Today, there are no games. Today, Idris pays a visit to a hotel of his for a business meeting. It took him quite a while to get through, because business nowadays only revolves around how many zeros one can offer. Never about how they can better said business.
Idris's patience has already run thin. Now he sits out on the balcony on the twentieth floor with Croff by his side. Croff's attention seems to be on the liquor only, which is the only reason the guard decided to stick around. Meanwhile, Idris turns his attention over to the city below. The population has begun growing in number, seeing as midday has just hit. So many lives scrambling to make do.
Idris sees a crowd of three. Must be a friend group, though the third seems like an outcast, because only they walk behind the other two. He sees a couple walking hand-in-hand, and then another who are much less romantic than the first. They're in an argument. It probably won't be long until their relationship dissolves.
Then he sees a family of three; a mother, a father, and their son. Idris studies that group a bit more than the rest so far, taking in the smile on the boy's face. They seem happy. But happiness is a short-lived dream. It is never guaranteed a permanent stay. Idris theorizes that the happiness in that boy's life won't last long. Because life is a packaged deal, and within that package exist misery, despair and anguish. It is inevitable.
Idris tears his eyes away from the family and redraws to himself. Then his mind starts to drift towards Josi. He hasn't bothered her for the past two weeks, mainly due to his own schedule. So imagine his surprise when he finds her below by a café. At first, Idris thinks she's in a meeting. But then he takes a look at her partner and finds it's none other than her boyfriend. A date. It's surprising she still has time for that, considering Idris's side games have been ceaseless. She must be clinging on to her relationship with just her fingertips.
Idris takes a bit more interest in the couple. He studies their body language, their posture. The air around them. From what he can tell, they seem completely lost in themselves. A bit cheesy if you ask Idris. But they don't seem to care about anything else. Just themselves.
Josi laughs at something her boyfriend said, and Idris makes a face. It couldn't possibly have been that funny. Now she has her head against her boyfriend's shoulder, while he continues on with his story. Idris zeros in on his smile. He seems as content as Josi is. Yet he has no power to his name. No influence. Idris scoffs. What is there to be content with?
Besides Idris, Croff begins a conversation that flies by him. It's about some target or the other, that much Idris knows. But as the seconds pass, the words turn to mush. The sight of Josi and her boyfriend has completely captured his attention.
Then just for a minute - a short minute only - he cuts out the photo of Bradley and hangs himself on the wall instead. That could be him. That could be his portrait beside Josi's. It's a foreign concept - someone to share his canvas with. He's never once desired that reality. But now he marvels in it. And to his surprise, it soothes him.
Idris only returns in time to hear Croff's offer. "You coming?" The guard asks him, though the rest of the conversation had been a haze. It seems Croff is on his way out.
Idris spends more time thinking, his eyes still on the couple. Then he shakes his head no.
Croff eyes him a bit weirdly. But he asks no further questions. "I'll see you later then."
Once he takes his leave, Idris turns back to the couple. So happy and merry they seem, as though the world were unbeknownst to them. As though nothing else mattered. Idris doesn't buy into it. Such happiness never lasts. It's never authentic. It must all be an act.
Yet Idris can't stop himself. So he pictures himself up on that wall again - still with that short minute - until he tears the portrait down.
The pub isn't too busy. It holds few visitors and provides a certain air of serenity they all enjoy. Especially Josi. This time, she uses to kick back. A much needed day off.
She sits at a table with Mia and Clarissa, holding some conversation that holds no substance, but still keeps her relaxed. She keeps herself busy with the mug of beer in front of her, clinging on to this moment of peace before she's pulled back to reality. Back to that devil.
"What about you?"
Josi brings her head up and finds her friends staring at her. "What about me?"
"You're awfully quiet." Mia tells her.
The only words to have left Josi's mouth are 'A mug of beer, please'. After the order, she'd resigned to herself, only lending an ear to the conversation.
"You look tired." Says Clarissa.
Josi brushes it off. "It's just work."
"What do those seven year olds have you doing?" Mia chimes in.
"Multiplication," Josi chuckles. "You wouldn't believe how many ways there are to solve five times five."
"Fractions are worse," Clarissa adds. "And decimals."
"Add that bitch long division and we have ourselves the four horsemen of the apocalypse." Mia shakes her head.
Josi laughs, a bit of her anxiousness slipping away. She leans back in her seat and lets the conversation flow. They talk only about things that take the edge off, and by the time the conversation sizzles down, Josi has already regained most of her energy. This is what she needed. To be surrounded by friends.
And now things are how they should be. Until Josi's phone rings. She flinches, skin already growing cold. She hasn't yet seen who the caller is, but she knows. Because life has gotten a bit too peaceful - and if there's one thing Idris Verdonni despises, it's peace.
Josi doesn't want to answer. She has no desire to see Idris. But the past has taught her lessons she'll never forget. So with short breaths, Josi picks up the phone and - begrudgingly - answers the call.
"Hello . . ."
Idris is brief with his message. "There's a room in the back next to the staffroom. Head there." The call ends.
Josi sets her phone on the table. She doesn't leave just yet, because the anxiousness has engulfed her in her entirety. What does he want with her this time? Must he always stalk her? Why won't he allow her just a bite of peace?
"Who was it?" Clarissa asks.
No reply is given.
Mia grabs hold of Josi's hand. "Hey, are you okay?"
If only they knew. Josi wishes she could tell them. She wishes she could them she's being held hostage; expose Idris for who he really is. But when has she ever been given a choice?
