped as she touched the inside of the walls. "So big..." She murmured.

"Big?" Sophie questioned. "I only see a room here." Hazel closed her eyes and concentrated.

"What is it?" Frank asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"There's a secret tunnel leading from there." Hazel pointed at blank wall. The ground shuddered, and the walls parted, revealing a 5-foot hole. 

"Don't tell me we have to get in there." Keefe shuddered.

[i decided to split this into two chapters since it'll be a long fight. 

Once again, I ask you:

Dark!Percy Jackson betrayed fanfic (not cliche like the others i assure you)


Harry Potter and Percy Jackson crossover (Harry will not be a jerk. That's just not part of his personality)


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