3 Reasons Why China Is More Than A Communist Party. {Frazel Mortal AU}


(also 4.1k is rlly impressive.)

Nico kicked down the door to Hazel's apartment. "I got your groceries, Hazel!" 

"Nico, stop kicking down the door like a maniac," Hazel put down her spatula and turned off the stove. "you can just knock like a normal person."

"But I am not exactly normal, am I?" Nico asked, and started to put the groceries in the fridge.

Hazel raised her eyebrows. "Someone's happy today."

Nico clambered onto the sofa face down and let out a groan.

Hazel clapped her hands excitedly. "Nico, did you meet someone?"

"Will happenned," Nico said into the pillow, voice muffled by the material. "but, aside from that, it is also because I got you a gift."

 "First, Will? Like William from your psychology class?" Hazel asked excitedly. Nico groaned and nodded. Hazel squealed in delight.

Nico handed Hazel an envelope. Hazel cocked her head slightly. "What is that?"

Nico gestured for hazel to open it.

"It's-- eight tickets to Zhu Hai, and nine train tickets to Hong Kong?" (SORRY NOT SORRY I LITERALLY CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE TBH) Hazel pounced onto Nico and squeezed him. "Nico!"

Nico grunted in dismay. "I just want you to have a special 18th birthday, y'know."

"Did you pay by yourself?" Hazel asked.

"Hazel, our dad is Henry di Angelo, literally the best business man in the world," Nico laughed. "also the most accepting."

Hazel squealed again. "Dad paid the money and accepted your sexuality?"

Nico hid his head in embarrassment. "Yea."

Hazel furrowed her brows in confusion. "But why eight tickets?"

"The gang is coming with you," Nico explained. "Oh, and Will too."

Hazel let out a squeak of happiness.


Leo screamed as he skateboarded through the airport. There are various flight attendants that tried to stop him, but he was going so fast that he was literally a blur. He looked ridiculous with his normal demeanor already, but Percy convinced him to wear a horse mask.

Leo was the Supreme Horse Commander now.

Annabeth frowned. "Should we trip him or..?"

"Nah, let him continue," Percy giggled, holding up his phone. "this is genius! My followers on insta will love this! Oh, this is so going viral."

Leo continued screaming as he sped down the marble floor.

Hazel suddenly shrieked. "Oh my god, Leo hit someone!"

 Leo did hit someone.

The gang rushed over to see Leo in his horse mask and a disgruntled teenage girl standing over him.

Leo kept apologizing, and gave the girl his number if she wants to yell at him.

"Oh my lord Jesus, I'm so sorry oh my fucking lord Jesus," Leo rambled. "oh my fucking god lord Jesus this is so embarrassing."

The girl patted her dress down. 

"Oh on, it's fine. I want to know where you wanted to skateboard though, you have skills," she stated.

Nico kicked Leo's ankle. "Leo, take off your horse mask."

Leo shook his head vigorously. "I've decided to never take it off."

The girl laughed and stuck out her hand. "The name's Calypso."

Leo decided that he would take his mask off.

"And this bad boys name is Leo Mcshizzle!" Leo said loudly.

Calypso giggled and shook his hand. "I'll see you later. I have a flight to attend."

After Calypso sauntered away, Leo collapsed into Jason's arms. "Oh boy, I'm in love."

"God, I've never seen you so red in the face!" Piper teased. "also, no offense, but you fall in love with everyone."

Leo put on his horse mask again. "I have no idea what you are talking about."

It was quite a weird sight. Horse kid strutting down the aisle with 7 more teenagers tripping over their suitcases, one even carrying a first aid kit and another sliding across the floor with a skateboard.


"I do not understand this," Hazel announced. Annabeth looked up from her pamphlet titled '13 Ways A Gorilla Can Eat A Banana.' "What do you don't understand?"

"I don't understand why the seats are this tiny. You can barely stretch out your hand!" Hazel cried.

Percy stretched out his palm. "Hazel, you can stretch out you hand."

Piper rolled her eyes. "Percy, she was clearly exaggerating her words."

Leo nodded excitedly. "Yea, and they have TVs here," Leo pressed his snout to the screen. "have you ever seen such a delicacy?"

 Nico grumbled at Leo's stupidity. "It works like an ipad, Leo."

Leo's horse mask nearly fell off his face as he turned around so fast he might've gotten a whiplash. "Nico, this is a delicacy!"

Then Leo hissed, because he did get whiplash.

Will let out a small cough, trying to conceal his laughter.


Jason stumbled out of the plane and wiggled his legs.

"Oh, Mother Earth, how we have missed you!" Jason cried.

