Oh gosh what are the Fates doing to them

I saw some pelicans in Brisbane and found one trying to eat another ones head.
so I took a picture of it.
I don't own any of the characters except for one. They belong to le Uncle Rick.
          Frank was having a normal day until English class.
          Well, first, he forgot to bring his textbooks, and then all his other friends were at Art.
          Then, he met someone pretty unexpected.
Flashback ya peeps
          "Bye, guys, have fun in art!" Frank grinned, being the lil boy that everyone loves. 
          "Be careful, Frank!" Hazel pecked his cheek. "You never know if the teacher is a monster or not."
          Leo snorted. "That guy can turn into a dragon, witch girl."
          Hazel frowned. "Don't call me witch girl or I'll ask Nico to pull you into the underworld."
          Leo shut up.
          Frank left after kissing hazel on the cheek once more.
          Frank slipped into class quietly, not making a sound.
          He tried to find a seat, but everywhere was full. The only seat vacant was next to a girl with black hair with dark blue streaks on the end, onyx eyes, freckles splashed over her cheeks, and a beanie on her head.
           She looked a lot like Nico in a way. 
           She smiled at frank in a sisterly way and gestures next to her. Frank grinned in response and sat down.
           Frank stretched a hand to her. "Hi, I'm Frank! Nice to meet you!"
           The girl smiled. "Nice to meet you, Frank. Are you having a nice time at school?"
"It's great! And what's your name?" Frank asked.
The girl's smile weakened, but regained her normal grin. "Briana la Angelica." (SHUT UP IM AN IDIOT ON NAMES)
"Nice to meet you, Briana," Frank smiled.
Then they started to chat for a bit, like how annoying the teachers are, how stupid schools are, and how rules should be.
Briana suddenly faltered. "I was meaning to ask one question, but..."
Frank was instantly curious. "What is it?"
"Do you know who's Bianca Di Angelo?"
Frank stopped.
"Well...she's a sister of my friend, and...she died," Frank scratched the back of his neck.
Briana's smile widened. "You know That She's reincarnated, right?"
Frank coughed. "Yeah..."
Briana grinned. "Then what if I told you, that I am Bianca's reincarnation?"
"What???" Frank choked.
Briana laced her fingers together. "Bianca is my past, present, and future. I'm Bianca Di Angelo. Now can you bring me to Nico? I want to see my lil bro after 4 years."
Bianca extended her hand to Frank. "Nice to meet you, Frank Zhang, I'm Bianca Di Angelo, daughter of hades and hunter of Artemis."
Frank scratched his neck. "Oh, sure, I can bring you to Nico, but can I ask you one thing?"
Bianca grinned. "Sure. What is it?"
"How do you know my full name?" Frank asked.
Bianca chortled. "You literally wrote it on your assignment, Mr. Zhang."
Franks face heated up. "Ah."
"HEY! NO MORE CHIT CHAT THERE!" Mr. Michaels shouted to them.
"Sorry, Mr. Michaels!" Bianca apologised.
The teacher frowned. "Wait a minute...who the heck are you?"
Bianca snapped her fingers, a clear, loud, and unnatural sound.
"I'm a student of yours, Briana La Angelica, Mr. Michaels," Briana said. Mr.Michaels frowned.
"Hey, girl, I'm a demigod too. Sorry, fellow demigod, but the mist doesn't work on me," Mr.Michaels stated.
Bianca gaped at him. "Wha—"
Mr.Michaels ripped off his face, revealing Connor Stoll's face.
"AYA, FRANK! AND RANDOM SUPER POWERFUL DEMIGOD!!!!" He yelled. Frank stumbled off his seat and cursed.
Connor stood up, and started running. "Sorry, peeps! But Mr. Ol' Michaels has things to do! Camp needs it's favourite prankster!"
Then he crashed out of the window, leaving a Connor shaped hole while screaming "BYE LOSERS" on top his lungs.

Calypso wasn't happy to have science with Leo and Percy.
They're so going to blow up stuff.
"Now, H2O is—" the teacher was rudely interrupted by Leo.
"But H2O is just water. Then why not just say "water" and not 'H2O'? That's just stupid. Like, why do people even do that?" Leo yelled, dipping his hands into the sink and flung his hands around, drenching everyone.
"It's because—"
"It sounds cooler."
"No it's because—"
"It sounds smarter."
"Can you stop—"
"Telling the truth?"
The teacher looked scandalised. Calypso face palmed, thinking about why her boyfriend is such an idiot.
Percy have him a fist bump and high five and a bro-pat-on-le-back.
Then they were split into groups and was supposed to make a concoction of two liquids.
Calypso was in a group with a girl named Cassandra Gray.
She's pretty cool.
Calypso and Cassandra quickly became friends, and Calypso really like her.
Brown hair and red stripes? Awesome. Sweater with the words 'sup loser' on it? Cool. Different coloured eyes? Even more cool.
They were chatting about books when someone in the corner of the lab yelled "YEET" and there was a huge bang, and the corner exploded, leaving Leo just stood there standing guiltily while Percy was applauding him.
The teacher was furious. "Leo Valdez!" She shrieked, "WHAT HAPPENED!"
Leo shifted on his foot nervously.
"I..um..may have found an empty cola can and maybe I threw it across the room while yelling "YEET" and the can maybe hit an explosive chemical and I maybe accidentally forgot about my concoction and I maybe just left the can alone and I maybe accidentally grabbed a flamethrower and maybe shot it across the room, which hit the can and making it explode...??" Leo's hand twitched.
Calypso groaned and hit her forehead on the table, while Cassandra snickered, her silver eye glittering with amusement.
You gotta admit. That's typical Leo.

And yeah. Typical Leo and plot twist! Briana is Bianca and she remembers her previous life!
(And haileylee235 , you should really write a fanfic. I'm insisting on it)
Peace out, demigods!

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