"You're Josita, aren't you?"

Josi's surprise gets the better of her, and her response becomes delayed. How the girl knows her name, Josi doesn't know. But she nods nonetheless. "And you are?"

"Rosari." She tells her. "Rosari Maranzo."

It seems Enzo has a daughter. Surprising, but what's even more shocking is the lack of resemblance. Josi knows Enzo is not a man blessed by good - no, average looks. She's only ever seen him once before at some party for the mafia socialites, and from just one look at the crime boss, Josi had pitied him. He most definitely isn't a sight made for sore eyes. But his daughter certainly is. She's strikingly beautiful, a stark contrast to Enzo himself. And she speaks with so much gentleness, it's a wonder she's related to a crime boss at all.

Josi finds herself enthralled. "You're absolutely gorgeous."

Rosari smiles, flattered by the compliment. She must get that quite often, but still reacts like the gesture truly was appreciated. "I'd say the same about you."

Josi runs her fingers through the uneven ends of her hair. "I just got a new haircut. Maybe that's why."

This brings forth laughter. "I can see why Idris likes you."

Not even Josi herself has found a reason for Idris's interest in her. It will forever remain a mystery. She begins a stroll down the hallway with Rosari by her side. "How do you like it here so far?"

"It's a beautiful place. It was really nice of Idris to keep me entertained."

"Yeah, well, he donates to charity and caters to the poor, so."

The sarcasm is not received well, however. Rosari's smile widens. "I never thought he was that kind of man."

Josi can tell from the amount of praise in her tone that she has some sort of admiration for Idris. A silly idea. Perhaps Idris really is putting on a good act for her, otherwise she'd be too painfully naive. Since it's too late to backtrack, Josi leaves things be. But the fact that there's someone who believes in the idea of Idris's goodwill is a hilarious concept.

"What's your favorite thing about him?" Rosari asks.

"His money."

Rosari clearly was not expecting this for an answer. She grows flustered. "Oh . . ."

Josi bursts into laughter. "It was a joke. You're so adorable." She simmers down and tries giving a more serious answer. "I love his ability to achieve anything he sets his mind to. I think it's one of his better qualities."

This seems to satisfy Rosari. "I haven't known him for long, but I like him so far."

And then it hits Josi. A bit late, but it finally has. Rosari has taken interest in Idris. These are words from a girl who wants to know more about the man in question. She must have no idea the kind of person Idris is. Or perhaps she does, but has little care. Either way, Josi has taken too much of an interest in this development herself. Where will this storyline lead to?

Rosari, who has now caught on to the silence, gives Josi an apologetic smile. "Oh, no offense to you. It was just a thought."

There's no reply from Josi-not because she can't find a thing to say, but because she's trying to prevent herself from encouraging Rosari. Let her test her luck. Perhaps Idris will take the bait. It would set Josi free, and the idea of someone else bearing Idris's cross is most definitely appealing. But would Rosari be able to handle the devil himself?

Rosari receives a message which she steadily reads through. Then once she's done, she gives Josi another of her benign smiles, the one Josi knows must charm a lot of men and women. "That was my father. We're heading back." She sticks out a hand. "It was nice meeting you."

And although Josi is too entertained by the idea of Rosari and Idris together, she completes the handshake with a smile of her own. "Likewise."


The following day after a quick visit to the salon, Josi joins Mia and Clarissa for a drink at a bar. It's far more crowded that evening than usual. Perhaps something new and popular was added to the menu. Of course, Josi wouldn't know. She was serving time under house arrest.

"I wonder what Croff is up to." Mia says, tracing the rim of her beer mug with a finger.

No surprise that the guard is now the center of attention. In fact, it would seem even more bizarre if he weren't somehow brought up in the midst of their discussions. They have no clue who he truly is. To Mia and Clarissa, Croff is simply a friend of hers. Quite plain the explanation is, but it does the job. No word has been spoken about her ties to Idris either. Best not to trouble them with this curse which has been placed upon her.

