Episode 1: Age of Hinobi part 1

We see that it's nighttime as we see a van driving by with two people in it. They start looking around as we hear a beeping sound from the GPS.

??? 1: Looks like we're getting close.

??? 2: Oh thank you, captain obvious.

The other guy glares at him after making that comment. They stop by a house as we get a better look at the two. One was a black male with light blond hair:

And the other was an (S/C) (H/C) Male. They look at the GPS then look at the house they stopped by. They pressed a button on their headgear as holo goggles appear over their face while we see a green dot from the house. Meanwhile, we see two kids playing a video game.

Game: We are Zoid. We will smash you to dust.

Boy: Totally gonna block you this time.

Girl: (waves her hand in his face) Not if you can't see.

Mother: All right, nuggets, five minutes.

Boy: [groans] We were just gonna beat it.

The girl pushes him as he glares at her then goes back to playing it as the mother smiles and turns to her phone. Then the game system starts beeping green as we see the inside of it as the core breaks. Then a green spark comes out of it, causing the game to glitch.

Boy: Oh, it's broken. What did you do?

Girl: I didn't do anything.

As they were trying to figure out what happens a block came out of the tv. Then more and more came out of the tv.

Kids: Mom!

Mother: Now, don't "mom" me. You can play more tomorrow. The game's not going anywhere.

As she said that, the cubes formed together to create Zoid.

Zoid: We are Zoid. (Stomps as it made the dad hop on the chair as he's asleep) We will smash you to dust.

As Zoid gets closer to the three, someone blasts it with a laser. They all turn to see the blond male as there was a hole in the wall as the (H/C) male kicks the door down as they walk in.

(H/C) Male: We're with tech support. (Brings out a holo-sword and holo-shield doing a pose with the blond male)

As they did a pose, we see names over them. Over the blond was "MITCH" and the (H/C) "G/T".

Zoid: Surrender to Zoid. You cannot hope to defeat us.

Mitch: That's what they all say.

G/T: And look how well that turned out.

The family goes to the father as Zoid fires at the two. G/T gets in the way and blocked it with his shield as he charged at him while Mitch fired at his arm, causing it to fall off. G/T gets closer to it and jumps in the air.

G/T: Yo Zoid! (Zoid looks up) It's dangerous to go alone, (bring up his sword) TAKE THIS!

Then G/T swipes down on Zoid as he lands on the ground, then starts swiping at him repeatedly as he fell apart. Then the two males sucked up Zoid with their gauntlets as he tried to escape until they caught it.

Gauntlets: Glitch contained.

Then G/T walks toward the family as Mitch replaces the core.

G/T: Hinobi Game Systems apologizes for any inconvenience this minor glitch may have caused and will now restore your system's memory.

G/T points his gauntlet at the family.

Dad: What did I miss?

Then the gauntlet flashed at them as everything went back to normal and the two left the house. The father went back to sleep as the mother went into the kitchen and they played Zoids.

Game: We are Zoid. We will smash you to dust.

Then we see the two walking to the van.

G/T: Finally that's over. Let's go to HQ so we can end this team-up.

Mitch: I couldn't agree more.

???: HQ calling. Come in.

G/T: This is G/T, go ahead.

???: You two finish debugging that Puzzler glitch?

Mitch: Another flawless victory.

G/T: Yeah what he said.

Then we see someone on G/T's gauntlet.

???: Just be sure to upload all glitches from your gauntlet when you get back to HQ this time, Mitch.

Mitch: Thanks for the strategy tip, boss.

They end the call and get into the van.

Mitch: [Scoffs] Like I need a walk-through.

G/T: Well you kinda do after what happened last time.

Mitch: Oh shut up you damn wanker!

Mitch drives off as a bunch of green lights turned on from different houses as everything turns black. Then you see the title glitch in.

The next day we see a bunch of people lined up at a taco truck. We see a man taking orders.

Man: Okay, I need a moo shu pork carnitas, two fried rice and beans, and an order of won-tonquitos Rápido, Nieto!

Boy: Grinding as fast as I can, Papi!

Then we see a name appear next to him that says "FIVE".

