Chapter 46 - An Unexpected Proposal (Part 2)


Castle of Grytia

The several chandeliers hanging from the ceiling sparkled within the middle of hall, sending the gilded walls and pillars aglow. It was already late in the evening as Tristan sat with his friends and council members for dinner at the long banquet table, with Alina stuck to his side. They had already finished eating a while ago, but the men could never finish talking. Especially with the recent news about the Kassarathi attacks on the North.

"That's for our best interest anyway," one of the council members said. "At least the Northmen now have something to keep them away from Grytia."

"It might sound like a good thing for the moment, but the consequences will not remain in our favor for long," Tristan said as his fingers caressed Alina's legs beneath the table. "The Kassarathi presence in the North is going to upset the peace in Engeldom. Besides they are unpredictable. We might have gotten rid of the Northmen's trouble, but soon we will have the Kassarathi to deal with."

A few side talks broke following Tristan's words, mostly agreeing with what he said.

"Tristan," Alina whispered, and he quickly turned to her with a gentle smile, ignoring any other important talks he was involved in at the moment.

"Yes my love?"

"Can I leave? I'm not really in the mood for these political talks, besides..." she hesitated, and Tristan could notice her blushing.

"What?" he frowned skeptically.

"I... I want to see Alexander, because... I met him earlier today and...," she blushed deeper, her cheeks as red as the scarlet velvet dress she was wearing. "I asked him to make me a dress... a... a wedding dress..." Alina barely finished with a whisper and lowered her head.

A deep surge of warmth filled Tristan's heart, and his chest swelled with emotion. He was lost for words, and he felt his own cheeks glowing, not with embarrassment, but with deep love. And next, he pulled Alina into his embrace, before he landed his mouth onto hers. He didn't care for the soft chuckles and the few whistles that surrounded him as he kissed Alina right before every one. He didn't care, because at that moment he felt that there was no one else in this whole world. No one else except for him and Alina. But he finally had to break the kiss before things got a bit too heated.

"Go on my love," Tristan looked down at Alina with a gentle smile. "Go find Alexander, and tell him that I am personally ordering him to make you the most beautiful wedding dress in Engeldom."

Alina almost squealed with excitement as she hopped off Tristan's lap, and his eyes followed her fondly as she left the hall, her long chestnut waves flowing behind her.

"Do you have something to tell me?" Edward asked with a knowing smile on his face as he leaned in close to Tristan, taking Alina's place. "Because I believe I heard the word wedding."

"I asked Alina to marry me," Tristan said and Edward burst out laughing.

"I knew it! I was just waiting to see how long it takes you to finally give in."

"Look who's talking? The biggest fool in Vausetrland," Tristan scoffed. "How long have you been in love with her?" Tristan gestured towards Cylia who seemed to be in a deep conversation with an elder knight. "Huh? Why haven't you given in yet?"

"Mine is a different case," Edward lowered his head, his earlier cheerful mood slightly dampened. "She doesn't feel the same way about me."

"And how would you know if you don't tell her?"

"I just know..." Edward smiled, but Tristan could tell that his smile did not reach his eyes.

Tristan couldn't help but feel sorry for his best friend. Edward was a very gentle soul, and he couldn't stand seeing him looking so brokenhearted. Stupid Cylia. How could she not love someone like Edward? Tristan frowned thoughtfully as he watched Edward, noticing how his honey eyes followed Cylia's every move with awe.

"I am planning to go back to Vausterland," Tristan said, and Edward turned to face him with raised eyebrows. "I mean just for a visit, don't look so alarmed," Tristan chuckled. "I need to speak with William. We need to set a plan on how to deal with the Kassarathi before things grow worse. And more importantly... I want to ask his blessing to marry Alina."

"Oh," Edward's eyebrows rose even higher. "So you are taking her with you?"

"No, no," Tristan shook his head. "I mean, of course I'd hate to part with her for a month or two, but I don't think it's worth the long journey for her. I'll not remain at Vausterland for a long time anyway."

"Are you going to take Cylia with you?" Edward frowned, and Tristan could see a hint of disappointment on his face.

"No," Tristan chuckled. "I am leaving her here for you. On the condition that you man up and tell her how you feel about her."

"I can't promise you that."

"Then I am taking her with me."

