Guess Who Rewatched Sherlock Holmes And Decided To Make It An AU?
And my left eye is scratchy as fUCK and I'm dying
Will first met Nico when he was called back from the army to rest his leg.
Reyna watched between lidded eyes as Nico whipped the dead body vigorously.
"Dude, what did the old man did to you?" Reyna asked, chewing on her lollipop. "That man died from a natural heart attack, you could've at least found a dead murderer or something."
Nico huffed. "Well, maybe I was just curious and it was for science."
"Di Angelo, you're a psychopath," Reyna joked, legs propped up onto a table.
"A high functioning sociopath!"
The door opened and closed with a bang. Nico flung the whip aside and sighed in exasperation. "Austin, I told you to knock."
"Ooh, how do you know that it's me? Any more scientific evidence?" Austin Lake bounced unto the morgue, far too lively to be surrounded by dead bodies.
Nico kicked the whip under the table. "No, I don't have any smart comments, it's just that only you don't knock."
"Uh, Austin, who is this?" A blonde kid hit Austin lightly on the leg with a crutch. "Is this the roommate thing you told me about?"
"Ooh, a combat medic?" Nico patted his shirt down. "Nice. He's cute."
The blonde blinked twice. "How do you know that I'm a combat medic?"
"It's easy. Don't ask. Anyhoo, how's your other siblings? Your cat will get trampled at that rate," Nico pointed out, taking out his whip and curling it up. The blonde blinked twice.
"How do you even-?"
"Suck it up, Solace, he's always like that. Smart and sassy," Austin nudged Will in the ribs. "He's gonna be your roommate!"
"Uh, hi, my name's Will Solace...?" Will stuck out his hand out to Nico for him to shake. Nico grabbed his hand firmly. "Nico Di Angelo."
"7 PM, at 221B Baker Street! I look forward to you arrival!" Nico grabbed his coat and sauntered out the morgue.
Nico smiled to himself. That kid is pretty cute.
Reyna waved at Will. "The name's Reyna."
Will had to stand there for a few moments before walking out of the door.
Jesus Christ, they're a weird bunch.
Piper McLean launched herself into Nico's sofa, making Will let out an unmanly squeak.
"Oh my god, Nico, you're actually getting a roommate?" Piper said in disbelief, stretching her arms and hitting Nico's face. "Hey, what's your name? Mine's Piper. I'm your landlady."
Will waved weakly. "Will Solace."
Piper jumped up. "Nice! Are you single and ready to mingle? Because my boy Nico here is gay, lonely, and single! My gaydar is tingling!"
"Piper!" Nico screeched. "Oh my god, get out!"
"This is my flat, young man-"
"And I'm paying for it!"
"But there's a nice murder case for you!" Piper whined, hanging upside down from the sofa. "You like cases! It like your Nicotine!"
Nico shut his laptop. "Nice. I'm going."
Piper sauntered out the door, and closed it with a bang.
"You're a combat medic," Nico pointed out. "You must've seen a lot of gruesome dead bodies."
Will stood up, hovering above Nico slightly. "I did. Too much for me to handle."
"Want to see some more?" Nico asked, grabbing Will's hand.
Will grinned. "Oh god, yes."
Dear god, to Nico, this man is a dream come true.
Piper chose to barge in at that moment. "Jesus Christ, the gay is seeping through your bodies."
Nico groaned and pulled Will out the door.
Will couldn't help but notice the faint pink dusted across Nico's cheeks.
"So we're just going to walk into the crime scene?" Will gaped. "Just like that?"
"Just like that," Nico confirmed. "I'm the smartest person there, and the police brings down the entire average IQ of Baker Street. That's how stupid they are."
After a few minutes if walking, they've arrived at the crime scene, reaching the yellow line of tape.
"Look, the emo kid is here," Drew Tanaka called out. All the other policemen snickered, and Will looked down at Nico to see his reaction.
"Shut up, Tanaka," Nico growled. "I can see that you haven't went home last night."
All the policemen's laughter died down and waited for the tea to come.
"And Octavian, your wife is out, isn't she?" Nico smiled. "Well, I'd say that Tanaka helped you to scrub your floors too, judging by her knees."
Nico pulled Will through the crowd. "Jason, I'm here."
'Jason' flew out from the window and smacked onto the pavement.
"Oh my god, not again," Jason sniffled, juggling his broken glasses in his hands.
"Jason, permission to search the crime scene?" Nico asked, pulling on his gloves. Nico forced Will into a suit and pulled him up the stairs.
Jason pointed at Will, eyes narrowed. "Who is he?"
"He's with me," Nico grumbled.
"Oh my god is he your boyfriend?"
