Currently, Idris sits in a meeting with his capos. He's already relayed the news of Ainse's death and the terms that came with it. He told them about his betrayal and, as he phrased it, "silly" attempt at his life. He didn't leave any room for questions either. He brushed it all under the rug and moved on with the ordeal. What's done is done.

Now there's another issue. Not much has been heard from the consigliere. He's gone off the grid and has left the family with questions that have no answers. They know Rand isn't captured or dead, because his activities haven't ceased. His interactions with the family have become limited, which is where the questions seem to lie.

That's why this meeting is taking place. Five thinks Rand is going senile and is trying to use the few years he has left to himself. The consigliere isn't as old as the Capo thinks he is. But as Idris noticed, his lack of care seems to be what makes him think the circumstances aren't as dire. Six isn't as perturbed either. He thinks Rand is simply taking a break. Seven is the only one of the group that thinks there may be more to the case.

"It's unlike him." The capo tells his peers. But his claims are shut down.

"Give the old man a break." Five tells him.

"He's probably just tired." Six follows.

As for Idris, things couldn't be any more taxing. He knows he should look into it, but he has no care for the Consigliere's disappearance. He's been out of sorts for some time now and hasn't been much of himself. Perhaps it's the fatigue that comes with running the family. Perhaps it's something else entirely.

Idris wants a break. A breather would do nicely. With all these new twists, perhaps it's best to wind down. So he makes some plans and involves Josi in them. This should surely better his mood.



That same evening, Josi follows Idris to a movie theater. A date that was his idea. It's supposed to be for a day of peace, something simple and relaxing. From the way his mood has flipped these past couple days, Josi knows he needs it. But that isn't exactly how things go.

"I've already seen that one." Josi says.

Idris sighs and continues on through the options. They're standing in front of a digital display which screen carries the catalog. He reads the movies out loud for Josi's opinion, but each time she shuts them down for one reason or the other.

"That one's too old."

"It came out three weeks ago."

Josi merely shrugs. "It's outdated."

With this reply, Idris sends a hand through his hair. His frustration brings Josi some level of satisfaction. She smiles to herself, then kisses his cheek. "I'm going to go get some popcorn. You pick out the movie."

Josi heads off towards the concession stand. It's been well over a week since the last meeting with Rand, and though there's been nothing much heard from him, she knows the consigliere is up to something. Josi knows him as vigilant. He will not make a move until his calculations have derived the correct answers, until he's certain he will come out the victor.

The silence was warranted. Josi expected this from Rand. It's the calm before the storm.

When the storm finally hits, Josi has to make sure she's in the middle of it. She needs to be a step ahead of the consigliere. She needs to be able to manipulate the outcome to her liking. The time will come when Rand will strike, which is why she has to prepare herself.

There are a couple ways to spy on Rand, but the one that proves the most practical is bugging him in some way. But planting a spyware on his cell phone would prove futile. If Rand is going to betray Idris, he would be a fool to leave the tracking device on himself.

Which is why Josi settled on an alternative. The ring. It's subtle and unsuspecting, much more practical than the consigliere carrying an easily traceable cell phone around. She'll be up to date on all his plans.

The man behind the concession stand takes Josi's orders patiently. The options on the menu are extensive and go on for pages, but what catches Josi's eyes are the dippin' dots. But even that seems to come with too many options. "Strawberry or cookies and cream . . ."

"Cookies and cream is objectively better." The server tells her, but retracts when he sees the doubtful look she gives him. "If you were looking for a second opinion."

Josi smiles. "I agree. I just love being dramatic."

To this, the server laughs. "I understand."

"Tell me more about dippin' dots flavors. My boyfriend's picking out the movie and who knows how long that will take."

"Well, you could try cotton candy." The server says. "Doesn't actually taste like cotton candy, but if you visualize hard enough then it will."

Josi nods, considering. "Let's go with that one then."

The man tallies up the order and reads it out loud for Josi's confirmation, then moves on once she agrees to the charges. "Will that be all?"

The answer doesn't come from Josi, but from Idris behind her. He reaches over and places his card on the counter, all while eying the worker. He gives the man a look that isn't necessarily a glare, but still comes with a threat gift wrapped.

"That will be all." Says Idris.

The man all but recoils at the sight of him. "Alright."

Josi rolls her eyes. She should have expected him there, but each time she thinks he's growing up, she's painfully proven false.

As soon as their food comes, Josi grabs the bucket of popcorn and heads off before Idris can even grab a hold of the frozen treats himself. He must have noticed the irritation radiate off her, because he sighs and reaches for her arm. "Josita."