"Asshole!" Edward muttered and Tristan laughed.

"You'll both be in charge of Grytia while I'm gone," Tristan said more seriously as he rose to his feet and patted Edward's shoulder. He then leaned in close to his ear while he eyed Cylia and continued in a whisper, "and when I come back, I need to find you two finally together."


It was only the next day after he proposed to Alina. Tristan smiled mischievously as he walked to her chamber, holding Merina in his arms, who was in turn holding a little silver kitten in her own arms.

"I want kitty too," Merina pouted.

"I told you I will bring you one when you grow a little older," Tristan said. "We will give this one to Alina, and if you are a good girl while I'm gone, she will let you play with it too."

Tristan stood outside Alina's room for a moment, and he peeked through the slightly opened door where he found her sitting between two of her servant friends, a girl with short brown curls whom he recognized as Mira, and a calm blonde he thought was called Kat or Kitty. Alexander was kneeling opposite the three girls with his back, or rather his ass, turned towards the door, where all four of them were huddled around something on the floor.

Merina squirmed out of Tristan's arms, and before he knew it, the little brat scurried into the room, chasing the mewling kitten that ran towards Alina's group. Shrill squeals followed, and Tristan barely caught a glimpse of white and gold fabric spread on the floor, before Alina rushed towards him, pushing him with all her might outside the room. What the hell?

"Are you really pushing me?" Tristan frowned with mock disapproval while he let her have her way. He could have easily pinned her whole body with a single arm, but he indulged her little display of power. In fact he enjoyed this new spirit of her, the joyful spark and radiating confidence she seemed to have acquired lately.

"Stay outside!" she squeaked as she shoved him outside the room. "We are choosing the fabric for my wedding dress and you are not supposed to see anything."

"Well in any case I won't be able to see anything because I am actually leaving the whole castle. I am going to Vausterland."

"Ha-ha," Alina rolled her eyes.

"I'm serious. I'm going to Vausterland. I even brought a little goodbye gift for you, which Merina wanted to present to you herself, but you didn't give us a chance."

"What gift?" Alina's eyes sparkled with excitement for a moment, before her face fell and her lips parted slightly. "Wait... what did you say? Are you really going to Vausterland?" Tristan only nodded and Alina's lips quivered. "No you can't be serious!"

"I promise I won't be long my love."

"No, I am coming with you," Alina frowned with determination and he couldn't help but chuckle.

"And what about your wedding dress?"

"I don't care! I am coming with you."

"Come on, do you really want Lord Tristan's wife to be wed without a proper dress?" he teased her, and yet he couldn't help his thumping heart as he spoke out the words Lord Tristan's wife. How beautiful they sounded. He smiled and leaned down to kiss her lips, his tongue gently toying with hers.

"Now go back to your friends," he said as he finally broke the kiss, while she looked up at him with teary eyes. "I promise I will be back soon, and we will have the wedding right after I return."



Flying hard atop strong Pegasi with only a couple of his guards, and with the aid of the pleasant spring weather, Tristan made it to the castle of Vausterland in less than two weeks. It had been a while since he returned here, the only place he truly ever felt at home. This was where he grew up, where he learned how to fight and how to love. This was where he no longer felt cold or hungry or scared. Where he was no longer an orphaned homeless boy.

Warmth filled his heart as he entered the familiar great hall. Purple tapestries and banners covered the walls, and marble pillars sparkled beneath the sunlight pouring in through the glass domed ceiling. And King William sat on his throne, dressed in his signature purple robes, a warm smile on his kind face.

"Tristan," King William greeted him with open arms, and Tristan hurried towards him, kissing his hand before accepting the King's embrace. "How happy I am to see you!" the King's light brown eyes shone with emotion.

"The pleasure is mine, Your Grace," Tristan bowed.

"Oh no need to act so formal," King William patted Tristan's shoulder. "Come, there is a lot we need to talk about. In fact I was just going to send for you to come here, when I learnt that you were already on your way to Vausterland. I must tell you this was such a pleasant surprise."

King William led Tristan to the royal quarters, a privilege only reserved to the King's own family. But Tristan had always been considered one of King William's family, brought up by none other than the King himself and his wife the Queen.

"How's mother –, sorry, I mean Her Grace, the Queen?" Tristan lowered his head in embarrassment as he faltered. He hadn't called the Queen mother since he was fifteen!

