Episode 3: Tutorial Mode

We see the Chomp Kitty arcade game then go inside it as Five and Miko narrate.

Five: Have you ever seen what really happens inside a video game when it starts to glitch?

We see a glitch burst out from the core as Chomp Kitty emerges from the game and growls then starts destroying everything from the arcade as everyone starts running.

Miko: Chomp Kitty was a glitch from a game that was totally out of order, so we had to pull the plug.

We see G/T, Five, and Miko in front of Chomp Kitty dressed in a completely different uniform.

G/T looked like a Futuristic Knight with a shoulder cape his left shoulder and his face was showing.

Five: G/T said, "Alright, team. Let's take down this glitch, (helmet appears) Glitch Tech style." Then I told him, "You picked the wrong ball of yarn to toy with, Kitty!"

Miko: I don't remember you saying that.

Five: I would have if I had thought to.

Then we see Chomp Kitty lick it's lips as Miko jumps off the arcade machine and points her gauntlet at it along with G/T and Five.

Miko: But I do remember us blasting it to plixel dust, because when video games glitch-

Five: - Us Glitch Techs scratch the itch.

Then the three blasted a hole in it's chest, giving it a critical hit while creating a huge explosion and destroying Chomp Kitty. Turning it into a little glitch as G/T contained it.

Miko: After containing the glitch, G/N puts a hand on each of our shoulder and said, "Awesome job, you two. I couldn't had any teammates as amazing as you two."

Then we see the three pose heroically as everyone in the arcade cheered for them while hearing an announcer.

Announcer: Expert level! Double Exp!

Then we see Miko and Five behind a desk in their store uniform as an old lady costumer was in front of them.

Customer: All I asked was if you sold rechargeable batteries.

Five: Uh, I think so. It's our first day.

Then we see G/T behind the customer with Phil now behind the counter.

G/T: [Eheh] Sorry about that, ma'am. These two are new here.

Phil: (grabs Miko and Five close to him) And thier still learning the ropes of the business.

G/T: Yeah like where things are, how much they cost.

Phil: (to Miko and Five) and how not never tell customers about our super-secret task force of monster hunters.

Customer: [groans] I'm so confused.

G/T: Oh, that's good (hands her a coupon) here's coupon that'll give you 20% off on one of any item from any Hinobi Store, (holds out his name name tag while turning on his goggles) and a free memory wipe of everything that my fellow coworkers just told you.

G/T used his name tag to reset the customer.

Customer: Oh! A coupon! And I was going to ask if you sold-

G/T: Rechargeable batteries? Yes, there in aisle three.

Customer: Thank you young man.

The customer goes towards aisle three, leaving the group alone.

G/T: [Phew] that was a close one.

Phil: [Turns to the two] Okay, yeah, you two have worked this counter long enough.

Miko: Dude, first day, and already getting promoted!

Five: Yes! [Heh heh!]

Phil: If you're gonna be Glitch Techs, you need to take the tutorial.

Five/Miko: Yes!/(shows her slowly going down towards the floor) NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

*Timeskip brought you by F/N and Miko playing video games together*

We see the four in the locker room as Phil opens the portal to the secret HQ.

Miko: [Ugh!] Tutorials are the most boring part of any game.

G/T: Oh then your definitely gonna hate this one.

Five: I thought you liked tutorials. After all you said tutorials are important in a bunch of your let's play videos.

G/T: And they are. But this one... [Eh] You'll find out for yourselves.

Phil: Besides, there's no opt out of this. You have plenty to learn besides how to blast glitches.

Miko: Can't G/T just teach us the ropes?

G/T: As much as I want to do that than to have you two go through the tutorial, I can't. Sorry, but those are the rules.

Five and Miko go through the portal as Five gets his head stuck while Miko got her foot stuck.

G/T: Oh, I forgot to mention you had to wait until the portal gate warms up. It's a bit slow.

