Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I won't hold you back any longer, enjoy.
Akoya Kailani
I knew who he was immediate. He only had a sunglasses on.
What a weak disguise...
I look away trying not to make it seem like I was watching or staring at him.
He walks over anyway.
I can feel myself getting hotter. I just had to remind myself...
he is a normal guy, not just the hottest... celebrity...I've ever seen.
He comes over and looks at the same kind of meat I'm holding in my hand. I peep over with my eyes not turning my head as I try to make it seem like I'm focusing on what I was holding.
"Is it any good?" A deep raspy voice that I know is his.
"Oh! The meat? Yeah... It's good." I say surprised he is even saying something to me, but I think I managed to keep him from noticing that.
"I come at least once a month and buy it. I cook it when I feel like splurging." I add to show that I'm relaxed. Because I'm totally kinda not.
"How do you make it?" He asks.
Thank god, something to focus on other than him. Let's see...
"I just make it with garlic powder, and I put butter in a pan..." I turn towards him as I start using my free hand to move as I talk. " and then I used season all and salt and pepper. As it cooks I baste the steak with the melted butter and seasoning. I like mine well done so I leave it on for a while, but if you don't then you might want to do 10 minutes or so."
He looks as if he was tuned out not focused on what I was saying. But I didn't mind, I was also barely thinking about what I was saying.
His amber eyes raking my face but after a quick go over they land directly on mine. He probably is actually listening now.
"and then I make it with maybe some spinach and mashed potatoes on the side. Gotta make sure you have green somewhere in there, right?" I say trying to joke towards the end.
"Right," He says taking off his sunglasses.
He is definitely wasn't listening.
"What's your name?" He asks.
"Akoya," I say trying to refrain from oversharing.
"You Hawaiian?" He asks.
Oh please, I know you know.
"Akoya Kailani," I say emphasising my hawaiian last name.
"I'm Jason," He puts out his hand to shake.
"I know who you are." I grab it, a bit too eagerly and he smiles.
"Well, it was nice to meet you, Jason," I say putting the meat into the basket. "I guess I'll see you around," I say turning around to walk away.
I wish I was taking him home instead of you.
I think glancing down at the meat in my basket.
As soon as I got home I call my best friend.
The phone rings and I eagerly wait for her to answer.
"Hello." She answers.
"Mal! You'll never guess what happened." I blurt out.
Her name was Malia Kameo but I often called her 'Mal' or Malia.
"What?" She answers smacking on something on the other line.
"J-Jason Momoa. I saw him at the g-grocery store!" I say struggling to get it out.
"THE Jason Momoa." She says now matching my excitement.
"H-how! w-what happen? Did you get his number?" She says one after another.
"I was just looking at meats and he came up to me and started talking. I literally thought I was going to die." I say falling back onto my couch.
"Is he really hot?"
"Even hotter in person," I whine.
"Too bad he is married.." I say.
"Girl, you didn't hear?" She says.
"Hear what?" I say now curious.
"He got divorced. It's been all over the Tabloids the past couple days."
"You know I don't read that crap. It induced writer's block for me." I say.
"Well in any case. He is freshly single."
"Why did they get divorced?" I ask.
"He doesn't comment on it. but he did say he was going to lay low for a while. Only focusing on his big projects."
"He got custody of his kids too, so that's nice."
"Oh.," I say looking up at the ceiling.
He's single...
No! Akoya we can't think like that. He probably doesn't want anything to do with relationships, whether it be all or no strings attached.
I spend the next couple days couped up in my house babbling to Kale and Mal about it and writing. I tried my best to savor the moment that I met him and not hope that we would meet again but honestly, it's still been driving me crazy.
I call Kale.
"Hey, Lani!" He answers energetically.
"Hey, Please tell me you aren't busy?" I ask.
"You know I am, but I can blow this pop-stand? If you want?" He says sounding eager for anything else to do.
"Ok, meet me at Kalapaki Beach in an hour. I heard the moon is going to be full tonight and the evening is starting to settle in. I want to catch some waves."
"You know I can't surf." He sighs.
"C'mon, you can take pictures or videos of me," I said teasing him.
He was a photographer and loved to take pictures. He always wanted me to model for him, and he always told me I was beautiful but I hated it. I sucked at modeling, and I was awkward and if I don't take the picture myself I won't like it. So I knew I knew he'd be sold if I said that.
"Of course! I'll be there early! Oh my gosh, I can't wait now. See you there." He clicks off.
I smile knowing I've gotten my way. I could tell he was stoked to be taking pictures of me.
