Twenty One.
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Ahmad thought he was hearing things but the way the man is staring at him with vivid beseech in his eyes, he knew he heard them right. What the hell! Is this man freaking serious right now about the topic?
"You cannot be serious about this, Sir." Ahmad struggled to keep his eyes trained on the man, suddenly feeling uncomfortable and small.
Musa Babagana furrowed his brows as if afraid and confused of his answer. He's expected something better?
"I'm very serious, ACP." Ahmad didn't react so he perched further on his chair, something he's never done. That position screams asking for help, he never permitted himself to do it until now.
Clearing his throat, Ahmad regarded him with a look of respect knowing the struggle it is taking for him to beg someone not even half his age. "I know you want to help your daughter and save her life, but I'm not the right man for her. She deserves someone better than me."
Musa Babagana shook his head in denial. There is no one better than Ahmad in his eyes. He's always liked the guy but never thought of him as anyone other than his step nephew. What else could he ask for from such a great man? The circumstances is just not having it and if Ahmad would agree to this favor of his, he'd forever be indebted and grateful.
"You are the perfect man for her, trust me. I know what is good for my daughter and what is not. I have so much to say and explain but I cannot do that, I don't have much time now. Just accept this please." That last word left a bitter taste in his mouth. Please? He's forgotten the last time he used that word, it makes no sense now.
"Sir, you are saying this because you don't know what I've been through and what I'm yet to go through. I repeat, I'm not the man for her. What you are seeing or what you've checked is not who I am, I'm far from that great man written. I'm a man filled with bad past and mistakes, you can't begin to imagine what will happen to your daughter if she reunites with me." Ahmad halted, not willing to go further in explaining himself no more.
"Even if you are a murderer, I want you to marry my daughter. Kill her if you want to, but marry her." Musa Babagana knew what he is saying, wants to say it again but drew a line.
Ahmad narrowed his eyes. This man is clearly thinking about doing something Ahmad loathe but he is a descendant of Al-hafiz anyway. "I am not going to marry her, Sir."
"Listen to me. Fatima is my daughter, and she needs to get married as soon as possible. I'm her father but I've never used that role in her life which makes her lonely, I'm not going to tell you why. I cannot stand her! I've tried for the past years but I can't do it, it is hard and painful. I love her, I really do but I can't be by her side for some reasons. She needs that affection and love from someone else and that too her spouse. You might not be able to love her but I know you can come to care about her. As hardheaded as she is, she is also fragile. She is about to shatter mentally and emotionally, I don't want that to happen." He took a deep breath, he's never told anyone about this but he is doing it and it felt good.
"The day before yesterday, Fatima came back home drunk and out of her head." Ahmad didn't know that so his brows came together in concentration. "She has never drank anything before, I know that much but she is mentally tired. She cannot do it anymore. Her strength is gone and the darkness within her is trying to take over her rational side. I don't want that to happen."
Ahmad's head swarm with different scenarios of his own darkness and how he handled them. He was strong to deal with it like a man but Fatima is not strong even with the facade of strong headedness. That darkness is consuming, eating up your whole viscera and then taking out your soul. It can become suicidal, he's felt that too once upon a time.
He's known the relationship between Fatima and her father is restrained but not to this level. There has never been a picture of them together, only when an app is used to picture mix them together on social media, other than that, Fatima is always alone. This father figure of has is suffering a great deal too it seems but not like she is. They have a last no one knows about, he couldn't find anything to back it up.
He was burst off his thought as Musa Babagana continued talking. "...only you can help her with this. I have full faith that she will find that solace with you."
Ahmad gave a smile, a cold one that could startle any other living human except Fatima, she didn't flinch when he gave it to her. Even Musa Babagana shift in discomfort, gooseflesh raising high on his skin and the hairs behind his neck stood at attention. What sort of cruel smile is that and what is it meant for?
"I can only promise you one thing." A pause that seems to take eternity as he twirled with a golden pen between his forefinger and middle finger. "I will marry her only when I can't find the right match for her before the sun rise tomorrow."
Fatima groaned and moaned at the same time, her lips chapped and throat parched. Her eyes blinked several times to adjust to the fluorescent light in the room she is in. As soon as she adjusted, she knew without a doubt that she was rushed to the hospital yet again. She could faintly remember the onslaught of pain that took over her lower abdomen and the crash of her favorite mug then she lost consciousness. Who found her and brought her to the hospital this time around?