Five: (grabs some sauce) Ponzu! (Grabs a can) Chorizo! (Grabs a bag) Tortilla! (Place three tortillas on the stove) I choose you! (Grabs a knife) Player readies for melee. (Puts some rice on them and kicks a sausage in the air) He sprinkles and unleashes his power combo, (slices the sausage) the triple chop! (Tosses the soy sauce in the air) and for the finishing move... (Catches the soy sauce and spreads it on the food then puts it together then noticed a pepper on one) [huh?] (Flicks it off) Flawless.

Meanwhile, we see someone wearing a hoody over themselves as they were next.

Papi: Hey, if it isn't my favorite customer!

Then we see the person's face to see G/T.

G/T: Hey, Mr. Nieves.

Papi: Lemme guess, you want the usual?

G/T: You know me so well.

Papi: Okay. (Turns to Five) Hey Fives! One order of-

G/T: Make that two. One for here and one for the road. Got a big day today.

Papi: Gotcha. -Two orders for the usual taco specials! (Notice five was distracted) Five, you're not burning my frijoles in there, are you?

We see Five noticed as he drops his armband on the stove and quickly gets it off. Until he realized that it was really hot and burns his hand. He drops it on the floor as a woman walks next to him.

Woman: Nursing those trigger fingers? [Heh heh]

Five: Sorry, Abuela, I was just-

Kid: Five! Five, you in there? We're stuck again.

Abuela: (nudges Five) Ten minutes. Make 'em count, playa.

Five: (take off hairnet) Thanks, Abuela. (Walks out)

Meanwhile, we see G/T waiting for his food.

Papi: (hands over a bag with his order in it) Sorry for the wait.

G/T: (takes it then pays for it) Oh it's fine. I understand, I'm a gamer too after all.

Abuela: Hey honey! (The two turn to her as she shows the armband) look at what I found.

G/T: Oh, looks like Five got a Hinobi band.

Papi: What's that mean?

G/T: It means that he can enter the tournament today. Only the best gamers in the city can enter. (Looks at his watch) Speaking of which, I gotta go. It'll be starting soon. (Heads to his car) Tell Five I said hi.

As G/T left, the two looked at each other then Papi went to call for Five.

Papi: Oye, Five! Bring yourself back in here!

Five: [Ooh] sorry, Papi. I was in the zone!

Five walks in and puts on his apron as he noticed the fryer is off.

Five: [Huh?] You shut the fryer off?

Papi: (holds armband) Found this on the floor. Has your name on it.

Five: That? Oh, that's nothing. [Hehe]

Abuela: Sure looks like something.

Papi: G/T told us all about it.

Five: G/T was here?!

Papi: Yeah. (Walks to Five) He said only the best gamers in the city can enter. And that's saying something if he's the second-best in the city. So we looked into it some more online. Says first prize is a job at the Hinobi Game Store. (Holds him close) I'd think you'd want an opportunity like that, yeah?

Five: Of course I would, but the game's today and I gotta work. Besides, even if I won, you guys can't afford to replace me, so-

Papi: That's not your problem. (Puts it on Five's arm) All you gotta do is play your heart out.

Five: [Gasp] (hugs him) Really? (Lets go) You guys mean it? You'd leave work to take me to the game?

Papi: (puts a Hinobi hat on him) Hey, who needs to leave? We'll take our work with us! [Ha ha!]

Five: But this truck hasn't moved since before I was born!

Abuela: (hops over the driver seat) [Ha ha ha] It's only a few miles. We can still make it!

Abuela starts the truck, puts a cd in the radio, puts it into drive, and floors it!

Papi: Hinobi, here we come!

Five: [Whoo-hoo!]

Meanwhile, we see a house as we see a girl playing a rhythm game with a guitar controller as she hasn't missed a single note.

Game: Yeah! Perfect! Perfect! You're a legend!

Girl: I am a legend.

Sister: [grabs] Can't you play in the living room, Miko?

Miko: You see this? (Shows armband) This means your big sis is gonna wreck a bunch of fools today. (Jumps on her bed) I'm invisible!

As she was having out, the Tv turns off.

Miko: What?

Then we see her brother with the plug in his hand.

Brother: Mom says come to breakfast before you shake the house apart. (Drops the plug)

Miko: You can pull the plug on my TV, but can't pull the plug on destiny!

She hops in the air as her name "Miko" appears under her.

We see the family in the kitchen as Miko was trying to get herself some breakfast as the commotion gave her problems.

