"Pull them out." Commands eyepatch, and his men move to do his bidding.

Papa Musa, with his frail body, tries stopping them. "Wait. Please–" he's met by a solid slap to the face, and from within the cabinet, Dami jolts from the impact of the attack. Meanwhile, the men continue on towards the hutch.

"Who are you supposed to be?" Dami hears Eyepatch ask, a question directed at her grandfather.

But his question is answered by Papa Musa's own question, only after he's healed from the slap. "Who are you people?"

Then the door to the cabinet flies open, and Eyepatch's men dig both Dami and Verona out. "Papa Musa!" The twins yell. The men haul them towards Eyepatch, but after much struggling, the two are finally able to escape their grasps. They run towards their grandfather.

Eyepatch sees this and smiles, like he's finally gotten the gist of things. "Rand Vero. Pleased to make your acquaintances." And he smiles again. The same empty, sinister smile.

Papa Musa pulls the twins behind him and acts as a shield. "I don't know what you're after," the old man says with shaky breaths. "But please leave these kids alone. They're only children."

Rand doesn't even tune in to whatever Papa Musa is saying. He's too busy with his cigar. "Hand those two over." Says Rand, his eyes not even on the victims. Only when his request is denied does he look at Papa Musa with dread in his eyes.

But Papa Musa still will not budge. Dami can feel him trembling. He must be as scared as she is. Yet he stands there in front of her, shielding her from the disaster that has descended upon them.

Papa Musa gets down on his knees. "Have a heart. These girls are only nine years old. You can do whatever you want with me, but please, not the girls."

Rand allows the smoke from his cigar filter into the air for a bit. Then he pulls it away from his mouth and heads towards Papa Musa. Dami gulps when she sees him approaching. The thumping in her chest increases tenfold, up to a point where it feels like it will leap out at any given moment. And the way her body shakes. Dami has never been this petrified in her life.

Rand comes to a stop in front of the old man and squats down to his level. Then he sucks in another drag and releases the smoke in his face. Papa Musa begins coughing profusely. But the smoke is the least of his concerns because soon, Rand burns the butt of the cigar into his forehead. A bloody circle is created, which leaves a trail of blood down his face. Papa Musa groans and wails in potent agony. Yet Dami can't do a thing except stand and watch.

When his job is done, Rand stands from his spot and snaps his fingers for his men to detain the old man. They do so quickly, but at the expense of the twins kicking and screaming at them to let go of their grandfather. But like Papa Musa, their efforts are wasted. The guards hold the old man up straight in front of Rand. It doesn't take much strength to do so. Papa Musa is already too frail and fragile.

"I don't like people who don't listen." Rand begins. He gestures for one of his men to hand him a rectangular case. This confuses Dami a little. She'd expected a gun or a weapon of some sort. Surely, this man called Rand wasn't going to punish her grandfather with some box.

But it's not the case that's going to be put to use. It's the array of dart pins inside.

Rand pulls one out and begins to examine it. The ends are sharper than any needle ever created. A simple touch is enough to draw blood, an important detail that leaves Rand with a smile. He must be thrilled at the chance to put it to use.

Dami watches helplessly as Rand takes his aim and shoots. The dart connects with Papa Musa's chest, creating a bloody hole in the process. The pain comes down upon his body in shockwaves so great, it makes him scream. A good chunk of the needle's end is buried within his skin. This leaves Papa Musa crying out in agony.

Rand picks up another dart as he watches the old man wail in misery. Then he does something so evil, even Dami can't comprehend. He laughs.

There's ringing in Dami's ears. The way Rand's brows shoot upwards, the way his eye lights up, the way his mouth hangs open in delight as the lines around it come to life. She takes notice of all these things.

The next dart lands on Papa Musa's shoulder. The one after that totals his right eye, and the next hits his abdomen. Nothing but excruciating screams fill the parlor. The darts leave Papa Musa in a bloodied, wretched state. His chest heaves uncontrollably as his breaths become shallow. But all this does for Rand is serve as entertainment. He sees no motive to stop.

After a good couple minutes of the twins weeping and Papa Musa suffering, Rand finally brings the torture to a halt. He eyes both Verona and Dami. "I may spare your grandchildren if you beg."

This returns what little life back to Papa Musa. He tries gathering his last remaining strength—which isn't much—and with more shallow breaths, begins pleading. "Please . . . Please let them go."