"Your mother is doing very well," William chuckled. "She will be delighted to know you're here. And I am sure she'll hold you away from me for hours long, that's why I want to take my chance talking to you first."

"About the Kassarathi attacks in the North?"

"Yes, yes, did you see?" William shook his head in disapproval as they sat in the royal terrace overlooking the private royal gardens. "That's what happens when you trust the wrong people. It makes me shudder every time I remember how I trusted that Northern bastard and almost gave him my daughter."

Tristan frowned, his blood boiling as he recalled what Mikal had done.

"I was angry at first when I learned that you let him go," William continued. "But then I figured it was a brilliant thing to do. Otherwise we would have never known that he had been tricking us all along. He would have remained living among us while plotting to betray us and stab us in the back when he finally had the chance."

"I am going to kill him."

"I doubt that he is still alive in the first place. I have heard rumors that he had been branded a traitor and then killed by his brother. And if the rumors are false, I doubt the Kassarathi left any of the Northern nobles alive anyway," William sighed. "The Kassarathi are another problem now. Their pirates had caused us enough headaches in the past already. But now, they come with organized forces, and I doubt that they will only stop at the North. Also, we cannot trust to form an alliance with them."

"No way, Your Grace. An Alliance with the Kassarathi is out of the question."

"Of course, of course. Anyway, we have enough time to deal with them. Meanwhile, I need us to strengthen our armies. Are you getting enough recruits at Grytia?"

"Yes Your Grace, more than I expected. Almost the whole city wants to join the army, boys and girls alike."

"Very good. I believe Grytia will be a major stronghold for our Kingdom in the future. And I am glad that I chose you as its ruler."

"It's a great honor Your Grace."

"Anyway, I actually needed to talk to you about something more important," William said and Tristan frowned slightly. What could be more important than the approaching Eastern danger? "I need to find a suitable husband for my daughter."

"Of course... Your Grace," Tristan frowned deeper. That was indeed an important matter. A sensitive one at that.

"Ever since we discovered Mikal's treachery I could no longer find myself able to trust anyone with my daughter. And I have been getting a lot of proposals lately."

"Your Grace, I would be glad to assist you in any way you please. If you wish me to perform full investigation on whoever –"

"Easy, easy boy," William chuckled. "I already rejected all of those proposals. As I told you, I cannot trust anyone with my daughter."

"But then she will never get married this way."

"Well it seems she wouldn't mind that, but I have a different plan. You see, there is in fact only one person that I can trust enough to give him Sophia."

"And the problem is?"

"Whoever said there is a problem?" William grinned.

"Your Grace, I don't understand anything at all," Tristan sighed, while William laughed out.

"Alright. I'll make it clear and short for you," William smiled formally, all his earlier lightness suddenly replaced by a serious demeanor. "I am proposing that you marry my daughter Sophia."

Tristan froze. His heart stopped beating. And all the blood rushed from his face. A long chilling silence followed the King's words, ringing within his ears.

"What's wrong son? You turned white like a ghost," King William chuckled. "This is a marriage proposal not a death sentence!"

Tristan's heart started hammering against his chest as his mind started working again. He opened his mouth in an attempt to speak, but his lips only quivered, and he barely took in a shallow breath.

No. It was a death sentence indeed.

"Tristan, what is it?" William frowned.

"I'm... just surprised, My Lord, I mean, Your Grace," Tristan barely found his voice, and he clenched his fists to still his trembling. "I... I don't think I am really worth... such a great honor..."

"It's not for you to decide whether you are worth such a great honor or not," William waved his hand. "I decide what you're worth. So, what do you say? Do you accept marrying my daughter?"

Tristan remained silent for a long moment. What could he say? He flew all the way here to ask the King for his blessing to marry Alina. And now the King was asking him to marry his daughter.

But Tristan could refuse. He could refuse and tell the King how deeply in love he was with Alina. How he didn't want any other woman but Alina. How he would die if he didn't marry Alina.

He could refuse.

But he also could not...


Tristan is stuck in a difficult situation now. Do you think he will accept the King's proposal?

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There should be only two chapters left for this book at this point (in fact one chapter and an epilogue.) There will be a third book of course, because apparently things are still getting more complicated and we are not finished yet.

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