She has stopped bothering to question who found her and who didn't, she will just be grateful she is alive. It's happened times without number, it doesn't make any difference anymore.
A snow metal IV stand with saline bags is by her left side, antibacterial sink station by the farther end along with a door that probably leads to bathroom. She is used to the hospital anyway, always there by the end of each month. She is tired though. The pain is getting worst by each passing month that she prefer being unconscious when it comes than being awake.
The swoosh of automatic doors being opened or closed, pages of doctors and nurses pinging from different directions, slippers whispering on the floor as patients take their IV stands for a walk, alarms dinging -waiting to be changed- and other sounds filled the quiet room. As always, she is alone in the hospital room. That is not a new case too, she grunted and turn to look for water from her right side. As her hand shift to take a cup from beside her, someone beat her to it.
Startled, she withdrew her hand and stared wide eyed at Betsy's worried face. Relief surged through her, thinking it was someone else she doesn't know. Without a word, Betsy fed her the water in gentle leisure gulps then settle it back when she gestured to being okay with it. None of them talked for a few minutes, as if mulling on what to say to one another as they open their mouths.
At long last, Betsy broke the silence. "How are you feeling?"
A shrug came from Fatima, untangling her legs from one another to sit up only to back down when another round of mild pain required that she does so. "I'm fine, I think. The pain won't go away now."
"It's going to be alright. I heard the doctor have permanent solution for it and she'll tell you about it later." Betsy grinned at the news herself albeit she heard it since she came in the morning. She couldn't come the day before because she went to her village but she rushed to the hospital as soon as she landed back in Adamawa.
As much as she wanted to act nonchalant and unhopeful to the news, Fatima's lips twitched at the edge with ghost smile and her eyes glinted happily. "When did you hear that? I heard Endometriosis have no cure."
Betsy gave a chastised smile but answered her anyway. "There is nothing in the world that have no cure, sweetheart. And she will explain everything to you the minute she finishes the surgery she's doing now."
"I hope it doesn't require surgery? I can't go through that shit, ever."
Betsy kept quiet for a second, thinking back what the doctor had told her when she demand that she knows what is going on with Fatima and how they can take care of it once and for all. Her father is rich enough to pay for anything in the world to help her get better. The woman hesitated but then told her they found the perfect cure along with her father and that will be arranged before the sun sets later on. Betsy cannot wait for that. Her friend won't be afraid of the months ending anymore.
"She didn't mention anything but it will happen before the sun sets today. I cannot wait honestly." She beamed, clasping her hands together tightly as she rocked a bit on her chair.
Fatima chortled at her reaction. She's always known that Betsy is her real person whether her father is rich or not. Hayaat and Bara'a are just there to fill in the circle but nothing more. At first, she considered them friends but they showed that they are more with her because of her father's wealth than who she is so she drew back. She does not need more bad energy in her life, she's been through enough to last her another lifetime.
"What is going on outside the world? And how long was I out of it?" Fatima curled herself in a ball, touched the heating pad around her lower waist.
Betsy also lie down on the sepia oversized mid century couch facing Fatima, her arms curled beneath her head as support. "Things are happening without our knowledge, Tims. But you have been out of it for a whole day."
Like always. They inject her with anesthesia so she won't feel much discomfort for the whole day then wake up to much mild and balmy pain across her lower abdomen. She's hated those injections but since she was already unconscious when they did it, it's fine. With her eyes open, an injection never takes place! She will jump, shout, yell and throw tantrums like a two year old and it doesn't bother her the least.
Dr. Mujida will get tired and wait till she falls asleep or when the pain becomes unbearable, she hardly feels the wicked tip sinking to her skin.
"What is going on without our knowledge? Did anyone die from school?" She hates the mere mention of death but saying it makes her feel braver.
Betsy shoot her a glare, typed something on her phone then place it back on the couch, the space in front of her so it won't fall off. "No one died but a baby did."
Suddenly, Fatima became uneasy and anxious. Flashes of the past came brushing in front of her eyes, the voices in her head whispering much louder that she cannot hide away those myriad of emotions. She took deep breaths and let it out, close her eyes briefly before she licked her chapped lips.
She is okay, she is going to be fucking fine! She chanted in her head, her own voice getting louder than the whispers.
"What baby are you talking about?" Grateful that Betsy didn't ask what has just happened or even bother looking curious, Fatima found herself asking.
