The cabin sits by a lake, just a couple feet away from the edge. There's a boardwalk that stretches into the shallow water, and from behind the cabin lays the rest of nature. Since the seasonal change has brought upon a substantial drop in temperature, much of the lake has frozen. But the cabin's interior still manages to retain enough warmth.

It is in this establishment Josi chose to drag Idris to. Not a hotel or perhaps even a motel, but a cabin. Completely isolated and away from civilization. This is where she's planned to end things.

On their first day there, Idris hadn't questioned much about their choice of housing. He must still have been quite shaken up about the attack on the estate. After all, all his enemies should have been dead. The Toulours are gone, Rand met his end, and Alvize just took his own life a few weeks ago. But what Idris doesn't know is that he has one last enemy left.

They've been there just three days. Idris doesn't function much. He sits on the only couch left to the cabin and stares off into space. He seems to come to life when Josi is around him. Other than that, he redraws to himself.

Josi studies him when he's off on another one of his trips inside his head. His eyes have grown so sunken, hidden behind thick bags that have also been steadily increasing in size. He hasn't shaved in a while, and now his beard is overgrown. Even his hair has grown down to his shoulders, but it's nowhere near as neat as it used to be. The clothes he wears are old and worn out, so close to tearing down. He looks unrecognizable.

Josi sinks into this image of Idris, this image that contradicts the very idea of him. There he is, trying so hard to hang on. So far from grace.

Later that day, Josi ventures out into civilization for some basic necessities: food, water, blankets—because the cold shows mercy to no one. There's a fireplace inside the cabin which they make good use of. Especially at night when the electricity only goes as far as a dim light bulb.

Now that the sun has set once again, Josi hands Idris his dinner and joins him where he is on the couch. He doesn't touch it, just stares into space. The shock of his downfall must truly have cemented itself. He's lost all hope.

To make him feel somewhat better, Josi lays his head down on her lap and combs her fingers through his hair, just as she did back at the estate. Even now, she plays the part of his girlfriend. It won't be long, though, until all the charade ceases.

In this moment, Idris finds the strength to speak. He stares up at the wooden ceiling, which must be a change of pace compared to the drywalls he had at the estate.

"This isn't how things were supposed to go, Josita." Idris starts, eyes hollow. "We were supposed to get married. We were supposed to be there for our children. We were supposed to be a family."

Now Josi wonders how long before he would have proposed. How long before those steel bars turned to platinum, ensuring her captivity within Idris's grasp? What would she have done if things ended up going down that road? Would she have rejected him and risked endangering her family? Or maybe he wouldn't have done anything that rash. Maybe he would have refused her refusal. Idris has always been a hard man to reason with.

She would truly have been binded to him for life.

Idris closes his eyes, and when he opens them again, they seem to have grown more empty. "This is all my fault, isn't it?"

Josi doesn't tell him that it is yet. She won't do it now. She will do it on her own time, and that time she's reserved for some other day. For now, she tells Idris, "Sometimes, things just don't work out."

Idris doesn't say anything. He must be out of words. He must have redrawn into his mind again, where Josi can't follow him. Not that she wants to. But it would be nice to know what his true thoughts are during this time. And to know what his true thoughts are when she finally brings this story to an end.


The following day takes on the same schedule. Breakfast consisting of some leftover sandwiches and water. Then the two spend the rest of the time in the cabin together, with Josi by Idris's side. Lunch passes. More time passes. Until finally, the day begins dipping into that colorful hue used for the twilight.

Josi hands Idris a bottle of water and watches him drink. Only when he gulps it all down does she move on, satisfied.

She goes to stand by the window and watches the sunset. Not much of a view today compared to yesterday, as the sky has shrouded itself with clouds. But in the areas where the sun is still visible, Josi watches it set to the west. It disappears behind the horizon and exchanges for its varying colors the familiar darkness. Night has fallen.

Josi laughs. Quietly at first, until it spirals—and now she's trying to contain it. Only after a couple more seconds does she truly get herself under control. But what the laughter was for, Josi has no idea. Perhaps it's the surge of euphoria. Perhaps it's the fact that the finish line has grown so close, it's now only a couple inches away. Perhaps it's all of the above.

From the couch, Idris grows skeptical. "What is it?"

Josi turns to him, still so content. So at peace. "There's no moon today."

She can tell Idris is still boggled by her sudden laughing fit, though he questions no further. Then he tries waking up from the couch, and Josi half expects him to be successful. But he fails and falls back against the cushion. He tries again, and again. But each trial comes with failure.

Until finally, Idris stops trying—not because he gave up, but because the muscle relaxant has fully kicked in. All his strength has left him at this point, and now he sits there motionless. Paralyzed.

Josi walks towards him, all while he watches her, eyes tailing each step she takes. But he can't do a thing. Can't even utter a word. She takes a seat next to him, then moves his body down, making sure his head rests on her lap. The same way he likes.