I spend the next hour getting ready and instead of wearing surfing gear I go in a bikini because Kale will be taking pictures. But because I'm the kind of person I put it in my bad anyway.
I get on my bike and head to the beach.
"Yes, that's it!" Kale shouts.
"Yaaasss." He adds.
The waves crash into my body hard and I try to stay as still as possible.
"Can I go surf now?" I whine.
"Haha, Yes child. Just go." He laughs as he puts his camera down and plugs it into his laptop.
He has a while little setup. Most of the time when I surfed I would bring him but he only did it with me once and almost drowned. It was serious. I had to give him CPR. Long story short He stays and watched from the shore while I surf. He is probably just going to go through the pictures we just took as I surf.
I hop up and grab my surfboard and paddle out and away from the shore.
I spend the next few minutes waited for the waves to come in. The waves get so crazy when the moon comes out. It's good to have Kale here so if I need help he can call for it.
Soon I start to feel the tide rise and the waves get more uneasy.
It's time.
I paddle myself out further and start riding the waves. I ride most of them with ease because I do this all the time.
I love surfing alone because I didn't have to worry about where I was going. But I look over to shore and see two people walking on the shore, a couple feet down from Kale.
I look at Kale who is waving both arms like a mad-man.
I only wave back with one. He was probably just telling me that there were people coming so I have to be careful now.
I enjoy the last few minutes of solitude I can and soon after the two people join me.
I do my best to keep my distance so it won't be awkward.
But then I see one of the most amazing waves.
I have to ride it. Like I have to.
I could tell it was going to be beautiful from the inside and I just had to.
I head towards it eagerly and see one of the other surfers doing the same. I only speed up in an attempt to intimidate the other into letting me ride it alone.
But they ignore it and keep going towards it as well.
I roll my eyes as I prepare to go through.
The water starts to funnel and I stand, crouching to make it into the small hole it creates on the side before it starts to collapse behind me.
I am surrounded by blue and I reach out one hand to feel the water and I use the other to keep my balance.
But instead, it bumps into something-something that I know isn't water.
I recoil which almost causes me to fall off but I keep my balance.
"What the hell?" I turn my head to see the laughing Jason Momoa.
This shocks me even more, enough to finally fall off of my board.
But instead of falling by myself and tumbling through the water, and Arm grabs me but we still fall anyway.
This time our bodies tumbling and intertwining together. His hand tangled in my hair yanking my head back and my elbow hitting something hard, maybe his stomach?
After the wave passed and stops fumbling us around we both rise out of the water.
"Whooo!" He yells pumping one fist in the air and throwing his head back, causing this hair to flip back and throw more water everywhere.
"What the hell!? That was mine!" I say irritated as I paddle away from him and toward my board.
"Yeah, My bad-- You're the girl from the grocery store." He says doing the same.
I pull myself out my board after a couple of tries.
"You're the guy from the grocery store," I say mimicking what he just said.
I pause for a moment, surprised he remember my name. Alo is was starting to settle in, the fact that I thought I'd never see him again and here he is.
"You owe me a thank you." He says getting onto his board in one try.
"A thank you?"
"Yeah, I just tried to save you."
"emphasis on 'tried'" I say as I start paddling to shore.
"'A' for effort." He laughs a deep laugh. A sexy laugh, that makes his chest rumble and to be honest it shook a part of me that I didn't want to be shaken, especially at this moment.
I shoot him an angry look and roll my eyes while stifling a chuckle.
"Whatever," I say heading towards the shore.
After a couple minutes of paddling I finally male it to the shore.
I drag my board onto the shore and Kale runs up to me.
"T-that w-was mo-Jason M-Momoa!" He says barely able to get it out.
"He was even hotter in person!" He adds helping my carry my board.
"I said the same thing," I say quietly.
"But did you see that? I had that wave and he came and ruined it!" I say.
"Yes, Lani I saw it and so did my camera." He laughs.
"Wow, so you out here spying on me and documenting my life?"
"Delete it. I have a reputation for being a good surfer and I don't need videos of me wiping out, out there." I add.
"I won't post it, It's only for our eyes"
After we get to our spot with the blanket laid down on the sand I dry myself off and put on a sundress over my bikini.
I help him gather everything and he puts it into his book bag and lugged it over his shoulder.
Before we leave to head to my bike and his moped he waves to someone else on the beach, probably the guy Jason came with.
"Aloha!" He says as he waves goodbye.
He then turns to me.
"Akoya, I am going to take you somewhere tomorrow so make sure you're ready by noon."
"Where are we going?" I ask curiously.
"Wailua Falls."
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