A perfect moment- Is it?

Kaito eyed the former detective with hesitation in his eyes, both enjoying the early morning sun on their way home. And yes, Kaito knew that Haibara would begin to worry if they didn't return soon again, but he also felt like he could enjoy his alone time with Shinichi a bit longer.
It wasn't even weird to hangout for two people of the same age, as they were now.

When he used to be Conan, it had been an entirely different story. No more excuses, no more lies, just Kaito and Shinichi, taking a stroll through Tokyo. Two guys of the same age, quietly enjoying each other's company.
"Oi, Meitantei."
Shinichi looked up, smiling, expecting him to continue. Kaito set up a cheeky grin and nodded over to a sports shop.

"How about a game of soccer?"

Shinichi stopped dead in his tracks and stared at him for a second, causing Kaito to snort and turn away to try and hide his laughter.
"What's with the face? Do you have anything against fun?"
"Soccer? You? With me? Right now?" Shinichi had finally found his voice and Kaito positively enjoyed the hint of excitement lacing his tone.
"Right here, right now. Or are you scared?"
"You should know provocative methods like that don't work on me."
An adjustment of his collar, and Shinichi was already on his way towards the store, not even bothering to hide his bright smile.

"Oh really? I think it just worked."
Jogging after him, Kaito pulled out his wallet to pay. He didn't need to buy anything for Shinichi, god, he had just as much money, and yet Kaito felt obliged to do so. When did he ever have the chance to just spoil someone?
It wasn't his problem that Shinichi was in near to be spoiled. Right?

Only minutes later, both stood inside the park, Shinichi eagerly holding up the soccer ball with elegant kicks into the perfect direction before passing it to Kaito who did the same with his head. How long did they hold up the ball? Kaito didn't remember, all he saw was the glee on Shinichi's face.
And that was also all he remembered before that ambitious, well placed kick of his smashed that ball right into his face.




Kaito jerked upwards, eyes blown wide, looking left and right before locking onto worried sapphires right in front of him.
For a moment, both stared at each other in silence, before Kaito's lips curled up into a stupid grin.

Shinichi followed.

And suddenly, both erupted into laughter. Gosh darnit, he was 27! Wasn't he supposed to be an adult?! But no, in this very moment, he was sitting inside the grass in front of Kudo Shinichi, laughing his ass off because it was so ridiculous, so beautiful and hilarious, and Kaito couldn't imagine a different place he would have preferred over this, right here, right now.
"G-glad to see I finally hit you, KID~" Shinichi teased and Kaito shoved him, laughing only louder.

The air smelled like grass and flowers, he heard wind rustling in the early summer leaves all around him, and suddenly he felt something warm and soft on his lips.

Kaito stilled, blinked, stared, tried his best to comprehend what had just happened but everything was a blur. As fast as it had happened, as quick it was gone again.

He froze, rubbing his lips with the back of his hand almost in reflex, looking back up at the similar horrified Shinichi.
Kaito's brain was mush, he couldn't think of anything to say, and yet the soft tingling feeling on his lips had still remained.

A silence fell like a thick curtain over those two, something neither of them could interprete. Without a word being said, without a gesture made, Shinichi suddenly leaned forward and did the same thing pretty much again, almost as if to emphasize his point, to convince himself that this was the good and right decision to do.

Blood was gushing into Kaito's cheeks, indigos widened. Even when Shinichi had already parted again, Kaito still felt his lips on his own, quietly pressing against his. He wasn't sure what to do with this entire situation, his usually witty mind wasn't prepared in the slightest.

Hesitation and concern laced his voice; Shinichi nearly regretted what he had done. Twice. No, screw that, it was the perfect moment and he had to, just had to-
Shinichi knew himself there wouldn't have been a better place or time. Heck, when he was looking at him, so utterly caught off guard and embarassed, he almost wanted to do it again. Butterflies filled his stomach; Shinichi knew he had once felt the same already for a different person. But this time, it was KID, and he finally understood his wish to be at his side, spend his eternity with him.

"Kudo, I..." Kaito quietly began yet couldn't bring himself to continue the sentence. There was nothing he could imagine to say to him, nothing would have any meaning in this situation. Alarm bells were going off in his head, and while Kaito internally knew what this gesture meant, what this confession was telling him... He couldn't give him the answer he wanted.

"I'm sorry."

Shinichi's heart sank at those words, the piercing pain of rejection settled in.

"I... I need time. I'm... unsure. We're both men and... this is a lot. I'm sure you understand...?"

For a moment, Shinichi recognized the same hurt on his face he had seen when he had sobbed in front of the cemetery, so close to his grave, and his heart clenched with frustration. No, never again. He never wanted to see this look on Kuroba's face. Ever again.
"Take your time. It's not like I need an answer right now."
His hand found its way onto Kaito's cheek, and Shinichi's heart skipped a beat.
"Honestly? It's already a lot for me that you didn't outright reject the idea. It's just as crazy for me... But I realized this, how I feel, and what I want."

Shinichi leaned forward again, this time resting his lips against Kaito's forehead, mumbling against his skin.
"I don't want to see pain on your face again... I'll make personally sure of that."
Kaito found a sudden shyness rising within him, and he smiled to himself, glad Shinichi didn't see his embarassment.

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