"10 minutes max, Di Angelo! Octavian is in charge!" Jason called out. Nico grumbled in distaste and continued yanking Will up the stairs.
Nico and Will stared at the dead woman.
"Well," Will leaned onto the wall. "How fun."
Will sat across the lady on the other side of the counter in the clinic.
The lady was quite a attractive person, but as a homosexual, Will felt no pull towards her.
"PhD, MPhil, combat medic? Very impressive," the lady oohed. "We have a few doctors that are gone because of family problems or on holiday " Then she very obviously checked Will out and have him a little wink. Will felt extremely uncomfortable, as he wasn't exactly into females.
"Great!" Will smiled. The lady took it as a positive reaction of her flirting, and giggled slightly.
"What plans do you have tonight, Sunny?" The lady leaned in. "I was thinking that we can go to see a movie, or something together. My name's Lacy, by the way."
Will leaned back from her and moved his chair away several meters. "Uh, I'm not interested."
Lacy leaned back and frowned. "Well, then you got the job. Starts tomorrow and please arrive at 8 thirty in the morning. Leave."
Will scrunched up his nose at her horrible attitude and sauntered out the door.
Lacy decided to pay her sister Piper McLean a visit to get some advice on how to win over this gorgeous blonde.
When the lady from the counter was sitting in the sofa, chatting away animatedly with his landlady, he realised that today was not a good day.
Piper waved Will over and pointed at the seat next to Lacy. "Hey, Will! Meet my sister Lacy! She says that she met this gorgeous blonde kid with blue eyes at work and she's desperate to go on a date with him! But he turned her down and now Lacy is fuming!"
Lacy gaped at Will for a moment and blushed a deep crimson. Nico looked up from his phone and frowned at the space between Lacy and Will.
Will sat down uncomfortably next to Lacy, and Lacy took it as an opportunity to snuggle up to Will, which made Nico livid.
"Hey, Will, do you know who's the gorgeous man Lacy met?" Nico asked, already knowing that Lacy met Will.
Will shrugged Lacy off, who was clinging to his side like a freaking magnet.
"Yeah, I do, it's me," Will huffed. "Lacy, I'm gay."
Lacy grumbled under her breath. "I can make a gay man straight, Sunny."
Nico growled silently and yanked Will out the door to get some groceries with him, which made Will flush a bright red.
Piper sipped her tea slowly. "Lacy, give up, Will has the hots for Nico over there."
Lacy let out an exasperated moan and dropped her head onto the table. "Why do all hot dudes have to be gay?"
Will contemplates his life when he realises that Nico is the most adorable being to exist.
"Jesus Christ, open up, Di Angelo!" Will yelled, knocking furiously on Nico's hospital door. Nico flung open his door and glared at Will.
"What do you want, Solace?" Nico growled. "I'm currently very busy."
Will huffed indignantly, pointing into his room. "Nico, your room is literally empty! There's nothing that you can do!"
"Ooh, but it's very interesting watching the insects trying, and failing to walk up the walls," Nico smiled. "So are you coming in or nah?"
Will grabbed Nico's wrist and pulled both of them into the room.
"Nico, you just got nearly strangled to death by a psychopath, just fucking stop acting like everything's fine!" Will whined, using a finger to stroke the red mark that circled Nico's neck like a bracelet.
Nico pulled Will's hand away from the mark. "But I'm fine, Will. You get used to it."
"You get used to nearly getting strangled to death?" Will frowned. "Nico, that's definitely not healthy! How many times have people tried to murder you?"
Nico shrugged. "I lost count. But I'm f i n e, Will! Stop worrying so much!"
"You lost count?"
Nico wrung his hands around. "Yes, I did! Just stop worrying!" Will frowned.
"C'mere, you need comfort," Will murmured, opening his arms, gesturing for Nico to get in for a hug. Nico poked Will's arms and accepted Will's warm embrace.
"This is nice," Nico mumbled, cheek pressing against Will's collarbone.
"Ooh, is someone touch starved?" Will teased, twirling a lock of Nico's hair around his finger. Nico blushed and pushed Will away.
"Ew, your positivity is so cute that it's giving me diabetes," Nico complained. "Get out! I don't want to get assaulted by cuteness! I have a murder to work on!"
Will giggled and sauntered out the door.
Jason sighed and closed his book after Will went out the door. "Jesus Christ, Piper was right. You two are literally so gay for each other you two should just kiss."
Will blushed a bright crimson. "Jason!"
"Unidentified object, please scan again," the machine beeped, making Will slam the machine. The Brazilian man behind him gaped at Will, and Will apologised for his actions.
Will entered in the weirdly long code imprinted underneath the lettuce, and inserted his credit card into the machine.
"Your card has been declined, please try again," the machine beeped.