Miko's mom: Two minutes in minivan. Phones off, shoe on. No ifs, ands or- Miko, what are you wearing? I bought you a blouse at Bullseye.

Miko: Mom! It's my good luck shirt. For the Hinobi Smash Tournament today.

Miko's mom: (looks at Miko's Father) What is she talking about? (Looks at Miko) What are you talking about?

Miko: I posted a note about this on the busy board a month ago!

We see the board as it was filled with a bunch of notes.

Miko's Dad: [Sighs] I'm showing Geoffrey's ballet recital, Lexi's hockey playoff, Nika's science fair soft open, Lee's preschool parade, and... [Huh?] What exactly is Hinobi Smash?

Miko: It's an exclusive game competition.

Miko's Dad: Sorry, kiddo. We've got a full day ahead and won't have time to-

Miko: But you guys won't even have to drive me there. I can just log into the game from home!

Miko's Mom: You spend enough time in front of that screen already, young ready. Now, get changed. We have a lot of events today.

Miko: You're taking everyone else to do the stuff they like, but not me? That's not fair!

Then we hear beeping from her mother's wristwatch.

Miko's Mom: Okay, that's time! I want butts in belts people! (Walks out) Din, din. Do it now, do it now!

Miko's Dad: (puts a monster blanket over Miko's head) Tell you what. You can have a little extra game time tomorrow. (Walks off) Okay, kiddo?

Miko looks at her dog as he was eating out of her cereal bowl as she gets an idea.

Then we see the family in the car.

Miko's Dad: Gangs all here. Let's go!

As the car backs up we see the dog under the monster blanket as Miko waved goodbye to them.

Miko: [mimicking her parents] Miko, it was very irresponsible of you to bail on family day. What do you have to say for yourself? [In normal voice] I say you're looking at a first-place champion, Mom and Dad! (Goes inside the house)

Meanwhile, we see an (F/C) car pull in near the Hinobi store.

Then we see G/T get out of the car with his hoodie on finishing up his last taco until he sees Nieves truck bump a coffee truck out of the way.

Papi: Oye, muchachos! Who's hungry? [Ha ha!]

Then G/T takes his hoodie off and walks to the truck as his fans noticed.

G/T Fanboy: Look it's G/T!

G/T Fangirl: G/T?!

Then they see him as he gets in front of the food truck, then follow him.

G/T: Well I'll be damned. If I knew you guys would come here, I would've waited to order here. Guessing Five is entering?

Papi: [Ha ha!] You bet!

G/T FB 2: Wait, you eat from here?

G/T: Oh yeah, their food is the best! Especially their tacos. You should try some.

Then the fans look at each other then go up to the truck to buy some food.

G/T: (gets out of the crowd) You can thank me later!

As G/T gets out of the crowd, Five gets out of the food truck.

G/T: Yo Five!

Five: (turns around) Oh hey, G/T! (G/T walks next to him) Oh, man. Look at all those people.

G/T: You'll pretty much get used to it. (Pats Fives back then walks off) Come on, let's get in before we get any later.

Then Five runs into the Hinobi store as we hear the Announcer.

Announcer: We are coming at you live from the Hinobi Store located in Bailey Square Mall, Bringing you this year's Nobi Smash challenge, Sponsored by Hinobi Games and Buzzcore Beverages.

Then we see G/T getting to the entry while giving his fans high fives then gets on the stage as he stands next to Mitch and waves at his fans as Mitch blows a kiss at them until a Hinobi mascot bumps into them.

Announcer: And guess who's out there, pumpin' up the crowd. They know him. They grew up with him. Nobi, the Hinobi Honeybee!

Meanwhile, we see the boss of the store.

Boss: Man, that thing creeps me out.

Five: Uh, hi. Sorry, do you work here?

Boss: No, I just make it a point to accessories all my button-downs white manager name tags.

Five: I [uh] have this? (Shows armband as a female employee grabs his arm)

Female employee: Whoa! He's the missing player.

Boss: Took your sweet time logging in, didn't you? Great. (Grabs a scanner) Bad enough G/T had to be fashionably late. Let's invite this riot. (Scans the band)

Announcer: Give it up for High Five!

Then the crowd started cheering for him as a male employee give him a t-shirt as his boss let him on the stadium.