G/T bangs on the locker as the portal was finished and sent the two into the HQ as G/T and Phil follow them.

Miko: 'Sup, Glitch Techs? We're here! What? What?

We see some Glitch Techs minding there own business as BITT flew next to the four.

BITT: Alert! Alert! There is one new message in (points at Phil) your personal mailbox.

Phil: Yeah, yeah. Whatever it is can wait, BITT, just... take the new trainees and set 'em up in the training sim for me, okay?

BITT: But-

Phil: The rest of you, stop lurking the lobby down there! (They all look at Phil) Yeah, you! Get out on your morning patrols!

Mitch: Phil, it's a slow day out there!

Phil: Well, let's keep it that way!

They go on their patrols, leaving the five by themselves.

Phil: That goes for you, G/T.

G/T: Can I at least see my partners off before they start their tutorial?

Phil: (Sigh) Fine.

Five: (Points at G/T's gauntlet) When do we get one of these Glitch Tech gauntlets?

Phil: When you complete the tutorial.

Miko: [Ugh!] Okay, fine. If it gets us one of these babies let's burn through it. How long can it be?

G/T cringed after she asked that.

Phil: Well the first three hours are the worst, but the last five really fly by.

Miko: ...You're kidding?

G/N: I wish he was.

Miko facepalms her forehead as she groans. We see Five, Miko, BITT, and G/T in the training room as an "H" with arms and a baseball cap pops up.

H: [Ha ha ha!] Welcome, Glitch Tech newbies, or "noobs" as we like to call you.

Miko: Oh, no...

Helpie: I'm Helpie, [Heh heh] your helpful host! (Clones himself as it starts to chase Miko around) In this tutorial, you'll learn the 'leet skills needed to pwn glitches as a first-level Glitch Tech technician! [Ha ha!]

Miko: I can't shake him! (Hugs G/T with teary eyes) Don't leave us like this, G/T!

G/T: (Pats Miko's head) I'm sorry, Miko. I really am. (Unwraps her arms from him) But this tutorial is mandatory.

BITT: That's right, G/T. No skipping ahead, shutting down, or requesting false pee breaks will be tolerated.

Five: Do we get a lunch break?

BITT: There is a vending machine on the main level.

G/T: But uh... I wouldn't recommend the egg salad sandwich in there. Trust me.

BITT: We have lost 12.5 trainees that way.

Five: Did he say "point five"? How do you loose half a-

G/N: We don't like to talk about that. And trust me when I say this, you don't wanna know. (Pats Miko's hands) Don't worry, you guys got this. I believe in you both.

G/T let's go of Miko's hands and walks out the Door with BITT.

BITT: Goodbye.

G/T: (gives a finger salute) And good luck.

The door closes as Miko runs towards the door and bangs on it. On the other side we see G/T looking at the door.

G/T: Oh that tutorial is gonna tear that poor girl apart. But there's nothing I can do to help them with this. (Walks off to his vehicle) Welp, I'll see you in a few hours BITT.

BITT: Ta-ta!

Back in the training room we see Helpie appear in front of Miko.

Miko: [Ahhh!]

Helpie: I see you're trying to punch something. We will cover this in step 12, punching! [Hm hm!]

Miko: (looks at Five) This is my nightmare.

Five: Look, I know it's cheesy, but come on, we're two of the rare few who get to learn about game glitches and where they come from.

Helpie: Where do glitches come from? Allow me to drop some knowledge on ya, playas. The Hinobi central processer is a highly advanced but extremely delicate piece of equipment, so a glitch may occur as a result of corrupt software, overheating, underheating, Sudden loud noises, sudden soft noises, poor ventilation, good ventilation, spillage...

Then everything fades to black as the theme song starts playing.

We see Phil in the Hinobi store with a customer buying a console.

Phil: Thanks for choosing Hinobi, where we're always game to help you. Next!

The customer takes thier console and leaves as BITT tries to get Phil's attention.

