Maddi: Oh.. You know exactly what I want, Mammon...? Do I need to spell it out...

Mammon:...You want my money, right! Fine! I'll give you 100, 000 grim! Just give me Kanon back!

Maddi: Now hold on...but...something else as well~!

Mammon:...(Oh no...don't tell me she wants too...)

Maddi: I want you to forge a pact with me and become mine...FOR ALL ETERNITY.


A few seconds of silence was soon heard around the ruins as Maddi smirked deviantly waiting for Mammon to let the bargain sink in...

Mammon: So you want to make a goddamn pact with me for all eternity.

Maddi: That's right...If you want your daughter back. Make a pact with me...one where you can never break or escape.

Mammon: What do you want? What is your goal?

Maddi: My goal? Simple. I want to live an comfortable luxurious life. Surrounded by money, riches, power, & fame in all of Devildom and who better to give me that than you...the Avatar Of Greed. The very person who can be able to give money & wealth to those who seek it.

Mammon: Tsk. So you just want to use me over and over again while taking all my money. So you can continue living your little fantasy dream?

Maddi glared at him while still holding Kanon in a magic death grip. Mammon knew he has to be careful with his words or else...his daughter really will die...

Maddi: How dare you? 

Mammon: Maddi. Your sin is greed.

Maddi: ....So?

Mammon: I gave you lots of Grimm for so long. But it wasn't enough for you. I couldn't feel the void in you. Greed. Is such a fickle thing. No matter what me or my brothers did, it kept growing. You nurtured it, letting it eat you from the inside out.

Maddi rolled her eyes.

Maddi: Get to the point, Scumbag.

Mammon: What I'm trying to say is...your wasting your time. Ya forget...I'm no longer the Avatar Of Greed.

Maddi: So What? You're still a demon! If I make a pact with you, my glorious fame of being the number one rich witch in Devildom will still continue!

Mammon: Yeah but there's only one problem with that...I can't make myself rich...

The witches all stared wide eye in shock. What does he mean by that?!

Maddi: W-What do you mean you can't make yourself rich?! You're the Avatar Of Greed! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE LOADED!!!

Mammon: Former.

Maddi: Whatever! You still have your powers! I can feel it!

Mammon: Yeah but I can't make you rich just because you ask or force me!

Like Satan had once said, it only works if Mammon takes a liking to someone. If that were to be the case, then they will be soon awash with money.

But in other words, one cannot fulfil one's own greed through force.

Maddi: T-This can't be possible!

Mammon has full confidence in himself as a demon...But not at all in himself as a person. Thanks to his brothers and basically...almost everyone he meets...He is extremely empathetic, and words of praise or kindness make him positively melt.

Sadly, due to his once former life in Devildom. He is always awaiting an insult, and it would be hard for anyone to maintain a love of themself under such conditions.

Because if he didn't had these problems...he probably would've found himself with less money problems.

But MC...then later Kanon showed up...Everyone he met that offered or forced to make a pact with him only came for selfish greedy reasons...

His lack of confidence in himself has effected his entire Avatar of Greed powers...He still has his powerful demon lord strength, speed, and so on, but he doesn't have control over all things....Greed....

Maddi: Then what about that human! The one whom you-?!

Mammon: They ditched me because they didn't love me. They loved my brothers...Sure...I loved MC and adored them but they were never wealthy.


Kanon: (Papa...)

Maddi: This...This can't be possible! What about the money you gave us all earlier?!! Surely you should!

Mammon: That's because it was thanks to you and your little posse. My brothers would either take my money believing I stole it from someone or have Lucifer freeze my bank accounts.

Maddi and the other's eyes went wide.

Maddi: Lucifer...froze your bank accounts?

Mammon: Yep...

Maddi:....Is he fucking stupid? Then how are you supposed to give us money if he's putting a block on you?!!

Mammon: Watch it Maddi. While Lucifer is a dick and an asshole but he still has his reasons. It is better not to shower untold riches upon those who may turn out to not really like me for who I am myself, but only for what I can give them...Which comes to you Maddi...You tried to bleed me dry for your Devildom Rich Life. But your Gold-Digging attitude has what led you here now...with nothing.

Maddi gritted her teeth in frustration. Does this mean...this plan of hers was doomed to fail from the very beginning.

A/N: Tbh, it's pretty stupid but...go on.