Piper took Annabeth's Gorilla Banana pamphlet and hit him lightly on the head. "Stop being dramatic, Grace, we still have to go to our homestay."

Leo cocked his head. "Homestay?"  

"Apparently dad didn't trust you three to be in a hotel room," Nico said, pointing at Piper, Leo, and Percy.

"God, your dad knows us so well," Percy said dramatically.

Will tapped Hazel's shoulder. "Should we call a taxi?"

Annabeth stowed her pamphlet away. "We should. But there are only seven seats, so someone will have to take a lap."

Jason smiled deviously. "Nico and Will."

Piper screeched in agreement.

"But-" Nico started to protest, but Percy silenced him by putting a hand over his mouth.

"Shush, child. He is your boyfriend." Percy said. 

"Oh my god," Will sighed.

"Percy, no, Will is not my boyfriend!" Nico protested.

"I said shush, child," Percy grabbed Nico and Will's shoulders and stowed them away from the crowd. "I shall let you two converse in silence."

After two minutes, Nico slouched back with Will's arm around him. "It's done. We'll do it."

Hazel squeaked.

"Hey! There's a taxi!" Piper said. "I call shotgun."

It was kinda weird the entire trip, as it took 30 minutes for Nico to be able to accept that Will's arms have to go around his waist.

"Oh my god, Annabeth pushed opened the apartment door. "this place is amazing."

Nico squinted at the bright white lights. "I don't think so."

An old lady strutted out a bathroom. "Oh, you lian qing ren have arrived."

Jason waved at her awkwardly. "Hi?"

The old lady shook all of their hands. "My name is Amelia Zhang. Put your things in your bedroom."

Leo shook his head giddily. "We're going to share!"

Amelia squinted her eyes at Leo. "Young man, you look like a bai chi."

Annabeth wheezed in laughter. "She says that you look like an idiot."

"Good," Leo announced. "that was what I was going for."

"I have a grandson, Fai. He will be back within 2 hours," Amelia said, as she lead them to their bedroom. "I only have 5 beds, so six people will have to share."

Jason and Percy highfived as their girlfriends laughed.

Annabeth looked at Piper. "Looks like that we're sharing." 

"Yeah but who's the other two?"

"Hazel and Leo can take two separate beds," Leo said.

"Did you just refer to yourself in third person?" Will asked. Leo nodded.

"But that would leave Will and I!" Nico protested.

"Yeah, you're fine," Hazel clapped Nico on the shoulder.

Nico turned away in embarrassment. Will tapped his shoulder. "Hey, if you don't want to I can share with Leo," Will suggested.

Nico looked at Will. "Nah, it's okay," Nico said.

Leo clapped his hands. "So it's settled! It's bros night!"


Percy squinted at the screen. "I have no idea what the heck this show is about."

"Percy, this is a commercial on apple cider," Annabeth said.

"Then why is the kid washing his dad's feet?" Leo asked.

Annabeth shrugged.

Piper slammed down her hand. "This is slave labour. SLAVE LABOUR!"

"You mean child abuse?" Jason asked, chewing on his M&M.

"Oh, yeah," Piper said, then slammed her hand down again. "This is child abuse. CHILD ABUSE!"

Jason's M&Ms spilled everywhere. "Piper!" Jason complained. "I only brought one pack of M&Ms!"

"You can always buy some more," Nico said, popping a toffee into his mouth.

"They only have these 'chocolate rounds' in the supermarket," Leo shrugged.

"Chocolate round things are good enough for me!" Jason said, after picking up all his M&Ms. "Will, let's go!"

Will whooped and took his wallet. "To chocolate rounds!"

Then they left, with Jason accidentally wearing Annabeth's shoes.

After they left for 5 minutes, the doorbell rang.

Hazel opened the door. "Jason, did yo-" she stopped in her tracks. 

The first thing Hazel thought when she saw the guy was "Asian baby kid." (I'm cringing so hard tbh)

In conclusion, exactly Hazel's type.

"Uh, um,"  Hazel stammered, and let the man in.

The guy put down his groceries. "Hi! You must be the guests gran talked about."

"Whazzup, Chinese baby man?" Leo yelled from his horse mask.

"Chinese baby man?" The guy asked in confusion. "My name's Frank."

"Oh my god, Leo," Hazel said. "you didn't have to be impolite!"

Leo bowed his head. "It was the first thing I thought when I saw him."

Jason and Will came back at that moment, and Jason was complaining something about cereal.

"Oh,  hey, who dis?" Will asked, kicking off his flip flops.

"This is Frank, Amelia's grandson!" Ananbeth explained.

Hazel was still standing there, staring at Frank, eyes glazed over as if she was starstruck.