BITT: Sir, there is still the matter of the unread messages in your-

Phil: BITT, I'm with a customer.

Someone walks up to Phil.

???: Hey, Phil.

Phil: Bookworm Barbara?

Barbara: Long time, huh?

Phil: I haven't seen you since you were a rookie Glitch Tech. You know, you had your buried in all those safety manuals.

BITT: (gets in front of Phil) Sir, the message is time sensitive.

Phil: (pushed BITT away) You remember BITT? Yeah. [Heh.] Hinobi corporate told me to trade him in years ago-

BITT: (gets in front of Phil) Very time sensitive-

Phil: (pushed BITT away) But since when do I listen... ((BITT: But, I-) Pushed BITT away) -... to the fools in Hinobi corporate? ((BITT: But, I-) tries to push BITT away only for him to fight back until he goes away.) So, what brings ya by, Bookworm?

Barbara: (pulls out her inspector badge) The fools at Hinobi corporate. Safety Inspector Number Seven. Oh! I'm here to investigate the premise.

Phil: Now?

Barbara: Yeah. We sent you a message this morning.

Phil and BITT look at each other as Phil grunts.

Barbara: (walks off) The Bookworm is ready for a tour.

BITT: (Scans Phil) Sir, I'm Detecting an increase in your heart rate and an abnormal amount of perspiration.

Meanwhile we see Five and Miko doing the tutorial.

Helping: Let's check your bodily movements. To crouch, bend your knees.

The two start to crouch. Helping gives them two thumbs up as Miko growls at him away.

Five: I think you're making this a lot harder than it needs to be.

The two gets up as Helpie gives them the next step.

Helpie: And to jump, jump!

Five jumps in the air as Miko hops.

Helpie: [hehehe] Uh-oh! Player 2, that was more of a hop.

Five: Dude, please jump.

Miko huffs in response so Five made her jump by lifting her up and down quickly.

Helpie: Thank you. Next, raise your arms and calibrate your virtual gauntlets.

Then virtual gauntlets appear on the two's right arms.

Miko: Ah, man! Virtual gauntlets?

Five: Yeah! Calibration is my third favorite tutorial step, after axis options and button assignment.

Miko groans in response.

Helpie: All right, let's go! Calibrate upper left. (The two calibrated) Calibrate lower right! (That did what they were told) calibrate upper right. (They put their arms up to the right.) Middle left. (The put their arms to the middle left as a buzzing sound went off) Uh-uh-uh. I didn't say "Calibrate!"

Miko groans as Five started laughing.

Five: Ah man, he totally got me.

Then we see Miko start to lose her mind.

Miko: That's it. Abort mission. Abort!

Miko tried to get to the control panel as Helpie gets in front of her.

Helpie: I see you're trying to button mash. We will cover this in step ten.

Miko: [Grunts] Foul thing, I banish there!

Then Miko punched the control panel, causing the alarm to go off and Helpie to scream in pain and disappear.

Five: No, no, no,! What'd you do?!

Everything around starts to shut down as the training room turns pitch black. Then everything starts to turn back on as a hollow screen in front of them.

Miko: Oh fuck, I think I rebooted.

Five: You heard Phil. We can't be Glitch Techs until we finish that tutorial.

Miko: Okay, fine. Let me find the file.

Miko goes up to the keyboard to find the tutorial file as Five walk next to her.

Miko: "Find tutorial"? "Find all files"?

Five: Oh! I see it! It's right under...

Then we see a file that's titled "GAMES".

Miko/Five: Games.

Miko clicks on the file as they look through the games they had.

Miko: It's every Hinobi console game ever!

Five: HES, Hinobi 2, HinobiCD. Hinobi Turbo-Tech 2K.

Miko: (Shakes Five) We are stone dead and have gone to gamer heaven.

Five: Wait, wait, wait. If this thing has every Hinobi game ever, maybe, um... (Starts typing on the keyboard.

