"What do you mean we're being followed?" Rosari asks.

Dami leads the way down the street. It isn't populated, but rather scarce. Perfect for pinpointing the stalkers. "I mean exactly that. There's two of them."

Josi, whose uncertainty is as clear as Rosari's, matches Dami's questionably slow pace. "How did you spot them?"

"Lazy disguises. I mean, who reads newspapers with shades on? The sun isn't even visible today. And they couldn't be any more obvious from the way they kept looking our direction."

Even with eyes straight ahead, Dami can see Josi stiffen up besides her. "You think they're from the Toulours?"

Dami nods, unwrapping another lollipop. "No doubt they're here for you. I could probably get you home safely, but if we leave them be then they'll only come back later."

"So you're going to get rid of them?" Says Rosari.


They continue their walk, and despite the street being almost deserted, the stalkers have made no moves. Figures. They probably want them somewhere private before they attack. Dami will grant them their wish. "You see that building up ahead?" She points at a structure not too far off.

It's an abandoned building; shattered windows and cinder block walls caked with greenery. Three stories tall, but much more extensive in width. And the structure has long since lost its front door. This certainly is the perfect place to carry out murder. "We'll lead them in there and get the job done."

Rosari doesn't seem too thrilled at the term 'we'. "Do I need to be part of this?"

"You're Enzo Maranzo's daughter." Dami tells her. "They must be aware of that. You should probably stick with me."

Rosari seems to find reason within this. Meanwhile, Dami has already begun plotting a detailed plan. This should be easy, considering there's only two stalkers on their tail. And with this false sense of power she's built for their sake, they will easily take the bait.

There are steps leading up to the entrance, and from the array of busted windows, Dami can tell this place once used to be a hotel. A much smaller one, seeing as it's only three stories tall. There isn't much to look at, save for the mucky floor and walls marred by graffiti. But this is just fine. It will serve its purpose well.

Dami leads the way once again up the stairs. By now, the Toulour agents must be lost in doubt. After all, what could three girls possibly want with an abandoned building? They're baffled, but they will still take the chance. Dami knows this. One will come up to spy, while the other remains on standby outside. Probably to make sure there won't be other factors affecting their plan. It's all been premeditated.

Dami bites the rest of the candy off and drops the stick to the floor. She guides the two towards the very end of the hallway in pursuit of a vacant room. Best to put as much distance between the agents as possible.

"So what do we do when the first one comes?" Rosari asks, surveying the cubic sized room.

Dami sends a hand over her weapons. Each pocket to the cargo pants has been armed with them. "Leave it to me."

The first agent should be somewhere down the hallway by now, waiting to see if the three girls are, indeed, alone. Dami leaves the room for the hallway, feet stomping the floor, with no care of getting noticed. In fact, she wants her presence known. All to draw the attention off Josi and pin it on herself. And if things are going according to plan, then Toulour Agent Number One must currently be staking out in one of the rooms down the hall, waiting for Dami to pass by so he can act.

And like the rest of Dami's plan so far, that's exactly what happens. A hand reaches out and grabs her, then cages her in a headlock with a gun to her temple. She can't see the man's features, just that he's a couple inches taller. But what she can feel is the stubble on his chin.

"What are the three of you doing up here?" Stubble questions with a thick French accent.

Dami eyes the gun as she speaks. "Who sent you?"

Clearly, this isn't what Stubble expected. For his victim to interrogate him. He should be the one calling the shots. But what he doesn't know is this is all a trap, and that Dami already has a plan for this attack he thinks is giving him leeway.

First, she gives him an elbow to the gut, which loosens his grip, but still doesn't solidify her freedom. Only when she strikes his chins with the back of her head does she really gain her freedom from the headlock. And before the agent can regain his senses, she grabs the arm with the gun and sends a punch straight for his abdomen. The hit is so heavy, Dami is sure she felt his spine.

Stubble collapses to the floor, hand over his stomach, coughing up blood profusely. He tries screaming, or maybe he's trying to catch his breath, but he's making too much of a fuss for Dami's liking. She does not want to alarm Agent Number Two.

She squats down to the agent's level with a tight grip around his shoulder. Tight enough to leave her finger prints on his skin. Then when he meets her eyes, she brings a finger up to her lips. "Ssh."

Agent Number One, now overcome with fear, tries containing his struggle. Although, he clearly can't breathe. But that's none of Dami's business. "Can you talk?"

The agent nods, slowly, wearily. The punch seems to have done quite a number on him. He may not stick around long enough for Dami's plan. She speeds up the process. "Call your friend up. Now. And don't say anything funny, because I can understand every single word you say."

The agent rings up his partner and relays to him the message, all in French. Then once he's done, Dami confiscates his phone and squashes it out. Meanwhile, the agent, who still hasn't recovered from the punch, begins wheezing. And all he can manage is, "Who are you?"

Dami doesn't answer his question. She pulls from her pocket a knife, then turns to the agent and says, in french, "Your help was appreciated."

The agent doesn't even have the chance to react because Dami splits his throat in half. She drags the body into a vacant room and abandons it there. Now she wonders how much time will pass before it's discovered. And she wonders how they'll manage two dead bodies.

The second agent comes up minutes later. Dami stakes out in one of the rooms, waiting for him to pass by. Once he does, she pulls him into the room and slams him hard against the wall to weaken his mobility. Then she gives him an identical death to Agent Number One. Instead of the dagger, however, she uses her hands to crush his throat. Slowly, agonizingly. All while he struggles to escape her grasp. But his attempt is futile. Dami keeps her grip tight around his throat, until it snaps within and the agent goes lifeless.

Another job well done.

Dami heads back for where Josi and Rosari still are, waiting for her return. They look at her expectantly, bracing themselves for the good news which she brought them. "Everything's settled."

Josi sighs, and Dami can see the worry drain free from her eyes. But she doesn't completely relax. Her life is still in danger. "I can't tell you how grateful I am."

"Then buy me dinner." Dami says, already on to the next lollipop. "And I mean the ones from those five star restaurants."

To this, Josi smiles. The tensions seems to have lessened, but Rosari is still concerned. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Josi says, though Dami can tell she barely is. "I knew they were after me, but . . . I guess it didn't really sink in until now."

Rosari takes her hand in hers, trying to soothe her in some way. "We should run away and hide together. I'll even help you pull a Dami and get you a new identity."

Josi manages a laugh, but Dami goes silent at the comment. "What did you say?"

"I said she should pull a you?"

Silence again. Then Dami smiles. Widely. "Rosari, you're a genius!"

Rosari, despite not aware of the context, accepts the compliment. "You're not wrong."

"Did you remember something?" Josi asks.

Dami pulls the candy from her mouth and points it at her. "Of course the Toulours haven't been able to find Domenico because he doesn't look like Domenico anymore. Clever bastard."

Rosari nods, coming to terms with the hypothesis. "That makes sense. But he could be anyone. Hell, he could even be Enzo in disguise." She makes a face. "Terrible choice of disguise."

Dami knows this. Domenico could be anyone. But if there's one thing she's good at, it's tracking down victims. Hunting. Sniffing out clues. This is her area of expertise. She gives the two a smile worth her name. "Leave it to The Caméléonne."


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