Josi visits the terrace for the setting sun. The view from the penthouse far surpasses that of the estate, mainly due to how elevated the apartment is. But even with the colorful canvas that is the sky, Josi's head is stuck behind the clouds.

Josi hasn't left the penthouse for the past week. She hasn't spoken much to Idris either, because her anger towards him has yet to find a conclusion. But there are more reasons to her anger, such as the fact that her plans for Rand have been derailed. It's already been seven days. She could have accomplished so much in that time. But there she is on that terrace, waiting on some sun that has no clue what predicament she's been thrusted in.

Josi begins wondering what life will be like if the plans for revenge don't work. What if it all fails and she's stuck pretending to love Idris? What if he proposes? What if she tries breaking things off and he goes on a rampage? He would take it out on her. He would take it out on her family. What if she never gets her freedom?

These thoughts frighten Josi. They frighten her because they serve as a reminder of how powerful Idris truly is. There's nothing stopping him. All it would take is a single clue. A clue that tells him Josi has no feelings for him. And he will make her nightmares come true.

If the plan doesn't come to term, then Josi may as well bid her life farewell. Because there will be no escaping Idris. Not even when time has broken her body down. He will cling to her still. And in death when she thinks she's finally found peace, he will be there by her side.

Josi's phone pulls her back to reality. A phone call from her mother. She clears up as much of her mind as she can, readying herself, then answers.

"How are things going, honey?"

Josi hesitates. "They're going . . . well."

"Are you alright? You sound tired."

"I'm fine, mom, really." She laughs it off. "It's just work."

"Understandable." Says her mother. "Aspen misses you, you know."

Josi rests her head against the couch. "I miss her too."

"Her birthday party's this Saturday. You sure you won't be able to make it?"

As sure as the time out Idris put her in. He won't allow her go. He made it clear.

"I'll send her a birthday gift." Josi says, hoping it will compensate for her inability to attend the party. It will not. Aspen won't see it that way. "Tell Penny I'm sorry."

Her mother sighs, almost as disappointed as Josi herself. "It's okay, Josita. Just take care of yourself."

"I will."

The call ends, and once again the loneliness begins setting in. The darkness has fully taken its course at this time, and now the crescent moon hangs low-though only low enough to gaze upon from where Josi is. She wills the tears away, as they have already begun pooling at the edge of her eyes. Crying will not help. It will not dig her out of that hellhole. So she braces herself once more. She has to do so if she plans on seeing her family again.



The ride lasted hours, but now that the destination is right in front of Idris, his tiring journey there matters little. He hears the place before he's even given any leisure for sightseeing. The sounds of waves crashing. They're consistent, coating the air with the all too familiar briny scent. Salt and sulphur. The breeze picks up quick and blustery, which is fine by Idris. It offsets the rising temperature.

Where he is now is what he thought would be a solution to his problems, but turns out it's a place made to satisfy the most snobbish of all snobs. Idris knows he's as haughty as they come. In fact, it's one of the first things he learned about himself. But the garishness to this place is more nauseating than it is elegant.

Sculptures at every turn, even between the shrubs which were placed on either side of the lengthy driveway leading up to the doorsteps. Not an exaggeration when Idris says they've been with him every step of the way since the main gate miles back. There are even more shrubs groomed in different shapes and sizes, all misplaced around the compound like a party without music. And what seems to be the problem with the water fountains? Even those have been sculpted into some obscure image.

Idris sighs. Wear your money on your sleeve, but not if it's this tasteless. The only thing positive about the place is the sea in the background.

"Enzo sure knows how to keep things flashy." Says Croff while in the midst of spectating the gaudy decor.

Idris thinks the same. But it all makes sense considering the kind of man Enzo is. He lets his wealth do the talking, and the best way to do so is to surround himself with all things lavish. Still doesn't mask the unflattering truth about his appearance.

"The sooner we get this meeting over with, the sooner I can stop staring at that beast." Idris tells himself.