Miko: What are you looking for?

Five: It's here!

Then we see the game that he's found. Nobi Gross Out

Five: (looks at Miko) Some said it was a myth, the game too tasteless, (grabs her and shakes her) too dumb, too ridiculously awful to have been released, and it's here!

Miko: Look, they rated it "G" for "gross."

Five: We gotta play this!

Miko: [smugly] But what about the tutorial?

Five: Oh, we'll finish it for sure. We will. No question about it. After this once-in-a-lifetime chance to play the most legendary vaporware in gamer history!

Miko: Let's do it!

Meanwhile, we see Phil, BITT, and Barbara walking/hovering around in the locker room.

Barbara: Well, this store did suffer a recent glitch attack during a public gaming event (Phil hides a bunny glitch inside a locker.), and I'm here to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Phil: Uh, that glitch was caused by a faulty software that "corporate" approved. Since then, this store's antivirus program has detected zero hazards. Am I right BITT?

BITT: That it correct. It has detected no hazards because it has not been running.

Phil: That's what I...Why?

BITT: Because you paused the download update to stream the season finale of...Familia de policías, tercera temporada (Cop Family, Season 3).

[Barbara marks something on her tablet, as Phil looks on in fear]

Barbara: Oh Phil, you're only allowed three total infractions

Phil: So...what happens at four?

Barbara: My bosses close the store, fire you and memory wipe your entire staff.

Phil: Okay, then, let's keep to three.

Barbara: Great!

Back with Five and Miko. We see Five playing Nobi Gross Out as Miko cheering him on.

Miko: Woo-hoo!

Five: The crowd can't look! They're nauseated, regretting every life choice that led them to attend this event!

Announcer: Final finish!

Miko: Whoa, (takes the controller) my turn! Eeny, meeny, mighty gross, pick the one who stinks the most!

Announcer: You have selected Garbile!

Five: Nice, check out his bio. Garbile escaped space prison after being put there by his rival, . [screen begins to glitch]

Miko: It froze up on me!

Announcer: You have s-selected G-g-garbile!

Five: Wait, what if that "G" we saw wasn't for "gross"? What if it was for-

[The game glitches and releases a laughing Garbile]

Five and Miko: Glitch!

Garbile: Oh yeah! So who wants to tussle with the mess-master of muscle?

Miko: We are so fired.

Five: Easy, fella. Nobody wants to fight.

Garbile: What's the matter brother? Too afraid to get your hands dirty?

Five: Pretty much. Run!

[Garbile chases after the two, grabbing Five and throwing him]

Five: Aah!

Garbile: I'll mop the floor with ya! [The two trainees dodge his attack]

Miko: We need Glitch gauntlets!

Five: We could have gotten them if we had finished that tutorial, but somebody decided to destroy Helpie!

Miko: And I'd do it again! Besides, you were the one who just had to play Nobi Gross Out.

Five: I know right? Nobody's gonna believe it.

[Garbile spits trash at the two, knocking them to the floor and sealing the door]

Barbara: Is um...someone in the simulator?

Phil: Oh yeah, the uh, the new trainees are taking the tutorial.

Barbara: Ugh, I remember that tutorial. No wonder they're pounding on the door. [gasp] Let's go say hello.

[Cut to Five and Miko]

Five: Open the door! Open the- [Five is pinned to the floor]

Miko: [gasp] Phil's coming!

Five: Aah! Close the door! Close the door!

[Garbile continues to spit goo at them]

Phil: [struggling to open the door] Hah, that's perfectly normal door behaviour is what that it. Um, you guys alright in there?

[The two are being gripped by Garbile]

Miko: It stinks, it stinks!

Phil: Yeah, we all know that tutorial stinks. Why don't you pause it now and just open the door?

Barbara: Sticky doors are a safety hazard, Phil. If this was an emergency-

Phil: [taking her tablet pen] It's not a problem. BITT, why don't you show Barbara here how handy you can be?