"LEVESQUE!" Leo yelled. "Stop staring at Zhang there and get a room!" 

Hazel blushed and protested, "I was not staring, moron!"

Frank's face turned red at Leo's statement.

"Oh my god," Piper whispered. "there are now 4 of the oblivious shits."


Hazel puffed up her pillow on bed.

Everyone was asleep, because they should be. It was 2 a.m.

And Hazel was not able to sleep a wink. Probably because of Nico and Will's occasional giggle, but that's none of her business.

Hazel sighed and got out of bed, deciding to drink some water and cool down her thoughts.

Frank Zhang. Frank Zhang, the man she was smitten with the moment she saw him the first time.

Hazel walked onto the balcony, stretching her limbs.

Hazel sighed in relief. She was having the time of her life with her friends and family. She is not going to let a stupid affair across the earth affect her.

But it's not everyday you meet someone like Frank Zhang.

Hazel shook herself out of her daze. Maybe Hazel is just being delirious.

"What are you doing here?" A voice sounded behind her.

Hazel jumped slightly. "Oh, hey, Frank."

Of course it had to be Frank Zhang, the man himself.

"I just couldn't sleep," Hazel confessed. "there's just so many things on my mind, you get me?"

Frank nodded solemnly. "Some days you just get something on your mind," Frank said, leaning on the railing. "then it takes a long time to get it out."

Hazel's mind went blank at the sight of Frank sipping his tea in silence.

Sure, Hazel did have crushes, but she was never as smitten by anyone like Frank Zhang.

It hurts her heart that they would be leaving 2 weeks later to Hong Kong, because even if she was still in China, Frank Zhang would still be thousands of miles away.

"So, Frank," Hazel started, "Do you have any plans after our visit?"

Frank shrugged. "My Gran wants to immigrate to another place, so we would be checking out Hong Kong after your visit."

Hazel's mouth went slack.

"Oh my god, we had plans to go to Hong Kong after this trip to Zhu Hai!" Hazel clapped her hands excitedly. "maybe we can visit the city together!"

Frank laughed at Hazel's enthusiasm.

Piper was right. Both of them were oblivious shits.

While they were chatting like old friends, Piper blinked a few times, woken by laughter and brightness from the living room.

Piper stumbled across the living room and grabbed Leo's skateboard. Maybe some skating would be nice.

But Piper nearly dropped Leo's skateboard when she spotted two figures talking at the balcony, sometimes laughing at each other's ridiculousness.

Piper grinned to herself. Matchmaking was her strong suit.

Piper snapped a photo of them, and sent it to Hazel's cellphone.

Hazel's cellphone dinged, but Piper knew that it would be long before Hazel would go to check on it.

Piper decided to not skate tonight. Watching a new couple bloom was more valuable.

And so, she made herself comfortable on the couch, stretched across it like a cat in the sun, and got ready to surprise the two.

As if on cue, the two of them walked in, and Piper pounced on them, making Hazel let out a little shriek.

"Gotcha, lovebirds," Piper put her arm around both of them. Hazel groaned and put her face in her hands.

"Oh my god, Piper, were you listening the entire time?" Frank asked.

"No, I was simply watching in interest," Piper proclaimed.

"Piper!" Hazel cried.

"Also, I am going to skateboard for a bit," Piper announced. "you lovebirds have fun. But I'll need to change first, so continue without me."

Piper sauntered into the room, and the first thing she noticed was a figure looming over Nico.

"So things have progressed?" Piper asked Will, who was the one shirtless and pining down Nico's hands.

"What do you think, McLean?" Nico said in annoyance.

"Fucking hormonal teenage boys," Piper grumbled.

But she did snap a picture as blackmail.

Piper looked out of the door again, and was pleasantly surprised to see Frank holding Hazel's hand.

"Now there's only two oblivious shits left," Piper murmured.

"What?" Will asked.

"Oh, nothing," Piper said, putting on her jacket, and tied up her hair. "just playing matchmaker. Also, I've known about you two for a long time, Nico." 

"Shut up!" Nico hissed, red in the face.

Piper just grinned and grabbed the skateboard.


"Oh my god," Annabeth whispered. "this is the cutest thing I've ever seen."

Hazel and Frank were curled up together on the sofa, Snoring gently.

Piper snapped another picture and put it in her album of blackmail.

"We can just leave them alone and just go to the aquarium," Nico suggested. "Hazel detests aquariums."

"We can," Percy shrugged. "Just remember to leave them a cond- note."

Nico glared at Percy.

Jason yanked Percy out the door. "Percy, we need to talk about your existence."

Leo put on his horse mask again. "McSchizzle is ready to go."

"Also, Nico is that a-"

"Yes, Leo, shut up."



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