"Bara'a is actually a married woman. She got married to Usman Yakubu Dikko few months ago without telling anyone about it, not even her parents." Fatima shook her head in confusion and fastidiousness.
Those little innocent girls you are seeing are the worst set of people to exist. Fatima would never have thought Bara'a could pull up something like this but she did. Had it been Hayaat is said to do that, she would've been at ease but Bara'a? That sweet innocent girl? What could've compelled her to get married to the most notorious bachelor in Adamawa? A rake nonetheless.
"Why would she marry him for god's sake? Didn't she claim to hate the mere mention of his name? Why marriage in the picture?"
Few months ago, Bara'a had something going with Usman Yakubu Dikko but it turned sour from both side because of something Fatima never bothered finding out. What? Bara'a didn't want to tell them and she is never too curious to keep pressing on matters that don't concern her. And now they are married? What sort of marriage is that without her parents knowing about it and getting in between?
"I don't know for them and I honestly don't give a damn at this rate. She was pregnant with his baby but he forced her to take some pills which lead to abortion. When she found out what he's done, she confronted him in that maddening way she's used to and he ended up beating the hell out of her which is a very unmanly move! She's reported him to the station but the guy left Nigeria already without divorcing her or leaving any trail as to where he is."
Fatima gulped and quaffed the news with vigor. She didn't like that he killed an innocent baby nor he beat one of her girls but she cannot close her eyes and say Bara'a is also not wrong. Why would you marry someone you met on the road? A rake you know he is and will always be? He's been spoiled with money and never thought of settling down but he did with you why? To get into your fucking pants!
"You know what, I don't know what to say. But I'm going to make sure he pays for what he's done, no matter what."
"Tims, I'd like it better if you don't interfere with this. ACP Al-hafiz is going to handle the case which means justice will be taken. Focus on getting better and forget about the outside world." Betsy advised, sitting up to open the door and get the basket of food brought for them from the mansion.
Fatima waited till Betsy came back with the basket after exchanging pleasantries with whoever it is before she talked. "Whoever it is that is handling the case don't matter to me. What matters is, he's touched someone I interact and cruise with which is unforgivable."
Knowing there is no winning with Fatima, Betsy nodded and open the food. The smell of it wafted through the room, taking over the over bleached tiles and sanitizer.
Inside the basket is pasta nicoise, hummus, local pancake, pancake, onion soup, Mediterranean style barbecue chicken and sauce, chicken satay kebabs and a flask of tea. Betsy's hunger intensified and so did Fatima's, she hasn't eaten anything healthy since before she gulped down bottles of alcohol that might've been the cause of her early bleeding. Well, what is done is done.
After they finished eating the food, Fatima's phone rang from within the basket which means it is inside and they didn't notice. Filled to the brim, Betsy moved slowly to take out the phone and squint her eyes to read the name written. A bitter smile took over her face when she found out who is calling her friend. The surprise is there but curiosity is the most enormous emotion she feels.
Written on the phone is her father whom she's saved as Alhaji Musa Babagana quiet recently. Before, he was saved as daddy with a red heart but it's changed so suddenly. Something must've transpired between the father and daughter duo.
She passed the phone to Fatima without delay, watching as the surprise she was sure illuminated her eyes sparked in her friend's. She didn't pick the call but when it rang again, she answered hastily as if she cannot stop herself no more. She wanted to show her rebellious nature and show him she is serious about being done with him but she can't help the curiosity as to why the man is calling her. He's never called her, she is always the one calling him.
She placed the phone to her ear but didn't say anything, waited patiently as he took his time to talk. "How are you feeling?" A rush of emotions rushed to her stomach all at once, rendering her speechless and emotional.
Her movement became languid and slow as she answered in a quiet voice that is ladened with emotions. "I'm fine." Albeit curt, she knew he felt how emotional she was. She is surprised.
Why did he call her to inquire about her health now? She's always been in and out of the hospital and knew that he knows about it from Dr. Mujida but never bothered calling her to see how she is coping. Why now?
Musa Babagana wanted to find a way to tell her but he dropped the bomb just like that. "That's good." He cleared his throat. "I have good news for you." Hope bloomed in her chest, it is so large that it choked her breath. "A cure to that disease has been found. Dr. Mujida suggested marriage and congratulations, you are married to ACP Al-hafiz."
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