BITT: My pleasure, sir.

Miko: We gotta get him out of here! [Garbile laughs]

Five: Hey dumpster-breath, over here!

Garbile: Hey!

[Five and Miko dove into a vent, pursued by Garbile, just as BITT blasts down the door]

Phil: Okay now I, um...and they're not here.

Garbile: What's up with you brother? I thought you were gonna come at me! What's the deal?

Miko: Maybe, if we just calmly explain to Phil what we did, he'll be happy to just-

Five: -Have us both fired for releasing a garbage glitch. A garbage glitch in disturbingly tight shorts.

Miko: I see your point. Well, since we both don't have a Gauntlet...[Miko grabs and brandishes a mop]

Five: Woah.

Miko: Let's mop the floor with him!

Garbile: Oh yeah sister, that's what I'm talking about! Come on kiddos, let's rassle.

Miko: Wah! [Miko whacks Garbile with her broom and laughs, spawning mini-Garbiles] Eugh, dude, it has babies! Aah, gross, gross, gross, gross!

Five: Ugh! Yes! [Five stuff his hands in toilet paper rolls] Back off bro, these are two-ply. That's right, I'm talking super absorbent.

Garbile: Bring it! Ooh, you think you got the jabs, brother? Well I got the juice!

Five: Uh, I needed more ply, two isn't nearly enough ply! [Miko screams and sends a mini slime his way] Oh boy..

Garbile: [spotting trash] Yum!

Five: Aah!

Garbile: Oh yeah, time to power up! [Garbile begins consuming trash]

Miko: Ugh! He's getting even bigger!

BITT: ...I did inform them that if they were getting hungry, they could partake of the vending machine.

Phil: You told them what?

Barbara: Problem, Phil?

Miko: Huh? Who's that woman with them?

Five: Look, I-I'm not sure, but maybe we should just go tell them about Gar-where'd he go?

Miko: Five, come on, let's get out of here! [Five exclaims] Maybe he's really gone?

Five: I bet he's still hanging around some... [A splot of Garbile drops on him] where!

Garbile: Haha, welcome to the dump, chump! Hoyee!

Miko: Five! Let him go, you creep! Nobody wants to fight you! Maximum effort!

Garbile: Hey, what? No fair ref! I had that guy pinned fair and square. Hey! [Five and Miko take off] Here I come!

Five: Hey, uh...maybe we can trap him in that metal chute! But we'd really need some luck to get him in there.

Miko: Who needs luck? We got egg salad. Ugh.

Five: Man, that's nasty.

Garbile: Hmm? [Garbile eats the sandwich]

Miko: Hey funky-junky!

Five and Miko: Want seconds? Aah!

Five: Ah! fetch it!

Garbile: No! Gimme, gimme, gimme! [He jumps in and the chute closes]

Miko: That should hold him!

Garbile: Hey! No fair! I want my grudge match brother! Ya can't just stick me in this penalty box with all this mouldy pizza... [chomp] and rancid apple sauce. Mmm [chomping]

Five: So...where does this chute go?

Phil: ...And speaking of safe, our waste disposal system is right-

Miko: Waste. Disposal?

Barbara: [gasps] So these are the trainees I've heard so much about.

Miko: Love to chat, but we should run.

Five: All of us. Fast as we can.

Barbara: I've never met recruits so eager to finish training.

Garbile: [laughing] Training's over! [He blasts Phil and Barbara to a wall, taking his final form] Time for the main event! Hahaha!

Phil: Sorry, in all the excitement I lost count. How many infractions left? [Barbara taps her tablet]

Miko: Ugh! Ugh!

Five: Gross, nasty. Oh man, we'll never be Glitch Techs now.

Miko: Maybe Phil doesn't know this was out fault! [Phil glares at them across the room, growling]

Five and Miko: ...Or not.