Rand frowns. "I can't hear you." He throws another dart. This one lands just under his ribcage.

Papa Musa winces at the newfound pain. But he doesn't have the leisure to mourn. He has to keep Rand satisfied. ". . . I'm sorry," Papa Musa manages. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Rand ignores the apologies. "Please be louder or who knows where next these darts will go." He gives the twins a look that sends shivers down their spine.

"Please let my grandchildren go," Papa Musa says, this time much louder. "I'm begging you. Please."

"Unfortunately," Rand forsakes the darts this time and goes for his gun. "That isn't on today's agenda."

The smile he flashes right after embeds itself onto Dami's brain. How can one look so content in the midst of torture?

"Papa Musa!" Verona screams. She tries to fight her way out of the guard's grasp, but to no avail.

Papa Musa is still able to receive her message. He must know his time has come to an end, because he doesn't put up any more of a fight. He turns to the twins and does something that pains Dami more than everything else so far. He smiles.

"Don't cry too much or–" Rand pulls the trigger. Papa Musa goes limp.

The twins' sobs overtake the room. Dami's eyes don't stray from her grandfather's body, even as the blood from his forehead trickles down to his clothes. The guards latching onto him throw his body to the floor like he's nothing. No dignity is given to the old man even in death.

Rand tosses his gun back into his pocket just as one of his men comes to relay a message. "They're ready for you."

This is the cue Rand needs to wrap things up. He has his men bring Verona and Dami with him to the grand foyer where their parents are, all bloodied and tied up with guns to their heads. There's another man with them who seems as important as Rand. Buzzed hair with streaks of grey mixed with black. The goatee on his chin follows the same color pattern. He, too, Dami can tell, is inevitably excited to see the Rocci family in shambles.

"Bruno, we found them." Rand tells the man whose grin widens at the news.

Bruno instructs the guards to have the twins join their parents who have been made to kneel on the floor. Both Verona and Dami cling to them in desperation.

"I'm so glad you two are safe." Their mother manages. Then, to Dami's dismay, she asks, "Your grandfather. Where is he?"

Both Verona and Dami silently weep at the mention of Papa Musa. And that's all the answer their mother needs. She bites down on her lips and tries controlling herself. But she can't. The tears flow through in great quantity.

"You psychopaths!" Their father bellows. "My family has nothing to do with this!"

Bruno pulls himself away from his conversation with Rand only to eye their father on the floor. "Does he think I give a fuck?" He asks Rand.

"Let's pretend we don't hear him." Is Rand's response.

Dami can see the vein on her father's head pulse. It looks about ready to pop open. He clenches his teeth, because now they have all been reduced to a status beneath human.

"We warned you about what would happen if you didn't listen." Bruno continues.

"Actually, I warned him," Rand says while lighting up another cigar. "You wanted to kill him right away."

"Is that right?" He turns to their father with a smile. "I guess you should thank my consigliere for being here today."

Again, their father lashes out. "I can't just stop supplying! There are consequences!"

Bruno doesn't answer him right away. He just looks at him, as though he were the scum beneath his feet. "You know who I saw the other day, flinging their weapons around at my men? The Toulours. They were holding your weapons, Marcello. The weapons you sold to them." He narrows his eyes. "What do you think would have happened if you hadn't sold them those weapons?"

"My job is as a supplier!" Their father fires back. "How could I have known they would use it against you?"

Bruno doesn't heed his excuse, however. "We gave you a warning, didn't we?"

"A warning to stop supplying to everyone except you. I can't just void all the contracts I already have!"

"That seems to be an issue on your end." Bruno shrugs.

And now their father gives up, having exhausted his argument points. He burns them a glare so bright, Dami shivers. She's never once seen her father this way, cladded in pure hatred.

"You'll all pay for this." Their father declares with enough venom.

"Oh, good one, Rocci," Bruno says. "I won't be able to live now."

Rand finds the humor behind this and laughs. Meanwhile, the Rocci family remain petrified under the barrage of firearms. Bruno calmly walks over to the family just to survey them, and Dami finds herself shrinking once again. She can't even look at him, for fear that he will drag her down to hell where she knows he must reside.

Bruno takes a good look at the family. He must like what he sees, because he smiles once again. The same way Rand had smiled when he'd tortured Dami's grandfather to his death.

Bruno then squats down to their father's level. "Cheer up, Marcello." He taps his cheek twice. "We have plans for you."


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