Will groaned and slapped the machine. "Uh, just uh, leave it here," Will said weakly at the Brazilian man.
Mr.Brazilian smiled and gave him 10 separate dollars for him to pay.
"The name's Paolo," Paolo grinned. "Just use these. You can pay me back someday."
Will smiled. "Thanks a lot, Paolo!"
After Will paid, he noticed the slip of paper with a phone number scribbled messily on it.
Will wasn't sure if he should enter the number into his phone. Like, Paolo is cute, but Will has someone else on his mind. Will jogged to the nearest ATM and got 100 dollars, then ran back to the store where Paolo was still paying.
"Here's your 100 dollars," Will muttered. Paolo smirked and tried to hold Will's hand, but Will retreated and shoved the little strip of paper into Paolo's hands.
"I'm not interested," Will said quickly, and ran home to Baker Street.
Nico looked up when Will opened the door, face flushed.
"Who gave you his number?" Nico asked, going back to his book. Will looked over his shoulder. "Huh?"
"Someone gave you their number," Nico muttered, flipping the pages of his book quickly and slamming it shut. "And it's a male."
Will giggled. "I gave it back to him. I wasn't that interested."
"Oh, really?" Nico scoffed. "You thought that he was cute."
Will sighed. "I am really wasn't interested! I just thought that Paolo was kinda cute! I mean, who wouldn't like brunettes with a light tan?"
Nico's fingers stopped flipping the book's pages. "Well....."
"Wait a minute," Will stopped in his tracks, realising what he said. "Nico, I swear that it wasn't what I meant-"
Nico pressed a chaste kiss on Will's cheek and sauntered into his room. "Yeah, right."
Will pressed his thumb to his cheek, face abnormally hot.
"Di Angelo, you little piece of shit!"
Will swears to Jesus that he will definitely look after Nico no matter what the cause.
"I have another sister?" Nico gasped, hands firmly grasping his half sister's shoulders.
Hazel Levesque nodded, making Nico collapse into a chair.
"Why didn't you ever tell me?" Nico asked, nose scrunched up in confusion. "And why can't I remember her?"
"Think, Nico, think. You remember her. You just rewritten all of your memories," Hazel explained. "Redbeard, Nico."
"Sixteen by six, brother, and under we go," Nico muttered. "She made up that song."
"She sang it day by night, after something happened," Nico recalled, Will looking on in interest. "What happened, Hazel?"
"She killed Redbeard, our dog," Hazel explained. "She would sing the song everyday, and she would say-"
"'The song is the answer,'" Nico curled his fist tightly. "Did we ever find Redbeard?"
"That's the thing. We never did," Hazel said, "and a few months after that, we sent her to Sherrinford, possibly the world's most well guarded psychiatric prison, simply because she was so dangerous."
"Well, you simply can't imprison a girl because she killed a dog," Will reasoned. "Something must've happened later."
"We found her cutting her wrists open. We first thought that it was a form of self harm," Hazel crossed her legs, picking at her fingers. "But when we asked her what she was doing, she just said, 'I wanted to see how my muscles worked.'"
Will gulped. "Jesus Christ."
"And the next thing she did," Hazel choked, voice cracking slightly. "She set our house on fire. And then she set another, and I told our parents that she died from the fire. But she didn't."
"We sent her to Sherrinford, where there is no possible way to escape," Hazel explained.
"I want to meet her," Nico said firmly. "I think that you owe me that."
Hazel smiled sadly. "I do."
"Help me succour now the east winds blow, Sixteen by six, brother, and under we go," a drone flew into the room, the song resonating around all three of them.
And there was a bomb attached to the drone.
"I am the victim, officer!" The old man yelled. "He hijacked my boat and brought me into this horrid situation!"
"Uh, yes, I'm the pirate," Will said, unsure of what's happening.
The old man waited until all other officers left, and there was only one governor left.
Hazel peeled off the plastic stuck on her face, removed the fuzzy wig, and unbuttoned her sailor shirt, revealing faded overalls.
"Ms-Ms Levesque!" The governor gasped. "How is this possible? Aren't you badly hurt?"
Hazel smirked. "All if you just see, but don't observe."
And at that same moment, Nico entered the heavily guarded cell, and his sister was just standing there, in a plain white shirt, white slacks, black hair cascading down her back.
"Did you bring the hairband?" she asked. Nico cocked his head in confusion. "Hairband?"
"The one I told you to steal from mommy, Neeks," she said, turning around. "It was the last thing I told you to do before I left."
Nico was instantly surprised at how similar they looked. The same hair, same eyes, same shape of eyes.
"Hazel told me that you've rewritten your memories, but I just didn't expect you to completely forget me," she mused. "My name's Bianca. I suppose that you've forgotten that too?"