Rand exits from the car parked behind Idris's and joins him and Croff in front of the mansion. Immediately, Idris senses his discomfort. Or more so, his lack of enthusiasm. Figures, since Rand and Enzo do not have a history dictating any form of friendship. Even Rand's missing eye stems from some conflict of the past between the two. But personal feelings aside, what's best for the Verdonni family must come first.

"You didn't have to come." Idris tells him.

"And forsake my duty? Wouldn't dream of it."

But Idris knows he just wants Enzo where he can watch him. Best to keep your enemies closer.

The massive doors to the mansion opens, revealing a man in clothes as gaudy as the rest of the estate. He has a smile-but whereas normal smiles carry warmth and a bit of friendliness, this one just makes Idris wince. It doesn't sit well on his face. In fact, nothing sits well on his face. There's a mole the size of a wedding ring just above his lips. So unsightly, Idris wants to look away. But he stands his ground. His nose and teeth seem like an aftermath of some physical attack of the past, and the discoloration of his wrinkled skin certainly does not help his case.

"Idris Verdonni. So glad you could make it." Enzo begins as he descends down the steps.

Idris bottles up his disgust and smiles. "Enzo Maranzo. I couldn't miss this for the world."

Enzo nods, then turns to Rand and sticks out a hand. "Rand Vero. Good to have you here."

Rand doesn't complete the handshake. He gives him a once over instead. "Indeed, it is."

Enzo just smiles, rollicking in his displeasure. He ushers the group into his home and guides them to a room with a view of the sea at their disposal. Idris takes a seat across from Enzo with Rand by his side who is already on high alert. Meanwhile, Croff has taken his place as the guard behind the two.

There's alcohol on the table. Tempting, but there are matters Idris needs to handle. Like the men he knows are on standby just behind the door. "Will your friends outside the room be joining us?"

Enzo merely chuckles. "You have a good eye, Verdonni. Your father was as sharp."

Idris almost rolls his eyes. "I don't believe we're here to discuss my father, Maranzo."

To this, Enzo agrees. "Let us cut to the chase then. I believe we have a common enemy?"

"The Toulours." Idris answers, and already his anger is on the rise.

"Those sons of bitches are a real piece of work. They bite off more than their mouths can chew. I want them gone." He swings his hand across neck like a knife. "For good."

"How hard did they hit you?" Idris asks.

"My clubs have been losing business. They're shutting it all down. Won't be long until they go after my casino" Enzo tells him. "But I have my men on the lookout. All I need is for you to back me up, and our Toulour days will be over."

Idris is on board with the idea. They say the enemy of your enemy is your friend. What better way to rid of a common hindrance than this alliance. But he knows Enzo has a history of betrayals. And still with the crime boss's shady resumé, Idris finds this the best course of action to take. Once and for all, the Toulours could be gone. Once and for all, this heated rivalry could come to an end.

But Rand still has some questions. "What are your men up to?"

"A secret, Vero." Enzo tells him, aware that the vague answer gets under his skin. "But I can assure you the Toulour family's downfall. If you join me." He turns to Idris. "So what do you say, Verdonni? Amici o nemici?"

Idris catches the look Rand gives him, which basically reveals the consigliere's stance on the matter. Yes, he may dislike Enzo, but there are more pressing issues at hand. Such as the Toulours.

Idris turns to Enzo with a warm smile. "How could I say no to that face of yours?"

Enzo beams and sends a hand across the table, and only when Idris shakes it does it really seal the deal. A new allyship born from common hatred. But Idris knows it's only temporary. Once the Toulours are gone, it'll be like this meeting never happened. Back to hostility.

The door then opens, and in walks a girl with slow strides. She seems a bit skeptical when she sees the men present, but it soon turns to delight. It broadens when Enzo meets her eyes. "Father."

Enzo smiles at the girl, who is now apparently his daughter, and gives her a kiss on her forehead. "Gentlemen, this is my daughter, Rosari."

Rosari gives them all a smile worthy of a portrait. "It's a pleasure to meet you all." And although she addresses everyone in the room, her eyes don't drift away from Idris. Not even for a second.


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