Garbile: Hey! You two started this fight, now let's finish it!

Mini-Garbiles: Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Miko: I never should have stopped that tutorial.

Five: And I never should have started this game...

Miko: Maybe we do need to finish this!

Five: Let's give him a grudge match. Maybe we just need to select his rival.

Miko: [reading off screen] Garbile escaped space prison after being put there by his rival, an automated cleaning machine called...

Five and Miko: Sanitron!

[The screen glitches and a giant toilet emerges]

Automated voice: Pilots detected. [Miko and Five are scooped up. Cue transformation sequence into Sanitron]

Garbile: Sanitron!

Miko: You want a fight, you got one!

Announcer: Garbile versus Sanitron. Fight!

Garbile: Oh, yeah!

Five: The crowd goes wild! Two scrappy young newcomers have taken over this ring! [Garbile lifts Sanitron]

Miko: Aah!

Garbile: Oh yeah, when Garbile takes out the trash...ain't nothing gets recycled! [Sanitron is thrown next to Phil, who laughs nervously]

Five: Eat colour-safe detergent, slime stain! Woo-hoo-hoo!

Miko: Yeah! That freshened him up!

Garbile: Oh yeah, it's time for the trash to take you out!

Five: Come at me, bro!

Garbile: I'm gonna bring you down! [Garbile makes a trash tornado, which Sanitron fires at, but it sucked into]

Five and Miko: Woah! Woah!

Five: Yeah, it got it! [Five fires at it]

Announcer: Excellent! Hit combo! Destructive!

Miko: Woo-hoo!

Five: Nice hit, Miko! We almost filled up the power meter!

Announcer: Cleaning Power!

[Miko blasts an arm off of Garbile, pushing him back]

Garbile: But the trash, it was supposed to take you out!

Miko: Haha, smell you later!

Five: I guess this just isn't your game.

Announcer: Final finish! [Sanitron releases rays of cleaning blasts]

Garbile: No!

Announcer: Sanitron wins! [at this, Sanitron disappears]

Five and Miko: Yes!

Miko: Now that was a tutorial!

Glitch root: Hey, no fair!

Five: [kneels down] So is that Garbile?

BITT: When a glitch's energy signature is depleted, it reverts back to it's root form... [BITT captures the glitch]

Root Glitch: Hey!

BITT:...Where it can then be stored back on the server with the rest of the corrupt files.

Five: That's what all those games were? Glitched game files?

Barbara: [rises from the floor] It's a pretty extensive database. At least it was back when I was a Glitch Tech.

Phil: Barbara, I'm not sure what to say here, but if there is anything I can do to keep you from shutting us down-

Barbara: Don't think anything of it, Phil. Ugh, yeah, we've had complaints about that outdated tutorial for years. But your on-the-job training method proves two cadets can defeat a mid-level glitch with nothing but their own wits!

Miko: An egg-salad sandwich was also instrumental at one point!

Phil: My "on-the-job training" method?

Barbara: As for the inspection of your branch... [Barbara grabs her tablet pen and presses pass] everything seems to be in order.

Phil: [sighs] Wow, Barbara, I really owe you one.

Barbara: And I won't forget it. Oh yeah! You just got inspected by Inspector Number Seven! Peace!

Phil: [laughs] Great catching up! [Looks at the two] Do you two know how lucky we all are that she didn't shut this whole branch down?

Five: We're never gonna become Glitch Techs, are we?

Phil: Oh, you're gonna become Glitch Techs alright.

Five and Miko: Yay!

Phil: ...After you finish that tutorial.

Five: Yay! [Miko blows a raspberry and Five runs off, eventually coming back to drag Miko]

[Outside the branch]

Barbara: Well, the place is still a dump, but the subject and her friend continue to show remarkable potential. With the right training they could be an asset to the company.

Unidentified voice: Continue to keep us posted. These may be the techs that can help us locate .

[End credits]

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