Male Employee: All eyes on you, champ.

Boss: Okay, we're doing standard competition ruleset. (Five follows him as he puts the shirt on) You'll be playing on a new map design specifically for this tournament. So no outside communication is permitted in play, and there will be absolutely no respawned. (Hand him a VR headset) Any questions?

Five: [Stammers] Did you just say no respawns?

Male employee: Yep. If you're out, you're out.

Female: So don't get nauseous, faint, or freak out, (puts a port in the headset) and you should do just fine. (Puts headset on Five)

Then Five looks at the crowd as they cheered and turns on his headset to start the game. Then we see G/T turn his on.

G/T: It's showtime.

The game starts as we see the map. A bunch of floating circular platforms and one of them had a giant statue in the center.

Five: Whoa. This is amazing!

Then we see Mitch log in.

Five: Mitch Williams? is everyone seeing this?

G/T: (mumbles) Sadly.

Five: I'm meeting Mitch Williams! I can't believe it. I learned so much from watching both your and G/T's Let's Play videos.

Mitch: [hah] Thanks.

Announcer: We'll be ready to start once our remote players finish logging in! Here comes one now!

Then the player logs in front of the three.

Miko: (In deep voice) I am Me_K.O.! Join me or die! (In high-pitched voice) In my chipmunk boy band. [Ehehehe] (in normal voice) Hey, who disabled the voice filter? (Coughs as it shows her at her house with a VR headset on) I'm okay.

Five: Whoa! You're Me_K.O., Aren't you?

Miko: Yeah! And you are... (Shows his gamer tag) Hi_5? Do I know that gamer tag?

We get a flashback of Five getting defeated by Miko in different video games.

Game: Defeated by ME_K.O.!

Five: [groans]

Game: Sniped by ME_K.O.!

Five: [groans]

Game: Obliterated by ME_K.O.!

Five: Aw, come on!

Back to reality as we see the two look at each other.

Five: Nope. [Giggles nervously] Oh, nerds.

G/T: [Pats Five's back] Hey, cheer up man. After all, no matter what happens, we're all still gamers.

Mitch: (Wraps arm around Five) He's right.

Five: thanks.

Miko: Wait, your G/T, right?

G/T: The one and only.

Miko: Oh sweet! This is gonna be an awesome match!

Announcer: Three, two, one! SMASH!

G/T: (runs off) Best of luck to all of you!

Mitch: Also gamers play to win! (Pushed Five into Miko as they fall off the edge)

G/T sees this and turns around to help them as everyone passed him. We see Miko hold on for dear life as Five hangs on to her leg.

Miko: Hey, man! Let go of my leg!

Five: Uh-uh! I am not letting go of your leg!

???: Hey!

The two look up to see G/T grab Miko's arm.

G/T: Hold on, I gotcha!

G/T pulls them up as they landed on the platform. Then G/T runs past them.

G/T: Rather play fair.

Miko: (runs off after him) Let's go!

Five: It's on! (Runs off)

Then we see Miko in between two players.

Miko: Sup

The two aim at her and fire until she runs past them and hits each other, causing them to be eliminated.

Then we see Five hopping around some platforms.
A player gets in front of him and fires their ball at him until he catches it and fires back at them as they get eliminated.

We see G/T getting chased by two players. They fired at him as he hops over them and gets behind them. Then he quickly gets to the side of them and fires at them, eliminating them both, and runs off.

Meanwhile, we see Mitch being chased by three players and jumps off a platform and shoots one of them, then the other two follow him as one of them fires at him. He catches the ball and fires back at them. He lands on a platform and catches his ball and fires at the player before they landed.

Mitch: (gets back up and catches his ball) [Ha ha!] (Walks off and stops in front of a kid)

Kid: You're Mitch Williams! (Give him a thumbs up)

Mitch: And you're not. (Kicks the kid off the platform and runs off)

Meanwhile, we see G/T, Miko, and Give behind a platform.

Miko: Can you believe that rager?

G/T: I know, I can't stand him.

Five: My guess that's why he's number one.

G/T: Heyeah, number one douchebag.

Miko: [Ugh!] I so wanna beat this guy.

Five: All right, look, I just say we gang up on him. When it's down to us, best shot wins?