Josi lowers her eyes down and gives them a nod. She can't even look them in the face. She gathers herself - or at least what's left - and heads for the back where Idris is, awaiting her.
As usual, Idris is there with his cigar. He's seated behind a set of computers - surveillance, from what Josi can tell. He must have been watching her through the screens.
Josi balls her fists. How can he be so calm? How can he think nothing of this hostage situation which he created himself? Has his conscience really been thrown to wind - discarded so easily? She bites her teeth down, because any minute now, the tears may flow.
"I need to know," Josi starts. "I need to know if you're going to send him that photo."
Idris simply grins. "Maybe I will, maybe I won't."
The way he says it sends a surge of anger down Josi's spine. And yet, there's still fear. Because she's still at his mercy. Should he decide to send the photo, her life may very well be ruined. Should he not, he gets the satisfaction of watching her lose her mind. Idris has made only himself the winner in this game.
He says to her, still with that wide grin, "Desperation looks good on you, Cade."
Josi has to look away from that smile. If not, she may just end up with an attempt at his life.
"But that's not why I called you here today." Idris hands her a mic. "Put that on."
"What's this for?"
"The commands I'm going to give you."
Josi pauses. ". . . what?"
"You heard me."
She did hear him. It's the denial that made her ask.
"You should head back to your friends," Idris turns back to the computers. "They're worried."
Josi exits the room, but doesn't return to her friends. What is he planning on making her do? The commands . . . He's taking her for a puppet. He's already attached his strings, and now he's calling all the shots. Josi can't steady her heartbeat. Even her breathing won't calm down. And the rate at which she's trembling. Not now. Not now. But Josi can't stop herself. The attack has already taken full effect.
"Cade." Idris says from the earpiece.
"Head back now."
". . . Okay."
Josi makes it back to the table. Both Mia and Clarissa give her the same concerned look, but she doesn't meet their eyes. She would give herself away.
"Where did you run off to?" Clarissa asks.
Josi tries giving a reply, but Idris thinks one up for her. "Tell her it's none of her business."
Josi falls silent. So this is what he meant.
Idris grows impatient. "Cade."
"It's . . ." Josi croaks. "It's none of your business."
Clarissa frowns, not too thrilled at being told off. "Well, excuse me for being worried."
"Those with failed careers do not have the leisure to worry." Idris says for Josi to repeat.
This one sticks to Clarissa. Josi can see this. At this point, the tears are just behind the curtains.
"Are you drunk?" Mia asks this time.
Josi subtly nods. Hopefully, they take the bait. Then they can escort her out of that hell hole, away from Idris.
And they pick up on the hint. Mia grabs her bag. "Okay, let's get you home."
"Tell them you don't want to go."
"I don't want to go." Josi repeats.
"Well, we can't help you if you're like this." Says Clarissa.
Idris chuckles through the mic. "Cause a scene."
Josi's skin grows colder than it already is. Slowly, she stands from her seat, knees on the edge of giving out. Then she prepares herself for what she's about to do.
"I said I don't want to go!"
Both Mia and Clarissa stare at her in disbelief. Even the rest of the pub seems to be giving their attention to Josi.
"More." Idris says.
It won't be long now until the sobs come. Josi grabs Clarissa's glass of cocktail and shatters it on the table. To add more drama, she pours her mug of beer all over the floor, then hurls it to the floor as well. Bits and pieces scatter, along with a sticky mix of differing liquor. But Josi doesn't stop. Even with the number of eyes now on her.
Clarissa grabs her arm before she's able to throw any more glasses. "Josita, stop!"
Josi tugs her arm free. "Just go!"
The least she can do is spare them the embarrassment. She does not want them witnessing this sick game of puppeteer. So she shoos them all away, only hopeful that they forgive her later on.
The fact that there's been no interference from the staff or security tells Josi one thing. Idris made them turn a blind eye. He prepared the stage beforehand and simply waited for her to step in. The lengths he would go to see her suffer.
Idris has Josi stand on top a table, right there in the middle of the pub. Then, through more heartfelt laughs, tells her to take her top off. Desperately, Josi tells him to reconsider. But he doesn't take her suggestion into account. He makes her do it anyway.
Now the tears finally flow. The dark lighting makes it hard to see, but they're there. They stream down her face and blur her vision. A product of pure helplessness.
The audience grows anticipated. They all have their eyes on her, waiting to see what she has to offer. Luckily for them, Josi doesn't disappoint. She takes her shirt off hesitantly, the crowd all cheering her in the act. They whistle and pump out other requests for her to do, ones Josi tries to ignore. But they're all dehumanizing and crude. It reduces her down to the size of an ant.
After more minutes of ceaseless commands, Idris ends the game and calls Josi back into the room. He's all smiles when she gets there, and Josi can tell he's been having fun. He's enjoying it all.
Josi only stares at him. She's lost all feeling.
Idris pulls up a clip of her strip show. "I wonder what will happen if the school board sees this."
The clip plays over and over again. The audience in the background. The noises they make. The lewd stares they give her.
Josi digs her nails into her palms until they bleed. "You're a wicked man."
Idris releases a smoke. "Really?"
No reply comes. Idris takes this as his cue to wrap things up. He kills the surveillance screens, gives Josi one more smile, then heads for the door.
"One day," Josi begins, tears blurring her eyes once again. "You'll pay for all this one day."
Idris stops by the doorway, but doesn't turn to her. He takes in one last drag and tosses the cigar to the floor. "I'll be waiting."
Once he leaves, Josi breaks down. She silences the sobs, but makes no effort to wipe the tears away. She allows them flow through. Silently.
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