Maddi: (No...There still has to be a way...) Fine. Sure, my plan to bind you and then have me showered with riches wasn't a huge success. But I still can form a pact with you. That way, I can still get money outta you...one way or another.

Mammon growled at that. Sure, he may not be Avatar Of Greed no more. But that still wouldn't stop Maddi from trying to work him to the bone like a slave...as long as she has Kanon in her clutches. He still has to do what she says...

Maddi: So...what do you say Mammon? Form a pact with me...? Or else the girl dies...

Mammon:....(Damn. My brothers are still not here. Probably still taking care of the rest of the witches. They're never here when I need them. How ironic.)

Maddi: Mammon...I'm a very impatient woman. It's wrong to keep a lady waiting. Make your choice, Scumbag~~~! Are you really going to let the little girl die...?

Mammon clenched his teeth in rage and tried to simmer it down. It's not the worst thing that's ever happen to him. He's been through worse... Lucifer's punishments are more hellish than this.

Being a slave to a witch for all eternity. Can't say he hasn't seen that coming...but...if it keeps Kanon alive and safe...

Mammon: Fine...I'll do it...

The witches all begin to laugh mercilessly as the evil smile wormed it's way onto Maddi's face.

Maddi: Good. Glad to see you see things my way~!

Mammon grumbled underneath his breath. This was it. Back under Maddi's thumb. The very thought already makes him sick. he makes pacts with witches all the time but MC is the first time he's allowed him...

But since Maddi is taking advantage of him....he hated every moment of this.

He looked up at Kanon with a small sad smile before going over to Maddi.

Kanon: (No...Papa...I have to do something...I can't let this happen...!)

Kanon then looked between the witches and the grimoire. Then she noticed a zodiac cursed dagger nearby lying on one of ruins.

Kanon: (I just got an idea!)

Mammon walked over to Maddi who smirked sinisterly at him.

Maddi: Now. You are mine. You will never escape me.


Maddi: Well...Forge a pact with me already.

Mammon: Fine...

The ground beneath them begin to glow yellow as the ritual begin. The witches around them begin to chant.

Mammon: I, Mammon, Former Demon Lord & Former Avatar Of Greed, Will forge a pact with the Great Witch Maddi.

The pentagram also begin to glow.

Maddi: Yes! Yes! I can feel your power! Soon! Everything you owe will be mine~! Hahahahaha!


Mammon noticed a dagger moving around with some strange magic on it's own.

Kanon: (Come on...Come on...)

The pact symbol started to form.

Maddi: Yes...Yes!

Mammon: (What's going on?! Kanon?!)

Kanon: (Hold...Hold...NOW!)

The dagger charged at the grimoire striking it down from the witches' hands causing them to yelp!

Maddi: What The?!

The power of the pact symbol was then interrupted causing it to stop. Kanon used the zodiac dagger stopped the ritual by stabbing one of the witch lackeys making them drop the grimoire.

Maddi: NO!

Mammon: The grimoire!

Maddi: After it!

The witches tried to reach the grimoire but using his speed, Mammon swooped in and stole it back.

Maddi: NO!

Maddi stupidity stopped using Kanon as bait by dropping her, provoking Mammon to save her as well.

Kanon: Papa!

Mammon: Kanon~!

Maddi: No! You don't! Stop him!

Mammon: Hold on, Kanon!

The little girl nodded as Mammon tried to fly away with her but however, the witches made a wide red dome preventing them from leaving!


Mammon: Shit...What do we do?!

Kanon:.....Papa! I know what we can do!

Mammon: What?

Kanon: Forge a pact with me! 

Mammon seems to agree with that. Unlike Maddi, he can trust Kanon. They had a bonded overtime and had been together for so long. Their father-daughter relationship was on another level of love and trust. Forming a pact with Kanon wouldn't be too much of a difference. 

Mammon: Alright! I, Mammon, Former Demon Lord & Former Avatar Of Greed, Will forge a pact with the little witch Kanon!

Kanon: I, Young Witch In Training, Kanon will forge a pact with Former Avatar Of Greed & Former Demon Lord, Mammon! I command & implore you to have your powers temporary return!

The symbol begin to glow as Maddi's eyes went wide.

Maddi: Stop them! They're trying to forge a pact! Come on you idiots! Do something! Or you can kiss your luxury lives goodbye!

