Idris arrives the following day, after the hour of seven when it seems like the sun has overstayed its welcome. Longer days, shorter nights; all part of the seasonal change. He greets her at the courtyard where she is engrossed in some book Rand recommended. Croff, who Josi knows would rather be anywhere else, is with him, carrying some briefcase that must contain documents of some form.
When Idris sees her, he smiles. When Croff does, he frowns. Josi almost laughs. She ends up doing so, though only inwardly. She supposes this is another form of entertainment in this house of boredom. But it shouldn't be drawn out too much, lest Idris picks up on some clues.
Josi gives Idris a kiss who must have been awaiting it for some time now. After all, he's been away for over a week now. Some business trip to Mexico which he divulged little information about. Now he clings to her, hand around her waist, unable to pull away from the kiss. And Josi kisses him the same way he does. As though he were the love her life. Because that's the narrative she's crafted.
Croff, who has now grown misplaced between the couple, casts his eyes to the side and clears his throat. "I'll see you later."
Idris ends his kiss with Josi when he hears this. "Heading back already?"
"I have to go check in on Kida."
"Who's Kida? Josi asks.
Croff exhales and looks her general direction, but not directly at her. "My cat."
This sparks surprise in Josi. A grin spreads wide as the image of Croff and the feline takes shape. "You have a cat?"
"I told you he was househusband material." Idris tells Josi who laughs at the statement.
Croff offers his own share of laughs and an additional head shake to Idris before ushering himself towards the exit. Though he thinks he hid it well, Josi could spot the smear of discomfort on his face. Clearly, his pet cat wasn't his only reason for leaving. Why tell her to forget about their past if he's going to be this troubled by her relationship with Idris? Must be hard being in his shoes. He'll have to stick around more often during their times of affection. Who knows, maybe next time he'll blame his need to leave on his pet dog.
Once Croff is gone, Idris sighs and takes off his suit. Josi takes it upon herself and begins unbuttoning his dress shirt. Meanwhile, all he does is stare at her as she does so. And from that alone, Josi can tell he misses her.
"So," she starts. "Since you're here now, I have some place I want us to go."
Idris nods. "That can be arranged."
"I want to take the silver Porsche."
"That can also be arranged."
"We'll head out tomorrow."
"That can also be arranged."
Josi pauses in the middle of unbuttoning and gives him a look full of questions. "Are you listening?"
Idris stares at her a second longer, smiles, then kisses her once again. To decrease the gap, he pulls her closer, until nothing remains between them. Then he kisses her harder-and with his fingers, begins leading a trail up her back. Josi shivers at his touch, and even more so when he moves the kiss from her lips down to her neck. Eyes closed, chest already heaving, she gives him access to her collarbone. But when he finds the straps to her bra, that's where things end.
"Sorry to disappoint, but there won't be any sex today. I'm on my period."
Idris groans and drops his head on her shoulder, the disappointment evident in his tone. "Great."
Josi chuckles. "Let's go freshen up." She tells him, but before they can begin their journey towards the bedroom, she thinks up a question. "Oh, right. I wanted to ask about Ainse."
"What about him?"
"What is he like?"
Idris thinks for a second. "He's a smart, simple man. Cares a bit too much about the family, not that that's a bad thing. And he can be a bit . . ."
"A bit what?"
"Relentless. At times."
Josi's face hardens. Great. Quite ideal. Right up her alley. Of course her latest enemy is a dormant lunatic. Josi wants to laugh. Because that's what you do when the universe makes a mockery of you.
What makes it worse is Ainse's keen sense. He isn't like those around him. He walks around with the ability to suspect every and anything, especially those close to him. That's what Josi has tried watching out for; that simple, yet calculating gaze of his. The same one that reads right through her. The same one he uses for scrutiny. Now it's been made perfectly clear. Ainse Vanetti is trouble.
"Speak of the devil." says Idris. This brings Josi back to reality. She turns to see what has Idris's attention, only to find the man in question.
Ainse walks up to the couple with hands behind his back again, the same unreadable look to his face. He shoots Josi a smile and then a greeting to Idris before taking notice of his undone shirt. "Am I interrupting?"
"Not anymore." Idris tells him. "Did you just arrive?"
Ainse nods. "Got word you were coming back today and decided to drop in. I have something to discuss."
Idris forms a reply to give, but is interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing. He checks the ID and frowns at the name. Must be more workload. "I'll be right back." He pulls himself away to proceed with the call.
As big as the courtyard may be, it still isn't quite big enough for the tense silence. It seems to enshroud the yard in its entirety, only growing thicker as it nears the center of it all-where Josi and Ainse stand. She gives him a frown that is met with a smile, as though her disconcertion only fuels him. He begins scanning her, assessing her, with those same eyes of his. And when he's done, the smile on his face stretches into something more genuine. Amusing.
"Josita Lissette Cade."
Josi doesn't miss the way her name rolls off his tongue. Almost provocatively, like he's urging her. Sinking under her skin.
"You two make quite the couple."
Josi's wariness spikes. She does not like his tone. "We do. But I have to admit Idris can be a lot to handle at times."
"Oh, I'm sure he can. Stalking is no easy feat to handle after all."
Now she's been thrown off course. "Excuse me?"
"How about that time he made you strip in front of an audience? Or when he tried turning you into a murderer." He holds his chin and pretends to think. "Or when he stole you away from your ex-boyfriend and brought you here."
The blood begins draining from Josi's face, and though she can hardly maintain her breathing, she fights to do so. "I don't know what you're-"
"Why haven't you left the estate since Idris's departure over a week ago?"
Because he keeps me locked up! Josi screams into the void within her head. She bites her teeth down, trying to contain the surge of rage, trying to think up an answer to Ainse's question. Anything that makes remote sense. But nothing does, because how does one explain that their boyfriend keeps them prisoner in their own home? And from this silence alone, Ainse catches on.
"Just as I thought." His smile widens. "Of course, it isn't surprising given Idris's character. What I want to know is why you agreed to be in a seemingly happy relationship with him."
Josi can't hear herself think now.
"Blackmail? Threats? Stockholm Syndrome? Which one is it?"
Her legs begin to buckle, but they don't give out. The ringing in her ear is relentless. It keeps her locked in place and serves as a dreadful reminder to the predicament at hand. It suffocates and drowns out her voice of reasoning, drains the little strength she has left and ignites a certain emotion she hasn't felt in a while. Fear. And not just the type of fear from having herself become a target in the eyes of the Toulour family. Because that type of fear has a solution. Stick to safety and it will all wear off.
This one doesn't seem to have a solution. It's almost as if she's at his mercy, and from the way he pins his eyes on her, it isn't too far from the truth. His stare makes her shrink as the seconds pass by; turns her into the size of an ant.
Ainse's smile stretches into a grin, and then a chuckle. He's clearly enjoying himself. "I'll see you later, Ms. Cade." He tells her, then heads towards the direction Idris went.
Josi collapses to her seat once he's out of sight. She searches through some possible outcomes of this current conflict and weighs her odds at surviving. But the questions still remain. How did Ainse stumble upon the truth of their past? How much digging did he go through to finally uncover it all? At what point will he stop? Will he ever stop? What are his motives, his reasons? These questions topple Josi's head, but leave her with no answers.
As she sits there still shrouded in anxiety, Josi realizes only one thing is for certain. It will only be a matter of time before Ainse uncovers the rest of her secrets.
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