Putting the Pieces together
Conan stared at the dark ceiling above his head, panic flaring in his veins. Something was going on, something was happening, and he knew he would regret it for his life if he wasn't going to do something. Just what?!
He could feel the heartbeat ringing in his ears, together with the familiar pulse of Pandora inside his hands. God, it had become sticky inside this coffin.
At least I seem to radiate something supernatural to keep the fauna away from me... I haven't seen any worms or anything alike coming into the coffin.
Conan shuddered and his whole body twitched in disgust. He wouldn't even try to imagine the amount of animals who would have been crawling all over him now. At least something Pandora had done well for him.
His fingers twitched nervously. Something was going to come, to happen, to-
Conan stilled.
His vision became coloured, his eyes focused onto an object inside KID's hand. Pupils blowing wide, Conan started to pound against the ceiling of his prison, tears starting to appear inside his eyes.
His voice cracked and Conan found himself sobbing in desperation, clawing on the wood above him. He needed to get free, he needed to get to KID-
Kaito stared with an emotionless expression onto his boarding pass, a deep sigh passing his lips. That had been his stay in Tokyo, huh? Now he had to go back to his tour, or else he wasn't going to make it.
It was fairly disappointing yet at the same time relieving to come here. Things have changed for the former phantom thief... and at the same time, everything had remained utterly the same. Kaito breathed out another deep sigh and checked his watch. Not long anymore before his flight.
At least I finally said goodbye to Meitantei... My life is going to be everything but peaceful now but at least I've been able to end this chapter of it.
With mild annoyance, Kaito played with his broken half of Pandora inside his coat. The urge to go back towards Conan's grave was still as present as ever, and Kaito honestly doubted it was going to fade ever again. He either had to find Pandora's second half and dig out the grave of his dead rival... or he was going to live his entire life in misery.
Shrugging, Kaito sat down on a bench, awaiting his flight to be called.
Wouldn't be the first time I load some bad luck onto my back.
Plucking his phone from his pocket, Kaito began to scroll through the internet to get rid of the time. It wasn't too long until he came across the article he had read about Conan's death. A grimace stole its way onto Kaito's face- yet he decided to read it once again, finally without emotions overflowing him.
Huh... So he actually fell from a roof? No... he jumped. Was it suicide?
Kaito wasn't exactly trusting his detective to try anything like this, so this weirded him a bit out. He continued to read the article with his brows furrowed in displeasure.
Maybe he had enough of all those homicides. But all of a sudden?
Something didn't add up here, and he knew the answer was inside the back of his head. Kaito just had to dig deep enough. Why exactly was this so dissatisfying?
'Then you are the same as Kudo.'
Kaito froze, thoughts coming to a screeching halt. Didn't Haibara say exactly this? After she had gotten to know he had been influenced by Pandora?
Kaito pursed his lips and glared into the space. Did this mean... Meitantei had also been corrupted by the blood? Wasn't that also the source of his abilities?
Haibara definitely said he had neither slept nor eaten for a long time. But why did he not... survive? I survived a fall out of the 19th floor. This... this is weird. More than weird. What if...?
Kaito's eyes grew wide, his heartbeat quickened in under a second. Almost immediately, all plans were forgotten.
"FUCK!" he cursed, loud, and bolted from his seat through security back to the entrance. He couldn't leave Tokyo. Not yet. Fuck his flight.
The rain outside blurred his vision a little but Kaito didn't care. He waved over the next cab and jumped inside, at the same time spewing out an address. The whole drive, his thoughts ran wild.
The coma. The fucking coma.
It wasn't long until they arrived at the laboratory of Haibara Ai. Kaito paid up and made a run towards the entrance, skilledly picking the lock and marching in.
"Hakase! Hakase Haibara! Ojou-san!!"
Haibara ran out of the kitchen, eyes blown wide at the familiar voice- it belonged to a young man? Whatever it was, it was important enough for the KID to dismiss his usual disguise.
"KID, what happened?!" Concern laced her voice.
Kaito took a deep shaking breath, hoping to formulate his explosions of thoughts into something coherent to say.
"O-Ojou-san, I experimented. A lot. I survived a fall from the 19th floor but also seemed to have slept through two full days. Ojou-san, I-"
Kaito raked a hand through his hair, desperate.
"I-I injured myself to find out if my guess was true. I slept the next days, after Pandora had healed me."
Haibara stared at him for a moment until all of a sudden, a lightbulb went on above her head.
"I-I keep having visions- visions showing me Pandora. I always thought it was the view of it inside the statue... and later on I assumed it was the corpse of Meitantei I saw below. I-I always thought I was just imagining it..."
Haibara turned as pale as a sheet of paper, trying to comprehend these news. Kaito swallowed, adding rather quietly.
"Ojou-san, he was breathing. I-I thought I'd have imagined it... But what if he actually fell into the same sleep I went through because of my injuries?"
Kaito's voice turned into a whisper, his whole body shaking.
"Meitantei... h-he might be alive... buried six feet underground..."
Haibara covered her mouth in shock, nodding hastily.
"I-I'll get the shovels. As soon as it gets dark, we'll dig it out."
Kaito nodded, firmly, yet for now he chose to sat down on the couch, hoping to gain control over his trembling body.
Meitantei might be alive.
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