Witches: Y-Yes Mistress Maddi!

They started attacking the father-daughter duo once again.

Kanon: Papa! Move to the left!

Mammon dodged the magic at fast speed as Kanon gave him instructions on where to move.

Kanon: Left! Right! Up! Down! Parry! Dodge! Spin!

Mammon: Whoo~! Kanon! In order for our pact to complete! You need to say the lines!

Kanon: Okay...(How did it go...I remember the other witches...say it like...)

Kanon begin to concentrate before remembering the words.

Kanon: ...Hear me, denizens of the darkness...Awaken!

The girl's voice rang out clear, the silver light shows...

Kanon: You who live in shadow. Hear my command! I, Kanon, call upon you to send forth one of your number. Rise the demon & I command you to lend me your true strength! Avatar Of Greed, Mammon!!!

Mammon suddenly felt power rushed through him...

His greed powers had returned...temporarily...

A golden glow forms around Mammon as sparks of electricity forms in his hands.

Mammon: HELL YEAH!!! Now this power...it feels amazing!!! Let's Do It, Little Treasure!!!

Maddi swore furiously as the witches all paled in horror. They begin to summon powerful demons to take on Mammon.

Mammon: Come at me, bro!

Placing Kanon to safety, Mammon then charged at the demons and begin to take them all down one by one.

The other witches stared gobsmacked as Mammon literally obliterated them all.

The only people that remained now were Maddi and the witches.

Kanon: Yay! You did it, Papa!

Mammon: Ha! How you like me now, Maddi! You FUCKING bitch! Face it! You lost!

Maddi: Heh~! I don't think so.

Maddi then snapped her fingers much to Mammon's confusion.

Then, everything that happened next became Mammon's worst nightmare.

Suddenly, Kanon let out a agonized scream as blood gushed out from her mouth and she fell to the ground.

Mammon stared wide-eyed in horror.

Mammon: KANON!!!!

He ran towards her trying to get her to wake up...but the little girl wasn't moving.



.....The little girl didn't respond.

Mammon:....Wha...What did you do? What have you done?!! Maddi!!!

Maddi: *Laughs* Hahaha ~! What's wrong Mammon? You look like all hope is lost~! You want to know what I did? When that brat wasn't looking. I put a death curse on her. That slowly kills the target inside out~!

Mammon: You...You...!

He stared at the limp body of his daughter.


Maddi: How pathetic. Someone whose supposed to be a demon lord yearning for the unconditional love for a child. For fuck sake! Stop acting like you're still an angel! You're a demon! No matter what you do! You are always weak!

Maddi continued to taunt him as tears form in Mammon's eyes before they suddenly turned to gold!

He's crying tears of gold for his daughter...who was died.

Kanon was DEAD...she was killed by Maddi. 

Like the old MC who was killed by Belphegor...

Like Lilith who was killed for loving humans...

He failed. He failed. He failed. He failed. He failed


Maddi: Face it, Mammon! You're useless without your brothers! I bet they probably abandoned you and the brat considering that they're not here yet! What are you going to do now?! What are you going to do~? Oh that's right. Nothing! Because you can't do anything right!

He failed again. He failed to protect the little girl he cared about. The only person who was truly kind to him.

Maddi: You're nothing more but a weakass scumbag! You deserved to lose that brat! Your assets and everything you own will soon belong to me! My trip to fame is already knocking on my door! This is what you get to disobeying me! You have nothing! No brothers! No MC! No friends! No daughter! NOTHING~! 

The witches continued to laugh and taunt him as he stared at the body of his little girl. The mocking laughter echoed in his ears as the world around him darken. 


Something inside Mammon snapped as suddenly begin to glow...the sparks of electricity form all around him before he let out a scream filled with anguish and rage.


A bright yellow light spread all around the ruins as the witches stared in shock.

Maddi: What Now?!

Suddenly, the shift in the atmosphere suddenly gotten worst. The light disappeared revealing Mammon, who was still in his demon form, sharp razor shark teeth and claws, long tail puffed out in feral position, and tears still gleaming in gold.

But...now he felt different... The witches watched in fear as color drained from their faces...Even Maddi started to look scared as the demon let's out a demonic shrill. 

Mammon...No...This wasn't Mammon...

Not at all...

This Was Greed.

The Avatar Of Greed Returns. 

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