Nico stood there speechless. He did forget her name, but he did recognise the name, as if it stirred something in his brain.
"Now, now, dear brother mine, do you want to play a game?"
And they were yanked into a game that none of them wanted to play.
"It took her five minutes," Nico choked. "Five minutes to make us like this."
Nico held the gun between Hazel and Will, hand trembling.
"But it's fine, Nico, just kill this worthless man beside me. You need brains, not burden," Hazel said.
Will frowned. "Wait, but don't I get a say in this?"
"Will, she's trying to get me riled up to make it easier for me to kill her. Don't take it so seriously," Nico growled.
Hazel gave Will a smile. "I'm sorry, William, but what has to be done has to be done."
Nico pointed the gun at Hazel, hands shaking uncontrollably.
"Don't I have a choice?" Nico choked. He directed the gun at his throat, and the TV behind them flickered to life, with Bianca's extremely fake worried face.
"Neeks, no!" Bianca frowned. "Awh, Neeks, that's not how it works! Stop it!"
"I said stop it!" Bianca shrieked. A dart shot out from a hole drilled into the wall and imbedded itself into all three of their necks.
The next thing they knew, they were blacking out.
"Where is Will and Hazel?" Nico asked, voice trembling. "Are you planning to kill them, psychopath?"
Bianca's maniacal grin flickered to life on the gigantic television. "The answer's hidden in the song. That's all I can tell you."
Nico grit his teeth together, frustration pooling out. "I've tried every single way and measurement to dechiper six feet deep. I've dug up every single place in this haunted place that you've set on fire and I've never found anything!"
"But the answer is in the song!" Bianca chirped. "You see, but you don't observe."
The earset crackled to life in Nico's ear. "Nico?"
"Will! Which well are you in?"
"Nico, remember the bones I've found in the well?" Will's voice was cracking, trembling and it shattered Nico's heart. "They weren't dog bones, they're...human bones of a child."
Nico's heart stopped for a beat. "What?"
"What was daddy allergic to, little Neeks?" Bianca's smug grin appeared on the flat screen Tv. "He was allergic to dogs, and no matter how much you've begged him, he wouldn't let you have one. Then who was Redbeard?"
"Come on, Redbeard!" Nico giggled excitedly. "You're so slow!"
The next living thing that appeared was no dog.
It was a child.
"Charles Beckondorf," Nico realised. "We used to play pirates together. I was Yellowbeard, and he was...Redbeard."
"Why, I always wanted to play with you two," Bianca grinned. "But I got bored. I never had a best friend. So he had to be gone."
"You killed my best friend!" Nico sobbed.
Bianca giggled. "Oh, but I wanted to play. He had to be gone."
"Where is Will and Hazel?" Nico's voice cracked.
"You had friends, brother mine," Bianca said. "I had no one."
Nico's brain tingled at the two, easy, simple words.
"Nemo, Latin for no one," Nico muttered. "The dates of the tombstones are wrong. They're a message to rearrange the song, leaving the words stated on the tombstone."
"I am lost, help me brother, save my life, before my doom, I am lost, without your love, save my soul, seek my room," Nico's hand stopped in the air. "Oh god."
"Nico, the well is filling up, I don't think that I can make it-" Will's voice choked over the mic.
Nico ran through the burnt castle, leaving his heart to the job. "Will, try not to drown. I can save you! Just wait for a few more moments!"
Nico burst through the broken pieces of wood and found Bianca curled up in a thin, white sheet, clothes stained with mud. Nico pulled Bianca up and pressed a firm kiss on her forehead.
"It's okay. I'm here. I'm here," Nico whispered, rocking her back and forth, and Bianca whimpered, reminding Nico of a baby.
Bianca sobbed. "Every time I close my eyes, I'm on a plane, about to crash."
"Bianca, look at me," Nico whispered. "I'm an idiot, but I'm on the ground. I'm okay. I'm not crashing, I'm safe. I can take you home."
Bianca opened her eyes, realisation dawning. "Nico, what did I do? What did I do?"
Nico's eyes are lidded, he was exhausted, but he wanted to help his sister.
"Do you want to change, Bi?" Nico asked, still holding onto Bianca.
"I want to, I want to change, but I don't know how," Bianca choked, curling into a ball. "Help me, take me home."
"I can, Bi, you're already home," Nico said reassuringly. "But first, help me save Will Solace."
Nico forcefully yanked Will into a kiss after Will was pulled out of the well.
"Uh, well, that was unexpected," Will grinned, eyes glazed over. "But that was nice. Do it again."
Nico grinned. "You are a dork."
Will leaned in, closing the space between them. "But I'm your dork."
OooOoOoOoOoo this thing has a solid 3400 words :)
Took me a few we-dAYS
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