Miko: Death to douchebags! (Runs off)


Five: Was that a yes? (Runs off)

We see Miko eliminate one player in front of her as another one jumps behind her and fires at her until G/T catches it.

G/T: Denied! (Tossed the ball at the player as they got eliminated)

Then our three heroes head towards the goal. We see one of the players shoot at Miko until she ducked and a bigger player grabs them and squeezed them into elimination. Then F/N shoots that player in the head, causing them to be eliminated. Then we see Five taking down players from left to right. The three go back to back as we see that their gamer tags going up on the leader board. Back in the game, we see them take out three players. G/T and Miko were about to walk off until Five stops them.

Five: Wait up. I think I got a plan to get us to the final platform.

G/T: Heh, dude. We ARE on the final platform.

Then we that they're on the final platform with a giant golem in the center.

Five: Yes! Okay, but slow down. These tiles may be booby-trapped.

G/T: Good call, dude.

Miko: Slow down? It's a race!

Wilhelm: (pushed them away) Coming through! (Jumps down then gets burned by flames)

Miko: Okay, that's a game-changer.

G/T: Well, you know what they say, "Slow and steady wins the race."

The three fist bump each other then jumps off.

Five: Let's go!

They land on a moving platform then quickly jump off as flames burst from it. We see Mitch as he turns around to see Five then scoffs and chuckles. He goes to take out Five until G/T and Miko attack him from the air.

Miko: Hold still, you slippery sandworm.

The two fire at him until he jumped out of the way.

Mitch: You three realize this isn't a co-op, right? There's only one winner, me! (Runs off)

Then we see the three on a platform as it was about to burst.

Miko: Hey, Look out!

The three jump off as the platform burst into flames.

Miko: Close one.

G/T: Definitely!

The two run off as Five looks at the platform he's on as it has a marking on it. Then it tumbles over as he jumps off it and lands on another one, this time the marking started to glow. He looks at the other platforms that has the same glow on them and looks at the golem as it had the same mark on its chest. The mark changed into a different one.

Five: Wait. It's a puzzle.

He looks around to see the same mark as the one on the golem's chest on another platform and hops into it while dodging burst platforms. He lands on the right platform as it started to glow. He looks at the golem as the mark changed again. We see Miko and G/T doing the same thing and follow the pattern as Five landed on the platform with the golem. He gets raised towards the center.

Five: [Ha ha!] Yes! This is for the win!

Five turns around to see Mitch about to fire at G/T and Miko behind their backs.

Five: Hey! Look out!

Five fires towards Mitch as his ball hits his blaster as Mitch fires his ball. It ricochets off the ground causing Miko to jump away and hangs on to the edge of the platform and his ball hits G/T as he falls off the platform.

Miko/Five: G/T!

G/T: Welp, GG guys.

G/T gets Eliminated. Then we see Five's ball go towards him until it stops in front of him far away in mid-air as it started to spark green electricity.

Five: (tries to get it back) Come on! My ball, it's stuck! Did this game just glitch on us?

Meanwhile, we see G/T in the Hinobi tournament with his Boss and coworkers watching this.

G/T: That's not good.

Boss: (to Mitch through gauntlet) Uh, I'm showing a major software bug in there, Mitch. We need to pull you from the game.

Mitch: (over gauntlet) Not until I secure this win.

G/T: Of course he'd say that. Selfish prick.

Back in the game, we see Mitch about to take out Miko.

Mitch: Your buddy can't score without a ball, G/T isn't here to help you, and your dead meat. (Points blaster at her) Looks like game over.

Miko: Not yet, douchebag. Five! (Tosses her ball at Five)

Five: What?

Five catches the ball and shoots it through the hoop over the golem. Giving him 10,000,000 points.

Mitch: No!

Seeing this, the crowd cheered for Five as we see Five's grandparents celebrating as they watched the whole thing.

Abuela: Oh, yeah, that's showin' 'em!

Papi: That's right! You get 'em, mijo! Get 'em!

Five: Yes! Yes! I won! I won!

Mitch: You can't score with another player's ball like that! That was not fair!

Then Mitch gets taken out of the game.

Miko: Yes! ( Climbs back up as Five jumps onto the same platform) I think the all-star just rage quit!

The two started laughing as the glitch started to affect the golem, bringing it to life. The golem roars as we see the two look at it.