She even begins combing his hair the same way, running her fingers through and through. Slowly. Steadily. Just outside the window, the clouds begin brewing, and soon the snow pours. Josi watches it fall. That's all she does—with Idris there on her lap. The silence soothes her. It brings her tranquility. Peace. It's as if the raging avalanche within her has finally settled, and now all that's left is the calm after the storm.

"Do you remember that night we first met? When I looked up and saw you—so high above in your own little world." Josi says, eyes still out the window. "They say not to judge a book by its cover, but from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were wicked. Just from your eyes alone. Just from the way you looked at me."

The memories of that day come, bringing with them a tinge of bitterness. But Josi is past feeling bitterness. Now, in this moment, all she wants to feel is pure bliss. There should be no room for anything negative. No grief or sadness or anger. The time for that has already passed. It's all Josi has felt these past two years, while a captive in Idris's prison. No, what she wants now is satisfaction. Only satisfaction.

So she takes a deep breath in and releases it, and now she's back on track. "I've never stopped hating you. Even from the first day you told me you loved me. Even while I kissed you that same day. Even while we slept together, over and over and over again. Even while I told you I loved you."

Idris hasn't steered his eyes away from Josi. Perhaps he's frozen within, just as he is physically. His heart must be tearing to shreds, hearing this confession from Josi herself. But this is the desired outcome, is it not? He should feel the hurt. He should feel every single ounce of the misery he's put Josi through.

"It wasn't all that easy—not that I was expecting it to be. Starting off with Ramsey was bold, but it was also necessary. Then there was Ainse, who I'm quite certain I did a favor killing. If he weren't so caught up in his own self-interest, you may have had the opportunity to catch me. But even your friends despise you, Idris. Can't you see? You're not even worthy of friendship."

Now Josi looks down at him. She looks him straight in the eye, the eyes she can tell are pleading for her to stop. For her to put an end to the anguish she's bringing him. But why should she? Idris never stopped, even while Josi pleaded. He never stopped when he barged into her life. He never stopped when he made a mockery of her. He never stopped when he stole her away from her loved ones. He never stopped when he confined and made her prisoner.

"Croff wasn't any different." Josi continues. "It was supposed to be a secret. He didn't want you to find out. But he couldn't help himself—that day when he fucked me in the shooting range. And even while he tried burying it, it was quite clear he wanted more. But he held back out of his obligation to you. He's a very loyal friend, don't you think? Yeah, I bet he once was."

This one, Josi can tell leaves a big mark. How must it feel knowing your girlfriend and trusted friend slept together under your nose? How must it feel knowing your friendship was betrayed, a friendship that lasted years? Josi doesn't know. She will never know. And it isn't for her to know. It's all for Idris.

Josi ends the comb through Idris's hair and cradles his cheek, just as she used to do when she was playing pretend. "You don't know how to love, Idris. You think love centers around control. Around power. But that's not how it's supposed to be. And you'll never understand," She leans in closer. "Because a man like you doesn't deserve to be loved."

That's when the tear comes. It spills through the corner of his left eye and runs down his cheek. He seems to be looking at her, but at the same time he isn't, as if his mind has wandered somewhere else. As if he's thinking about someone else.

Josi takes in the sight. A sight to behold indeed. She's overcome with so much joy that she can't contain herself. So she smiles. She grins. She even chuckles. Good. Let him weep. She deserves his tears.

Josi wipes the tears away from his cheek just to get a sense of how it feels against her finger tips. Then she gets a taste, savors it even. Salty. Just the way she likes it.

"I stole everything. I took it all away. And I made you watch. Right there, when the family was dismantling, I made sure you witnessed it all. Made sure your demise was not only recorded in history but in your memories."

Josi pauses here. The man on her lap now has no more power than an insect. He's been thrown so high off his castle and made to gaze upon his house of ruin. If only he hadn't stumbled upon Josi. If only he had ignored her that night.

But that has all come to an end. The nightmare has ended. Josi has made it to the finish line, a line that was so distant—far from reach just two years ago. Well, she made it. And now all that's left for her to do is cross over that line.

"You'll remain immobilized for a couple more hours." Josi tells Idris. "By then the cops should be here. They'll take you in, trial, and sentence you accordingly. And from what I'm hearing, it might be pretty bad for you."

Then she raises his body and fixes him upright so he's sitting again. She stands and takes a good look at him. A good look at his face.

And there lies Idris Verdonni in all his shriveled glory. Love's biggest fool. Trust's biggest laughing stock. He has been stripped of all his power; ransacked of all his dignity. A figure once great, but now reduced to the size of an ant. Or perhaps something much smaller. Who does he have to help him, to come to his aid? No one. He's alone. Completely alone. Even Croff can't come to his rescue now. Because it was all planned accordingly. Premeditated and arranged by Josita Cade.

"Goodbye, Idris. And from the bottom of my heart, rot in the depths of that prison cell."

Idris's first mistake was meeting Josi. His second mistake was falling for her. And his third and most vital mistake was trusting her.

And he paid for it all in the end. Josi saw to it, just like she swore two years ago. And as she steps out into the cold, she greets the snow with a smile, not even bothered by the freezing weather. Because Idris Night Verdonni has finally fallen.


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