In order to derail their attention away from Croff, Josi tells her friends things that aren't too far from the truth. It would serve all parties well if they believe Croff's relationship status has been changed to taken. Better they give up the idea now than venture into a chase that would eventually lead to disappointment.

"I heard he found himself a girlfriend."

"You heard?" Says Clarissa.

Josi shrugs. "He told me."

"Well, how is she?" Mia asks.

"I don't know, I haven't seen her. Why does this feel like an interrogation?"

Clarissa shakes her head solemnly. "Because I thought if he was ever going to be in a relationship, it would be with you."

Josi simply chuckles. "We're just friends."

"Sadly." Says Mia.

What her friends don't know is that Croff indeed has already fallen for Josi. He avoids her now because of those same feelings, as if it will all become less real if he does so. But no amount of distance put between them will sever that smothering affection he feels for her. Josi knows this. She knows this by the way he deteriorates whenever she's around, by the way his nerves eat him up from the inside, because he knows he went behind Idris's back and kissed his girlfriend. And still with all that regret, he has feelings for her. How troubling it must be for him.

Not that it's any of Josi's business how he handles his feelings. She takes great satisfaction in the fact that the mere sight of her is enough to knock down that cool exterior of his. She purposely seeks him out just to see his reaction. It truly is entertaining.

Time goes by quickly for the bunch. They're out on the streets now just strolling, as the evening is still young. The conversation mainly revolves around romance. Mia is first to agree with marrying for wealth. She thinks it's perfectly logically in the case that the man is only in it for the looks.

Clarissa has a theory about how everyone has a soul mate out there somewhere. There may be cases where some just don't meet in their timeline, but are able to do so in the next. Meanwhile, Josi only listens. She doesn't agree or disagree or critique. She simply lends an ear.

Then disaster strikes. A van swerves out of control, and from within the driver tries their best to get back on track. But before they can do so, the van clashes with another vehicle, causing it to spiral and eventually, to everyone's dismay, collide with a pedestrian.

Screams and disbelief among everyone present. There's a lifeless body on the ground, covered in bloody wounds too gruesome for the eye. The police are phoned and demanded to the scene by some, while others strive to get the whole thing down on camera. But no one has enough bravery to approach the body, so there's an implicit understanding that they all wait for the authorities to arrive.

Mia makes a beeline for the nearest shrub and begins hurling, because the image of the corpse has burned itself bright into her mind. Meanwhile, Clarissa frantically tries phoning the police for a report of the accident. Josi, on the other hand, has taken interest in the text message sent by Dami. This must be something important, because the two haven't spoken much since the assassin left.

Dami tells her that her job should be wrapping up soon enough, and that her arrival will come sometime during the following week. Perfect. More good news.

"Hey, are you okay?" Clarissa asks, her voice still unsteady from the shock of the accident.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Josi tells her, eyes still on her phone. "I'm just taking care of something."

Clarissa, however, isn't convinced. She studies Josi a bit more, perhaps expecting some other reaction than just indifference. "A man just died in front of us, Josita, and all you can think about is your phone?"

Josi sighs and finally looks away from the screen. "I saw the whole thing, Clarissa. But this is a bit important."

"Is that really all you have to say?"

Now Josi's irritation begins rising. Yes, there was an accident. And yes, there were casualties. But what's a couple dead bodies? Before she can even think to slap on a filter, Josi says, with a frown, "Well, maybe he shouldn't have been standing there when the car hit."


Josi begins realizing the weight behind her words, but it seems too late. The look Clarissa gives her turns her stomach upside-down. She looks at her with so much disgust, like she may as well have had a hand in the accident that just took place. Immediately, Josi feels regret.

"I didn't mean-"

"Save it." Clarissa tells her. She gives Josi one last look of what Josi can painfully tell is disappointment, then heads for Mia by the shrub who still hasn't fully emptied her stomach.

Josi is left alone by the sidewalk, completely absolved by the sea of thoughts corrupting her mind each passing second. She remains rooted to that same spot, because the truth of it all has just slammed her to the ground like a car with roadkill.


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