Five: And we unlocked a bonus level?

The golem tries to stomp on them until they jumped out of the way.

Meanwhile, we see G/T with the female employee and the boss as Mitch gets in between them.

Mitch: You guys saw that BS shot, right? It can't count! Tell me the game's glitched so it can't count!

G/T: Right now that's not important, Mitch.

Boss: G/T's right, we got bigger problems than your high score right now.

Male Employee: Plixel breach in three, two-

Then the Golam's arm appears from the jumbo screen in the tournament.

Boss: Techs, gauntlets up!

Then Mitch and G/T jump down as they get their Glitch Techs gear on. Then the other two employees follow them.

G/T: Alright team, let's go!

M/F employees: Right!

The male Employee goes in one direction and blasts the arm with his gauntlet, the female employee goes in another direction and does the same thing. Then Mitch and G/T blast it with their gauntlets as everyone watches the whole thing as the boss talks to them through the microphone.

Boss: Let's hear it for augmented reality, folks!

Then three more arms came out of the screens. Two of them punch the employees away as one hits Nobi's head off as we see the guy in the suit is still okay.

G/N: (cracks knuckles) Let's finish this.

Then he and Mitch charge right towards the arms and punch and kick them causing them to explode and push them back. G/T summons his holo-sword and shield and stops himself from going back any further by sticking his blade in the ground.

G/N: (gets back up while pulling his blade out while holding it upside-down) Alright, (tosses his blade up as it twirls then catches it and points it at the arms) prepared to be pwned!

G/T charges at the arms to attack them. Meanwhile, we see Five and Miko face the golem inside the game.

Miko: Think we can take him?

Five: Just one way to find out!

After he said that, the golem stomps on Five and lifts it's foot as he was attached to it like gum.

Five: Oh, nerds.

Then five gets eliminated, leaving Miko by herself.

Miko: [Gulps] Uh-oh.

Meanwhile, at Miko's house, we see the Golam's arm come out of her TV and smashed her table as she dodged.

Miko: Whoa! This VR is so tight-

The golem grabs her, causing her headset to come off. She shakes her head and looks at the hand to see it's real.


Back at the tournament, we see Five has his goggles on while being back to reality to see Mitch and G/T fighting the arms.

Five: What the?

G/T: Zahra (female employee), Nix (male employee), Mitch, let's take this thing down, Glitch Techs style!

Mitch: Don't give me orders!

Then the four got together and blasts the Glitch with their gauntlets, destroying it as glass falls over five until he moves away. Back with Miko, we see the armlet her go and go back into the TV as she gets a message.

Announcer: Hello. A minor glitch has been detected. Please stand by as we restore your system's memory.

Miko: What in the...

Announcer: Ten, nine, right (shows Five's grandparents) seven, six, (shows the tournament) five, four...

Boss: Okay, okay. (three) whoever wants a free T-shirt, (turns on holo-goggles) (two) you just look right there. Right at the big screen. (One)

After the count down we see the program erased the memories of the people at the tournament, Five's grandparents, and Miko as it pushed everything back, causing her to hit her head on the wall and knocked her out. Then we see the reset process try to work on her until she gets an error. Back at the tournament get reset except for those who have the goggles on. Five turns his holo-goggles off.

Five: What kind of game is this?

Mitch: The kind nobody's gonna remember.

Mitch resets Five, then walks up to him and takes his Hinobi band.

Mitch: Good thing you were never here. [Echoes] Never here.

Five: I was never here.

Then we see Five back in the food truck cooking. As the tv behind him was on with a streamer.

Streamer: And surprising nobody, Mitch Williams secured his number one spot at the Hinobi Smash Tournament today and G/T remains the second best.

Papi: Need that order up here, Five! You fall asleep on me in there, playa?

Five: W-w-what? Oh, uh, sorry. [Um] I'm awake, Papi. I'm awake.

Then the camera zooms away from the food truck as everything fades to black.

To be continued...

(AAAND DONE! I decided to split this chapter into two parts because this episode was originally going to be a two-part episode. So what did you think? What was your favorite part? Let me know in the comments and be sure to toss a Bob-omb at the vote button so others can see and I'll see you guys at the next episode!)

Next Episode: Age of Hinobi part 2

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