Josi comes to an abrupt stop and turns to him. "Why don't you just pee all over me and mark your territory?"

Idris's own irritation begins piling up. "He was flirting with you."

"He smiled at me, Idris. So, what, that means he's in love with me?" Josi scoffs like the whole thing is unbelievable. But nothing is impossible in the case of Idris Verdonni. "This may come as a surprise to you, but not everyone's out to sleep with me."

Idris hardens his grip around the frozen treats, and now Josi can tell his frustration is at an all time high. But he does something unexpected. Something new. He closes his eyes and . . . tries to calm himself. He's calming himself. Then he exhales and smiles as convincingly as he can. It comes out strained, but that's not what has Josi in a stump.

"Fine," Idris says. "Let's just enjoy the movie. Okay?"

Josi looks him over a second longer, still stumped by his willingness to diffuse the situation. She decides to let it all go. Who knows, maybe the movie he picked out will be just as astonishing.

The theater is empty at first, until things kick off and the seats quickly fill up. Josi and Idris find themselves in the center of the room. The movie starts as soon as the lights dim out and the audience quiets down. But somewhere down the line, Idris slips his hand around Josi's thigh through the slit on her skirt. He seems to do so absent-mindedly, but the attention it brings from those around them is distracting. At least for Josi.

She leans closer and in a whisper, tells him, "We're in public. There are cameras in here."

"Let them see."

Somehow Josi expected this for an answer. One can't reason with Idris. He has his own thought process, which may not be practical or rational, but is on brand with his image. He won't listen to anyone but himself. He's the same Idris Verdonni from the first time they met.

Josi has had enough of it. She leaves her seat for the exit and doesn't stop until Idris catches up to her. The wind outside is chilling, though not as much as the glare Josi gives Idris. "What is wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me?" Idris shoots back. "I'm not the one who's been stuck-up the entire day."

There goes his favorite technique. Avoiding accountability. Josi shakes her head as if things couldn't be any more absurd. "Have you ever tried taking a good look at yourself? You're impossible to reason with. And let's not forget the jealousy the size of your ego."

This one strikes a chord too bitter in Idris. His eyes grow dark, fists clenched from the surge of anger bubbling. "My ego didn't matter when I fucked you in the elevator yesterday. You knew the kind of man I was before you got yourself into a relationship with me."

Of course Josi knew. It's the issue that gave her the most doubts. How could she go about feigning romantic feelings for a man as deranged as Idris Verdonni? He's a headstrong tyrant with too many faults than silver linings. That is, if there's any left in him.

"There was a little part of me that thought you would change after we got together," Josi says. "But you're still the same overbearing man who flips out when things don't go his way."

Things go quiet, almost a bit too placid. It almost feels like the calm before the storm. The calm before Idris blows up. But he does nothing of the sort. He just stands there, shrouded in silence. Then calmly, he says, "You're right. I'm a selfish bastard who cares about no one else but himself. I wouldn't care any less if anyone in that theater were to drop dead. In fact, I'd probably be the one signing their death order." He stops and looks Josi in the eye. "What about it?"

Josi returns the stare and gives a reply to his spiteful question. "Maybe you're just not cut out for a relationship."

Idris is back to being silent, but he retains only a margin of the calm he had earlier. This one seems to have stuck with him.

And what Josi says next shatters his calm completely. "Just because two people love each other doesn't mean they have to stay together."

"I'd rather die than see you with anyone else."

The reply comes quick, almost as a reflex. It's the ferocity in his eyes that startles Josi. Nothing rests behind those lids but pure emptiness. It leaves her frozen and even brings about the faintest hint of terror.

"Dammit, Josita!" Idris combs his hands through his hair, the frustration from the entirety of that evening seeping through. He cradles Josi's cheeks and looks her in the eye with as much sincerity as is available, then says, "I love you."

Josi notices the desperation in his face and says nothing, almost as if her mind has lost all train of thought and is trying to reboot. But when the gears finally begin turning, she clasps his hands where they rest on her face and gives him a smile.

"I love you, too."

This does the job fairly well. It appeases Idris. It's a lie he knows nothing of, but it plugs the hole in his chest and delivers him from anguish. He holds on to Josi as though she were his last chance at happiness, as though she were capable of purging whatever problems currently torment him.

Idris stoops down and kisses Josi, still latching on to her. Josi can tell from that kiss that his feelings for her are the only calm in the middle of his storm. And that to guarantee that certain calm, he will keep her close. Hold her tight. Because he loves her.


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